messages to smurfangel72:
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from cdghost :
enjoyed your words and lay out
from nat37 :
about "the guy", that's a line from baseketball that i decided to use since i wasn't on here at all for more than a week. <stop> mom only mentioned once about maybe meeting in rapid. but since i have to be there sometime right around my birthday to get my new tattoo anyways i thought it might be a good idea. <stop> sorry to hear about your tattoo. it'll probly look much better though if you do get it touched up after it's healed. <stop>
from tommyland :
hey its Joe and i was just lookin at your diary and noticed the Tommy Lee Lyrics...Nice!
from nat37 :
hey, i love the new layout. it's very bright. and very rainbowish. hahaha see what i did there. anyways i didn't have anything in mind yet for mom so if you want to get her a present together that would be... just fine! hahahahaha!
from nat37 :
oh my god, it's been a month since you've added an entry. you're just as bad as nikki sixx. i guess you big timer celebrity tipes just don't have any time for the little people anymore. how sad. p.s. the movie was noises off. and freddy was played by christopher reeves. "either teddy or freddy. one of the two." i guess we'll just have to watch it the next time i see you to refresh your memory. hahaha!
from jellehbelleh :
I thought I was the only left on the planet that listened to Boys2Men! At last we can share everything!
from sexychica260 :
Hey there sweet Diary! Check mine out sometime too, and drop a note in my CBox!
from candoor :
clicked on your banner to tell you that I have no time tonight for reading but for the rest of the night at work I will have the song Earth Angel buzzing through my head except I'll be thinking "smurfangel" and probably getting strange looks from people as I laugh at myself (which is nothing new, except that you are part of the reason tonight :)
from smurfangel72 : for colors
from smurfangel72 : NOTE CODE

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