messages to sistercookie:
(click here to add new message):

from daath :
You take on the mostly thankless job of helping out people who have a lot of baggage weighing them down. I certainly haven't been as appreciative as I should be, especially considering I used to do that kind of work. We do care. I do know that much.
from patw-21 :
hey, I'm not sure how you are, or where you've been. please touch base, :) Take good care of yourself~ paint the town green
from dorknoodle :
I have no sense of humor or anything left. I will be dead today. Take what you want.
from dorknoodle :
Thank you for your kind words. You are the only person who I haven't scared off to the point of ditching me. Just wait until you hear the latest: I got some GREAT news about the writing, and everyone I've told just brushed it off like "as if...." So I've starting drawing pix of how I'm going to off myself. One day, they'll be funny, no matter what happens. Leave me a text msg at some point today so I can tell you the good news. At least YOU will realize I accomplished something pretty damn cool. Love you.
from patw-21 :
Kayden's Pictures... & Those cover most of the pics
from patw-21 :
email me
from patw-21 :
hey! What's up? EMAIL ME! [email protected]
from patw-21 :
i want the mac too ;)
from patw-21 :
yeah it all comes back with the me! [email protected]
from dorknoodle :
Sorry about the moving thing. Enough said. Mom wants to buy the mac from you, if you're willing to do that.
from patw-21 :
hey you! how do i contact you? icq?
from patw-21 :
*hugs*** smile...i miss you
from patw-21 :
you are absolutly kickin'! You are amazing, funny, and understanding. I admire and look up to you. *hug*
from sapphyr :
You are sensational! Your surveys rock and so does your diary! Thanks!
from mnvnjnsn :
Thanks for the suggestions on what to write about. I usually have trouble on Fridays because my brain jumps ahead to weekend mode (which is to say, the not thinking mode). And thanks for reading!
from deba5er :
Check out my latest entry. It bears upon your recent ravings...
from officegal :
lovely entry. i hope mr.perfect can last a week. maybe im sheltered but i dont understand the green paint comment. your art is lovely!
from everoboto :
Thanks for leaving a comment. You made some real valid points there. BTW, can you leave the info on that house you wanted me to look for in my NOTES section? (I know you left it in one of my Comments, but it'll be easier for me to reference if it's in the Notes.) If it's nearby, I'll take a picture of it, no problem.
from rosytears :
I'm not kidding. Your diary is really nice
from spiffy12345 :
from rosytears :
Your banner is really beautiful, it caught my eye, so I clicked on it. :) You have a nice site, it's beautiful and your entries are all really nice. I'm adding you to my favorites list! Oh and by the way, your custom quiz link isnt working.. Just thought I would tell you
from banshee-rose :
Funny banner. Great site.
from deba5er :
When you get off the SUBWAY you will get on YAWBUS I Pallindrome I Apologies. Another rough day in between heaven and hell. I'm get sick of the nuns cursing in Latin while they smile and pick their teeth with their crosses of gold. I spun another place out of time, but it doesn't fit me more, than it did in days of yore. And so I spin again, dodging bullets, while Rome burns, and the windmills fall. While the nuns curse in Latin, the monks bless in Tibetian. Sort of yin/yang. Less and less sense. This note is probably useless to all but me, and barely cathartic at that. More apologies. Hope that you are feeling a little better. Squiggly boo, look down you do, trade a penny for a pound, if you'll smile when I'm around. DeB
from abwhite :
Once again, you make this about you.
from daath :
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you lately. I've been that way about notes recently. I wanted to deeply thank you for the vote of encouragement that you left me a few days ago. I wane and wax in terms of confidence. I also forgot to click 'done' for about 15 hours. Yikes.
from everoboto :
It's all the way out in Suffolk County, near Patchogue. It's a bit of a drive from Brooklyn, where I live, but if there's no traffic it's ok. I like it out there a lot, the neighborhood is great. And as for the Timothy Leary, it's a really good book, but it was published in the late 80s, so there's really nothing in there that's new to me, but it's a good read anyhow. Thanks for the props though. \m/
from everoboto :
Hey girl! I have indeed checked out your artwork and I totally dig it. (I think I wrote this to you a while ago when I first found your site.) Thanks for adding my scary site to your favs and for listing an entry in your fav entries. That was real cool. As for the answers to some of your questions: I have several basses, but my favorite is my Ibanez Roadstar II which was my first bass. I didn't know how much I loved it til I bought a few others. Right now, I'm into some new bands like Disturbed, but for the most part, I love the classic metal of Priest and Maiden. Comics I collect are anything Neil Gaiman and Alan Moore, plus I pick up some X-Men, Spiderman, Daredevil and Batman whenever a cool series comes out. So, there you go for now. I'd like to know all of the above about you as well, so fire away (except replace "bass" with "drums" of course). \m/
from daath :
Hah, cheese :) Again, thank you so much for helping me. I hope my new work does well by your generosity.
from what---if :
I loved your note! I just took your survey. It makes me want to make one. I have to get some questions together. :)
from deba5er :
It's been awhile since the devil's diatribe, I suppose you would like a little more power, and a little less heat. Well that about sums up a devil's life. hehe It's tough down here in Hell. Hopefully you have power and A/C these days, wonders of a modern age, and whatnot, that we take for granted, us non-Luddites. Forever is a long fucking time for those of us, who take the bus. God hasn't been very kind to us. Yeah us ryhmes with us. So fucking what? Ok a little mealy and absurd today SFW? You know I enjoy the drums more than the ducks. I can appreciate every expression, but I tend to focus on the music more than the art. So what? Beat me another grand tattoo with those drumsticks; better than a duck any day IMHO. But then again, love your art. Am your mere apprentice, no Michaelangelo. Maybe a musician though. You'd be surprised what I can come up with in a bloody hurry, on my last dime at the bus stop, with the devil breathin' down my neck. Aint' the Beatles, but no bloody row either. Take care you. You know I have a devil of a month here. I'll figure it out. So no worries. Please stop by if you can spare a weekend. DeB
from daath :
Oh my word, was that you?! I wanted to express my deepest and most extremely sincere gratitude for making the donation. I can use it to buy a new tripod and not go mad every time I want to angle down or up at something! Thank you!!
from daath :
Hey, good to hear from you :) I'll forward your message to Dork and let him know that you asked after him. I'm in and out of my house all day and night, so I don't have any one time I'm at home (at a reasonable hour where I'm not sleeping, that is)
from abwhite :
That poor woman! What will happen to her children? Almost everyone I know was effected by the blackout. Even my mother was in the Detroit area driving around, in a van with 10 cats, two very large dogs and a lizard, looking for someplace to fill her tank! I guess we needed some kind of wake-up call to get congress to pass an energy bill that includes updating the power grid. All in all, it seems like people treated the blackout much the same way we treat hurricanes. By making a party out of it. Much better than looting! You should start playing around with the templates Cafe Press offers. I bet you could design some nifty art clocks and tiles!
from sweet-malice :
hey thanks for adding me on ur faves =o)
from deba5er :
Mighty fine drums they be. And pound them to the great annoyance of the neighbors you do. Certainly express yourself through the tattoos you beat, under powerless nights, unrelenting heat. Powerless. BTW, Sam Roberts is quite fine. Saw the Libertines recently. Nice UK band. Highly recommend if you happen to have power and music. If you don't just keep the beat until the rest of the band shows up. Next to nothing, there is something, up the way, and around the bend, I cannot say, but it will never end.
