messages to teacherlady2:
(click here to add new message):
from barefootruby : |
In the UK a penguin is a brand of chocolate bar which gives us the joke: why don't polar bears eat penguins? because they can't get the wrappers off. Did you know that Ursus arctos is a brown bear, not a polar bear as one might expect. arctos comes from the Greek for bear, I think (and ursus from the Latin). The Arctic region was apparently named after the bear, not the bear after the region. How's that for useless information? |
from fifidellabon : |
Ohhh, I just MELTED when I saw that picture of Atticus! And yes, you are doing all that is correct. You are very responsible and professional, and a good example wherever you are! I would be proud if you were my family. XOFifi |
from wombaby : |
I got sent home crying once too (actually when I was 21 lol). Very embarrassing, but not the end of the world and I kept that job til I left to go abroad, and got it back when I came back to the UK. Keep on sticking up for what you feel is right. The 21 year olds will learn one day!! |
from sixweasels : |
My heart hurts for poor Mr Buck. Is this a second job or a summer job? |
from wombaby : |
Thank you for sharing that, it's nice to be reminded that people have such depths of niceness to them. Is working at the vet's a second job? |
from teachin-usa : |
Good! Little by little- also if you can get them on facebook then you can keep up without having to waste time on the phone. |
from wombaby : |
Yeah friends wear you out don't they! |
from fifidellabon : |
Aha, joined the Girl's Friendly Society, did you? XOFifi |
from wombaby : |
Argh! That's so annoying when that happens isn't it. Anyway I send you sympathy and hope they sort out your knee soon. |
from fifidellabon : |
Oh, I've a biffed up knee as well. I just go ahead on it anyway and have had the most amazing pratfalls! XOFifi |
from fifidellabon : |
I was JUST about to send you a "reminder note"! I am so very sorry about Walter. Parvo is a horrible, horrible thing and the dogs that I've seen who have actually survived it don't really come through that well. They are deffo changed in some ways. As to writing about work, I rarely do, but if you wanted to write about it, then you might change the setting of where you are (like from a church to a department store) and sort of write it in parallel code. I don't want you to disappear like that! Because I am selfish! XOFifi |
from sixweasels : |
I'm glad Walter had you in his life, for however short a time, and I'm sorry you had to go through the pain of making that decision. |
from fifidellabon : |
Woman! Whar be ye? Having fun, I trust! XOFifi |
from barefootruby : |
I think that the BBC produces some of the best TV - too bad it is so underfunded. It produces great radio too - if you get the chance to listen to "kings street junior", do. I think you'll enjoy it - a comedy drama set in a junior school. |
from fifidellabon : |
All right, Missy, are you waiting for me to beg?!!! Just kidding, but seriously, I miss you! I'm looking forward to the next update. xoFifi |
from hissandtell : |
Welcome back, you! I'm so happy to read your words again. Please don't leave for so long next time. Love, R xxx |
from fifidellabon : |
Oh, Michelle, I am SO happy that you are posting again! I am so THRILLED by all your teaching accolades! You are so totally ROCKIN'!!! xoFifi |
from fifidellabon : |
Oh, he is adorable!!! Happy New Year, and you are totally welcome! The pleasure is mine. xoFifi |
from wombaby : |
Welcome back!! And happy new year. You can host pictures for free on loads of sites. |
from sixweasels : |
Hey and Happy New Year! I'm so glad to see you're happy in your new home. I'm still here on D-land too, but have also been posting a lot over at Vox. I thought I'd mention it to you because it's another great blog community AND you can store and post tons of uploaded photos for free, and very easily too. The main site is, and I'm at Wishing you a wonderful 2008! |
from fifidellabon : |
Happy New Year! I do wish that I knew where you were though, and how you are doing. xoFifi |
from wombaby : |
Hey Chelle, it has been forever since you updated! Is everything ok? I guess you're probably busy with moving and starting at a new school. Didn't realise you'd locked up. |
from fifidellabon : |
Well, how are you doing? What's up? Gearing up for teaching? PS I lost your info for being able to read. xoFifi |
from fifidellabon : |
Oh, look, we can still add notes! I wrote you for info. xo/Fifi |
from fifidellabon : |
Oh, conGRATulations!!!! I love the house! I think it is simply grand! I've read about berm houses. I'm so excited for you! And I'm so proud of you for just relocating and getting a job so quickly! Balls, that's what you've got! Big brass ones! |
from jonathan29 : |
OMG...I totally *heart* your diary! |
