messages to regz:
(click here to add new message):

from sarika :
frau frau, my friends are very fond of them. I think i should maybe give them another chance. I think maybe i heard them in someones car once and disliked it, but on second thought i may be confused with "hellogoodbye" which is an odd thing to be confused with. I'm sorry I may have had too much caffene. take care. x
from tuluum :
livejournal yo
from tuluum :
livejournal yo
from sarika :
you're sounding very emo! chin up. oodles of love from central europe..! x
from imortlnoctrn :
so very muchly envying you at this point. you wanker. i wanna go to japan!
from chuzzlewit :
I Heart Huckabees is one of the best films I've seen in a long time.
from tuluum :
i know what i am for... and you can too :D There is genius in the pursuit of the foolish :)
from tuluum :
*blinky tears* :)
from tuluum :
me here *not that it matters?* :)
from tuluum :
me here *not that it matters?* :)
from sarika :
is anybody out there? who knows mr G. But I be here, and i say, you are up late. I also say, you're never really alone, connections may fade from time to time, but they still exist although perhaps a little hard to see. Bitterness is an odd thing, even the most smiley among us fail to escape from it, but it never leaves you feeling anything but more hopeless. Sometimes I think this world is hopeless, and soon enough we'll all destroy it and each other. But if that were really true i may as well shoot myself now. x
from obscuresoul :
"Sometimes you want to be so brutally honest that you know that someone will never speak to you again." --- Sometimes you have to. And sometimes, they WILL speak to you again, even though you were 100% sure that they wouldn't. But then again, I never keep my hopes up. --angela
from bobbiedylan :
your dairy is utterly fantastic- and so is coldplays new album.
from justamephit :
Hello ... just following my clicks around Diaryland to pass a hot, lazy afternoon at work and I just wanted to drop you a note to say how much I'm enjoying reading your diary. Embrace are fantastic - can't say the same about Coldplay I'm afraid. I've always found them offensively inoffensively generic. Is that too harsh? And you're completely right about Revenge of the Sith. We'll never be able to take the line "Nooooooo!" seriously again. Wait. Did we anyway? Sorry, I tend to leave long, random and slightly waffly notes. But, yes, I'll be reading. Take care.
from anorexicsoul :
nice words.
from mspsyched1 :
I know exactly what you mean. You just kinda wake up and say "Who is this person that I've become?" I think you just gradually grow and change and it goes unnoticed. Until you take a step back and take a good look at things. But growth and change are good. They can even be wonderful. (hugs)
from arifoxhawk :
I know that breakdown point. I hit it this weekend also. =] *hugs*
from brucegirl :
Did you get the email I sent you? First time I sent it, I got it in return a week later, b/c of some faliur. I resent it, last week. I wrote you about my views on D&D + some other stuff I don't remember now :-)
from sarika :
cheer up buttercup x
from imortlnoctrn :
fyi, it's coyotesabre... IN DISGUISE!!!! no really, i moved 'cause... i've grown since the time i chose than name. this is who i am now... and i write in here alot more regularly than i was there anymore. feel free to readd if you wish, and hope everything's going alright =)
from brucegirl :
Have you heard the new Springsteen album? I bought mine today and it's good. The lyric is great :-)
from pollyprince :
It's a Wonderful Life is one of my all time favorite movies, talk about a feel good movie in the end. Hard to get through that one without shedding a tear.
from brucegirl :
You know what? Springsteen might come to Norway on his European tour :-) Oh, well if you've read my latest entry you would already know. Doh - silly me. But how cool isn't that. Looking forward to hear "Devils and Dust" You're that too, I guess? It will be in sale on the 25th, only 11 days left. Woohoo!
from pollyprince :
Cool diary, I like the way you think. I hope you don't mind that I added you to my diary reads. Take care.
from shirley-it :
so true, people need to have courage and dignity.
from wifemotherme :
Nice quote "Courage and dignity" except real courage is learing that dignity is not really even in the same boat. Some times the things that take the most courage are the things that allow us to step beyond our dignity.
from suenosverde :
I love your journal! I find you full of little pearls of wisdom! Good Luck and your list of 85 things could be a novel, it was a good read!
from arifoxhawk :
Happy birthday. =]
from bloodandgold :
Your writing is beautiful and captivating. I yearn to read more of your well versed thoughts, and will add you to my buddy list. Sincerely, Cordelia
from lizgallo :
Graeme! I've left comments for you on your guest book... I would really really like to catch up with you and see how you are. I've already been in Austin for two years now. Please please please write me? [email protected] Amy
from prettytear :
happy holidays to you too!
