messages to stuberosum:
(click here to add new message):

from jaysthoughts :
Reminds me of that scene from Death to Smoochie
from pernickety :
Hey hey, thank you for your note, yes, that is one thing I need in this relationship is certainty. Because it's more like jello now..and before. I hope everything's good with you, Lord of the Rings game sounds interesting. :D I might check it out later too. But I get addicted to stuff like that too easily.
from pernickety :
I'm sorry to hear you guys broke up. It is always nice though to be able to stay friends with ex and not be in this ignoring-avoiding mode, makes it less stressful. That is weird, I have entered a password and your email in that lock the diary thing, and it said it will also send you an email about it. I will send it from my email again then.
from dope-slave :
from pernickety :
Hellooo, havent heard from you in a while. Hope everythings good with you. :)
from pernickety :
Thank you for your note. Yeah, I guess tis just a stage I have to get over and then hopefully the solution stage is going to come. But then I just wonder, why people like to complicate each others lives so much? And it's weird too how some things just get stuck in your head and you don't want to feel all victim-like or damaged, and yet you can't get it out of your head.
from pernickety :
But does she wear Pernickety brand make-up? Hmm? Hmmm? :P
from pernickety :
You definitely should make that photo book about views from the middle of the road before I steal your idea and make it myself. :P
from pernickety :
That's how I am too, I tell funny stuff until it's so not funny anymore and I'm the only one amused that people say, "First time she said it was funny, second was ok, but then I just wanted to slap her!!" Oh, and you've been tagged, check my diary. :)
from pernickety :
Thank you for your note. Seems like that's the prob, he's communicating me one thing, while I communicate him another, so in the end we pissed at eachother cuz we misunderstand. Hmm hmm. But I wish you a nice, peaceful time to untangle all the confusing emotions. Ever wondered what it'd be like if there were no emotions? :D We'd be all cool and robot like.
from pernickety :
Well.. yes.. if looking at it that way, you actually make me feel relieved that I didn't take the risk of holding the baby. :D
from pernickety :
Just a question, which state are you from? (If you are from states, that is.) not Texas, is it?
from pernickety :
In deed! I haven't thought of the white jacket that way. :|
from pernickety :
I'll take that information as you really liking Daria the cartoon. :) But in any way, you made me be a little more proud of my name.
from bluperspex :
i think you got weekend cooties :) i seriously had to read that note 3 times b4 i got the gist of it. i have to say "man-boobs" has got to be the scariest thing since The Ring. hahaha. and since i'm a lover not a fighter... i wouldn't punch but i might have to ruff you up with a banana peel or something :)
from bluperspex :
weeeell... if i didn't (pssst) know better, ([email protected]) i'd say you were fraternising (mail me) with the enemy. can't have any of that, (you know you want to) now can we.
from bluperspex :
you know... just cos one is green doesn't mean one doesn't have a black belt in kung-fu-u-up! haha. but here's a more interesting point - ties can also be used to tie people up. (wink wink) and then wicked things can be done to said tied up person (nudge nudge). have a great one Sum!
from bluperspex :
i'm jamming up your notes. ooh ooh, jam jam. i'll say a couple of words - cricket, rugby, you yellow, me green. yay for cryptic wednesday :)
from bluperspex :
mmm mmm mmm. all hot 'n sweaty. oh, wait, just catch that thought... it promises to cause corruption. ha. technically, you and i should be foes. (foe? the fuck did that word come from!)
from bluperspex :
:) i guess once a blonde, always a blonde... black hair dye obviously has no effect. haha. question tho: where r u that it's so hot?
from bluperspex :
woohoo! bikini and pina colada time!!!
from bluperspex :
oh. and here is the missing "G" and "W"... because i am obsessive like that. (??? - she's mad, don't listen to her)
from bluperspex :
nana. obviously :) i'd have to kun-fu your ass if you ere talking to me! haha. you know, no-one else ever got the 'gift' thing... so yeah, 'note' me, let's see how much of a genie i can be :)
from bluperspex :
indeed. always kinda liberating to tell someone. to. fuck. off. sigh.
from chikyblonde :
sorry i haven't been on. i'm real screwed up in the head lately, especially tonight. and i just tore the crap out of my knee and it's swollen and hurts really bad and im just so lonely right now and hate feeling this way.