from p3-corr :
hi, thanks for the note, I'm from somerset, uk :o)
from p3-corr :
hi, i like your diary and your galleries, i the music surevy of yours :)
from patw-21 :
ducky 0063 come home to me. christmas in july is august? i m lost. i need sleep . it's 4:30 am! xxooxoxo take care pat
from nishto :
Hm...hey, YOUR life seems awfully nonsensical. I sort of just stumbled upon it, but it was decidedly worth the throb in my toe.
from twily :
Just dropping by to thank you for your kind note! It quite made my day, and I'm glad you enjoy reading me. I too intend to keep looking through yours, being as your art fascinates me. So have fun and don't ever lose that creative edge. Take care.
from splash-girl :
Duck 0063. Mmm.
from measi :
Thanks for stopping by my journal and leaving a message. :) I've put you on my "to read" list while I'm on break from work next week (I'm so backed up with journals, it's scary!). To answer your question about high school-- I enjoyed classes and learning, but didn't enjoy my classmates and the whole high school "experience." I much preferred college. I didn't *hate* high school, but didn't exactly love it, either. Take care! ~ Mel.
from be-my-heroin :
duck0054 rocks to the stars.
from deba5er :
In the last entry, I really meant to say: "I have a good head for music, as long as you don't abuse it." Seems lyrical enough now, sorry for the crappy edit; but they don't pay me for this shit. They write a rubber check, and put me flat upon the deck. Backwards forwards, rebel yell and straight to hell, the angels are devils, and just as well. Fire fight, dead of night, the beggars see the rich man's plight. Wow less sense and more dolores. Go figure. I welcome a vacation, the gods know I need it but deserve is another story. It is easier not to know? some kid has 10 lashes for the shirt I wear, and a tooth knocked out for my shoes, I bought a watch the other day, built by a man with nothing to lose; I swore that I would fix it all, but I didn't know what to do, so I just said f*ck it a few times, and bought the cheap imported sh*t anyway. Ok, I copped out. So be it. After all, I am a DeBa5eR...
from deba5er :
And the devil is 6. Ok, enough of that. I am the Debaser after all, and the Pixies have some sort of hold upon me. Please please let me see your paintings, they are so much better than my poetry and somesuch musings, but no beating a tattoo with your drumsticks, upon my noggin, as I have a good head for music, as long as you don't hit me with it! Or I could threaten you with more musings... Next to nothing, is close to something, and while I own my self, I stopped by the pawn shop, to pick up a little cash, and lost myself in a flash. The failure of society to beat me into submission is atested to passive aggressive, and blessed perdition. Ok, free poetry, no bitching! And yes, it is really, really bad. F*CK My Manta Ray's All Right!
from caliginous :
YES, the chapelle show! I love dave! That was the name i was looking for. I am depressed, yes yes, i have that "chemical imbalance" the doctor goes on and on about. Oh wellz, i liked your survey. much love
from patw-21 :
um, thank you for telling me that I rock...but really ... YOU ROCK!
from gaskell :
Wow, this is gonna look pitiful next to the mad ass entries that somepeople have left, but I just felt like saying Hello, as no one seems to want to talk to me, but hey, i'm a jazzy guy! Check my "diary"... when you've got a spare week or so...
from patw-21 :
*hugZ* just thought i'd stop by and let you know that my favorite gallery is #6...
from patw-21 :
hi! Um, did you read the news about sammy? I just thought it'd be a cheaper way of getting banners....aolthough I don't know if you can donate and give the banners to someone else...
from patw-21 :
what a fantastic guest appearance! Wow....thank you!
from patw-21 :
oh my! get out of there. that is NOT right!
from patw-21 :
"Normal" is a word for people who are afraid to be alive.
from patw-21 :
hi there, i am kinda in a slump, everythign is the same day in and day out, i've been slackin on everything, and school has me bogged down. *sobs*
from deba5er :
Just so you know I'm not dead. Just under a f*cking rock again. I like it here. I sleep I sleep. Man I sleep like it is a drug. I slept till 1pm on Sunday don't know what is wrong or right, I just sleep. I am not sick just slept the weekend away. Not bad for someone living under a rock. Not good, not bad, just different. hehe Ok, I'm awake now. Maybe. Life seems like a dream sometimes. I'm avoiding people lately, I mean I deal with them at work, but lately I get home, and stay the whole weekend. I suppose I'm just fed up with other people's shit. Pretty evil attitude, that. However, that's where I am now. Hiding under a rock every weekend. Read your last entry and am a bit worried. At least enough to come out from under my rock. RUOK?WTFIZUP? Don't make me rouse from my VanWinkle slumber and cause great annoyance. Better let sleeping dogs fib (mixed analogies and whatnot). Just realized his first name was RIP (rest in peace), how appropriate. Any intent there? I mean I can understand Rip Torn, what a stage name, a play on words; but this Rip Van Winkle, I didn't realize until now. I spent my days wandering a sea of words without meaning until I ran across my own trail Walking in circles just spinning 'round Falling down not hitting the ground I spent my days hiding I'd rather not know the true beginnings I slight the forgiving appearance of the nature of things but not the sights and sounds I hold to my heart the break of day the cold of winter the fear at night amongst the dark pines the break of day makes it fly away and I can see again that it all was in my head another breath, sweet breath I can't see I'm as a blind man that the ocean swells the air moves the earth moves I live on the earth and moving I know that I am alive That there is sight that there is sound I can hold to my breast the nature of these few things that are true and cannot be stripped from me because they are what I sense and feel and touch and are truest of all Everything can go away it ebbs and flows it all is wavering as a summer's heat and goes away like mirage as I got closer Except you. PLEASE BOK. There's not much else I can do being under a rock and all...
from yourstar-14 :
i just wanted to say how much i like your paintings... especially the ones in gallery 2.
from yourstar-14 :
i just wanted to say how much i like your paintings... especially the ones in gallery 2.
from tornlace :
really beautiful paintings :) you should join, it will show-off your work better than having to lump them all on one page- but its cool you did that here too or i would have never seen them. let me know if you join there :)
from natedogg :
Did not understand your last note... Maybe I'm too f*cked up. Who knows... Sorry I've not been online much lately... Stressing lots of stuff lately... Some stupid some not... Oh well... I read several pages last night, but I'll reread them again... Much love and stuff.... -=/\/=-
from deba5er :
Sorry, nothing articulate today; zoom, zoom and another bright and shiny day is gone. I like the idea of a song of the day, video of the day...thanks for that. My life also has a soundtrack... Today for me: Pete Yorn - Black I spent an evening getting the .mov files into vcd mpeg1 and burning with a program which can't handle the frame rate. I spent the latter part of the evening tweaking my crusty ol' system to the point of flakiness for a lousy 3.14% (benchmarks from Sisoft). Flaky crusty pi. How 'bout that? hehe Anyhow, I'm detuned to a lousy 1G but it beats having a system as screwed up as yours ;-) Nero works fine for the burn, so I gave up on the other prog. I pulled the .mov files from a Marcy Playground cd data track and built a menu vcd so I could play them on my DVD player hooked to my TV. I haven't had MTV for over a dozen years, so it was kind of cool to check out some videos for once on the TV. It isn't easy living under a rock, but I manage. I sounds like you have become a prolific artist. Remember quality, not quantity! Just joking! DeB
from dorknoodle :
Sweetie, I appreciate the offer to handle Tom, but there's nothing really to handle. He can forward the mail, if it is indeed that. I guanantee you that no one is trying to send me a check. Any check would come only from the government, and they know my new address. It's probably some dumb advertisement disguised as a check. I get them all the time. However, with everything else right now, I could use some assistance and advice. I'm too sick to vacuum. Ugh. Started the antibiotics again today. Second round. I can't even go to the doctor. We need to talk on Friday. Today I'm just going back to bed. Kisses.