from fifidellabon : |
We once had a rector who looked exactly like Alastair Sim! xoFifi |
from cdives : |
The sense of entitlement kids today have is unbelievable, and many parents enable it. A good friend of mine said to me the other day -- what is wrong with our generation that we created children like this. Our parents would never have let us get away with this. She's right. Its my age group that had today's teenagers. Then again, I had a student last year who turned 11 and her mother was 23. I wonder if that is where the problem is. |
from fifidellabon : |
Mean kids---makes me fear for when Biba gets older. Even now, at age 4, there are actual a-holes in her class. |
from cdives : |
I had almost the exact same conversation about Virginia Tech with my 11th grade students, and my mixed grade advisory. You're right, the news coverage of the gunman makes him famous. My students predict we will have a similar shooting (on a smaller scale most likely) before the end of the school year... just because someone else has the desire to be seen. |
from sixweasels : |
Wow - I'm so happy for you. I remember years ago, you writing about how you wanted to get away from the FL heat, and now it's happening! I admire your courage and think you're in for a wonderful adventure! |
from fifidellabon : |
Well, I think you are going to have a great time! |
from cdives : |
Nebraska? |
from cdives : |
New York? Arizona? California? |
from fifidellabon : |
I'm still in your archives. Well, not physically! There was the entry last year about your beaded tank top and being cute and all. Michelle, you ARE cute! I know it. I've seen your pictures. And as well, you look very like my cousin who is without doubt the kindest most wonderful person that I've ever met. I can't even tell you how much I am enjoying your archives. SO much happens to you! You are amazing! And I swear, totally cute. I have no brain censor, so whatever I am thinking just comes tumbling out, so you know it's the truth! /Fifi |
from fifidellabon : |
I guess Georgia. |
from wombaby : |
I remember you posted about wanting to move somewhere else, ages ago, but I've forgotten where it was. Somewhere more northerly than Florida, I think. But good luck anyway, wherever you're going. |
from lostmystic76 : |
LMAO!!! He sounds like my baby - but she is the opposite - always wanting to take her toys outside with her - lol. Amazing photo of the hawk btw - that was very nice of him to pose for you! |
from anthronut : |
I must say that you had me laughing SO hard reading about your dog! :) My golden and my lab both know the difference between inside and outside toys, but they'll try to sneak the toys in by turning their heads really far one direction and walking in thinking we won't notice. Anyway, I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to add you to my favorite list. |
from fifidellabon : |
Oh, look! Now I've scanned your notes, and here you know Hiss and Dongerspouse. Lovely! I simply adore Hiss! /Fifi |
from fifidellabon : |
Hello! I just found you via your banner. I must figure out how to make one of them. (Terribly lazy.) I may sound a tad crazed, but I *immediately* loved your diary! I make my dog talk that way as well. I've added you to my list and I shall be reading your archives over the next few days. I just wanted to let you know so that you would know that it wasn't anybody that you know. Geh, too many "know"s. /Fifi PS You sound like a splendid person! |
from lostmystic76 : |
Zoe is soooooo cute!!!!! If my dog was a person? (YIKES!) Well, let's just say she'd be special needs - but loved - lol. |
from boxx9000 : |
I'm a 4th grade teacher in CA. If you would like my password, email me at [email protected] |
from wombaby : |
Yes, it's fine for me now. |
from wombaby : |
Yeah, your picture covers up your text for me too (most recent version of IE). I just copy it into notepad and read it that way. |
from sez5 : |
ah, maybe it's a problem with a few of our browsers. Do you design your page according to a certain browser? I don't know, I have the most common one, as far as I know, anyway, though... Windows Explorer, the most recent version..who knows. |
from poolagirl : |
Indeed. The ratty picture is covering up your copy. |
from boxx9000 : |
principalbitchlady? YIKES! I call mine my princiPAL. Definitely makes a diference in the workplace moral doesn't it? |
from lakespirit : |
you like BNL????? and to think I just thought we had rats in common! well, rats, democrats, crazy families, friends, millennium, 'clean' cars, ... and ferrets? when did you get ferrets? I HAD FERRETS! I had frank (for frank burns from MASH), razberry and ferret face (yet again, for frank from MASH). </p><p> |
from dana-elayne : |