from chikyblonde :
you mean i have to put up with this dreaded feeling of complete loneliness FOR A YEAR! Oh the gods can be so cruel. But this cherry cheesecake sucker sure tastes mighty fine! :)
from chikyblonde :
thank you very much for your note. it means more to me that someone would leave a well-wish even if they can't find the words to say than to not say anything. I don't know what I'd do without my dland pals...
from chikyblonde :
thanks for your note! It's always nice to see new people happen upon my diary and actually make a comment. I've read a bit of yours and enjoy it very much. You're now a favorite.
from pink-pearls :
but Kochanski ruined the whole dynamic of the show, if the writer's plan was to make me despise her then they did their job well. And I checked and you were right you didn't swoon, I think I got confused. I do that frequently. Like right now it's 7:30 and I'm at work already and I haven't had coffee yet and I'm completely goofy. Do you have a real name Mr Potato?
from pink-pearls :
Hee hee you swooned, must be very content with your masculinity :). Think I only have the first season or two on video and then assorted episodes after that. BTW - does everyone else hate Kryten as much as me? And Kochanski? Or is that me and my snap judgemental dislike thing going off again?
from pink-pearls :
You made me giggle at work which is no mean feat so I'll keep you ok? And I should so borrow the Red Dwarf dvd's from you. I have them all taped on video and after 5 or so years the're getting kinda slow and funky
from pink-pearls :
Oh man Spiderman? I was planning on marrying you until you got to that part. Actually the only thing I didn't like was Toby MacGuire (sp?), that boy irritates me almost as much as Winona Ryder. But still good hair cut.
from pink-pearls :
So Mr Spud, how did we go last night? Are you the proud owner of a short back or sides? Or a butchered look?
from pink-pearls :
With the description I'd so cut it yourself, just for the hell of it. Or you know just get the standard short back and sides, Or go the quiff a.k.a the Morrissey. You'll be fine and the gym shower sounds like a good idea, cause man that loose cut hair itches.
from pink-pearls :
Eve's one piece of advice - getting your hair cut where they leave chunks missing or miss chunks of hair=bad. Do you have short hair now? Could you just number 4 it? Thick hair? Curly hair? Thin hair? Argh not enough information!
from pink-pearls :
Aaaahh but the tilted photo question is easily answered. I am short so therefore my arms are short, and most of the photos are taken by yours truly with her short arms, which alwasy seems to end up slightly skewed. So edgy? No, short? yes. And I need to know what type of hair you have now and what type you're thinking of getting, then I may be able to help. Maybe.....although with my hair like mine I wouldn't be asking my advice.
from pink-pearls :
Thanks for the guestbook commenty-notey thingy. The Discrete Business Cleavage is alive and well and if I have my way will always be. Oh and kudos for the Zoolander/Red Dwarf/Daria/Chris Isaak/fecking eejit reference (that's my nickname off one of my irish friends) and etc etc. I like you.
from notaperson :
Hi, there. I'm Roger Moore. I was doing a Google search for some Daria background stuff and your entry for me as a Daria author popped up. Thank you! I appreciated the vote. I've written some other Daria stuff lately but most of it is/was on PPMB or SFMB. Hope all is well with you. Roger (
from mindriot :
wait now I'm all guilty because I take up so much of your time. Damnit.
from mindriot :
I'm bored and whiny and moody AND YOU'RE NOT HERE. (translated from irrational teenage girl that means get the interweb at home 'cause I like talking to you.)
from mindriot :
erm. I have no idea what my hobbit name would be. I dont think I'm supposed name myself though.
from mindriot :
If I'm a hobbit, you're munchkin. ....I dont know.
from mindriot :
Oh, I also have Dogma if you want to borrow that sometime?
from mindriot :
I'll ignore the blantant misuse of the word "force" 'cause yay! I'm abot half way through so you can borrow the family guy soon.
from mindriot :
I emailed you. Check thy email son. Unless you already have in that case I will say "Look! What is that behind you?!" and then flee.
from mindriot :
oh and thank you for suggesting I try there.
from mindriot :
I meant do you want the kitty but i suppose if parts me fall off I'll send those along too. Oh hey I went for an interview and if I can figure out my schedule and can work monday, wednesday and friday mornings I have a job at the cafe. I'm tempted to say yes and skip classes if it clashes but we'll see.