from sistercookie :
DeB once again made me speechless at writing something so beautiful. I know it takes a lot out of you but one note from you can instantly make me joyous. Like the zen of painting.
from deba5er :
My sunny daze... There are ways to separate from haze those facts from lies my breaths from sighs And no disposition forces my position on philosophical topic or view microscopic Introspective my perspective view within holy sin I have no topic quite myoptic as the butterfly in my minds eye Enough. Another perspective on perspective another time perhaps. Or maybe another time on time another perspective perhaps. hehe Still dodging bullets, of course. Or at least I hope; sometimes it's hard to tell right away if you got hit. Baraka was a right on deal, BTW. Thank you for that. That movie is exactly how my life should be. I should have my own chanting monks, but the neighbors kept complaining the last time. Still the hermit. Ever and always. And avoiding death by misadventure, whatever that means. Not enough adventure lately to misadventure, and I'm feeling the pull again. "The pull" will not lead me to Nepal unfortunately this year, as I've been assured an unassurable future with my work, budget being what it is. Living out of your car seems horrible, unless you own a truck. hehe, kind of a twist on the one-eyed man being king in a land of blind-men. get it? I'm sorry you are feeling bad. I never know what to do to make people happy, which is one of the reasons I am a hermit. Wishing someone happiness doesn't seem to work very well though. I noticed it didn't help the starving kids in Bangladesh, so I suppose I'm hopelessly out of my element with that sort of thing. Something painfully cynical about a bunch of starving kids with insane grins on their faces stops me from wishing that. Maybe wishing for food would be better, regardless of effectiveness. Every time I dodge a bullet it seems to hit someone else. This is not to say I'm going to take a bullet any day soon out of altruism; I hear they're rather painful. I'm old enough to know that the question "why" doesn't belong to people. I can ask why does the sun move across the sky? or why is grass green? but never why a person does something or acts somehow. The question why does not belong to people. An infinite number of perspectives make asking the question the waste of a breath, or the cause of a sigh. One of those. So here I am not really questioning anything, knowing I can't wish you into being happy, nor convince you that you're a one-eyed man in a kingdom of blind men, nor protect you from the bullets that change their paths around me, nor hope you would have my perspective. Gosh. I'm pretty f*cking useless I suppose. Well, all I got left is that I sat here for an hour or so on a work-night no less (and I pay for those believe me!) trying all of these things and putting them down into pretty little words to try and break the cold snap on your soul. Please get better. I apparently am but a Don Quixote, and a bad one at that. Powerless, and a-tilting windmills, but ruthlessly happy about it, if there is such a term. RUOK? DeB
from patw-21 :
Just wondering through and I fell out of cyberspace and landed here, have a loverly day!
from abwhite :
The cartoon series was based on the silly animated sequences in the opening of the movies. the Diamond was the Pink Panther and the theives varied from film to film.
from deba5er :
Welcome to another year. Would write another poem or tell a stupid joke, but am a little fried right now. Just know that I truly wish you a happy new year, peace and joy! DeB
from patw-21 :
hey there, over here in canada, they are highly considering making under 30 grams of pot a fine, liek a parkign ticket! So when you coming to visit..LOL! I want to hide from the new year too, suprisingly I got almost 400 unique hits yesterday, which is by far my best ever....cheers! *HUGZ*
from patw-21 :
:) happy new year... :)
from neuroticaa :
ah, don't worry about if anyone is paying attention or how many hits your diary gets.... write for you, not other people ;)
from deba5er :
Hey squiggly-boo, seem down you do... Trade a penny for a pound, will try to be around, in a couple weeks, if solace one seeks. BTW, got Baypath Road, and it is as great as they said. No worries, apparently one can find a few people to deliver on trust in this day and age. And to me trust is a four letter word. Also faith and honor, but I was always mis-counted before throwing the holy hand-grenade... And I'm still dodging bullets. I'm beginning to think it's because, the bullets are afraid of me. Hubris! Gone a-tilting windmills have I! Quod tibi hoc alteri the sun sets into the sea the steam will rise and shut your eyes so little baby sleep you haven't time to keep because the sun has faded there's no time to be jaded the sun will rise once more like a billion times before and though I ask why that every day I die, In the golden-rayed sun, are shadows spun, you may be in the shade today, but tomorrow's sun is a step away. Uggh! I apologize in retrospect for such crude prose. Iambic pentametre or Pentagramic satanic cryptanic poetry. YIKES. Maybe The Fort in winter, the river in the wind, a little cold, but hey, life's all about putting up with pain, for fleeting pleasures. And remember, I am a devil, not the devil, don't blame your problems on me, because I JUST WORK HERE...hehe
from neuroticaa :
I found you through the Elvis Costello ring. *go you!* I'm so impressed by your artwork and how colorful and nice your layout is. This is elegant =)
from patw-21 :
hi...i think ur on right now, but not on IM's so i try this...
from patw-21 :
Happy Holidays, and Best Wishes in 2oo3! Good luck, and remember, "when life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye!" Cheers! *hugs*
from patw-21 :
there is no code, it dependes on how many people are running banners... :o) my lil sister and bro r here and my moms loaded...
from patw-21 :
Happy Holidays, and Best Wishes in 2oo3! Good luck, and remember, "when life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye!" Cheers! *hugs*
from patw-21 :
Happy Holidays, and Best Wishes in 2oo3! Good luck, and remember, "when life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye!" Cheers! *hugs*
from patw-21 :
Some people zip around, others don't. We all aren't taking speed or sugar or caffeine or endorphins or whatever. Some people just don't have the energy...loved that
from patw-21 :
hey, 65 people have me on thier buddylist! wowzers! *knocks on screen* Are you in there?
from patw-21 : pic of my new hair!
