messages to semirhage:
(click here to add new message):
from scarletwh0re : |
Thank you so much for the comment in your profile, don't I feel special! ;D |
from omnipre5ence : |
Glad I never picked up smoking. :) |
from scarletwh0re : |
Yeah, I probably will. =) Thank you for your encouragement... one of my friends also convinced me that I'm being a jackass, so I'm going to give it a shot. |
from scarletwh0re : |
Thanks! =D And, uh... chocolate raspberry? Ew. What the hell kind of flavour is that? |
from scarletwh0re : |
I'm not understanding why people voted for Bush either. It... does... not... compute. But anyway. On your advice, I went to Lancome in search of white-bitch makeup, and I found the best concealer I've ever had. It's still a little dark, but you can hardly tell. It's practically perfect. <3 Love it. Thanks! |
from parlance : |
Stab the ones that were dancing, yes. :) |
from parlance : |
Sheer curiosity. |
from gerberagirl : |
Ack! You're locked! Well anyway, here's a toast to drinking alone on an Sunday night (and another one to three day weekends)! Oh, and where did you live in Ohio? |
from parlance : |
Who says I'm not in my 20's? :P |
from wench77 : |
hey thanks for the hug, and hope you had a great birthday! Where are the pictures of the dirty word scrabble huh? |
from julianarose : |
God! He was pleasuring himself, I think. |
from gerberagirl : |
Okay, now I can figure out where you are...I added you to my favorites list here in DLand! (this is Sushi Chick from LiveJournal) |
from apothecary : |
Oh, duh, you already told me about the gift. Nevermind. |
from petrichor : |
Just hoping things will be alright for you, whatever happened or whatever you are feeling. Take care.. petrichor |
from julianarose : |
Okay. If it's too personal, I understand but would you share what your MBTI profile is? Mine is INFP. |
from julianarose : |
What kind of tests did you pass? Did you do the MBTI? |
from julianarose : |
Hard lessons but well worth the price. JP is a fantastic person, as you may already know. Thank you for leaving a note, it's always good to see somebody you don't know reads your stuff. |
from petrichor : |
When I moved over a year ago, I decided not to take a TV with me or to buy one. Sure, I miss a couple shows and especially PBS, but not enough to make me even seriously think about getting a TV. TV is a drug... And I also have been thinking why I trust people and open to people, sometimes, sometimes I really make stupid choices. Of course, honestly, I still need to trust more people more. I envy you travelling, no, really, I just wouldn't mind if I could travel, Montreal, oh I love Montreal, and New York City and Paris.. |
from frogeye : |
Glad to see that you are back online in such a time. Hope the leak gets fixed as I know what that is like. First apartment had a leak in the kitchen. Had to wait weeks before the landlord had it repaired. T |
from frogeye : |
No internet? I'd rather die. Not really, but I do have an addiction for the unknown information that I can obtain at the click of a button. But, the cost is unreal. I remember saying that I would never pay for TV when I can just turn on the set and watch 22 thru 13 for free. Well, cable here on Long Island is expensive and adding the internet connection pushes the cost well over $100 per month. Am I the dumbist guy in the world? Me and several other million viewers who line their coffers. As far as the pop-up blockers go, I use MSN as my home page, perhaps I should switch to Yahoo and see what happens. I don't mind the pop-ups per se, but they have invaded my work system and appear even when I have the internet turned off. My spyware program doesn't seem to delete them completely. Oh well, I guess I should welcome the company. I hope you get this berfore you beomce the Claude Rains of the internet system. Adios, my fine feather friend. T |
from parlance : |
Positive. I would like to have that URL though, please :) |
from petrichor : |
You know, I might just take you up on that. I love cats, have three of my own (at my parent's place now though) and while I am not vegan, I have eaten vegan food before just fine. I am not an omnivore who simply must just have meat with every course. I am still trying to pin point some record of her on the Internet; I wish I had remembered where she said she had lived. Argh. I am even starting to think of milking out an arm and a leg for a private detective. We'll see. |
from parlance : |
Yes, it's Tuesday where I am. Don't worry, we don't know one another. I live way up here in Ontario, Canada. |
from parlance : |
Well, thank you :) |
from parlance : |
Hi. |
from scarletwh0re : |
Oh, and A Perfect Circle's "3 Libras" is near the top of my iTunes most-played list. "Blue" is a great song, but unfortunately I can't find my copy of "Thirteenth Step." Damn it. Also, sorry for the 3 posts in a row... I don't -mean- to be a pain in the ass, honestly... = P |
from scarletwh0re : |
And by "and buy that I mean" I mean "and BY that I mean." Also, "check it our=check it out." Crap. It's late. |
from scarletwh0re : |
Heey, excellent. It's okay to sound like a yuppie... I think I'm too young to sound like a yuppie and just sound like a spoiled brat when I return from shopping trips with bags of overpriced makeup. No shit, my mother and I probably spent $200 on makeup the last time we traveled together... Thanks for the tip, though. I did check out Lancome while on my last trip to the Big City (I'm a hick), and it looked good... I'm regretting not going back to check it our, um, more (and buy that I mean "buy a whole bunch of shit"). But I got some pretty good stuff from Clarins. |
