messages to saru-san:
(click here to add new message):

from sunstargirl :
I found you through random clicking and I have to say, you're really hilarious! Thanks for the entertainment!
from enondoiel :! Knock yourself out, although I don't want any complaints if you don't understand anything! ;) Oh and PS: I can't read your diary, I can open the window but it never loads, it just freezes my whole computer. I find that quite mean!
from shoreline-- :
Thank you so much!! I heart you also, you're great. <3
from bluperspex :
dude. that's must have taken some serious Jik-action to take all that shit off your face!
from enondoiel :
Saw your banner! Very nice :)
from plopphizz :
Holy heck, you write a lot of entries and post a lot of pictures! I was browsing through your entries to find that link to "Celebrities I Look Like" and I couldn't believe how much you have written. Where do you find the time to crank out so much content? -- Ploppy.
from notanias :
i just wanted to let you know that i've moved diaries (unfortunate things happened). so i'll be updating over here, now. (the former) beatpoetgrrl
from shoreline-- :
You're so nice to me ^-^ If that's a stalker sounding answer, I wouldn't mind being stalked by you 'cos it made me happy. Thank you, and of course thanks for reading. Take care, xoxo
from plopphizz :
I know this is a completely stupid question since i have been reading your diary for quite a while and the answer is probably in there somewhere but...why are you in exile of dallas? -- Ploppy
from enondoiel :
Thanks, I've switched now! Naughty Web4Ublahblahblah. I knew something was wrong when they got that ridiculous name. Sounds like a porn page. A stats porn page.
from enondoiel :
Hey Saru, thanks for the info on the pop-ups, I had no idea... Do you know of any other free stat site?
from heelandlass :
Sorry lovely chum, really didn't think anybody would've stayed for the alphabet! I was being kind of self depracating. I know I'm hilarious. At least that's what the people in my head tell me...I'm seriously considering going to get wine. Sigh.
from amb1valent-k :
...and Roger Melley's Profanosaurus! Great stuff.
from heelandlass :
Thanks for the John Updike recommendation - I didn't use him because one of my friends is obsessed with his stuff, so I figured she'd do it...thanks anyway though! xxx
from heelandlass :
hah! I've heard rumours you liked rough edges and bare bottoms!! Nice monkey by the way!
from shoreline-- :
You know that comment thing galaxy had? I'm thinking about getting that. it costs too much for what it is, but I really hate not having comments either. Thanks so much for liking my entry. I'm hesitant to post certain things when I write about who I wrote about, but I hate censoring myself. I really am glad you liked it though, it makes me feel a lot better about posting. Thanks and take care, xoxo
from shoreline-- :
Ohh! Your can't go to them? Well you've gotta find the nearest library because they are well worth seeing! But since it's mostly perverted funny stuff, you might not want to do that. But then again, you will lead a happier life...
from shoreline-- :
Thank you, xoxo
from enondoiel :
I'm a bit worried though, it seems like such a huge responsibility... What are your thoughts on the matter, you mighty Godfather you?
from hairplay :
Would you happen to know what's up with galaxy? I wasn't around the past month-ish and now it's locked and I don't know how to get in. Is she giving out the password? Sorry to bother you about it, I just don't know who else to ask and I know you read her. Thanks <3
from amb1valent-k :
Why thank you! Come on over next summer. I'll take you to a game, explain it...and bore you rigid!
from anchors- :
Thank you very much, I'm really happy that you think so. If you're interested, I post more on my Flickr account, here: I don't have the link up because I don't want certain people who look at anchors- looking at my flickr photos.
from heelandlass :
Yes they bloody well do, but ONLY after they've had their skin peeled with a very blunt vegetable peeler. Funnily enough that DOES make me feel better. I am sorry you had to buy clothes at the airport. You'd be fecked if you had to do that at Edinburgh airport, all you would've got was a couple of ties and a box of shortbread!
from plopphizz :
"Milk Carton", I like that, heh. I use the lock up as a panic button because half the time when I post my entries, some html or pictures or something are screwed up and it buys me a little more time. Ironically enough, you have probably already seen tonights entry anyway since it is an old bit I did last year. -- P.P.