from patw-21 :
love he new art *hugz*
from deba5er :
Still dodging bullets. My mantra. I may not be Superman, but if I can dodge them, what is the difference? Not leaking yet, thankfully. Was heartened by your mention of The Beta Band and Ash. Ever since I lost my soul in '87 (ye verily I am old), music has fulfilled that role. Those two bands are a piece of me. BTW Jumpin' Jupiter was excellent, got the CD and one of their guitar picks literally leaped out of hands to my feet, so is now in the cd case. A bit worn and well used, but hey, that's rockabilly guitarist for ya. The great snow has happened, but no work lost - end of year is much business for naught. Timecards, accounting, budgeting, bullshit, but beyond bullshit a few bright moments where I feel I am making a difference. If I push a button that drops the marble into the sewer, which falls on the rat, which runs and bites through the rope, which dumps the load of tea into the Rube Goldberg of my world. All for my amusement I hope. Or revolution, if you read anything at all in the news about this new fangled place called America after that Italian mapmaker fellow. I suppose I might actually make a difference, but that might be coincidence. Anyways, seriousness aside, and the horrible holidays upon us. Hang on 'till January, the bright new year. Regardless of whether it comes upon us like a lion upon a gazelle or a carbuncle upon a shell, it comes. And hey, what is a month among months? I started designing the time machine four months ago because I was requested to complete a 3 year design in one year. I figure it is more likely that I complete the time machine and go back in time a few years to complete the project on schedule. It was interesting to speak to myself about the design the other day. Nothing like "The Time Machine" by H.G. Wells. On schedule takes a completely new meaning...I assume I was, I am, I mean I will be...successful. I look forward to January - if there is an interest in taking up winter hikes, let me know. It reminds me of the Siberian hikes of my less than illustrious youth in the Gulag. But survivors are we all, and I find a flower peeking throught the snow amidst the desolation of winter, amongst the oppression, and beyond the barbed wire...that should always be enough for someone who dodges bullets for a living.
from squirrelx :
Dear Sister: I've been thinkin' long and hard about the notion of a book. Even though it scares me to death, and I don't feel like I'm up to it, and I'm convinced that hardly anybody would read it much less enjoy it, I really would like to try. If I can accumulate enough entries and maybe polish them up some ... How much material would be required? How does the publication process work? Best, Xtine P.S.: thank you for havin' faith in me!!! Whether anything comes of my writin' or not, it means the world to have your support.
from patw-21 :
i am here - refering to the last entry
from sampsman :
interesting. interesting indeed. I too like eddy izzard. I too have been depressed since I was 3. I too hate the wealthy pretentious types. I too am you.
from patw-21 :
hey there, i know what you mean about your brotyher dictating about the drug use. That's insane, so many people need the drugs to continue living. He needs some drugs to get a reality checK! LOL, I can set up your comments system soon. I added a new banner'll be on my diaries last entry....caio!
from dorknoodle :
I just wish I could HEAR Eitzel singing sometihng like "Seeing Eye Dog," after the ambulance and all. Waaaaaa. We need to confabulate on Friday, if only for a second. Now I have to figure out how to deal with Dusted on no sleep. Well, I guess I can get 6 hours...... dang. I'm so fucking sick: where IS THE SLEEP? Yuck. But I love ya.
from squirrelx :
Dear Sister: I wholeheartedly agree with you about Rod; he's a potential virus-bucket in addition to bein' a total sleaze-bag. I guess the most disgustin' thing about him from my point of view is his lack of honor. Ross Perot once said, "If the person you're married to can't trust you, neither can anybody else." He was discussin' Bill Clinton in particular at the time, but I wrote down the quote because I believe applies to everyone involved in a 'committed relationship'. The most precious gifts we can give to one another are Love and Trust -- the best of the human heart. IMO, cheatin' on somebody amounts to pissin' all over those gifts and then throwin' givers heart into a woodchipper. Best, Xtine
from jadedmist :
Thanks so much for starting the Mental Order ring. I think it's wonderful girl! Keep up the great work encouraging people, you're really making a difference in people's lives
from squirrelx :
Dear Sister: When I first signed up for a Diaryland account, I decided to become a 'supergold' member right away. The reason behind that was, I figured if shelled out some foldin' money, I'd be less likely to get lazy about writin'. Best, Xtine P.S.: thank you SO much for all the support you give me. You're really workin' wonders on my self confidence.
from squirrelx :
Dear Sister: Sounds like the two of us have a whole lot of similarities in our personal histories, and I'm infinitely grateful to have met you. Kindred spirits are hard to find in this life. One that burns as bright as yours is particularly rare and precious. When it comes to the notion of convertin' my entries into book form ... I'm poleaxed just thinkin' about such a thing. Until I started diarizin', I'd never really had anyone outside of close friends, family members, and school teachers make a comment about my writin'. Now all of a sudden there's a whole bunch of folks readin' it on a daily basis, most of them reactin' in a positive way. I still can't get over that. I'm as stunned as I am thankful. Would it be alright with you if I held the idea of a book in abeyance for a while, until I've accumulated more entries? Honestly, the whole experience of Diaryland has thrown me for a loop. What's happened to me here in just two months time would probably be regarded as ridiculously small potatoes by the world at large, but to me it's a revelation of major proportions. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from squirrelx :
Sister, your words of wisdom always calm my heart and help get me back to thinkin' straight again [as straight as it's possible for me to think anyway]. You're fast becomin' a fixed star in my personal galaxy, thus I have no trouble imaginin' how precious you must be to those who are part of your Real Time life. Thank you SO MUCH for readin' and commentin' on my diary! Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from cute4life69 :
hey hunz....iow as readin ur entry...n u siad sumthin bout thanksgivin i was like whoa wait a min thanksgivin is like over...but u must be from tha states....thats cool....i dont understand why thanksgivin is one two diffrent days,,christmas isn't i dunno stay cool
from patw-21 :
hey:-) Don't mind me I've been moody, stressed, freAkin out. I'm going out tonite though, so that's good. I'll be around on the weekend, mostly late night. *hug*
from squirrelx :
Sister, I very much appreciate your concern and wise counsel. Child abuse [the abuse of any innocent beings] is a passionate issue with me it clearly is as with you. On those terrible occasions when it comes up during a reading, I take great care to convey the Tarot's message to my client in a form I HOPE they'll be able to deal with. Today I was fortunate in that Denise was prepared to hear the truth as presented by the deck and also to respond with meaningful action. Things don't always go that well. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from dorknoodle :
So the mattress smells. Hey, it's only 3 years old. I'm just one stinky, rank, gross faggot. By the way, Mr. Perfect, that is NOT "cologne."
from squirrelx :
I thank you so much, Sister, for your kindness. You 'overstand' me, as the saying goes, and that's a rare, precious thing in this life. As for the jackhole nutcases who think they can spray paint Jesus into my heart , the joke's on them. He's already there and I have every confidence that He'll be teachin' THEM a few hard lessons before all is said and done. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X P.S.: I very much appreciate bein' added to your list of fave raves.
from abwhite :
If you're not in a position where you deal with the public face to face, the only dress requirement should be comfort and coverage. Michaels and JoAnn Etc usually have good sales on things like paint. Have you been thinking about selling your art yet?
from squirrelx :
'Computer geeks' are gonna inherit the world and quite possibly the universe. Anybody who doesn't respect that reality is a knucklehead. Y'all keep givin' 'em hell, Sister! I admire your attitude! Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from patw-21 :
from cuddleduddle :
Hey Sister, I'm glad your brother is with you and away from your mom. I hope you like the person he's become. Hopefully he has changed for the better and not for the worst. I love you and you are in my thoughts. *hugz*
from dataguy :
thank you
from squirrelx :
Thank the Lord for banners! Yours led me to your diary and I instantly became a fan. You're a true artist, in every sense of the word. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X P.S.: I absolutely adore your 'star cup'.
from cute4life69 :
hey there, i added you to my buddylist, and i have a new guestbook!
