messages to sonicdeath:
(click here to add new message):

from alienamiss :
Ahaha. You're funny.
from gyka :
hey, i found your dairy today among another diary and was wondering if i could add you? i just recently started coming back to diaryland after a little... mmmm... rough patch. anywayz, if you are interested in reading let me know and i could give ya the password.... take care though.
from pubichair :
Alberta isnt as bad as you think
from dumbtrick :
hey nat, i called the number you gave me and left a message (a few days ago). when are you off to alberta to the east? if you're here this weekend, we should drink some tea together
from dumbtrick :
TELL IT LIKE IT IS, SISTER! give me a call one of these days....
from dumbtrick :
shit, bitch! i thought you were coming back to the couv on the 28th? did this "operation save paul" get in the ay of that? how is thee ol' town these days? I almost have a bit of a hankering to come over and visit you. I havent been there for YEARS! so, you should give me a call one of these days/nights. my days off are wed/thurs, so those are your best bets. say hi to april for me. xox.
from dumbtrick :
natalie, i got yer message the other night but was high on mushrooms and didn't get home until 5am. when you get this message give me a call or leave me a note w/ yr info (phone+address). I need to get a job andhave no money BUT we should hang out and wander around sometime.
from dumbtrick :
hey muthaFUCKAAAAHHH! I'm wearing a foam and mesh mary j blige hat and drunk from whiskey. time to go SCEEEENE it up at swollen members and git PAID. fuck yeah. i called you the other day and left a message with some dude...don't know if you got it or not. fuck me usa on saturday at pat's, yo.
from dumbtrick :
i forgot all about emode!
from dumbtrick :
cocaine is lame (and so is the rain). woooah. i gotta get outta the house.
from dumbtrick :
goota love the internet! i WISH i had a you-know-who to lust after. i seem to be so indifferent these days. that leads to boredom, snapping and going out with a person you shouldn't have. ya dig? what's up with being "just friends" with a boy? i got a 4 letter word for it; B-U-N-K.
from dumbtrick :
i have no idea who your friends are dude...and i thought you were going to that married guys show. anyhoo, i copped out cuz of the inevitable bad vibes amongst a couple peeps.
from dumbtrick :
you are nothing short of a SCANDAL... and you KNOW(s) I won't be letting my style go to waste. umm..yeah. if you weren't going to shindig i'd invite you out to an art opening tonight. johnny from streets is playing and it's my roomies exboyfriend and co. that are having the opening.
from flaunt-it :
duder, you should move to l-gay. i'll give you a code. this shit you're writing is on FIIIIRE.
from plastic8tree :
Have you found love or is it still lust ?
from flaunt-it :
TOTAL coincidence, i didn't even know how to spell his last name truth be known. i'm so instinctively brilliant!
from dumbtrick :
253 1611. free food. fuckin' eh rights. i'll be sure to snatch the green milk crate and return it.
from erin-errrrin :
I've got something really tasty (and it's not me). Check your email.
from circuitbreak :
hey nadja, want to freejam heaven's to betsy songs tonight? i just got new lipliner, it's black.
from zsofia :
hey. tahnx for your comment. i never check my notes. nor do i respond to them. im naked. i should go.. good to see you on andrews computer. i have swells from that cat. ha. awsome!
from flaunt-it :
duder. i'm recording a song today. gladly. i had this fantasy in the bathtub sort of based around what you were doing with calling the foo fighers guys out of the classifieds of finding all these guys and forming an entire enterprise of "hip" boybands with decent market value all marice starr indie rock and, like, retiring off the profits.
from dumbtrick :
thanks fer the email n' note. naaah! we're not different..infact, i'm thinking we're probably a bit more alike, therefore, chomping at the bit. like we had's almost sister like. Part of the reason why we snapped at each other. i'm moving this friday into an apartment with two strangers. mark sez i can use his comp, so email me every now and then.
from circuitbreak :
dude. calling someone coked up luke skywalker isn't "shitalking" or "badmouthing" that is, like, a fairly high compliment. my participation in the sustanance of such a fitting moniker means i must defend that to the bone. what the fuck is with people who seem to want you/me/whoever to deeply care... uh... the world is fucked, and so are "you"? i hadn't read your page forever. hells yeah. fuck the internet! (christina)
from plastic8tree :
Your nutz but beautiful with it.Why do you swear so,nevermind its just you.You do bring a smile to my face.Take care.x.
from palinode :
from plastic8tree :
Hottie,yeah right,keep smiling but keep it real.
from sonicdeath :
um... heh... I dont think two ladies can make babies together.
from spoonbender :
one of my best friends told me i was 70% evil but it was ok because her boyfriend is 85% evil and she loves him. evil is subjective and obviously invalid.
from plastic8tree :
great taste.
from blackjacket :
hi. i love you. please marry me and lets have lots of little kids who loook like thruston moore. ***Anna***
from spazmouse :
Hey. That's cool that my nick is two of you nicknames. This nick ended up coming by accident actually. My friend said something completely different and I thought she said this. But I can be somewhat of a spaz at times I guess.
from sonicdeath :
note to self: remember to add " what a bitch would say" after every sentence.
from zsofia :
from infrequency :
just found it by accident, and enjoy reading about what a turd grant lawrence is. hey! check out: and tell me she dosen't look like mar.
from zannie :
I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm TRYIIIIINNNN'! I working at getting a day off so we can harass the Mooney Suzuki (for old times sake), and celebrate my birthday in style. style, style, style. 21 already, it's a little hard to believe.
from flaunt-it :
haha. i did my own "vancouver scenesters that are funny" page. you totally remind me of someone i used to know. it's sort of spooky...
from suds :
siked you joined the pavement ring, because you ist rad. please could you put up the code to let the whole world know that you are now one of us? cheers. beep.

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