from cagedfreedom :
hey, i've only read a few entries of yours but your words are very familiar. you completely make me feel what you write about...which has to be one of the best things someone can do, right?:)
from tuluum :
that's cos livejournal is better
from realitykills :
Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels it.
from joliecerveau :
Graeme, where are you? We need to talk. I miss you!!!! I am going to be studying abroad at Temple London next year. PUH-LEEEASE e-mail me very soon: [email protected]. Loves-n-kisses, ~ Michelle
from gnometits :
i love you too.
from justjano :
Have you ever listened to Neko Case? She is a superlative singer--in the country vein. She is from Tacoma Washington, but lived in Victoria, BC(Canada) which is how I found her. She sings in the old style--twangy guitars and such. She is so good. Also out of Australia Problem Pony--I think you can get samples of their stuff on their site (I think), I think we should all embrace our inner cowboy!
from lizgallo :
graeme!!! how are you???????????????? i sent you a note about a month ago... just got back online with dsl. my new aim is goldenslumber23 please write or something. take care, amy
from jt76 :
One more quick note, man- kudos on the Magnolia front. That movie is amazing- and here I was thinking I was the only one who appreciated it.
from overlyemo :
Hey, I'm on your list. Hey, I don't think you have my password bullshit. Hey, here it is if you want it: open/sesame
from jt76 :
just happened across your diary and read your last few entries- so many of your words expressing so many of my emotions. Rock on dude, you rule.
from justjano :
Ahhh I am a huge HUGE Alanis Morissette fan. So needless to say I love that you called your entry Bees of my Knees and that you are spinning This Grudge. Great song! She is playing here in Montreal in a mere 12 days! Have you heard the song Unprodigal Daughter, that is one of my favourite. Have a great day.
from justjano :
It is so great to get compliments on my diary! Thank you! I have really enjoyed honing my craft online! I am with you on the whole idea of meeting new people and falling in love with their ticks and quirks until you know them. I do it all the time.
from prettytear :
ah i know! i watched that movie just to see george's naked ass (i'm very very shallow I KNOW) but then i was like wow! that movie really surprised and got me thinking about it for days... (and the ass wasn't even that impressive)
from justjano :
Love your diary and your lists of best music, burned cd's, sountracks etc! Fantastic!
from lizgallo :
graeme, I messaged you on your guestbook... I really miss you. I think it would be awesome to talk to you again. I'm not sure why we stopped in the first place. I think I got caught up in working forty plus hours and grappling school, doing other unecessary things. blah. lets catch up.
from suggest :
you've been suggested as a great diary :)
from sweetie31415 :
HI. I was just glad to find someone else who knows the word solipsism... I never thought of it as as Ist before... I made the connection to it via the word solitary.... solipsism IS essentially solitary, right? Anyways, stream of consciousness following word/idea connections is something I enjoy... within my own solipsistic universe! I am new to diaryland and just getting started exploring and sharing... any words of wisdom to share with a newcomer to this land? Bye.
from coyotesabre :
been a very long while since i've commented... haven't had too much to say, at least not anything significant. just wanted to let you know that i know the feeling as well. hard to verbalize but so damn easy to feel.
from tuluum :
you're missed...
from muse11 :
just found your page. glad i did. cheers!!
from tuluum :
sure! :D
from yvette18 :
welcome to the spark, it will be a pleasure getting to know you through your diary.
from coyotesabre :
reminds me of my parents an i having to go to wal-mart only late at night 'cause mom couldn't walk around/use the scooter they have when there were too many people during the day. it IS rather eerie at times.
from inkedangel9 :
hey doll, this is mary. i got a new diary name, so check me out!
from tuluum :
do-freyn.... *shrug*
from tuluum :
maybe we get to play a bit tomorrow cos i have to work? :) :( or maybe not
from gnometits :
yeah... isn't it the show me state? ohio is "the heart of it all."
from indigoangel9 :
dude, i'm not lockd anymore. haven't been for about three months... crazy shit went down and i said fuck the lock, the person i didn't want to read this needs to read it now and see what a filthy raging asshole he is... so yeah, jaded and open to the public! :) glad you're back, by the way. missed ya!!! i need your new email and if you got a new AOL IM screen name. later, doll.