I had to *snort* about the "focus on student learning" entry. We've had the same kind of mess going on here at our school. We're supposed to "change our mindset" and "believe all students can learn". Um DUH! What teacher doesn't think students can learn? Of course, our principal could be considered an eejit! |
from annanotbob : |
Man, that is so like what teaching has become over here (UK). Don't get me started - I'm on my half term holiday, but I'm with you sister, I'm with you. |
from bethb : |
atticus is the perfect name for a dog. |
from sunnflower : |
Dog olympics montages was darling. I like your music transitions and the text slides. Good idea. |
from poolagirl : |
OMG! You are getting SO good at making the montage things! |
from poolagirl : |
You are just too damn funny! |
from sunnflower : |
I loved your cat montage! |
from poolagirl : |
OMG! That cat movie was soooo funny! |
from poolagirl : |
from sethra-demon : |
D'oh! I never noticed that before! I always thought they were saying that you couldn't overLOOK your underwear - which is pretty weird. Aaannnnddd now I have that song in my head again. |
from hissandtell : |
Oooh - you know, I thought you'd plumb run away forever, young missy. So glad you're back and updating regularly - and huge congratulations on the puppy's big graduation. Well done! You must be so proud. Great photo of the two of you, darling. Love, R xxx |
from elgac : |
Be your own best friend, I know it sounds lame but whenever I start to rip myself apart I tell myself that. Sometimes it helps. Beauty/attraction are a multi-layered existance, most of the time its there regardless of our vision. |
from sethra-demon : |
The thing is, we KNOW that we know things will be resolved, yet we still persist in worrying needlessly until they are. It's a sick, viscious cycle, I tell you. :) Thanks. |
from sixweasels : |
Hey - I've been slightly AWOL myself but wanted to tell you I love that picture and was glad to see a post from you! |
from hissandtell : |
Hi - hope everything's okay. I miss you. Love, R xxx |
from sethra-demon : |
Giving kids the valium....not THAT's funny. :-) |
from dangerspouse : |
Glad to hear your dad is on the mend, Teacherbabe. But...a respiratory challenged dog! D'OH!! Poor thing. He might be alergic to dog hair, have they thought of that? How about shaving him down to stubble? Even if it doesn't cure him, it'll still be pretty humorous. Waddaya think? |
from the-moo : |
HELLO!!! thank you so much for completing my survey it really made my day that a fellow food lover had filled it out!! all these people who only nibble.. without eating life is empty don't you think? yes I have food issues and I leave people weird notes but hello and thank you and.. well have a nice day *hug* xxx |
from teachersrock : |
Hey, thanks for the note and letting me know about those symptoms I've been having. Yeah, I have been under serious amount of stress. I'm doing better today though. Except for this morning. My chest felt like somebody was sitting on it. I took my meds last night and felt better than I did when I didn't take it, so I think I'm gonna keep on taking them. Well, I'm off. Thanks again for the note. |
from dangerspouse : |
I still think it looks like my lower intestines. But hey, it's YOUR hydrangia (sp? - ok then, "plant") so if you say it's an elephant, and elephant it is, Teacherbabe. |
from teachersrock : |
Thanks for leaving me a note. Daniel sent her a threatening voice mail and I think she kept it, and I printed out a conversation I had with him yesterday. I told Sarah that she should keep all that stuff so she could send it to the police, but I don't think she did. I would call myself, but I'm unaware of the number being so far away from them and stuff. |
from barefootruby : |
Oh yeah, with you 100% on the grammar. I saw "remember your unique - like everyone else". Remember my unique what? I wondered. |
from barefootruby : |
it will be the cats |
from wombaby : |
*hugs* |
from sethra-demon : |
Thank you so much for the condolences. It means a lot to me. |
from teachin-usa : |
I think every school must have one kid who wants to do something like that. At my tiny HS in the 80's a girl brought a rifle to shoot her teacher. Yes, my thoughts are with that cop today too. Could you link to an article? |
from elgac : |
What grace you have. |
from sethra-demon : |
Good Lord. And I thought waiting THREE months was bad. I'll stop complaining now. |
from elgac : |
I wish all teachers are as sweet as you. Thanks for sharing. |
from barefootruby : |
I am so jealous. Your cats go into the cat carrier of their own accord. With mine it involves a chase round the house, a rearrangement of the furniture, and the loss of at least two ornaments. |
from barefootruby : |