from petrichor : |
People-watching! I lloooove people-watching. Spent an hour or so the other day in purposeful, deliberate people-watching, thoroughly enjoy it, for some reason it always helps rejuvantes me too. Oooh, I need to write an entry on this sometime.. |
from scarletwh0re : |
Heeeey, the Wheel of Time! Semirhage is my favourite Forsaken. Yee-hah. =D I also very much like your diary, incidentally. I may have to add you to my favourites. |
from petrichor : |
Yes, you can join me. The more people, the better the world I say!! As for the book, I think it could be found at or some such place. I myself found my copy at a Virgin music store. |
from frogeye : |
Chapstick on both ears, how wonderful! Keep up the good work Matilda. Make the man work and have fun. |
from frogeye : |
I know it's hard to understand why I am still there. But I'm comfortable in what I do and I have a lot of freedom day to day. Besides, I make my supervisor look good and that is my position. The boss has treated me well, but when it comes to money, he's as tight as a drum unless, of course, you wear short skirts and have you own kneepads. It's a screwed up place to say the least. But I had to check my records and, yes, my last check was January 15. So tomorrow I speak with my supervisor armed with facts. She likes to have facts when fighting with that little shit. This is what makes life fun, even though it can be depressing at times. F-em all! |
from frogeye : |
F-em! I've been around too long, seen too much and know that other people are a drain on ourselves. I look to myself for approval and if my friends are there for me, that's fine. I go my own road as you should also. Be strong for yourself. |
from frogeye : |
Why must you tantillize the older crowd like that? |
from frogeye : |
I'm with you on your 2/6 entry. Why must we live surrounded by so much unhappines and hatred? |
from frogeye : |
Change for the positive is good. |
from frogeye : |
A Bank robbery! All I ever got to witness was a shoplifting escape. Unlike you I was not threatened, but still tried to photograph the perp in my mind. You seem to have taken it all in stride. What a trooper! T |
from frogeye : |
Flowers from your bank? They should spend less on flowers and more on a thing called interest rate. But still, they did save you from having to buy them. Ah, the sweet smell of Holly Hocks on a sub-zero morn'..... |
from frogeye : |
Somehow, I don't see you in a reclusive state. I was suprised that you had written that. T |
from frogeye : |
You are right. Within any group there are those who stand above the others. Being in the insurance industry I see and hear the ambulance chasers and other lowlife scum all too often. And accountants, let's not let them go..... T |
from frogeye : |
In your list of hates, I daresay you left off one major F. And they are those of the legal world - LAWYERS! The scum of the earth, they who thrive on the misfortunes of others, who have no regard for your wellbeing unless there is a bag of cash attached. Broad stereotype, I know, but if the shoe fits............! T |
from frogeye : |
All black in an all black. Have to admit the accompaning mind view is enticing. Cudos to The Artist for your happy feelings. Freezing T. |
from petrichor : |
My mornings have been surprisingly awake, considering that I am waking up earlier than ever before. A good morning is always a beautiful way to start the "first day of the rest of your life". And by the way, Batman is non-arguably the best "super" hero, just my "humble" opinion of course.. |
from frogeye : |
"usefulness of risk" - At first I read it as 'uselessness' and was about to write that it does not suit you very well. Now 'usefulness', that's more like it. T |
from frogeye : |
And who's not a dreamer? Just those who refuse to accept the fact that we all are dreamers. Those in denial, who long for something better, maybe something we cannot touch, something unavailable, yet needed. Dreamers pound the pavement for fresh ideas, new paths to follow. They go right, while the rest take an easy left. They dream to create the artistic and fancifull swirls of life, dancing as they go along, rather than to toe the line of boredom. They do not have to change the world, only the little piece of pasture that they walk upon. And you are so correct, question everything. That's how I began as a maverick. Final thought: Believe 50% of what you see and 0% of what you hear. Have a great night. T |
from frogeye : |
Thanks for writing back. I know I have been bad at updating this particular diary over the past months. This was actually my first one here, then I jumped ship, took on another, started blogging elsewhere and just recently returned. Just kind of need to get the juices flowing again. Meanwhile keep up you site, I do have to return and read more. Frogeye |
from frogeye : |
Couldn't get the guestbook to work, so here I am. Loved the profile pages. And here I though I was the only person with grapes in my freezer and I Love Lucy on TV. Ba, ba, loo! |
from petrichor : |
While being happy won't cure a disease, studies do show that happy and/or outgoing people get sick less often and less severely, which doesn't mean, of course, that someone happy and/or outgoing can't get terribly sick, but its one of those over all things. |
from petrichor : |