from someonemaybe :
i guess im' not really back per se, more drifting in and out.
from mindriot :
the kitty wont chomping on my fingers/toes/lip/face. Do you want it?
from mindriot : Here. Free guestbook if you're interested. Its even better than the signmyguestbook ones so can get a free guestbook and feel superior to me!
from big-red-bow :
You're worse at rambling than me! That's insane! Um.. for drawing, I can give you a few tips. Draw from the inside out, never from the outside in, because you'll start having to squash things into the wrong places. Think about the shapes that things are made up of, and the angles at which they meet. Don't think of things as objects and symbols. Its easy to think you need to draw an eye like a circle (or elipse) with a dot in the centre because that's been made into the social symbol for an eye.. but how accurate is it?! Think about the negative shapes too.. which are the shapes around the object and see if they're acurate and correlate with the postive space. If you've got the pieces in the right places, it should all fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. It's all elementary dear watson. Find a couple of pictures you can practise on copying, and then go from there. But find photos and draw them, then you can simplify them down into cartoons.. instead of finding a cartoon and copying them, if you start with a photo you'll be able to find your own style.
from big-red-bow :
I have no idea what you were trying to say in that thing about love. Something about night gowns.. and che guevara?! Confused. You have 110 entries already?! CRAZY!
from mindriot :
its mostly "Dont let them score! Stop that ball from being a four. You guys suck." and then they're all "hey you cant field either" and he's all "Wana come over here and say that? Do you?" Or I could possibly be making of all this up, you never know.
from mindriot :
We dont think Ganguly's frowns too much we merely make fun of his yelling at his players as she understands (much much more than me at any rate) exactly *what* he's yelling at them. And you're just jealous of the Indian team's naturally bestowed good looks. *cough*
from mindriot :
Remind me to never ever drink anything you think is pretty or fun or is any way anything other than easily indetifiable by me. You frighten me with your day glow orange drinks and mud.
from mindriot :
Woohoo. I may just behead a hydra for you anyway. And I think because you're aware that his behaviour is sad and pathetic you will never be That Guy. You're definitely on a higher level.
from mindriot :
Eeeee! If you get Is It College Yet I'll....I dont know what I'll do, but hopefully something that ends with me seeing it at least once.
from mindriot :
n. pl. ca�denc�es 1. Balanced, rhythmic flow, as of poetry or oratory. 2. The measure or beat of movement, as in dancing or marching. 3. A falling inflection of the voice, as at the end of a sentence. General inflection or modulation of the voice. 4. Music. A progression of chords moving to a harmonic close, point of rest, or sense of resolution.
from blondeinside :
Hey yeah, something something, what you were talking about made me 'member an entry I wrote with psych stuff re: love/addiction in it, it's at, and so my opinion on the subject is love as an addiction = yes.
from mindriot :
But see there's an advantage to looking like a little girl, the girl's would just adopted him as one of their own but if you look like an underdeveloped little boy you'd get scorned by bith sides. So I think Orlando would still come out on top.
from mindriot :
Yep, totally Elf girl. Everytime I try to conform and like him, I think if I'm going to have a crush on someone that resembles a girl it might well be a girl so then I look for hot girls.
from someonemaybe :
Thanks for all the tiem you've spent reading Mr Potato. Hopefully we will still be in touch...
from someonemaybe :
i would rather not be the "angelic one"
from someonemaybe :
did u know your wings were tattered and broken?
from someonemaybe :
I went to brisbane on saturday and got back yesterday. dont mind me i always get like this when i come back from brisbane.
from mindriot :
also I think Pepito really needs to eat him. That is all.
from mindriot :
You aren't an asshat for thinking it was the first round of offers. It goes Early round, Preliminary Round, Main Round, Late Round and I think Final Round but if dont get a main round offer there is very little chance you'll get one at all. Mr Nelson however on the other hand is an asshat because he's the Minister for Education and he's telling students not to worry if they havent gotten an offer when there's only a tiny chance they'll get one after the main round. You think he could at least keep track of how the system he's KICKING STUDENTS OUT OF would work.