Don't know if you can get Kinder ("kin-der" not "kinder") eggs in the US - small chocolate eggs, containing a crappy toy inside a plastic egg-shaped container. Anyway, my cat just loves those egg-shaped containers (too bad they make them small enough to fit under the furniture). In fact, last night I dreamed I'd lost the cat, but saw a similar one which I wasn't sure whether it was mine or not. My test was to throw it two toys - one of those eggs and a normal ball. When the cat went for the normal ball, I knew it wasn't mine. And the favourite toy of a previous cat (of my parents) was the top of a drinks bottle. |
from sethra-demon : |
Heh! My husband and I were debating on theories last night over the phone. We finally came to the consensus that colleges choose the classes for degree plans completely randomly. There is no rhyme or reason to them. I went to sleep with a picture in my head of a bunch of distinguished, academic-types sitting around on the floor with a magician's top hat in the middle of them. They each took turns pulling out slips of paper with the name of a class on it. I think I like your theory better. It explains so much more. :) |
from wombaby : |
Glad you're ok. Ish. Optimism's a great thing! |
from hissandtell : |
You're so uncharacteristically quiet, darling - I hope everything is all right. I'm missing you and looking forward to your next update. Love, R xxx |
from wombaby : |
Hey Chelle, how're you doing? |
from sethra-demon : |
Yup, jonesin' for a cigarette now... |
from sethra-demon : |
Thanks for the note and the add-in. I *do* believe you had the honor of being the first. LOL! |
from barefootruby : |
We have (had?) a "newspaper" in the UK called the "Sunday Sport" with equally implausible stories. "London Bus found at the South Pole" (complete with pictures) was one of the more memorable. There was also something equally implausible found on the moon - I forget what. Quite possibly the Titanic. I'm not sure whether the paper is still in publication. I really, really hope that it isn't. |
from teachin-usa : |
Congrats on the six pounds, and also I would like your password if that's ok. You could email it to me, or in a note and I'll erase the note. Bye! |
from teachin-usa : |
Wow! School starts on Monday? Rest up! |
from barefootruby : |
Can I ask a UK based question? What's a service dog? |
from barefootruby : |
I agree with you. You have to have a vertical plan, curriculum, method of work, or whatever you want to call it. If you don't know what the children are supposed to learn each year, how can you assess their learning? |
from barefootruby : |
Somehow makes our national health service seem not so bad. Yeah, it's got its problems. Yeah it's underfunded. Yeah it has too many managers and not enough medical staff. Yeah you may have to wait for treatment. But if I ever needed it, it would be there for me. No bills; no battles with insurance companies. |
from wombaby : |
Thanks for your recent tags :-) especially the last. I'm sorry what I wrote was so short. Glad there are other people on the team in this writing project! |
from f-i-n : |
I used to have an orange cat just like that--named taffy. |
from barefootruby : |
There were fireworks going off in my town at about 11 on Tuesday (5th). This is in the UK. We don't celebrate July 4th. I'm sure a law was passed against it recently (that's against letting fireworks off at stupid times, not against celebrating the 4th July, you understand). I'm with scar-r-ed on this one - organised displays only. |
from barefootruby : |
There were fireworks going off in my town at about 11 on Tuesday (5th). This is in the UK. We don't celebrate July 4th. I'm sure a law was passed against it recently (that's against letting fireworks off at stupid times, not against celebrating the 4th July, you understand). I'm with scar-r-ed on this one - organised displays only. |
from scar-r-ed : |
Fireworks here start around mid-October (in time for Bonfire night on November 5th, you understand) and end late in November. Then someone gets the clever idea that fireworks can be used for Christmas too. Long dark nights only help them along. I think they should be banned and only let off in official, government organised displays (like in Singapore - it worked there!) |
from barefootruby : |
hey, this writing idea sounds fun. I'm interested |
from sixweasels : |
I'm so all over the place right now that my current writing project is having trouble getting my attention (and sorely needs it) so I can't play. But I definitely want to read what you guys are doing - this group-write thing sounds like a way to really get some creative juices flowing! |
from sixweasels : |
Poor Atty! I'm so glad he's okay! |
from sixweasels : |
Yay for puppy cuddles! And I can't wait for new puppy stories ... |
from sixweasels : |