from patw-21 :
i put your diary to run a lil bit...hope dats ok :)
from patw-21 :
Its amazing how easy it is to get anti-depressants, just a few simple questions, and you get a prescription note. And then pills, pills, pills. Before you jump to assumptions, I was on pills, pills, pills for a good while.
from redheadgal :
you sound like an awesome person. you have a great taste in music and movies and i like how you think. rock on.
from patw-21 :
check your template....let me know!
from dataguy :
thank you. that was actually my sister's aim panel, though.
from patw-21 :
hey you shoudl let me tinker with your design, Psssst add your buddylist!!! %%buddylist%% is the code.
from deba5er :
Ok, so yet another beautiful day in paradise. What can I say - I've developed the ability to look into the jaws of darkness and try to figure out where the light switch is... I'm so off the chart lately with people. I seem to be a bad influence on people - I am dodging bullets while those around me are getting mowed down. How can I explain (and feel guilty for) pure f*ing luck?!
from patw-21 :
hey, lil love to you too, i saw 1's F*cking rockin! Yeah missy Elliot is the bomb, i recorded her onto my cell phone! I hope you fell much better... xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
from dorknoodle :
I know it's been two months since I left you a note, despite speaking with you in person or some other way everyday, even with the fookin' computer not hooked yet. Just wanted to say thanks, and I love ya, and we have some WAY OVERDUE relaxing to do after all the bullshit these past few weeks. Even though I'm now certifiably a pneumonia boy again, I still say: sushi. Or maybe pool and sushi, drift taken, I'm sure. By the way, I was astonished to see what you posted on the "other account," and in terms of picking out good stuff from those shreds of paper, you are a fine editor. I take exception to a few, and I need to work on the prefaces (most need a preface placing the writing in contexts), but I'm finally back ON. So......we ALSO need to upload some images to that that I have been finding as I unpack. THANK YOU. It makes me feel so much better to look back, see some of that writing, and get arrogant all over again. !!!!!
from rumblelizard :
Right on right on! Rock the vote!
from illusion818 :
Tell me about it. I hate this place. I have to leave at least twice a year just to remind myself that this whole planet is ugly. haha! Living with mom is pretty tough, but for now it's doing the job since I dont have to pay rent. I am starting to really focus on me and MY life. I finally wrote out some goals and financial situations, so at least Im on the right track. I guess we'll see where I end up.
from patw-21 :
hey yeah there are laws, and we are good at our work, i did well tonite, and i'm feeling okay, finally squeezed my mom for some green paint but it is all gone and un-effective as of now. I need to make a new banner...ideas?
from deba5er :
Zoom. What the hell can I say? No more carpet in living room, no more in dining room, nor hall. So zooming away, will have another several weeks until I'll let it (the current project) go. I think. It is so much fun tearing shit up. Sorry about your poison ivy. I really didn't have to think too hard to top the forced march in the high heat of summer. Since it was much too cool to give you heatstroke, I moved the forced march through patches of poison ivy. Diabolical. Pure evil. I mean, how can this be topped? Perhaps bamboo shoots under the fingernails? Masochist vacations? As long as you are willing to trade your living hell for the ones I cook up, you are welcome here, in my personal hell. Take care of yourself. Actually, take much better care of yourself. ;-)
from abwhite :
Hey Cookie! You inspired me to make one of those friend test thingies! I'm afraid the questions are a bit too easy.
from abwhite :
I read your entry properly. I meant when Mr. Perfect actually takes the test. While I was there, he explained that he was supposed to take the test but had decided not to. I wish I could afford to blow $100. On the up side, Jazz Fest is in the spring! I really feel for you with the food allergies. My allergies are, thankfully, mild enough that I get to ignore them (yes, I'm allergic to cats!). I have a strange reaction to finding out that I can't do things. Even if I never had any interest in them before, the moment they're forbidden, I have to do them. How do you get your vitamin C, with an allergy to citric acid? Or is this why you're so succeptable to infections? I hope that you, Trick and Deven recover very soon. Not much is worse than being sick with something that just won't go away! I wish they'd pass a law againsed ALL unsolicited phonecalls (especially bill collectors <G>). The political calls aren't too bad here, but the telemarketers are killing me! Are the political ads in Michigan focused on the issues, or are they just nonsense attack ads like here? Since La has a law that a candidate has to get more than 50% of the vote to be elected, our election season is VERY LONG. Almost every election is followed by a run-off between the two candidates with the most votes. Kind of means that you can't vote for who you want to, only the lesser of two evils. sometimes, I don't even vote in the run-off. Have you tried taking an oatmeal bath? I hear those are quite helpful.
from abwhite :
Have you tried taking a mild antihistimine to quell the poison ivy? My mother thinks antihistimines are a cure-all for EVERYTHING, and is (shockingly) usually right. How is Trick doing? Have things calmed down at your respective homes? I've been thinking that, when Mr. Perfect takes his test, you and Trick could come down here for a little R&R. We don't have much space, and the place is disgusting and falling down, but you could bring some of Trick's air mattresses and we could play like it's a camp out! You'd like some of New Orleans.
from patw-21 :
I am a telemarketer. I got fired because of someone who complained to the head of the department. Luckily I got my job back. That's scary... *picks up wand* "poison ivy BE GONE" muah-ha-ha, you should see all the pretty stars I found @ We need to chat! MSN:aftermidnightblue!!!! Oh I dyeed my hair PurPle Haze too! I hope your cold resedes aswell as the ivy. Hugs and green paint !
from dataguy :
oh. thank you.
from rumblelizard :
from cuddleduddle :
I just took your friend test. I feel bad. I didn't know some of the answers, like your religion, stuff about your dad, and the homo animals..?!?! But just cuz I got a low score doesnt mean I don't love you. *hugz*
from abwhite :
Okay. I just read the entry about that night. I've seen Deven lose his temper on numerous occasions. It's a shame that it's still happening now that they seem to be trying to get their lives together. Since when do Trick and Deven own the Land-bastard $4000? Last I heard, it was more like $200 and he was willing to let it go to be done with the situation. I'll bet Capt. Vodka is talking out of his pickled rear-end, just to stress the guys out! I'm sorry Mr. Perfect lost his temper at you, and that you're not feeling well. Seems like your health has been giving you a lot of problems. Wish there was something I could do. Perhaps a torn pleather sofa to lay your head while three crazy kitties warm your feet, in a warmer place than Mi?
from abwhite :
Wait. I'm missing something. What happened with Deven? Everything seemed fine while I was there!
from cuddleduddle :
Hello sister! Sorry 'bout last night, my comp shit out on me. I just want you to know that I love ya and I'm thinkin' about ya. *hugz* And, btw, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
from patw-21 :
Happy Halloween, I hope you have a frightfully scary day!!!
from patw-21 :
oh sistercookie i love you *lick* I hope all is well,, and I agree that physical violence is a problem, it should never resort to such outrageous things...
from abwhite :
I hope the stress is over for now. I checke out some of your art and it's REALLY good! Have you tried selling any yet? You could do really well on Ebay if you listed it right! If you want any help with that, drop me an email.