from mindriot :
Pepito rules. You can borrow him because I got into uni so I may not have time to train him in the ways of doling out justice righteously.
from spudbutter :
I think that lots of people think those thoughts. There are just so few of us that have the courage to live them. IMHO, this is one of the Great Purposes of Art (as it should be, not as it is): to translate and remind us of the amazement of life and all its participants. It's sad to me how often 'life' gets in the way of life.
from someonemaybe :
nope. not from someones glasses.
from someonemaybe :
there is just something about angelina jolie that really gets to me. i'm not sure if its the lips, or the jealousy of her otherwise natural beauty, but there sure is something.
from someonemaybe :
see, everyone has different ideals of perfect. You're right, you're diary is perfect, because its what you wanted to write...... now as for the milk spraying thing, i can totally sympathise with that poor girl i have done the exact same thing, many moons ago when i was a cafe bitch.
from spudbutter :
Yeah, after Shining Force 2 it all sort of died out. I was really looking forward to the new ones, as well. Man, that's a good memory. :) Poor Sega. Dreamcast was a mistake...
from someonemaybe :
ahhhhh, thats a good resolution to break, you woulndt want your diary perfect now would you? what sort of false life would that be leading.
from mindriot :
Heh. Thank you the gb entry you made me smile. I swear I'll try harder. (I think the will I, wont I get into uni suspense is killing me.- I've been really depressed about that, I'll email you if you want know.) As for Daria fanfc, post! I'd really like to read it sometime.
from someonemaybe :
whats the broken resolution
from mindriot :
welcome back. I havent been very entertaining lately so you deserve a huge reward for reading all of mine. I fear these holidays are eating my brain.
from someonemaybe :
whew, you read them all. surely you deserve a medal or some other form of recognition. My dad is only 54. Still makes me sad.
from someonemaybe :
its good to see the potato back!
from someonemaybe :
it looks as though you will have over 50 toread. ooops sorry...
from someonemaybe :
when doest the potato return?
from spudbutter :
I just read your 111 things and there were two amazingly odd crossovers to my life. One, I have never driven a car, and I am in my mid-twenties. Well, I have driven about three times with my Mom, when she was trying to teach me. It was, indeed, harrowing. :) Second, I LOVED Shining Force 2! I played that game nearly non-stop for over a month. To this day it is one of my favorite video game experiences. :)
from someonemaybe :
Happy Christmas and Merry New year to you as well. No doutb there will be plenty of updates, i sense huge amounts of boredom arising soon!
from big-red-bow :
I dont really understand your last post in my guestbook.. but thanks for the get well wishes! You still live with your parents? Crazy. I'm 19 and I feel like i've wanted to move out forever. It's gonna happen, very very soon. Maybe you need a little bit more independance to find yourself a new lady friend, I can't imagine their reaction to you taking them back to your parents place.. hahaha I'm kidding!.. sorta.
from someonemaybe :
ok i swear i left a note for you earlier today but i guess my memory is not as good as i though. enjoy your last productive moments at work for the afternoon. the 111 things was interesting, although i'm goign to admit to have never really been a fan of them...
from someonemaybe :
didnt mean to use the caps lock, its just alwasy on coz i use it at work. anyway mr potato, i must inform you that the address is not @diaryland, its is just to clear that up, i was not sure if you were just writing it for short the other way. i am looknig now....
from someonemaybe :
from someonemaybe :
so i have this bumb on my head and i dont know how i got it. i think at work. anyway i just went into a panic... i reached out to grab the vodka and oragne i am drinking, which i though i put beside the computer to find nothing there. holy shit i freaked out. thanks for still reading my diary, i dont think anyone else does.
from spudbutter :
Man, that's weird. My redhead had the exact same issue. Serious self-confidence issues. It stiffled nearly every other beautiful thing about her. It was sad. She's gotten better over the years, but still has issues. Also, coincidentally, I'm working on some typing programs to pick up my speed. I have the same thought-to-fingers frustration. One thing that helps me is keeping a small notebook handy and writing 'triggers'. These are shorts phrases or words that help me to remember my ideas. It works well for recording dreams, as well. Some of my best work is done while I 'sleep'. :)
from mindriot :
she said pratice boobs. I was watching that episode this morning.
from someonemaybe :
thats a long entry on boobs!