Wish I could be there to give you a big hug and prop up pillows for you and order you your favorite takeout (because I wouldn't subject a friend to my cooking). I'm glad your father is doing okay, and I hope that he's home from the hospital soon. And I'm so sorry about your baby rattie. |
from ladyro : |
Awww...Atticus is sooo precious! How very lucky for the both of you! *huggles* |
from sixweasels : |
I got my package! Thank you so much. That little ferret with his big happy smile makes me grin every time I look at him. He's sitting with his little carrier door open on my computer as we speak - he looks like he'll bring me some good writing mojo. Thank you! |
from sixweasels : |
What sad, awful news. I'm so sorry, for you, for the boy, for his family. Hugs. |
from teachin-usa : |
Oh teacherlady, I'm so sorry about your student. I'm sure it would mean so much to his family if you went to the funeral. So sorry. Losing our kids is so hard. |
from crazy4muffin : |
Did I confuse codiene with Tylenol again, or am I crazy. Explain this two different web diaries thing. I was just at the fabulous bead entry, fav's you, and then showed up at a different page of yours. Then attempted to leave a comment and that didn't work either. Help a girl out. |
from crazy4muffin : |
Look at you, you crafty little devil. Your bead work is sensational! You have inspired me to pick up the project again. |
from crazy4muffin : |
There was a recent incident in Dallas where a teacher attacked another teacher. Apparently the teacher that got her ass whooped had the audacity to suggest ass whoopin teacher's daughter not loiter amongst the lockers. This woman came over from her school, stormed into the classroom and beat the living hell out of her. She had several broken ribs and a concusion. Ironic this cycle of life= you are teaching the kids that will soon be in my courtroom under indictment for murder and agg assualt. Get ready to be subpoenaed as a character witness! |
from hissandtell : |
Doll, I was planning to link to your photograph of your beading masterpiece (trust me; it's an integral part of my tale) but when I went to find it, the photo's vamoosed! If you were able to reload it or even feature it and your other shiny sparkly treasures in a new story (before the weekend?) so I can link to it, that would be most excellent. Love, R xxx |
from teachin-usa : |
wow-nice bed! you are lucky! |
from scar-r-ed : |
information on schools on the way via email - i need a bigger box than this to type in! |
from teachin-usa : |
i loved the photo the other day of the cellophane paw print in the middle of your beautiful cake! naughty kitty! sequins also funny. |
from teachin-usa : |
hi teacherlady. thanks for the helpful advice. i bought the carrier today. hopefully he will like it. meow! |
from sixweasels : |
Thanks! Your suggestions really are helpful. It is amazing how easy it is to forget to breathe at all, let alone deeply, when fighting back fear. And as for the cake-print, Boo and Elliott would be the best of friends. They both subscribe to the "nothing-off-limits-to-the-household-feline" school of thought. |
from teachin-usa : |
hi teacherlady, i hope you can get over your flu soon! thanks for the offer to send the article. It turns out my mom had also seen the article, and she sent it to me. i just wish the parents would give us credit for knowing what we are trained to do. i would never try to tell my dentist or lawyer how to do their jobs, would you? |
from teachin-usa : |
yes! you are so right about that. some people just should not make more of themselves. i hope the luchlady won't lose her job. i think she's barely making ends meet as it is. i heard operation push (jesse jackson's org) is sending one of their lawyers to help her- but the SCHOOL should be defending her, right? |
from arc-angel666 : |
Good Evening Ms Teach: MRI's, what fun. I can't participate in the delicious exercise of Magnetic Resonating due to an abundance of non-surgical steel located throughout my body and my noggin, a gift from from the opposing side during service of my country. Endoplasmic Reticulum! So you were representing activity within the second stomach of an even toed, hoofed, Cud chewing Mammal with a four chambered stomach? Clever. Let me guess is it a Deer? Possibly a Camel? Sheep? Ahh my choice would be that of a Giraffe. Upon further inspection I did indeed see the folds of mucous memberane which were in the process of forming hexagonal cells. You displayed the intricate intestitial network of the branching anastomosing reticuloendothelial cells which ram their way through tissue and organs found in 4 tummied hoofed Cud chewing cute animals (excluding Camels they spit their acid coated cud at people) very well. I must say your art in the world of Science is of the first order Bravo. :-) |
from crazy4muffin : |
OUTSTANDING. I am marking it with a big ole A+ and a gold star. Love it! I too will continue to post new designs. |