from heelandlass :
Yes, I'm sure! Thank you for even pretending that you weren't laughing at me! xxx
from smoog :
Where have I gone? I didn't realize I *was* gone. I'm never gone gone - I'm just occasionally on sabbatical (a.k.a. locked up). But I made parol--uh, I mean, I'm back from vacation now. You can take me off the "where have they gone?" list now. Really. Honest. I'm here. No, there are no mirrors involved.
from evildilara :
A designer dress AND soap might do the trick....
from supershan :
Woah! Thanks for the info. I'll fill my murderous parents in and maybe they'll leave me alone. Or it may fuel their desire to have me dead by allergies. Who knows?
from evildilara :
where for art thou?
from heelandlass :
Ahah! That makes perfect sense. I probably would have figured that one out eventually. I am a bit of a dunderhead though. And you read 20 of my entries! You are obviously on a mission to rot your brain! Thanks for getting back to me on the page/view thing, nice to hear from you! xxx
from supershan :
You are so right. "I always lie" is so much better. Next time I boggle my mind with something stupid, I'll do it right.
from evildilara :
Saru, the drummer of HHH is 6'5 (he is the one on the far right) so I don't know if I am really that tiny. I am 5'4. Well, really I a five four and a half.
from evildilara :
I tried to leave a comment but it wouldn't let me so I am leaving a note: Dressed to the nines? I would say dressed to the 9.8's at LEAST, if not the tens. Fourteens even. Yes. Dressed to the fourteens.
from bigpimpinmba :
Your comments seem to be suffering some sort of aftershock from the D-Land disaster of '05. Awesome Heston clip. And nice pants, you whore, you.
from boogityx2 :
I think it's more like a 100-year-old having a 6-year-old half-brother. That you never see or think about.
from evildilara :
Maybe I should get a voodoo doll. Hmm...
from enondoiel :
When you're drunk you can talk to pretty much everyone. The underwear wasn't of the most revealing kind. That would've been a tad tacky. Taking off all your clothes in class is bad enough.
from enondoiel :
I guess you've now seen the picture of Sinnataggen on my diary? We were two girls in our underwear in that particular class, and yes, we'd bought special underwear for the occasion!
from betchy :
i very nearly did start crying and sweating when i thought for a moment i didnt have a tissue!!!!
from evildilara :
Saru You are correct...the most common form of murder among women (not just serial killers) is poison. Why? Because they have patience to do it. I saw that once on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries where the wife poisoned her husband with arsenic over a period of a year. Can you believe that? She woke up everyday thinking, "I am one day closer to killing my husband" and then a little bit of arsenic in his tea. I think the fatal dosage was in fettuccini alfredo which I haven't eaten since that episode.
from saru-san :
For the sake of continuity, I will copy my answer over at your place: I think that the most common way female killers kill their victims is... love. Maybe not. How about... poisoning? I would think it would be something subtle and effective, since women don't seem to get caught so much. Bludgeoning does not seem to be their Weapon of Choice (insert music and weird Christopher Walken dance here.)
from evildilara :
Oh and one more thing. Do you know the most common way female killers kill their victims? DON'T CHEAT AND LOOK ONLINE. YOU MUST ANSWER THIS ALONE!!!!
from evildilara :
thanks for setting me straight on the serial killer comment. You are right, there were black widows and the like and how could I forget about the female serial killer from the early 90's (whose name escapes me) that inspired the b-side song Jewel penned called "Nicotine Love"? Shame on me! Some crime buff I am!
from evildilara :
your note in my comments made me laugh today...but it was an evil kind of laugh. A "bwa ha ha ha ha" kind of laugh. Not a "tee hee hee hee hee" kind of laugh.
from amb1valent-k :
I seriously think you should play these people along and claim those prizes. Must be worth a bit of fun encouraging them to believe you're on the hook for their scam!
from enondoiel :
You're supposed to have either a) two other russ b)three parents or c) one member of the Russeboard to witness. The thing is, some of the things to do, such as have sex outdoors, for instance, are not so tempting to do while two others are looking on. So it depends.
from evildilara :
They say that lightning is more likely to strike twice in one place. I read some story about it. And now? Now I WROTE some story about it.
from enondoiel :
It feels like I'm just using lots of money and not having any fun :P Yet, anyway. We're mainly working on our car, a 1984 Lada which is now bright red and called Lada Pride '05... I'll post pictures some day, of all its glory. Other than that I'm on a diet to be in good shape, and not going out on the weekends so as to save money. All in all... I can't wait till the fun kicks in :) How are you? You seem a little depressed and/or angry in some of your entries now... Hope you're okay!