from emperorincxt :
I hit a banner and LowandBehold you are back!! I cant recall if I talked to you much before the credits rolled but I did enjoy reading you and am very glad that you are back. Welcome home! hehehe.. :)
from molzo :
Hey, I'm going to put your very late Most Updates Prize in the mail this month. If your address has changed, please e-mail thespark: [email protected]. Thank you!
from overlyemo :
Hey, I am in the process of coming back to Diaryland. I am deleting some entries I don't want read by others, putting someone private folders to keep safe and getting some stuff up. For now, I'll be locked. Your username and password is: buddies/caseylovesyou
from realitykills :
sounds nasty, feel better soon.
from gnometits :
thats okay. american girls act tough.
from gnometits :
from coyotesabre :
missed you, glad to see you're back. happy 2004, while we're at it =).
from cold--fusion :
I always find nice people too late.
from gnometits :
if i start a coalition, will you come back?
from soandsotgs :
hey i found this link and thought it was funny.... since you are a member of the homestar diaryring i thought you mmight enjoy it too tell me what you think
from katehackett :
Dude? You okay?
from katehackett :
Ha-ha! Your days of Dickens are OVER!
from kishijoten :
oh, yeah - my battle imp beat yours *winks*
from gnometits :
welcome to southwestern ohio. we've had weather identical to that since the night of july forth. floods, closed roads, feels like so much ass outside.
from gnometits :
how'd you know about the weapons of mass destruction thing... geesh. anyway, trigger happy tee vee is the best imported tee vee show we have (in my opinion). and don't you know that everyone is amazing in their own way. now i'll ruin this by saying "duh"
from katehackett :
Pete Yorn rocks my socks.
from halcyonwind :
Hmm perhaps i'll submit another one about Jimmy Eat World's cd.. Or about Marian Keyes books.. And yes Stephen King rocks! Did you read the one called.. Nightmares and Dreamscapes or something like that?? Damn. I loved the story about the cadillac!
from gnometits :
simply amazing.
from halcyonwind :
haha, i submitted the one on Finding Nemo... Darn i feel like watching it again. :|
from brucegirl :
the u-review is a great idea. I'll submit something when I have time. :-) Have a great day!
from halcyonwind :
Could i submit a review on Finding Nemo? Err.. haha. Maybe. Anyways thanks for the notes! Lol i'm still trying to get the new template to work properly. *laughs* .. Oh no. Here i go again.
from gnometits :
i must be some kind of awesome and you must be all kinds of nice. i think my hard drive might be fried.
from katehackett :
Mel's from Australia, silly. :O) And yes, it is quite rude. *sings* My land is MY LAND! Not crazy Brit Land! We drink our coffee and shitty beer. And don't you forget, we kicked your aaaaasses. Oh, this land is no longer part of England! ;o) IM me sometime: SparkleSatine
from katehackett :
Stealing the Old Country you damned Brits do. STEEEEAL. :O)
from katehackett :
*GAAAAAASP!* You're a BRIT?! Noooooo! :oP
from katehackett :
Now, I 'spose. But...what did you study as well? Analysing film or directing or...what? :O)
from katehackett :
What do you do in film?
from elateddream :
It's very hard not to miss me *cough* ;)
from elateddream :
from gnometits :
you must have read my haikus. my friend zach and i have been on a kick.
from mojo1915 :
Howdy friend! I would just like to tell you to have a great day. ;)
from halcyonwind :
Hey came here by accident.. But man your layout is just.. incredible! are you into alternative music?? Did you like create your layout thru html?
from candora :
thanks for the laugh (Quantus memos), this is where I came in... you'll be linked and mentioned one of these days :)
from gnometits :
you can read to me.
from gnometits :
i get the sneaking suspicion that you are trying to seduce me. hahaha.
from rockonbytch :
kickass layout!
from anniesf :
now i know the meaning of the word andenodia...<<< did i spell right...hehehez
from gnometits :
the party never happened :( that always happens to me. i'm sorry your ship sprung a leak... but hey, you didn't miss anything. but one never knows when a party might pop up. fortunately i've always got booze on hand.
from gnometits :
so now the big choice is tequila or the stuff to make sluts.
from gnometits :
this morning, when i woke up... actually, this afternoon, when i woke up, i found a line, curiously laying on the floor of my hallway. i followed it into the living room where it said "i dropped you a line." i nearly fell over from laughter. watchout, i may start leaving paperclips laying around for you to find when you wake up.
