messages to redblur:
(click here to add new message):

from asitwere :
Congratulations, buddy.
from peth :
you is indeed a lucky feller!
from monstre :
Congratulations on your *financailles*. I love bursting reminders of change like that. Thank you.
from peth :
from mllerewind :
So I tried to sign your guestbook but the page wouldn't load. I have this weird OCD thing about signing guestbooks as opposed to leaving notes. What do you think that says about me? What do you think it says about me that I can't even remember what I was going to say in your guestbook? I want a nap and some mashed bananas.
from sole-soul :
I really like your diary! its great! Just the ebtertainment i needed!
from sooner :
You always give such great wet-pant advice.
from redblur :
from redblur :
Another terst
from redblur :
from redblur :
from ladyjustice :
Sending Sooner a gift was so sweet! Kudos to you and Peth!
from weeme :
ooooooo that was so sweet and swell of you to send sooner a box of pens to hug and squeeze and name and shelter. You're special!
from cruel-irony :
I stumbled across your diary, checked it out a little and I like it. So, I'll be thumbing through your archives... thought you might want to know.
from peth :
last night I listened to Clock DVA's 'advantage' and I was sorely disappointed. It sounded so much BADDER back in the 80s.
from peth :
where oh where did redblur go?
from nekono :
oh red, sometimes i update but the picture is too big, and i cant make it smaller so i just delete it and call the whole thing off! my house STINKS of trout. what the fuck!
from nekono :
HTML support? I don't even know what HTML stands for let alone set up some support system for christ sake! what do you want from me man!
from lovepuddles :
I clicked on your banner. Nice site! Keep it up!
from peth :
oh, i am breathing shallowly for some reason.
from yellopoppy :
you would not even stick your head out of the covers for rice pudding? (you dope)
from invaderniz :
*falls over laughing* Oh, that's so great, I'm going to go buy a shirt that says 88 just to annoy people...
from yellopoppy :
not even for rice pudding?
from nekono :
gimcrack \JIM-krak\, noun: A showy but useless or worthless object; a gewgaw. A gewgaw, redblur, a GEWGAW.
from nekono :
YOU! and all of your mystery. You sometimes make me think of my keys dropping down 12 wooden stairs. click click click.
from nekono :
Yes, a pirate's map!!!!! X marks the spot!
from nekono :
I couldnt find your dumb easter egg, and just for that, I am giving you an egg back, for you to suck.
from sooner :
I like the pink easter egg
from peth :
that was magical. i know i use the word 'magical' too often, but this really is an appropriate use for it.
from nekono :
Where is my prize? Is it a dinette set?
from calico7 :
mmmMMMMmmmm on the chris isaak 'bdabbt'; seen him do it live a time or two and it makes me rather, erm receptive. cheers,c
from invisibledon :
Well my stats page said redblur so I said thank you... sorry my inviso pics freaked you out I'll try to be visible next time
from yellopoppy :
Dear Red, you do not suck in the least, signed your loving poopy poppy
from invisibledon :
thanks for visiting
from nekono :
Play black jack of course. DoUBLE DOWN!
from phatgrrl :
"I am the midnight bomber that bombs at midnight! I say 'Boom baby boom!' down with the government, evil is good!" red and black fucking ROCK! YEAHHHH!!!!!
from toothbrush :
Yeah, well here is my controversial (read: nasty) note: I am still pretty pissed that you called my design "design-y"! Shut up! My design is ok! I like it! And lots of other people like it too! I am ok with you saying that the content is ace though. It is. Also! There is (and has been since you added that picture of the guy beating the gigantic drum) a SCROLLBAR on the bottom of your page! Yes, you read me right - a SCROLLBAR! AT THE BOTTOM! WHERE ONE SHOULDN'T BE! Are excessive scrollbars what constitutes a design being NOT design-y? If so, FINE. I am DESIGN-Y and you are decidedly NOT! Asshole.
from yellopoppy :
hey red you sound like a fun guy. check me out. yours y.
from saint-louise :
Ooooh, yeah. More of The Cramps. They should dedicate the rest of their musical career to creating a soundtrack just for my life. Yes.
from nekono :
You know what, you suck a frog dick, but you still are my hero!
from might :
dear god! i am so mean, i will PUNCH you in the HEAD, and then do a dance!
from pixie-42 :
I read your entry about the 9/11 families sueing for a lot of money, ,but who are they sueing?
from peth :
his particular skill is leaving bombs in people's driveways.
from toothbrush :
Schadenfreude is such a great word.
from sooner :
Oh Red. With so many ways to contact you is it any wonder that sometimes I forget about the notes?
from btchelicious :
I hate when I click a link and it opens a new window. I like to have the option of not opening in a new window...
from rotten-star :
Why do some people have profiles that have more than one font size?...those were the words that exited your fingertips onto your profile... well.... its the same answer to why your breathing.
from peth :
You oughtn't disappoint the bitch.
from btchelicious :
Dearest Red,
I am very disappointed that you have not acknowledged my mad Speed Racer wisdom...
from peth :
Bitchy's so right about the porch. I was listening to a random shuffle of music and "cream" came on, and I was thinking, this is cool, what is this? rock!
from btchelicious :
Where's my prize?
from btchelicious :
Oh, you can just send my prize to peth. She probably needs surprises more then I do. And if she doesn't like what you send, she'll probably just put it on my porch in the middle of the night.
from btchelicious :
The first one who makes a comment where? About what? Did I win?
from its4me :
p.s. thanks for adding me to your favorites :) I just noticed! how nice.
from its4me :
dear Red: thank you for the dental advice. sadly, I think I will have to submit to a mouthguard. that, or a new jaw. it's tough to choose. thanks again for your dental concern.
from spreewitch : Do what the prompt tells you: voice your opinion, bitch, complain...say what you think!
from btchelicious :
You are lotsa confused.
from toothbrush :
Red! There is a scrollbar going across the bottom of your diary! I just thought you should know.
from soulsurvivor :
from peth :
i'm glad. gott bless google image search.
from peth :
from its4me :
I like your style...and plan to stop by regularly to see what you have to say in the future. keep on keeping on.
from toothbrush :
"error 'ASP 0113'
Script timed out


The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeOut or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools."