from evildilara :
I just read your comment and "the olden days" thing made me laugh. I still write checks sometimes and my friends look at my like I am handing the cashier the plague.
from evildilara :
Your Veronika comment totally made me laugh. I felt like such an asshole at that opening. He made me wear my hair in pigtails which I thought looked totally stupid but he was like "This is COOL!" blah blah blah. And then I got there and Veronika (who designed her own dress as well as the dress that looked like a bathing suit) actually had on a dress very similiar to mine. With the exception of the nipples. I was drunk within the first ten minutes of being there because I couldn't stand it.
from amb1valent-k :
If you haven't already, you should read a book called 'Eats, Shoots and Leaves' by Lynne Truss. A runaway best seller in the UK last year - a book about punctuation!
from enondoiel :
Wait, don't tell me... You're on one of those American diets, Atkins or somethings? And also you didn't answer my daim question and you should :)
from betchy :
hi there Emporer Saru-San! thanks for adding me!
from enondoiel :
Wow. That's... I didn't know that. My horns are coming off. It's true that our exam is called Examen Artium (but that's Latin, I suspect...). The "modern" russefeiring tradition is only 100 years old though, we celebrate the anniversary this year which rocks because then there's double celebration! Yay :) Also, I've completely forgotten about it until today, but: Did you ever make daim? And if so, how did they turn out?
from enondoiel :
I don't have comments because not that many people read my diary and so I wouldn't get that many comments and so that would make me feel bad.
from enondoiel :
I was thinking about taking a picture of the Sexy Boots, but I don't really feel I have Sexy legs to do them justice, and I don't want that broadcasted across the internet. I'm a tiny, short-legged dork.
from evildilara :
you probably did leave a comment and it got deleted because I messed up on the code somehow. I am retardedly getting used to Haloscan. I promise, I more mistakes. For at least two minutes. Today.
from serapay :
hullo dear don spunchy head. here is a site i thought of you when i saw. or something.
from plopphizz :
S.S., could you send me an e-mail so we can chat, you are too cool, my friend. Send it to [email protected]. Thanks. -- P.P.
from comma-abuse :
Love Hina's theme song is endless fun. Ken Akamatsu has captured every college guy's sick little fantasy. Lotta fan porn from that series, I tell you what.
from happyyet :
Dude that is super sad :( I hope you are doing OK; try and take care of yourself and your family.
from comma-abuse :
Plus, they're really welcoming of new people. I mean, hospitality and kindness times ten. You want a cake? Maybe you'd like to go out and try some local foods? Let me show you the fields and describe all the birds to you! Want historical stories? Things like that. Maybe it'd cheer you up.
from comma-abuse :
To me, Germany IS idyllic. That's mainly due to my German family being eerily wonderful, though. You know, I am going to go to the nearest "big fat exotic food store" and get all the ingredients I need to make a Schwarzwalder Kirsch cake. Which is like, a layer of base dough, a layer of cherry, a layer of chocolate dough, a layer of cream, a later of chocolate dough, all covered in cream and chocolate bits with whipped cream and cherries to decorate. My Oma used to make ten cakes that elaborate on everyone's birthday, just working for hours at perfectly constructing and decorating and cooling and measuring. Food is better there, you're less likely to find junk. People are more likely to go out and exercise, primarily because there aren't suburb-like places. Not closed off houses surrounded by highway. Just small towns surrounded by nature nature nature and maybe a few old castles or something. And cities. Lovely, gritty yet charming cities. I really miss it. I wish I could take everyone I like there. It'd be a nice break.
from comma-abuse :
SARU! Oh, how we diaryland folk have missed you. All my best wishes to you, ten million prayers, so many good vibes it would make your head explode, EVERYTHING. Creepy internet *noun*. Just pick anything. I was going to send your thank you for the captain, but you don't seem to be at your home. Serapay is right with how much we all love you. It is a diaryland fellowship, saru. Friendliness and kindness all around and such. Everyone's thinking of you. I'm so glad you popped up to say hello in my comments, I missed them.
from jumblygiant :
I got some chocolate milk today. Your photo was on the side. It said "Missing" above it. Hope all is well.
from enondoiel :
It's official. I'm a dork.