from cuddleduddle :
Hey sister! I haven't seen you online in a few days. I hope you're doing well. I just stopped by to wish you a happy tuesday! I should leave now before the Jim Bean starts kickin' in and I forget how to type.. aljaoisns... soialdla alskja ;jf asldj aldkfal .. It's happening.. aljda; sdlfja dkfei ;d eoj a . *hugz* hehe
from catsmeow1224 :
Hola Sister, Happy Tuesday!! It's been a rough few days for me. How are things going for you?? Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope you're feeling better.
from ladycroft :
Hey just reading a little, how'd you get purple and orange in your diary? that's cool. later gator, ladycroft
from illusion818 :
Hey you. Yes i know all of that stuff about relationships. I was engaged at a very young age...twice. Ashton and I are very willing to put the maintanance into our "car" and perhaps one day that work we put into it will get it running again. I miss him sometimes which is well expected from being with someone for two years. It bothers me that he is having so many things handed to him and he's not even doing anything to deserve it. (in my eyes anyway) However, i must remember that he is much younger than I am, and when I was his age I had pretty much the same view of the world. I am hoping that some day people will stop contributing to the "ashton fund". *sigh. Im ok. I really am. Having trouble sleeping. A little stressed. Cant find a good sleep aid either. (similar to the other person in your notes) and cant find a doc who will RX me anything. So NYQIL it is! hehe kidding. Thanks for your help gurl.
from jadedmist :
Hey girl, yeah I've been taking Benadryl to sleep because my doc told me to take 50mg of it before bed every night. It worked for a while but it's not working at all here lately. So then I tried Unisom, which didn't work either. So since I don't have a prescription for clonzapam, (or however you say that, I probably spelled it wrong, haha,) I went ahead and took a Valium last night. I know it's not a sleep aid, but the doctor told me that I could take it if I absolutely had to, because it helps relax me. It worked pretty well, so hopefully I should be able to go off of last night's sleep for a while. *sigh* You think maybe I should go get an rx for that clonzapam stuff? If you think it would help my insomnia then maybe I should. Anyway, man I really hope you're feeling better soon! I hate to see other people feeling bad! I hope you're resting enough and taking vitamins :)
from liquidrave :
hey you! Here's some get better *hugs*!! hehe. I have a question... lol. I'll take advantage of you. When i drink a liquid.. any liquid that i can not see through, i always think there is something at the bottom of the cup.. like a spider.. isn't that sick? And sometimes i'm scared to drink the rest of my can of soda or milk in a glass or cup. I Just think that something gross will be in the cup and i'll get it in my mouth. heh.. do you know what that is?? i don't like it. BUt it's been going on forever. grr.. *hugs*
from cuddleduddle :
lol Sister, noooooo! I didn't mean for you to look at what I wrote. I didn't write hardly anything... But, yes, thank you! I was talking about the Cheshire Kitty! :o) *hugz*
from jadedmist :
I've tried a couple different things to sleep and nothing seems to help. I may have to resort to taking 10mg of Valium or something. Maybe that will work. I just try not to use that stuff if I don't have to. Don't want to get addicted to something again. Anyway, thanks for dropping by even though you feel like shit! =(
from jadedmist :
Hey, sounds like you feel how I felt for about a month. I just recovered a week or two ago. Fun stuff, huh? I'm so sorry you're feeling so bad, I miss all the good advice and awesome things you have to say! =( I really hope you don't have to feel like shit for much longer, because I know how miserable it is.
from abwhite :
Aww. I'm sorry you're sick again. Seems you just can't get a break! for the throat, try gargling peroxide. It helps with the pain and kills any little nasties that might be breeding there.
from patw-21 :
3=======HUGS=======E kinda looks liek arms, no?
from abwhite :
kinda' sounds like everybody I've ever met. We all have a little Mr. Hyde in us. I'm sorry you're having problems with B.. Doubt if there's anything I can do to help, but would be happy to if I can!
from abwhite :
I changed all cookie references but don't understand what "whole story" I don't have. That you were out of town and I didn't get to meet you? Or that B. was nice?
from liquidrave :
Oh my goodness!! hehe, i can chat in there. lol. talk to you later!!
from liquidrave :
Hey you!! I hope that your throat is feeling better!! You shouldn't be sick!! Thank you for taking the time to read my entry about the things that applied to me. I don't know what is going on. lol. I just try to keep level headed, ya know? I think i'm doing an alright job for now. How should i contact you and all of that stuff? hehe. I'm not sure if i can chat on d-land. I'll try later though!! Thanks a bunch!! *hugs and tea* lol.
from mscellophane :
16 years training, 10 years national competator, 5 years international. I'd say pretty familiar.
from dataguy :
thank you, and happy pending 100th entry.
from cuddleduddle :
Hey cookie, I didn't see you on again last night. You prob just had stuff to do. I hope your throat is feeling better. If my car wasn't a piece of shit I'd drive out there and doctor you up. *sighs* Stupid old honda... blah. Anyways, please feel better soon!! x0x0
from illusion818 :
Hi you! I have a question since you seem to be a very intellegent person... Do you have any idea why a person would shake. like...fully aware, but very shaky. Like hands obviously shaking hard? Could it be blood sugar?? thanks!
from liquidrave :
hey you!! I hope you are feeling okay!! *gets rid of the itchies for you* hehe. Well, i copied and pasted the ones that applied to me from that web page. Sorry it took so long. They were under schizotypal personality, bipolar disorder, and a few others, but i don't remember. lol. Talk to you soon! *hugs* Feel better!
from patw-21 :
i only got 44 on the friend test......*SOB*
from patw-21 :
HUN!!! Hi! SO glad to see your back! I'm so sorry about the *itchy scratchy* I can realte, as I have extreme exema, which is caused by exposure to sun, water, everything. I hope you heal quickly, I'm not sure how long it takes...maybe green paint would make you feel better. Also, if you could email me at my new hotmail account ([email protected]) that would rock! should go to and get reviewed....if you ask for me i can review you! I hoe you feel better. I have school tommorow, but i got my ICQ re-installed! 85262505 I miss chattin' *HUGZ* *KISSES* *peace!* Luvc paddwhack!
from cuddleduddle :
Hey sis, just stopped by to wish you a happy tuesday!! *huuuuuuuuugz!*
from catsmeow1224 :
Happy *and Itchy* Tuesday to you!!! I'm so glad to hear that you are back. It's hard to get a hold of you, now that I'm actually going to bed at a half decent time! I'll look for you later tonight though...Hopefully we'll cross paths! And about that poison ivy...I've never had it before, but I had Chickenpox when I was 15. I had to be put on Steroids, because I had them all over my body. And when I say all over, I mean in my mouth, down my throat, on my EYEBALLS, and inside of my female parts...yeah, so it wasn't pleasant.I know how itchy you must feel. How on earth did you get such a case of poison ivy, anyway??Were you getting your groove on in the forest again??? HaHa!
from cuddleduddle :
Cookie, I was so happy to chat with you last night! I tried to hurry back, but when I got here you were gone. I figured you had gone to bed or something. Which, believe me, I don't blame you one little bit. Omg, poison ivy... You poor poor poor thing. I hope you feel better really soon! And if you change your mind about the halloween party, just let me know. If not, we'll stick to the other plans we made... k? *x0x0* Get better SOON, Angel.