I was remembering how your entries were a way's time ago. I even remember writing some comment about how your entries seem to be growing numb or some such thing. Your style, how you write, the tone, everything, I've been watching it change, until it is as it is now, alive, definitely alive. There is enthusiasm and interest and excitement and sincerity and honesty in it that I haven't seen in the way they are now before. Most of all there seems to be an awakened energy pumping behind the words, if that makes sense. |
from apothecary : |
Your guestbook is seriously unreliable. Or maybe I just happen to try to use it whenever signmyguestbook is getting wonky. At any rate, yes, lunch, let's do that! And I'm sorry to hear about how your relationship ended last month, and about the inevitable aftershocks. :( |
from torquil : |
good evening. i'm sorry, i couldn't figure out how to sign your guestbook. i don't really like these note pages very much, so i will send you an email instead. |
from petrichor : |
Its a healthy attitude not to fret over little things like plastic cups with logos on them. It makes life simpler and easier to bear when every little thing doesn't mean the universe or nothing. It also seems you are stronger than maybe you thought you were. |
from awkwardpause : |
I can't believe you read every single entry. You're crazy. And hardcore. Cool. They seem to get more and more dull as you backwards in time, though. At least, it seems that way to me. Tell me if you like The Crystal Method, their Vegas CD is their best in my opinion. You'll find yourself recognizing the tunes from a million different commercials and the like. |
from awkwardpause : |
It's actually quite easy to live by this philosophy. But it requires more being like me, and less like you. By this I mean, more like an asshole who pretends to own the world and thus can afford not to care about anyone else's opinions. It's called "being obnoxious". It's all for humor in the beginning, but eventually, pretending not to care about shit starts to actually work, until you actually believe you are The Greatest Person Ever. It doesn't help countering this when you have a legion of fans who send you notes agreeing with you. So, yeah, that's the secret. Also, I am ever so so confused (read: majorly confused) as to what your comment next to my name in your favorites means. |
from wish521 : |
Thanks for the job hunting advice. I appreciate the support. I'm hoping things will work out. Good luck! |
from entropica : |
argh i hate the panic that occurs when you realize you have the cigarettes to smoke, and yet no way to make it happen... it always ends in frantically searching for a light unable to think of anything but smoking. |
from petrichor : |
Good luck with the new job. |
from kettobase : |
I have to say, my favourite lyrics from that song are 'Quit whining you haven't done anything wrong, because frankly you haven't done much of anything.' i guess that scares me even more. Is there really anyone out there who'd rather live a long, pointless life than die in a way that leaves a mark? Sorry, just had to take that tangential opportunity. |
from petrichor : |
There are two things human beings love and hate and hope and fear: change. The emotions of change are always the same, in every choice. In approaching one's dream or leaving one's nightmares, those same emotions are present in both. Maybe not in the same way or degree, but they are always there. Even my wanting to overcome depression -- I am afraid of overcoming it, terribly afraid. I love it even. I do. I love my depression but not in perhaps the way people might read into that. I love it because I know it, it is my home. It has sheltered me for so many years, I can't remember when it wasn't there in some degree or manifestation. It has been the most lonely companion I have ever had. A part of me does not at all want to let go of it and perhaps even clings unto it. I don't know what lies beyond depression. I do not know. I do not know what it feels like to not be depressed almost all of the time. Perhaps all love, hate, hope, and fear are all present in change is because change brings in the unknown. And the unknown is full of promise and full of doom. So, thats my spill there. Also, I remember going to college classes and having a student or two being much older than the rest of us. I don't think we looked low of them. Some might, but some people will look low of anyone in some way. You may feel out of place, but I think one or two people will befriend you. One of my better friends at college was more than twelve years older than me and he was a Freshman in college with me. Anyway, I think I've made this long enough, no? Good luck. I mean it. |
from jonasparker : |
I guess my question is, "Why would you ever want to start smoking?" As for your question about stopping, just ask the people who did quit, I think they could tell you. But in the end, I don't give a shit about what people do until it gets all over my clothes and skin and forces me to shower after I come home drunk. |
from dragonscales : |
Hey, I think I found DU from YOUR site so no YOU RULE. hehe. xoxo Christine |
from synapticburn : |
Maybe I'm just a damn fool, but I can't figure out how to leave a message on your guestbook, only how to view it. There are no buttons! Maybe it's my version of IE. The reason I wanted to sign is because of your mention of your cat's pager going off. For some reason, that just struck me as completely absurd, more than you'd think. Your brain has an odd way of quantifying things you hear in your sleep. Alarm clock? Not likely, must be my cat's pager. That's just funny. |
from petrichor : |