from enondoiel :
And: You didn't have Scandinavia on your list already? *mock-shocked* Ha! I just said (wrote) mock-shock! Weeee!
from enondoiel :
Being... well, myself... I first read "polyanuses" and then "that means it has many anuses whatever that is" and my jaw just dropped because I thought to myself: "Did I just post the ultimate wrong fucking picture?" But then I re-read, thank God. Yay for re-reading. I'm such a pervert.
from evildilara :
Cats are regal, and that one is especially regal. Marlowe had a bed for quite awhile but then he decided that packing paper from a gift box was much more his speed. Always thrifty, that Marlowe.
from saru-san :
I mean no disrespect to the Crockers. Apparently, according to a guy I encountered in my work, Christianity is the new fad in America. His teenaged daughter and her friends go to church for fun, and listen to Crock bands, and are all "rah rah sis boom bah" for Jesus. To which all I can say is it would be nice if people actually walked the walk instead of using it as the latest fashion. (Okay, so maybe I mean a LITTLE disrespect to SOME of the Crockers. Whatever.)
from evildilara :
Happy Birthday. On a side note, the Crockers are amazingly dedicated to their music. My boyfriend's band played a show with a Crock band (by the way, I am totally stealing that phrase from you) and the place was PACKED. Girls were screaming and bum-rushing the stage like Elvis had entered the building. His band has opened for national acts before and those audiences rivaled the Crock audiences. Amazing.
from kaybiff :
Why didn't you say anything sooner?! I could have sent you a birthday card or something! It could have been awesome! Filled with doodles! FILLED WITH CREEPY INTERNET LOVE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY. And thank you! And I pop creak and crack, too. I don't think those things have anything to do with age. I think they are more influenced by my ungracefulness and my general unwellness. Uh. THANK YOU AGAIN. CREEPY INTERNET HUGS!
from evildilara :
Thanks for the nice note. I like it that you look like the devil. Evil, like me.
from zitronengel :
from plopphizz :
Hi, it's Ploppy. I really like your recent entries, especially you taking rabbit's friend character and giving it dimension. And I really-really like you showing your face when I showed mine, too. Guess that is some weird bonding thing. I recently liked bony's entry where he talked about the odd clique. Did you read it? Because I think we both are in it. Cool enough. Keep writing --P.P.
from enondoiel :
Thanks! Still, an American adoptive father doesn't sound too bad! Then I'll have an excuse to go there :) Because here in Norway you need a good one, or people will just call you a Bushlover.
from comma-abuse :
I had you in mind when I took pictures of Bobo's monkey! I forgot to mention that in the entry, phoo. Oh, and check this out. The capt'ns gettin' action.
from enondoiel :
Thank you so much for your *gasp!* TWO nice notes! I sincerely hope you have a wonderful 2005. And oh, didn't see that note you left me here until now. I'm glad you liked it :)
from comma-abuse2 :
Too bad when you said heart of gold I was about to mention the cardiac replacement. Also, go to to see me defile all we love.
from saru-san :
Siri, the cool fish picture was definitely very goodle!
from enondoiel :
Well now you've offended my cat! You better apologize or he will swim the Atlantic and come and whoop your Canad... American ass. I might have to take pictures of the panties, they're just too goodle to be left unphotographed.
from comma-abuse : BEST SITE EVER.
from rumblelizard :
How do you know you never knew me? When did you live here? I can't say for sure if I recognize you or not, the only pic I see is the devil one.
from saru-san :
Thanks for the tip, Galaxy! (But... did you go in and change the photo after I left my comment? Because, seriously, that is not the picture I remember seeing. Or has my pilot light finally just blown out?)
from galaxyrabbit :
that photo was DOOCED!
from galaxyrabbit :
that is so frickin' cool that you have the camera i wanted. the funny thing is, i've been reading some reviews (between writing paragraphs for this "assignment" thing for "school") and i read the same complaints. fuzzy photos. hmmmm. i'm sure i could learn how to adjust things properly, but we'll see. anyway!
from saru-san :
yeah, diaryland seems to be having some kind of hiccups tonight... I've been booted out of diaries and comments and you name it all night. but when I finish the rocket to the sun, I'll let you know so you can watch the launch!
from galaxyrabbit :
your comments aren't working, so i'm forced to type into the yellow post-its. anyway, i LOVE the old navy commercials. i always have. launching the singing boy into the sun is a fantastic idea.