from coyotesabre :
just a little freaky there with the album thing... thought i'd let you know i'm still alive and reading stuff =). if you didn't get a password for mine, lemme know and i'll get you one.
from maryboleyn :
Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for reading and I hope I can keep you at least mildy amused for some time to come! Stacy aka: MB
from gnometits :
someone needs to win.
from gnometits :
thats just re-god-damned-diculous. i'm so out of the loop i find news from my country from over seas online journals. at anyrate, yeah... just a random rant.
from drevil22 :
for some reason guestbooks hate me! i'll try it here... so... here goes... again.. we have a great deal in common and, i just wanted to say hello and tell you i'm gonna read your diary every day... i think you're awesome! amd i mean that in the most unstalkery way :) ciao!
from gnometits :
from gnometits :
alternator. thats probably the problem. that happened to me on prom night and needless to say my dad thought SOMETHING ELSE was going on. gah.
from bobbipuzel :
Awww really like your diary!!!!!! :)
from gnometits :
oh baby!!! i'll be here foreva! i'm a pisces as well. i'm a photographer. i find most of that true. but if you read the other horoscopes you can find thruths there too. but yeah, i can relate to the reacting and the indecisiveness.
from gnometits :
howdy. nice diary.
from laylagoddess :
Guestbook and I LOVE Graeme. :) No one we know is as spiffy and wonderful and all around great. *listens* She says thank you for the ice cream and taking her to the park- she loves the park. We have decided that once we take over the world with our fuzzy legions of doom, Graeme will be our head man on that side of the Atlantic. ~ Hope your days is treating you good. If not, I will use my car to hit the people who bother you. ~
from mspsyched1 :
I kept trying to leave you a message in your guestbook, but it wouldnt work. Maybe its just me. Anyway, I wanted to say thank. Its worth more to me than you know. I guess I'm the one needing the ear now, huh.
from silleehed :
i was going through my address book yesterday and came to your email address and couldn't remember your last name. so you showed up in a dream last night, and then i remembered. weird. hope you find what you are looking for. xoxoxo
from laylagoddess :
I Love Julian of Norwich! I used her in my last research paper regarding women and power in Early Britain. :) How funny. She's actually a kind of nice read. Very peaceful message - We are all children of God, that kind of thing. Hope you like the book.
from laylagoddess :
All I can say is I hope our governments know something we dont that makes this a good idea.
from silleehed :
woah. i totally almost said 'holy something batman' today, too. weird.
from coyotesabre :
i love how your walls are decorated! hehe, i've loved garfield since i was two. and no, you're not all that scary looking... been by my diary lately and seen MY pictures, wherever they went? yes, especially the hair-dye pictures...
from laylagoddess :
Yeah, Mcclintock's is in SLO! How neat. :) It amazes me that anyone knows where this place is.
from laylagoddess :
*BIG hugs* I am glad your Day of Love was not unpleasant. It comforts me that that actually happens to people. Maybe its an age related thing? Easier to be bitter when you are young? Maybe? Sorry about your ear, though. *Pats your head and wanders off to write about Colonial California*
from cista :
oh, and happy diaryland anniversary! ;)
from tuluum :
it weren't me, but i like the pic :) whee :)
from cabrona :
I'm sorry, but "cunning linguist" is just too funny. I've been laughing since I clicked on yeer banner. That's too much... too, too much. Oh, Jesus. Please, please, can I use that. Cunning linguist. That's... oh, wow. >>besos, ~rachel~<<
from spiralout187 :
very nice work you have here.
from laylagoddess :
Well, I know its a bit far, but if you ever end up on the central CA coast, you are more than welcome to my couch. There's nothing wrong with running away. Sometimes it's exactly what you need - a chance to get away from the things that hold you down, that hold you back. It gives you a chance to break ties and (eventually) come back to them with a newer perspective. And this is getting long enough that I should just write an entry on the idea...
from silleehed :
you really made me laugh today. and i didn't get much sleep last night either. good luck with the donations.... ;-)
from laylagoddess :
Very funny LOTR diary. Agree with you on the disgust for Bush's SoU address. Rock on Dancing Queen.
from coyotesabre :
lol i love poking fire with a stick and sharpening pencils with knives... does that make me a transvestite? as always, good read sir graeme, keep it up.