from spudbutter :
Spurs fan? Cool! I have a friend who's a die-hard Mavs fan who says he can get me tickets to the last Spurs/Mavs game of the season. Still not sure if I can afford to go, both time and money wise, but it'd be awesome. Do you follow much basketball, or are you a casual fan? Also, I noticed in your blogging a general preference to the red-headed woman...may I just say that you are absolutely right. I adore redheads. I dated one for over a year and a half. Shoulder-blade length deep auburn hair. Very cute, but surprisingly lacking in self-confidence for a red. Too bad.
from someonemaybe :
i am not sure where that maroon 5 song is from my friend sent it to me. i had never heard of it before
from mindriot :
I could probably only afford to drug one person-her but every single person in that story needs it. Badly.
from mindriot :
Only if I get to drug Mia Freedman. I hate that woman.
from spudbutter :
I'll tell you what, it's more of a blessing than I can say to have that sigh and half-smile. It seems as if I've found more kindred sprits through my blog in the past few months than I've met in the last few years, just wandering. Thanks for reading my blog. I'm hoping that the mildly depressing introspection is in recession. :) I'd like to get back to some real writing, which I've been neglecting, to varying degrees, for well over a year. Talk about a good sign you're with the wrong woman...ugh. :)
from spudbutter :
I never got into the WoT fanfic. Didn't have time. I had all I could handle on the theory posts. :) Tom Robbins writes like a raving lunatic madman with startling moments of clarity that approach, I can't believe I just wrote that. He's crazy, but awesome.
from spudbutter :
Yeah, someonemaybe just wandered into my blog about a week ago. Pretty cool. This is one of the reasons I like the internet so much. If you bump into someone on the street, odds are they'll either walk briskly away or kick your ass. If the eqivalent happens here, good people can be met. I love it! :) I read a lot of fantasy novels in my late teen years. I've kind of tapered off recently. Never read Pratchett. Always wanted to, though. I just couldn't commit myself to so many books that I knew would be good. :) For the moment, I'm trying to be 'responsible' in my reading. I'm working on Hemingway and Oscar Wilde right now, with the occasional Tom Robbins for desert.
from someonemaybe :
its funny you should ask about that bat i was planning on doing an entry later this afternoon about it. its still there.
from someonemaybe :
there is never un neccesary force when it comes to spiders, especially ones that want to climb on your shoulder.
from someonemaybe :
thats alright then. i am hungry.
from someonemaybe :
oh no, you've connected two things that are not supposed to be related. thats why it said "in other news"
from mindriot :
oh sorry I misunderstood that. I'm glad you wont be battered to death by inanimate objects anytime soon.
from mindriot :
I just hope with the uprising of inanimate objects I somehow started, they dont try to batter someone to death while they sleep for not apologising or something. As for the tv yelling, yeah I tend to yell at the politicians. "What the fuck? they're REFUGEES....Is it complusory to have a frontal lobotomy to join the Liberal Party? Do they remove your spine when you join Labor?"
from someonemaybe :
22 hours no update? interesting... :P
from big-red-bow : I got pissed at my friends when they called me a hussy. So yes, I dont know you.. You might be able to understand how much you're giving me the shits by repeatedly saying it. Yeah.. so stop.. pin dick. You like??! :-P
from mindriot :
Perhaps if a band you really liked came here that would be an adequate excuse for emotions. thats manly right, being happy about a band? Or if ABC finally bought "Is It College Yet"? We'll find something.
from mindriot :
Hee. Glad you liked the comment. :)
from someonemaybe :
so i think the reason all this stuff happens at the train station is really you are in the wrong career. you quite obviously should be a station commander (or soem other train station job i dont really know how they work, i'm just thinking of how the one on thomas works). i'm not sure why but i think its a sign, quick quit your job and sign up today .....
from mindriot :
I'm forever grateful that it was merely the school certificate that we felt the need to sing old 90s rap songs in and not the HSC.
from mindriot :
yep. Main girl. She's a smart drama queen so hence the comparison. :)
from someonemaybe :
haha woops. that was quite funny. ah well..... i'll explain the train station thing one day :P
from mindriot :
Oh yeah I am the biggest drama queen ever sometimes. *grins* I'm kinda like Josie from "Looking For Alibrandi" except minus the boys, belief in god and illegitmacy.