from galaxyrabbit :
i need a shirt that says I HEART SARU-SAN. really.
from spritopias :
Thank you, you made me spit soda on my laptop. HA HA HA.
from enondoiel :
Did you get the recipe? You were too late in your emailing so I found your D-land address first... Don't forget to tell me how the daim-making went! Exciting to have it made by a super-chef... You should send me a sample ;)
from enondoiel :
When you're in Stockholm, you should pop across the border and come visit! PS: If you want the peace prize, the ceremony is in Oslo anyhow.
from enondoiel :
You're cook for a living? Wow. Then yours will be better than mine! What's better than toe-curling daim? I'll go look for your email address then. Hope you don't have a problem with converting from the metric system? If you do, let me know, and I'll give converting it myself a shot. Can't promise accuracy though. Damn difficult, the whole ounces and cups thing.
from enondoiel :
I was going to compare it to an orgasm, but then I figured... Let's keep a little mystery, shall we? So I used curly toes because, well, I get those from that, but nobody knows that (except for you now, obviously), so it looked perfectly innocent and not like some sort of disgusting food/sex comparison. I'd be happy to give you the recipe for daim though, if you're man enough to admit you like cooking ;)
from plopphizz :
Hi I'm over here from Pony and Rabbit land and I just gotta say: wishing you the best with the fake vagina work you are currently deeply into. Let us know how the whole thing turns out. Kepp the construction tight and it should operate like a well-oiled machine. Uh...nope that's it, vagina pun stores are depleted. -- P.P.
from galaxyrabbit :
YES! syrup! forgot to put in the refrigerator! doing that right now! thank GOD for you!
from enondoiel :
I an absolutely, totally, fundamentally 100% embarrassed that you read some of my oldest entries... *blushing violently* They are just so sad and... meh. Full of swearing. And shit. But I have to applaud you though, that was a brave quest. Thanks for signing my guestbook ;)
from enondoiel :
Well, if there was ever an American who tried hard to convince foreigners he's Canadian it's you, so I'll cut you some slack :) Still annoyed though. I'll make America (meaning you) pay by buying me an extra drink! So bring the big bucks.
from betchy :
god you are so right. we should definately write our own movie. absolutley no-one would guess what would happen because we are too clever.
from betchy :
and also why do girls always run up satirs when there is a killer in the house?
from yakkety-yak :
well i am quite putrid, i am also a little strange, and i like it that way. i have been a bit crafty though, i have another diary, my real diary, and i asked for her password and stuff and have been leaving her notes under my other diary name. hee hee. i am going to be really nice to her. then she will feel guilty when i tell her. i have requested other reviews aswell, i dont know how they will go. i dont really worry about it anyway, its just a bit of fun at the end of the day. if i took it seriously i wouldnt have entries like i do. thanks for adding me x
from enondoiel :
In all fairness I can only read German. And pretty much everyone in Scandinavia understands eachother's languages. Still funny though. Makes me sound damm bilingual :)
from enondoiel :
Can't afford the booze, but thanks for the tip! My Spanish is at least better than my German... But sometimes I mix languages up. Norwegian, English, Spanish, German, Swedish, Danish... Meh. A mess.
from kaybiff :
There are brownies for all! And believe you me they are so totally fudgy it makes me melt in my pants. So melty in fact that I ignore proper punctuation and just drool all over. Again those brownies are pure. Sex. I will apologize here for not using commas and other English courtesies but I'm sure you understand. Melted. Pants.
from under-yuki :
So, like, I am going through your archives and commenting on stuff. Am I a nerd or what? Huh? Huh?
from rumblelizard :
Ha! Bush stole home last time!
from kaybiff :
You, sir, are too kind. In fact, you're the kind I would have to smother in hugs -- and then hide the body (because of the smothering). Totally. Awesome.
from enondoiel :
Apparently Americans adore the Norwegian accent... or at least they tell me, but that might just be an outright lie for all I know. I don't think you'll find any movies with Norwegians speaking English (at least not any American ones), at least none that I can think of right now. But I'll keep it in mind, maybe I'll come up with one! There are a few Norwegian artists though, where you can vaguely hear their accent when they sing in English.