from plaguegirl :
Hi. Thanks for the note, and thanks for the belated anniversary well wishes. XO, PlagueGirl
from scanzilla :
Bruce Springstein's Nebraska is my favorite album. (I was checking out your favs) Getting hopped up 666 hits of acid while playing heavy metal guitar solos is my favorite thing to do at church. :)
from anoli :
^_^ sankies! We'll make a difference if the people of america speak out and cram all the bad stuff in bush's mouth like a big fat dirty sock! Eureka! BIG FAT SOCK!!! BWAHAHA *goes to bush's house* *sticks a sock in front of his house* *bush shoots me with a pretzel* *gets lodged in my throat* that would explain a lot.... ~~"It doesn't scare me that our president waved to Stevie Wonder. He's only been blind since birth. What does scare me is that our president choked on a pretzel. Our... president.... choked.... on ... snack food.."~~ Robin Williams. (one hell of a cool guy)
from laylagoddess :
ok, so everyone thanks you for writing a note, and since I am a follower at heart, I will to. :) But actually, I wanted to thank you for making me smile. You remind me of a friend of mine that I lost about a year ago, and its nice to be able to remember that time and not be sad. You are very like him, and it makes me happy. So thanks. *hug*
from anoli :
hey, just saw that u left a note on my friend's diary about our petition on the war in Iraq. thanks for supporting our cause!!! ^_^
from silleehed :
you're right. i'm pretty pissed at the US myself. ::c::
from cutiepie1983 :
Hey! Thanx for signing my guestbook, but I'm a bit confused...what were you talking about? lol...Your diary looks cool! ttyl..~Nancy~
from antipathy :
hey, Farnborough is all kinds of good, lots of new but still pleanty of the old. if it changes i dont notice but then i`m here it's changing too slowly to notice. If you actually read my diary you`ll never talk to me again cos you`ll realise i`m absolutely mentally damaged, ho-hum
from silleehed :
good dubya theory. seems to have more merit than the stuff he and his people have been coming up with lately.
from silleehed :
i love the fort. and i'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. i was just thinking about my grandmother being all alone, too. at least you don't have to worry about her anymore. xoxox
from silleehed :
still adorable. hope you've found a spring in the desert.....
from athenex :
tjihi! ah, i'm such an ass. tjihi! suddently in a great mood, with nothing to say or do. and listening to miss sarah mc lachlan (or something like that) and, i've skipped my german homework, i still haven't bothered to write the english essay, and probably won't before the night before i have to turn it in. Ah, i should get a grip! I WANT CHOCOLATE!!
from pigeonkicker :
thanks for the props. Crooked Fingers is great, yes yes. the new Peter Gabriel is growing on me still, but it has its moments of pure beauty
from indigoangel9 :
thanks sweetheart, it's comforting to know someome other than me is thinking about me :) ~indigo
from indigoangel9 :
i'm leaving you a note now...hehehe, ya never know where i'll be next. and yes, i did say enthralling, but then i realized you said that in my guestbook, and i was like "damn, thats not very original of me" so i went and thought of another word to describe you: captivating. i know, i know, it doesn't roll of the tounge as nicely as enthralling, but it's a good word none-the-less... ~indigoangel9
from cista :
thank you. choices are difficult things, and I mess up along the way - it's nice to know that someone empathises, because it's so easy to feel alone.
from demiseofself :
tough cookie huh? i think that requires some explaining..
from silleehed :
graeme, you are adorable. of course it's a real crush. you should tell me more about yourself, tho.... -charlotte
from silleehed :
well, if it makes you feel any better, i could have a crush on you. thanks for leaving a note. you seem to have a good soul. and you like wilco. bonus points. i hope your grandfather is ok. -charlotte
from damodred :
unfortunately that someonelikesyou think is just a promotional gimmick. i got one that said someone has a crush on you. they just send you the thing so you'll try it out. :/
from athenex :
I'm pretty sure I can get your guestbook appear on your site if you give me the address to your guestbook and the pass to get in to your site. I'd be happy to help you know. enjoy
from siddel :
Hello, sorry I haven't been round much lately, I still read. I like your new layout...I think our layouts are cousins. :) Hope everything is going well!
from lizgallo :
Graeme- hey sweetie, I hope all is well on your side of the world, write when you get a chance! I finally am getting a car! hoorah. The layout is very nice-its always nice to be able to see whats new in your world, even if I can't talk to you.... take care! amy
from cista :
thank you for your compliments, regz. I enjoy your writing muchly. glad to help.
from thisdarkgirl :
thanks for the link, sweetie.. and i thoroughly enjoy your layout! quite beautiful...