from someonemaybe :
i dont think its a conicidence that this keeps happening at train stations....
from mindriot :
Bachelor of Science yes, I'm kind of leaning towards molecular biology, would really like to do stem cell research but with my luck it'll get banned thus leaving me with nothing, NOTHING. Ahem. I like Wollongong and they have really good science department plus its away from here. I dont want to see the same people I went to high school with all over again at uni. God that sounds really lame typed up.
from mindriot :
Well my first choice is UTS (convenient) and my second is Wollongong. (really really really want to go there). I'll be doing Bachelor of Science at wherever I end up. Hello enormous HECs debt, I'm sure we'll still be atagonistic long after you're gone.
from mindriot :
no recommendations yet (i've forgotten whatever I read back in the day) but after I start up again we'll definitely throw some back and forth.
from big-red-bow :
oh god...... did I write about that?? That was SO long ago.. and I'm wearing the same top out tonight. Which is a sad sad coincidence.
from mindriot :
Why they let her out of jail i do not know. Thats just scary. I feel like an idiot, mis quotting that since I have that episode on tape. But then I am an idiot. And yes I've have read some stuff from outpost daria. Not so much anymore but I shall get back into that.
from blondeinside :
Oh god, for a second I thought you meant Hanson the band! Don't scare me like that!
from mindriot :
yeah. I love Daria (the show) I yet to meet a person named Daria though.
from mindriot :
You caught on to my nefarious plan. I was trying to be all Daria-like. "I have no friends. I walk alone." when in actual fact she's popular and stuff. I think people just like laughing at my antics.
from mindriot :
Oh I didnt mean to imply I had friends, I dont actually. Well I have the one but she's usually at school hence my obsessively hitting refresh on diaryland. I'll try and update more since I know the pain of not having people update every ten minutes. I cant guarantee you I'll have anything good to say though. :)
from someonemaybe :
wahoo i love ccoming back from an escape and finding updates to read!
from mindriot :
Thanks. And yes I walked into and then apologised to it. That was one of my more amusing acts of clumsiness. Usually it just involves me tripping over/walking into things and being laughed at.
from blondeinside :
I agree, on the still being able to smell ex's, and conclude that ex's are smelly.
from someonemaybe :
dads work (engineer for qantas), plus i dont think its many moves!
from someonemaybe :
townsville now, ex cairns ex perth ex darwin....
from someonemaybe :
OH by the way thanks for the extra comment about me, that is cool as! 2 JUST sent me an email but the odds arnt getting any higher...
from someonemaybe :
oh yeah and 2 is the only one that reads my diary out of them! 1 doesnt know about it and 3 does but it is lazy and it probably woulndt interest him!
from someonemaybe :
i should point out that at the moment 3 and 1 are in equal standings :D
from someonemaybe :
nope, ross = 2, dave = 3 and ben =1
from someonemaybe :
A JAM of the bmx kind, a large gathering at a skate park in melbourne with lots of mad tricks going on.
from someonemaybe :
nope i have no desire to path things up with her. sick of being used. sick of her not accepting responsibility. sick of her not giving me my favourite beach towel back (hahah)
from someonemaybe :
oh yeah, and maybe i should go back to having pink, purple and green hair like i had when i was at highschool, i didnt have these sorts of boy problems then!!!
from someonemaybe :
with a bit of luck the soap opera finale will be in the week of november 18 when boy 1 gets back... hopefully the network will decide to axe it because i certainly do not want to see another season evolve.....
from someonemaybe :
because i want something that is going to cause more trouble than i've ever caused before...i'm mentally attached to three guys and cant sort myself out. they are all completly different people its so weird. my heart is telling me to pick the one who is most likely to be the most arsehole to me...sooo thats why its confusing. my instant brains arnt working so well, they must need soem settling in.
from someonemaybe :
oh no, you see things just got even more confusing....ARGH!
from someonemaybe :
if potato wants to write warnings he can write warnings...thats what his mind said to do...