from enondoiel :
One of my goals in life is to go on a roadtrip in the US with some friends. I will surely bring Shakira along. I've heard her Spanish stuff as well, and I like it, but I find her accent so charming when she sings in English... Us accent-speaking people know how to appreciate a good accent!
from flufflebunny :
do me or be me?! That is the sweetest compliment! Aww thank you....I'm all smiley now :) *muchos hugs*
from kaybiff :
I have another zombie dream: it parallels The Night of the Living Dead III. You know, with the bad acting and the "oh why, oh why don't that just stop making this crappy movies?" and the cow brains. My brother gets eaten verily. I get electrocuted...Is that spelled correctly? Yes'sa.
from galaxyrabbit :
seriously, your comments make me chuckle to myself with stunning regularity. mantis. cover your head. HA! i love you, saru!
from kaybiff :
Would you dare say that my rouse was...deliciously clever?
from saru-san :
No, that last note was beautiful, because I think I understand you better. And also because now I want a hoagie, too!
from kaybiff :
Wow, that last note was incoherent!
from kaybiff :
Of course Bush loads special interest groups! To think otherwise would be foolish. It's just that there are certain things that I fear for the next four years, one of them being the Supreme court going to hell and foreign affairs. My brother is next to an Islamic Turkey afterall. He's close to the war in a way I don't want him close to a war. If he was in the war that would be one thing, being close to it is another. And you know, I don't think that turkey really has any place on a hoagie. (I still want a hoagie.)
from kaybiff :
It's not even the point if it's true or not. It's that it applies. It's like arguing about PB&J when hoagies are about or something...Now I want a hoagie. God damn it.
from gerberagirl :
No freaking kidding. I just see no logic behind driving drunk from bar to bar when there's a better alternative. But what are gonna do - sit at home? Nope, I drive across town...I've given up but, like you, it's good to know that there are other people who have the same kind of dumb friends. P.S. I sure wouldn't guess you were the least bit negative - at least not from your entries! ;-) Sushichick
from bledgirlblue :
It's not problem... I love Chicago... it must be hard to leave. (I'm actually going there tomorrow! By way of Amtrak! :) Yaye!) Have a great weekend. much love.
from chicagojo :
Fruit of the Loom? More like Fruit of the Loon! Thanks for joining the commando diaryring.
from galaxyrabbit :
yes, staying up past 3 in the morning is NOT good if you've got a cold, but i'm reckless.. and stupid. the book will be relatively inexpensive, i think. maybe i'll just send one to you! and i got an F in latin.
from smokeybone :
Thanks so much for the kind note! I really appreciate the encouragement.
from smokeybone :
Hey, I am adding you to my favorites list. I love your diary. I am also now a huge fan of galaxyrabbit, which is where I got the link to your diary. Have a great vacation!
from galaxyrabbit :
awesome!! the perfect chick! sadly, i'm far from it, but that's nice of your friend to say. why don't you skip all of the travel and just stay home with your computer so you can update and say hi to me! i hate when people leave! and you're one of my favorite favorites. i have a lot of arm hair.
from galaxyrabbit :
yep, the other non-banana yogurts (strawberry, key-lime, etc.) are not speech impaired (in fact the strawberry speaks fluent french as WELL as english) and they do poke fun at the banana yogurt, but it's okay because i write it love letters and i leave them in the refrigerator and the other yogurts read them and they're like oh, he must be special, and they calm down for a while with the fun-poking. or something?
from galaxyrabbit :
lip balm, gateway drug. saru-san, your notes make me ever so happy and laughy.
from saru-san :
I hate it when I use the wrong preposition. I just reread that comment to you, Galaxy, and saw that I wrote "fascination for", which is awkward and stupid and wrong. Sigh. And fortunately it wasn't my bachelor party, as I have yet to be married. I was just an attendee at this sad affair. I would hope that should I ever get married, the pre-celebration will be somewhat different. kristin, I can still almost drink the whole bottle of Campari when mixed with tonic (slightly less bitter than with soda) and lime... refreshing and delicious! And Venus - thank you! I blush now...
from galaxyrabbit :
ain't nothin' wrong with a fascination with monkeys! your bachelor party sounded horrifying.
from kristintracy :
i used to drink campari and soda (not tonic) all the time! it's so good and bitter! it's tough to drink a lot of those, though.
from banefulvenus :
I LOVE your Bush banner! Your site rocks too!!!!

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