from athenex :
The layout is beautiful! enjoy
from miles2go :
took me a while to get up and write this, but I really love your diary.
from athenex :
hey, how's the 'design-hunt' coming up? Talked to cista? god, i'm way too curious.. i've got to stop that ;) well, enjoy!
from athenex :
:( oh, i'm so sorry for you... Maybe it was an accident to fall in love with you. But, you're sure not an accident! Remember that. Don't know what else to say, 'cause words doesn't matter now, do they? it will get brighter, it always does. enjoy!
from athenex :
Well, you don't have to do it your self. There are a lot of designers out there on diaryland who will do it for you. If you check out you can get many links. Myself i got cista.diaryland to do it. I told her a bit about what i wanted (a sky, simple and so on) and she made it.. If you ask her politely i'm sure she'll make something for you ;) You'll find something under the link 'face' on her site i belive...
from athenex :
you know what i think would look good? a new template.. yep, you have a beautiful diary, with beautiful words containing... a beautiful picture. You know, a beautiful picture will get even more beautiful with a beautiful frame around it. but, thats just my opinion though.. enjoy!
from silverado :
I love you.
from realitykills :
Mmmm... Weezer. Yes, that's about it, I've got too much time and so little to do right now. Have a good one.
from athenex :
Thank you!
from athenex :
don't give a fuck, you're the only thing that matters. other people have no right to judge you, no right to think bad of you. and they don't ----- enjoy
from silverado :
Hun, I just read your diary, and you know that you always have me here, no matter what, I'll always be here, you don't have to feel sad anymore.~Missy XxXxXxX
from silverado :
Guess who loves you??? Not guessing? I do!!! X X X
from athenex :
Hey! Just a note to say 'hi' I've got very,very little to do.. so, you know.. well, enjoy!
from silverado :
Love ya.
from silverado :
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I won....
from silverado :
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I won....
from silverado :
Hey babe, it's Melissa, just wanted to say I love you.
from athenex :
Hehey! I read your diary and liked! Loved your poem. I think you influence people, i think everyone influences people in some way. This melissa woman that you are writing about has influenced you, and you have influenced me!! :)
from realitykills :
Why thank you. I just read your latest diary entry, you seem to have a positive out look on life. Heh, care to show me your secret?
from realitykills :
I really did enjoy your poem about your grandad. I think I know how you feel somewhat, I never met mine either.
from silverado :
"I will be yours forever, whether you're mine or not, you will remain in my heart always..."
from silverado :
Hey it's Melissa, I can't believe you put something that sweet in your diary, now all the girls are going to be jealous...thanks.
from silverado :
I like chatting with you the way the offer still stands, you can be my cat, even though you know I hate them!
from silverado :
You could be my cat...just kidding!
from f-a-l-l-e-n :
Happy birthday! :) On your side o' the pond it's the fourteenth now, so wheeeeeeeee!!! Twenty-three!! Have fun today, treat yourself well, and let the party roll into the weekend, k? ;) Really, though, I hope you have a great birthday and that the year just keeps getting better and better for you. It's been busy for me lately, but I promsie to keep on writing. Thanks! And, yeah, I'm another wacky Piscean. I wonder just how many of us there are on Diaryland and what the ratio to other signs is. I don't believe in astrology per se, but I do find the trends to be rather interesting sometimes.
from f-a-l-l-e-n :
Graeme, I love reading your diary! You have a wonderfully artistic way of expressing yourself, both in word and mood. Your entries have really made me think, feel, and smile. Right on! :) This doesn't even touch what I think about the artists, movies, and writers you've listed on your profile, of which I think you have excellent taste. ;) Keep posting! I'm looking forward to reading more.
from angellfish :
hya....yeah sorry bout havin a lock on me diary i only set it up yesterday and i was havin a bit of a rough day so it was all moaning and i couldn't think of nething pleasant or cheery to say!!!!so,other than having very good taste in music and film,what else is there to young mr graeme????
from angellfish :
heya,just found this site and got myself a diary up and going,didnt think i'd find another kelly joe fan,not many have heard of him,went to see him perform in my home town of basingstoke a little while back-he was incredible!!!!and i met him afterwards aswell!he is one laid back and modest guy!!!just thought i'd say hi!-lucy
from michellechau :
hey there, i finally got around to reading your diary. cool stuff..hope you continue to keep writing. i'm so glad i've met a new friend (haha). yeh, i'm corny. and i love the pixies!

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