from natedogg :
What's up Sis? Sorry to hear your itchy and scratchy... When were you in Nature? Well, hope you had fun until you started getting itchy... Peace and Stuff.... P.S. There is a MP3 floating around gnutella called Dimitri from Paris - Monsieur Funky Deep House... Highly recommend it. The groove grabs you by the goods as it reverberates through the synoptic networks.
from patw-21 :
*misses you so so so so so much* *wishes you were back* *sigh*
from cuddleduddle :
Cookie, i really miss you! Pls hurry and come back. I'm sure debaser is really enjoying your company and all, but I miss you! *whines* Anyways, please hurry. Well, not really. But leave me a note and let me know when you're back, okay??? You're awesome!
from catsmeow1224 :
I really need to talk to you about 'that' subject that you mentioned earlier to me. I hope I'm not being to cryptic. It's just something I want to keep between you and I.
from patw-21 :
Hey...I knwo how to change the code...once you'r done crating the ring, it says somethign like "great it's done" under that is a link to cheng the design...questions?
from patw-21 :
hey there, i hope you had a very awesome super fantastic trip. Can we make a Green Paint Diary ring?
from cuddleduddle :
Hey sister, you didn't come into dland chat last night. I waited but then decided that you were probably just busy. Anyways, you didn't much. I ended up leaving cuz some stupid person hurt my feelings. Oh well. I'll talk to you laters. *hugz*
from catsmeow1224 :
Hi Sister!! I can't wait until I get my gold membership for Christmas. I already have my banner planned out and everything. It's gonna rock!!! Well, Happy Tuesday!
from patw-21 :
eeeeeeeeeek! I saw one of my banners on the page, once!
from liquidrave :
hey, it's me again. hehe. I posted my results on my diary, what did you want me to post from the other page? Thanks again!!
from liquidrave :
oh my gosh!! Thank you sooo much!! I will most definitely check those sites out and post it on my diary!! I just got back from visiting my friend out in Rochester! You're so nice to me!! Thank you!! *hugs*
from patw-21 :
Yay, virgins need to be de-virginized! Been there done that, lost the t-shirt. Cheers
from patw-21 :
how owuld you like to go about aquiring my HTML? Yeah the banners..I have 2 so is running 200 times, the other 250. That'll do it for now. I am going to make a d-landchat ring...really!
from patw-21 :
Hi there, I don't know how to thank you enough, my banners should be running soon, I'm going to make some rings. Oh it's all so wonderful! I want to cry, but I'm so happy. I jsut dyed my hair dark blue...:) YOU ROCK! Thank You, and watch out because you're about to star in my diary!!!
from abwhite :
But did YOU have a good time? I knew Trick would love every minute of Elvis. Because he's.... He's..... He's Trick! I will happily join your webring! I know this is going to sound pathetically goofy, but I have a sewing machine and black thread. I would have to BUY double sided tape, so I'm going to have to go with the bad sewing because I need every dime I have so I can eat and not annoy Trick and Deven while I'm up there! As much as I'm looking forward to meeting you and seeing my dear friends, I really wish everybody would start coming down here. I mean, COME ON! What's the better place to spend a few days off, Detroit or New Orleans?
from abwhite :
Great. I took the depression test on that site and no answer came up! Sheesh.
from abwhite :
It's a little tight in the bodice and my armpit flab hangs out. Not something that can be rushed, I'm afraid :( I think, if I do a reeeeeally good job on the hem, and make it long enough that people don't notice the shoes, I'll be all right. This is all really my own fault. I've known about this for over a year and should have been saving. I'm looking forwad to meeting you in a few days! Did you and Trick have a good time at Elvis?
from jadedmist :
Hey, I read in someone else's notes somewhere that you run a depression chat room or something? I wouldn't mind visiting sometime, if you could maybe give me the url? It'd be kinda cool to maybe talk to some people of at least semi-like mind, lol. :)
from jadedmist :
Your latest entry digs so deep into so much that it's amazing to me. How do you stay so rational? (Or at least appear that way? LOL) You have all this great advice for everyone all the time... I don't know how you can think so straight! I don't know, I guess I'm just fascinated by your ability to contain yourself so well. Whatever you're on, I want some! haha!
from patw-21 :
hello, what entry were you refering to during the last note you left me?
from liquidrave :
Hey you!! I LOVE your latest entry! And i love receiving your notes! I totally agree with you about the entire social bullshit! I have one very best friend and that's it. We both dress different and get mad fun of for it. He's away for college now though, so i miss him, but we are still best friends! I'm going to visit him this weekend! Anyways, it is really ridiculous when people judge you before they know you, it kind of sucks. But they are the shallow minded ones. I would rather be myself and act crazy and have my one very best friend with a few good friends than to be dumb and follow along with everyone else! I think you're so awesome!!! I always end up smiling and/or laughing when i get your notes you leave for me! Thank you!! And about the sex buddy, haha, i tried that once, it was kind of neat, but i kind of felt used. lol. Hope to hear from you soon!! Smile!! *hugs*
from cuddleduddle :
Hey sister, you're right. It doesnt matter what anyone thinks of you as long as you are okay with yourself. And I don't see why you keep saying you are socially unacceptable because it seems to me that you have a lot of friend. Just look at your notes! Anyways, have a good day!! Maybe we'll get a chance to chat laters! (I'll be home all day after noon.) *hugz&kisses*
from catsmeow1224 :
Happy Tuesday, Sister!!!
from catsmeow1224 :
I pulled the last entry I had written. It was just something I used to cover my last entry when I was showing someone my diary. It was jibberish. But there is a brand new entry up, if ya wanna go check it out. Night!!
from rumblelizard :
Well, email me at [email protected] and I'll send it to you. Of course, I'm expecting that you won't copy it exactly, right?
from rumblelizard :
You can right-click and do "view source." that should work...
from abwhite :
Thanks, but satelite service down here is horrible! I sell my dolls on Ebay. I usually list them between $10-30 and usually get somewhere between $70-100 for them. I'm ALL FOR marketing suggestions!
from catsmeow1224 :
I completely agree, I would love to say that all to them, but they have issues with kyle and I "always being in control", so we have to take things at their pace. Its all a mess anyway. I'm not looking forward to the violence, but something tells me that Jeff wont talk to kyle, because he knows that Kyle can call him on all of the lies he's told. *sigh*
from abwhite :
When Husband Joe gets home from work, I tend to chatter away like a hyperactive 5 year old too. Sometimes talking to the cats just isn't enough. LOL!
from jadedmist :
Wow, that last entry just totally blew me away... first of all, thanks so much for saying that you liked my pictures, I didn't expect anyone else to think they were any good, but things like that just mean a lot to me. Anyway, and hey, by the way, you weren't the only loser home alone on Friday night :) And I can definately relate to everything you said in your last entry. You have no idea just how much.
from cuddleduddle :
Oh sister, I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma. It's never easy losing a loved one. I'm here for ya if you need someone to talk to (yell at). You can reach me on my msn messanger, [email protected]. *hugz u and gives u some cookies*
from natedogg :
Wow... Lots of ppl... What the hell is happening in Detroit! Holy crap... I'm glad everybody is feeling better. Almost like a kharma storm. There has been a mad amount of drama out here to say the least. I'll expand on that later. Ok. Hello everybody... I'm out for the night. Peace.
from cuddleduddle :
Hey sis, do you have aol or msn messanger??