That's what it told me again, Red! I'm sorry. I wish I could send it to you...
from peth :
from peth :
and, just to be contadictory, I have been getting the burst of energy this week from my gymmings. Granted, the first hour back, I am sweaty and heavy-limbed, but after that, I am flying high. wee.
from peth :
I went to the gym for an hour last night, inspired by you and my chunky midsection, and I am rather tired today. How does one find the secret to your apres-gym pep?
from peth :
We once had a cat that looked like a snake. He was named Nicky.
from toothbrush :
Hi! I just finished reading your entire diary because I am procrastinating and well... I just found it interesting.

I was rooting for NewCat to be called Thurston because that is an adorable name for a cat. Are you sure you're going to stick with Snake? Ah well. It's your kitty.

What is this about my design being a bit um - designy?
from peth :
We are random. I like you. Maybe you can inspire me to go to the gym more often. purple monkey dishwasher.
from thebot :
log out of yahoo and come back on
from thebot :
Cool! (me too) That said, didn't you get my email?
from peth :
but that particular DD employee, the 24 year old 'ma'am', was madSEXY in a Romany manner.
from thebot :
Oh, that is very sweet that you would even think to make my ankles feel better about their ugliness. And my toothbrush is green, just like my teeth. You big weirdo.
from thebot :
Hi Red. So, on the get-ta-know-ya front, you'd mentioned that you'd been around and reading around Diaryland for awhile before starting your site? I was wondering, how long? And I hate to admit this, but I am dying with curiosity over who the fabled Miss Almost-Perfect is, and if she is someone I might know. And how you found me from her? Really, it's all about me being nosy here. If you'd rather not say in a public forum, feel free to email me (of course, only if you are comfortable with it). My email's on the site.
from thebot :
I am honored to be so moving as to both have a spot in your diary devoted to me and to have been called a prime reason for your new journal. It appeared that you were searching for a word as well, and if I may be so bold as to help, 'thingy' can be aptly called either 'journal' or 'diary'. I hate to see a person struggle for a word...
from ilovegwen :
blueberry cake are my favorite doughnuts, and might help you if wanted a different design...
from thebot :
Umm. I guess not. I for one certainly have more than two tests, but don't necessarily think I've classified them as such. Who knows?
from sooner :
Oh, blur, (may I call you blur?) I feel like I've been living a total lie. Our mid-Atlantic DD crew is in no way MAD SEXY. They look like they bathe in the blueberry cake donut batter. That is not MAD SEXY. I was just trying to impress you. I hope you can forgive.
from thebot :
My, you have a lot of tests. However do the girls last?
from sooner :
I must tell you, redblur, that here in the mid-Atlantic, the DD employees are disturbing, but not for the Florida or New England reasons you cite. They are disturbing because they're all MAD SEXY, and there's nothing to be done about that.
from thebot :
Ahhh. Thank you for the clarification of the pizza test. I'd always called it the glass of water test. You know it's right when that special someone will get up and bring you a glass of ice water in the dark. Anyways... Can I crush on you from afar? I think I will anyway.
from sooner :
Yesterday Peth and I went to the Dunkin' Donuts to get some coffee before the blizzard. We wanted Theresa to go home early, because she is old and we didn't want her to drive on the slick streets after the snow. So we were trying to be fast and we got up to the counter and this woman who was 1) not wearing a name tag, 2) high on something she had been huffing in the back, and 3) probably a real life gypsy took our order.

So I said, two coffees and some Munchkins and she went to get the coffee and Peth and I decided we needed to bring Theresa some coffee too, so I said, "Ma'am? Can we have three coffees? Three instead of two? Can we have three?"

And the gypsy said, "I'm twenty-five years old, you know. I'm only twenty-five."

I didn't know what she was talking about, but then Peth said, "oh, because he called you ma'am? Is that why you told us your age? Because he called you ma'am?"

The gypsy spun on her right heel and once her back was to us, she looked over her left shoulder at us. "I'm not a ma'am. I'm still very young!" She scampered off to get us our Munchkins.

Peth and I believe she wanted to get a threesome on with us. That's what we believe. But we had to get back because Theresa needed to be sent home before the great snow.

We're responsible like that.
from mel839 :
from thebot :
Indeed Red, you are correct. Diaryland shows each member who has listed them as a favorite. The beeves is a long story going back to an entry I wrote in November. Somewhat of an inside joke amongst friends. Long story short, beeeves is the plural of beef, which was the topic of the entry. But now, I have a question for you: What exactly is the pizza slice test? I'm dying to know...
from thebot :
Just thought I'd stop by and say hello. Good luck with the diet. I hope it all goes well for you.

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