from arc-angel666 : |
Good Evening: Teacher, teacher....teacher I have my hand up! Thanks for calling on me. Ms. Teacher upon viewing your latest creation I couldn't help but notice the simularities to that of a Lab slide. Please don't take this the wrong way. I must tell you I'm easily aroused by Math and Science. I'm in possession of a Bacholar of Science Degree in Biology and love all things living and some dead. The world of Microb living still fascinates me, so upon seeing your creation I thought a woman dedicated to the Art of Micro Biology, Marvelous! Unbelieveably there sat a perfect rendition of an Intersecting Bar or Rod shaped Bacilus! You perfectly captured the reproducing of endospores, plus an impressionitic view of Saprophytes. You added drama by laying out a field of Leukocytes poised to attack the reproducing Bacilus it was indeed breath taking. No you say? Opphs. Oh! What a lovely design. Oh did I mention in my introduction that I'm a bit of a tease? Just teasing ;-). It is a lovely design. I too play around with Paints and Clay. |
from arc-angel666 : |
Good Evening Ms Teacherlady2: I want to thank you for adding me to your fav's list. First I must say I think it Noble what you do for a living. Teachers should be held in high esteem, and certainly paid much much more than they are. Along with my parents several teachers encouraged me to follow my dreams and told me I could be exactly what I wanted to be if I was willing to work hard for it. And I did, I followed their advice and became a drug addicted crack pot that's been in and out of mental institutions who is currently working as a Rodeo Clown...I am living the dream....LOL Just kidding. My name is Michael and I'm pleased to meet you. I shall dive into your diary and get to know you and I hope you do the same with me...Remember its always good to know at least one person who walks the fine line of genius and insanity...I might add I lean a little further to the latter :-) |
from crazy4muffin : |
Hey Michelle, my belle. How many times have you heard that? I just saw your question in re the craft projects for the almost criminally insane. I wish I could link you to a "how too" page. But that would mean there is so type of planning or science to this particular craft. I just make it up as I go and use whatever is handy. I use cross stitch clothe. That way you can keep track of the lines. I then measure out the squares (I do 25 two by two inches squares) and draw it on the clothe. Get yourself a sturdy needlepoint brace to hold the clothe taunt. Go to your favorite craft store and start picking up sequine, seed beads, charms, whatever strikes your fancy. I use nylon thread because it is easy to work with, doesn't show through the stitches, and strong. Also, get some thin, pliable needlepoint or beading needles. When you start a new thread, tie a seed bead to the end, that will secure it on the back. Also, do yourself a favor and get a good light or you will go blind. And then just go crazy and by all means, go SHINY. And when you finish a square, SHARE with others. After a while you can get stiffled and need a little inspiration from others. For me, each time I finish a square I get this sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Which says a lot about my personal life. Good luck. |
from tuckandsophi : |
Hey, teacherlady2! Thanks for making us a fave! We are blushing (as well as dogs can blush). This is such an honor! We are leaping about and knocking things off the end table. Oh, the day has been blessed with doggie joy! |
from poolagirl : |
I found you through hissandtell, and I think you are fabulous! You are now on my faves list. |
from hissandtell : |
Hi - I sent you an email about templates to your address on your entry page. Love, R xxx |
from sixweasels : |
I love all the pictures. The baby kitten and the ratties got me all warm and fuzzy. |
from faith-scars : |
Hello!! I saw you on Jo's (scar-r-ed) notes page and I'm always keen to meet new people so I thought I would say Hi!! Hi! :) Liss |
from sixweasels : |
Just wanted to send a hug your way. |
from scar-r-ed : |
Chocolate is good for you. It grows on trees, therefore it's a fruit. It's cholesterol neutral. It contains magnesium. It also contains theobromine (I think I remembered that right) which boosts serotonin levels, which makes you happy. Which is the most important thing of all. :-) |
from scar-r-ed : |
PYP is Primary Years Programme (grades 1-6, I think) and MYP is Middle Years Programme (7-10, again I think) - both run by the IB as pre-diploma programmes. It tells you properly on the IB website ( I did the IB diploma (ouch) - was surprised to see it referred to in an American context as I'd understood the American education system to be based on credits. My parents both teach high school, which is probably why I've enjoyed reading your diary so far - reading about your students reminds me of listening to them talk about theirs - it's kinda like being at home! |