from cuddleduddle :
hey sister! I was shocked to see that someone actually read that entry! lol@me *blushes three shades of red* .... I was thinking about what you wrote in your diary today, about being the opposite of ADD. And all I have to say is: ITS JUST NOT FAIR! I can hardly handle two or three tasks at once, let alone the many you endure every day. *sigh* I wish I was as talented as you. *hugz*
from liquidrave :
Hey there! I'm sorry it took me so long to add you to my favs! My computer has a virus so i'm at the library until it gets fixed. lol. Anyways, thank you SOOO much for that note! You made me feel a lot better! You're awesome! I should be on here more often now! But again, i just wanted to say thanks! You helped me out lots and you made a LOT of sense!! *hugs*
from rumblelizard :
Hey, thanks for stopping by and leaving a note. Don't worry about your layout; it's the content that really matters. All in good time. There are lots of layout designers that let you use their designs for free. I just happen to like Photoshop and HTML stuff. Anyway, good luck!
from aliendude :
yes well that was from Wayne's World
from catsmeow1224 :
Hey sister, I'm feeling much better now, just not 100% yet. Thanks for being concerned! Happy Tuesday!
from jadedmist :
You had surgery? I had surgery at the end of July this year. Fun stuff, huh? HA. I know what you mean about the nurses. They did the same thing to me with the IV! I hated that, it frickin hurt, too! They stuck that thing clear in me in about 3 different places before they finally got it in the right place. They put it in both of my hands and everything. Geez, that's just ridiculous... but I hope you start feeling better soon and that everything else (besides the stupid nurses with the IV) went like it was supposed to. Thanks so much for the advice about the panic attacks. I never thought about counting backwards or any of that. I'm just afraid that when the next attack actually comes, that I'll forget all about that because my head just freaks out. I'm going to try to remember that, and hopefully I won't forget it next time I actually need to do it. *sigh* Guess we'll see. Anyway, well, I hope you continue to feel better.
from abwhite :
Thanks for the update. I'm sure that, assuming he doesn't over do it afterwards, the surgery will take care of all the problems. I will keep my fingers crossed, none-the-less. Is your infection cleared up now? Intestinal infections are about as close to hell as I ever care to be. ICK! If you're feeling better and can make it over there, I'd REEEEALLY appreciate it if you could check in with our noodleness (hopefully in the hospital today) now and then. It's KILLING me that I can't be up there to support him through this illness! Occasionally, reports of Mr. Noodle's partner's insensitivity can be a bit exagerrated. I've found that it's best to reserve judgement until witnessing these things myself. I love him dearly, but things can be a bit on the black and white side with him and the tone can change at a moment's notice. Making too blatant a judgement, either way, can cause serious damage to a friendship, once the tone has changed. His noodleness needs all the support he can get from his friends, so it is best for all not to do anything that might make him feel defensive in the other direction, in the future.\ Please, keep me updated and, if possible, give me the number to his hospital room once he's checked in. Thanks again! Adrienne
from deba5er :
From the time of gulag: Excellent artist. Nothing inspires like living through something like that. Please check it out.
from cuddleduddle :
And thanks for the note!! *feels special*
from cuddleduddle :
Hey there, Cookie! I read the diary entry you have posted... and all I can say is FUCK THOSE ASSHOLES! They have no right to judge you. The bible even says that you shouldn't cast the first stone unless you are sinfree, and in todays world, NO ONE is. I'm sorry to hear about the pedophile. I, too, have met one too many in my time. You are beautiful, strong, wise, and wonderful! And if anyone gives you a hard time about it, have them come talk to me! I'll be sure to kick their asses for ya! *hugz*
from illusion818 :
hi! Thanks for pointing those things out. It's nice to know that Im not alone in going through what i am. Its also nice to know that there are encouraging NICE people out there.
from abwhite :
How's your infection? I hope you are recovering well!
from abwhite :
The next time you have a dehydration induced headache, try drinking gatorade or, even better, that child's version pedialite or something. Works GREAT for hangovers from alcohol, night sweats or vomiting! I hope you're feeling better!
from cuddleduddle :
Hey Cookies!! I got your note to me but not the email. I was touched that you took the time to send it to me even though I never got it. You're a sweetie!! *hugs!* Oh yeah, P.S. HAPPY TUESDAY!
from catsmeow1224 :
Hola Sister!!! Happy Tuesday. I'm thinking about you.I hope you feel better. *sends you comforting thoughts*
from liquidrave :
hey there! THanks for your messages! I read some of you entries! You make a lot of sense to me! yay! Am i starting to feel again? Some people out there DO need screaming at!! lol. I really like your paintings and art work! It's awesome!! I'll be reading you! And adding you to my favs! *hugs*
from catsmeow1224 :
Hey Sister!!! I think I fixed it. The writing should have been red, but you aren't the only one who said it was black. Now it should be brite green. That's just until I can fix it to a better color scheme. Thanks for letting me know
from dorknoodle :
Sorry to bail, but check your email. Hopefully, if I end up in the hospital, I will get a fucking PHONE in my ROOM this time. Love you. ps - I like what happens when you manipulate the images of your paintings, but I think the next step is to paint like the manipulations.
from deba5er :
You've been a little bit creative lately. Time to up the meds! Just kidding. Keep it coming. You amaze me. BTW The Odds - Bedbugs is the only one I have, haven't heard the other tunes. I'm sure we'll get a chance sooner or later in this Golden Age. Going to see this band (Ike) soon: Give them a listen - kind of mellow, reminds me of Better Than Ezra.
from catsmeow1224 :
Hi!!! Happy Tuesday Guestbook/Notes Signing Extravaganza Day!!!
from catsmeow1224 :
SISTER!!! If you get this soon *its 1130 pm, on east coast*, please come into chat, I need to talk to you!!!
from catsmeow1224 :
LOL, I cant get back in to chat, but it's ok, I need to sleep. Cant wait to talk to you again!!!
from deba5er :
Hey man, I just work here. Don't quit your day job. Oh yeah, too late! Well now that you have your balls (or lack thereof) on the line, thanks for sending the beautiful artwork. I need you to sign a few more for framing before you get famous ;-) Been a bitch of a week, but since I WILL ALWAYS BE OK there is no problem. I love to repeat that as Rome is burning. It just makes me feel better. And as you know, that is what life (at least mine) is all about. Not burning Rome, cause I want to see the sights first, then burn it right to the ground, but the feeling better part is what I meant. In MY most mortal words: "I just work here, man." "I hate it when I die, that part sucks!" "God is a crack addict." "Fear is stupid, but caution is when fear makes sense." "I've given up on the concepts of right and wrong. They don't seem to apply to anything useful. I am very familiar with the gray shades between..."
from deba5er :
Finally got a good couple hours into this site. Setup a few things. Thanks for the hookup. Looking at dorknoodle's entry hope it's not all for naught!
from dorknoodle :
we need to change the password on all of this or delete it and start over with new names....i will explain later....i'm mad right now....and no, steven has nothing to do with it.....actually, it's SEVERAL people
from dorknoodle :
we need to change the password on all of this or delete it and start over with new names....i will explain later....i'm mad right now....and no, steven has nothing to do with it.....actually, it's SEVERAL people
from natedogg :
Hey... hook me up so I can check your stuff... :-)

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