Its really rather peculiar, for the who knows now, when I check my "buddy list" it says you've updated in less than an hour! Its really rather strange. Anothing ring, for spam mail, if you tell them to remove you from their mailing lists and/or to not e-mail you, you'll get more spam. I am not lying. |
from red-scribe : |
one of the forsaken at diaryland? or the chosen.. great mistress I bow down to serve thee.... |
from petrichor : |
Aren't those experiences interesting? Its like they are almost magical. |
from petrichor : |
Heh.. sorry. Thats one thing my cats have never done, chew on my hair. One of them will attack my feet in bed, but thats about as close as they ever get. And yes, punishing cats never work. Rewarding them does, but its harder as they get older. Too much ego or something ;). |
from petrichor : |
You don't like chinse food? You don't like chinese food?!? This, I'm afraid, is unforgiveable. I'm shocked. I just don't know what to say. I am at a loss of words. |
from buttnose : |
Hmmm... Meat in marshmallows... TECHNICALLY, it's not meat... just the hide, hoofs, and bones... But that's just me being an anal-retentive bastard. On a lighter note, love the diary, love the name, love the outlook on life. Rock on. |
from jonasparker : |
Have you found the Song? No, I wouldn't expect one of the Chosen to have found it. Carry on, then. |
from prnstr23 : |
hey ace. still a veg myself...9 years. you should, we're the only ones who're gonna survive in a little while.hormones are in the milk too, tell her that as well. organic milk=no hormones. |
from jonasparker : |
Some should not be parents. A-FUCKING-men. |
from pianosa : |
oh, you might want to go to here first (sorry) |
from pianosa : |
I love it best when you write as you did at --- it feels free, trancing, dream-like, and drug-like. I like it :). I would like it if you wrote at my public diary. That specific style is the sort of thing I had in mind to be written in my diary. Please, give my diary a look, read it, you'll see what I mean. I hope you will write there from time to time. I'd really welcome and enjoy it. Either way, I would like to see more entries like the one above -- they are enjoyable and also provoking. Which I like. Anyways, thanks for your writings, they have been enjoyable. Oh, my diary is at: |
from petrichor : |
Thats the trap. People get to a point where the bills are goals. The problem with that is once you attain paying the bills, then what? Pay new bills. And it breeds and borns itself into existence again. Yes, bills need to be paid, but when they become the focus, you stop living in a sense. The focus must be fixed. And it must be remembered. Bills are not the purpose of the life. Even if it feels like it, they are not the purpose, the point, or the crystallization of life. They are not. You say that I don't myself enough credit. I am not being modest, but I don't understand this. What do you mean? And yes friendships do fade sometimes because people change and not because of faults. But when all my friendships begin to fail around the same time and consectuvively one after another, its hard not to say its not at all my fault. Being at fault doesn't me I am the villian, but that I am the cause of it. I don't really regret the loss of them. If they can't stand with me in the storm, then they aren't who I am looking for. I suppse the greatest pains in losing them is realizing that they aren't the friends I thought they were. And that they didn't care for me enough. And yes, I do blame in the latter part, but I always beat myself up. And I can't help but wonder if it something in me that is the cause of it. Its one of my quests, a quest to see if there is anyone out there for me, anyone who will stand with me in storms. Anyways, just remember my follow-up quote -- Bills are not the purpose of life. Bills are a pain in the ass though. |
from plastroncafe : |
So now I'm're not bitter about our government...and you don't care but you pay more attention now than you did? Does this sound about right? I think this last campaign woke a lot of people up, especially the cynics. I'm hoping that it instilled hope in the same people that it pissed off. We really do have a great country's just that we don't do much to improve it. People would rather focus on the problems and deeds of the past. |
from plastroncafe : |
What the last election "should" do for you is increase your desire to be involved in the voting process...and not sour you on American Politics. Our government only has as much power as we give them. *smirk* It's like "Take back the night" but only in November! |
from plastroncafe : | Explanations on how the electoral college votes and why. the official results of the 2000 election. you can see...don't count. |
from anti-barbie : |
Dude, I totally had a friend who was on Fun House in the fifth grade. Oddly enough, I remember JD Roth because I made a metal note to see if he ended up like the kids from Different Strokes. |
from legallynsane : |
i was in girl scouts too!!!! seriously!!!! except i quit, because the rest of the girls excluded me and it just made me weird. i'm already weird. ah, well. |
from justmeh : |
Somehow i found your diary... I think it was because i adore reading Wheel of Time and your screen name was a big tipoff. Anyways, neat diary (drop by mine some time if you want), keep it up! And keep on readin' that WoT : ) |
from jonasparker : |
So Semirhage, are you posing as Anath, with the Seanchan? Or is that just a silly rumour? |
from legallynsane : |
hey, that was pretty funny what you put in rantoftheday's notes. just thought i'd tell ya. hehe :) |
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