from big-red-bow :
That's exactly what I meant. It's strange when you spend alot of time around the city. It's a different mentaility. Everyone just seems to be milling around in their own little lives and, I dont know if I can pinpoint what it is exactly, but they just seem to think differently. More.. hm.. maybe inside the circle. They have their quirks, which they're fully aware of, and almost revel in, because they're probably the only things that they can think of that makes them different to the person standing next to them. I'm not saying this is you.. but.. hopefully it dosent become you. Write in your diary.. and have confidence in yourself and what you think, so much that you dont have to write warnings or notes to other people. You dont have to say "if they dont like it they can fuck off".. because it shouldn't matter. You don't even need to think that you might have to do that. If you believe in what you're saying, then you have no need to make a disclaimer. If you dont believe in yourself, then who will?
from big-red-bow :
I think you may have spent too much time doing office work. What do you study?
from big-red-bow :
Kittens are cool. Hmm.. I don't think you grasp the whole diary concept. You write in it, because you want to write in it. You write about what affects you. What you're thinking and what's important I guess. Unless you're Shelley then you do the opposite. hehe. Just write what ever you want to write, dont try and amuse or entertain. Write for you. Easier said than done.. but.. you learn. It's nice to get a little smack of paranoia everyonce in a while. Puts everything back into perspective. hehe. If you believe in what your writing, then, you wont ever have to worry about having said the wrong thing! tata potato. AND yeah. CHILL DUDE! hehehe
from morthyzionn :
Dude, chill out.
from lozsparkles :
oh now, does that mean i've eaten the souls of immoral potatos now....hahah
from lozsparkles :
nahhhh not a fashion designer, just a hopeful.. one day... p.s. if that slogan about potatos suddenly appears somewhere its not goign to be my fault....
from someonemaybe :
hahah the potato mafia :) i have been eating pringles for the last hour almsot finished them all now - its been quite entertaining. i am yet to do an ounce of work today and i'm goig to refuse to do any as well.. i'm treating it as a day off..except i'm sitting at an office computer instead of down the beach. i'm thinking of getting a wheelbarrow of sand from the beach to put around my desk so i can pretend i'm at the beach. maybe i'll start working swim attire to work hehe how funny would that be. i've had too many ups and downs the last couple of days, but hopefully this up will stay up!!!!
from someonemaybe :
yes, although scary it was pretty funny as well... how i wish i'd gone to bed a lot earlier last night
from someonemaybe :
Well i am feeling great now. I"ve just been to dinner with the owners of the cri (the club iw ork at that i was bitching about the girls) and all my managers and it was so great. I felt rather special, and my manager even said, so what are the "commoners" doing tonight refer to the bitchy girls and he pretty much made out that they are dickheads! hehe.
from someonemaybe :
heh my day is starting to get a lil bit better, decided to dice work and now i've just got a letter from my boy.... rather a short borign lettter but its still from him. now i just have to wait 21 more days!!!
from morthyzionn :
That story about me and ambos and underwear was so totally fucked up.
from someonemaybe :
thanks for the gb love!!!!
from big-red-bow :
No, generally Pete Murray wears shoes. I think it's part of the whole sensitive male pop-rock-folk thing that they take off their shoes on album covers and things like that, just so they look all relaxed and laid back. John Mayer did it. And there's the whole persian carpet scenario that both Pete Murray and John Mayer share, they've both done live music videos with persian carpets on the floor. Similar-ish voice too. Hmm!
from morthyzionn :
Took me ages to figure out how to do this, I am technologically inept. *yawns* I'm so tired, I forgot what I was going to say... Uh... Sleep well?
from big-red-bow :
boo! Strange how something can mean something totally different to someone else! I wrote that entry 'cause I just felt like bitching about this person who just keeps writing shit about me on the paul greene message board... and it annoys the crap out of me. I don't get it, because I have no idea who they are, they have no idea who I am.. and they don't ever write anything about Paul Greene. They probably haven't even seen him play, but I think they just visit to annoy me and I don't see where in their brain they think it's something worth their time. Anyhoo, they wrote something about living vicariously though other people is an empty existance... so yeah, it gave me the shits. And now I'm taking over your notes page. Ra! Ra! Hehehe.. I had better get back to photography. I'll write about the Arias soon. I've been really really.. well drunk and tired. I got the hangover today. Keep on writing Mr Potato
from someonemaybe :
good to see you have a diary now potato. now all you need is a funky layout for it!

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