messages to rosereviews:
(click here to add new message):

from shortstuffs :
I'm so sorry it took me so long to thank you! But thank you! Jessie
from sweet-slayer :
hey, thanks for my review. I also sent an email application for reviewing...did you guys get it?!? xoxo Syd
from rocker-angel :
i put the link in..
from veryraven :
Thanks to Carla for the great review! I really appreciate you taking time to read through the poetry and I'm extremely pleased with the score. One thing, where are the typos you mentioned? I'd like to go back and fix them. Thanks!
from truly-dippy :
I just wanted to leave a note to say Thank you so much for my review. It made me blush quite a bit - but I really appreciate the amount of effort you put in ... Kate
from sumsimplegrl :
I wanted to thank Carla for the great review. Thanks again!
from onedarksoul :
Thanks for the review. It really seemed like you put a lot of time and thought into it and I really appreciate it. Thanks again.
from overtaken :
Thank you for the wonderful review! I truly appreciate your comments.
from caitlinaiken :
Thanks for the awesome review! And to answer Carla's question: My layout wasn't Clay because I couldn't finda layout of him that I hadn't used already! But I've found a couple and they'll both be going up in the future!
from madrigle :
Hi, did my request get overlooked? I'm on the second page of your guestbook. thanks.
from puckerup- :
Thanks Carla for my review much appreciated and I do agree with you about my navigation it is cluttered! :)
from kbaa :
and yea, the gbook has been fucking up lately. i should get a new one!
from kbaa :
thankyou for the review!
from rentfreak82 :
Carla! I posted this on your site as well, but I wanted to send major props to you- Thank you so much for your kind review. You made my day. Here I sit, at work, miserable because I have a double ear infection in each ear- I check my mail- oooh! New guestbook post- score for me- YAY my diary has been reviewed- Score 2 for me- and then to read that you enjoyed my diary and appreciated what I put in to it (I have only been a gold member for a month- so THANKS!) it just makes my day. I am a reviewer for girlreview and I am a pretty big hard ass- and this just changed my perspective. Thanks again- and if you ever want to chat, drop me a note or email me. :) Where in Il did you grow up? I actually work in Illinois. Peace~ Melissa
from fan4 :
I thought I would be notified about my review before actually reading it. When I checked my e-mail, there were no new messages, so I figured the review would be for somebody else. I'm happy I got a good score, though I am surprised at that, since my reviewer didn't like the content very much. (Usually when reviewers don't like my content, I end up with a low score.) Sorry you found my diary to be impersonal, but I'm not hoping to get 100 fans or anything. I also can't suddenly change my writing style just 'cause some reviewer didn't like it. If I were to write differently, I'd either have to start a new diary at Diaryland, or delete all of my previous entries. I'm not willing to do the latter. Bye now.
from daisydesigns :
Hey, this is Robin from daisydesigns. I just wanted to drop a note to say that kitten42's layout was originally designed by me, not her (she edited it slightly). I don't know if it really matters to a review site but as a designer I think it is unfair that she should take credit for a layout I originally made.
from snowshops :
haha i got brutalized. hehe i was jsut curiou sbut thanks i guess
from myhorizons :
Thank you for a review. Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate it. Thank you Carla!
from fan4 :
This site is different from diary-viewer. Over there, there's a rule which says reviewed people should contact their reviewers personally, not leave mean notes at the site. Here at rosereviews however, people are asked to leave notes at the site, not contact the reviewer directly. It would be nice if this site had a pending list up. I'm not going to be bugging you guys all the time 'bout my upcoming review, but I don't know if my request for a review has been read or not.
from thelilbiotch :
Thank you so much for your review. That's the best review I had ever gotten. Thanks so much. =)
from kaybiff :
i read the reviews... and oh man... you mention nin! the fragile! i'm all a twitter. love that double cd. love it. people say that i am like the sixth track on the left side. i just wanted to tell you that i love you already. and that i'm sorry for this note not being... well, pertinent. (i will request in the future. right now... i'm working. so it would be bad.) thank you for reading this (without stoning me). good bye. love you much.
from kitten42 :
could i get a review thanks link is under review sites i know i should sign in the gb but it wount let me sign
from angeleyes182 :
hey i'd love a review and i would greatly enjoy reviewing for you. however, i am leaving for vacation in like half an hour lol but when i get back monday i will get back to you and talk to you about all this. take care hun and enjoy your weekend! :) ~Jo
from rainbwlollie :
hey I'd love to review for you, but it wouldn't let me send the email, if you have an alternate amail address, I'd be happy to send it there. please get back to me!
from sinorsaint :
email me at [email protected]
from sexydorkette :
hey there! i wanna review for you but it wouldn't let me send my email to you. if you could please email me with another way to get ahold of you i would really like that. [email protected] thanks!!!
from sinorsaint :
Hi! You found me thru another review site - i'm not sure if i'm up to the punishment, but you can review my site...and you can also contact me about being a reviewer. shoot me an email from my diary and let me know what kinda of expectations you need from a reviewer. thanka!
from christnheart :
Hi. I would want to help out and review for you if you still need help. I tried to send my review thing in and I wasn't able to get it there. If you could let me know an alternate way to send it that would be awesome. [email protected] is where you can reach me :). see you later! Megan
from kabarett :
Hi Val! Thank you for the note you left me. I'll be submitting my diary for review, putting your link up on my page, and hopefully become a reviewer in the future! ^^ I'd love to help out sometime.

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