from scar-r-ed : |
Is that pre-IB as in International Baccalaureate PYP or MYP (or a school-based introduction to that IB), or something completely different that I've never heard of? Have to agree with you about Thing telling one kid not to repeat sixth grade and the other one that it was no big deal - watching a parent die is scary at any age and that sounds like one tough kid. Good luck to her. And yeah, if she has to repeat sixth grade, so what! |
from crazy4muffin : |
Thanks Michelle, you rock. |
from sixweasels : |
Happy holidays! Those are some of the cutests pictures I've ever seen. Your girls are gorgeous. |
from innocentways : |
Happy birthday chelle!! Hope you had a great day *sends cake, alcohol and presents through the screen* hehe! Don't get too drunk Anywayz happy birthday !!! Love me xxxx |
from teachersrock : |
Hey! You're welcome! It's ok that your not responding much. I don't respond to ppl's entries much either. Talk to ya soon! <3 Stephanie |
from innocentways : |
lmfao chelle! am sure the parents will be amused lol xxxxx |
from teachersrock : |
I'm just noting you back. Thanks for telling me about the whole eating thing. I have been eating but only when I get home. Thanks also, for hoping everything goes the way I want with Billy B. I didn't see him at all today and I usually see him once or twice everyday. Now, I'm gonna have to wait until Monday. Anyways, I'm also just letting you know that I won't be able to post any entries for awhile, do to the grades that I have in class. Their not so good. When I bring them up which will hopefully be before my report card comes out in November. Plus, I'm ill. I woke up with a very bad cough and wouldn't be aloud on the computer until I got better anyways. But, I will write an entry as soon as I can. Your friend always, Stephanie xoxox |
from teachersrock : |
Hey! Sorry I haven't been able to note you in awhile. I have some problems myself. But, about the zoloft medication....I was on that aswell. But, for a short period of time. See, it kept on making me tired and so, my doctor and counselor just took me off. I think it's because I kept on crushing it, cause I can't swallow pills which is sad. Well, I hope everything works out for you! Your friend Always, Stephanie |
from innocentways : |
I'm glad that you're ok. Thoughts and prayers are with you. Kez xxxxx |
from sixweasels : |
I hope everything is OK with you. I am amazed at what you've had to go through this hurricane season. Big hugs, and lots of good thoughts coming your way. |
from innocentways : |
hey teacherlady, sorry i haven't noted you, was taken off the net by parents grrr... anyway thinking of you and sending you strength xxxxxx |
from teachersrock : |
Just a note to wish you well. I don't know what it feels like to lose an animal, but just thinking that my 8-year-old cat will eventually leave me does make me want to cry. I am absolutely sorry for the loss of your dog and cat along with lil' Charlie. I know that they loved the life they had with you. 'Cause you're an extremely nice person! I hope you get well soon!! And remember, I'm always here! <3 Stephanie |
from sixweasels : |
I'm so sorry. I'm glad he had you in his short little life. Hugs. |
from innocentways : |
I'm so so sorry about charlie, i hope you're ok. R.I.P. Charlie xxxxx |
from teachersrock : |
Hey, I am sooo sorry for the loss of Charlie. :( awe. I just about cried. I hate hearing about an animal dying or has died. Especially when they were as young as Charlie. I hope your ok. E-mail me anytime! |
from innocentways : |
yay for power! w00t!! lol xxxxxx |
from teachersrock : |
That hurricane that you all down in Florida had, is now making it's way over to us with a storm and they said we might possibly have a flood. But, that's ok. We don't get huge floods. Just like about 4-5 inch floods. And I could really use a day off tomorrow even tho we only had like 1 day of school. I have been like under the weather today. I barely ate today. So, I could be catching something and it would be nice to sleep in. ;) I hope you get your power back soon! |
from innocentways : |
Yay!! you're still alive, was really worried! Still sending good vibes {{{Tons of good vibes and hugs}}} xxxxxxxxxxxx |
from sixweasels : |
Still thinking of you and sending good vibes your way! |
from innocentways : |
Stay safe!!! I'll be praying for ya. xxxxxxxx |
from teachersrock : |
I will be keeping you and the rest of Florida in my thoughts and prayers! Be safe! |
from sixweasels : |
Just wanted to say I'm thinking of you and hoping that Frances stays far away from you, Cami and Charlie! |
from teachersrock : |
Hey!! I'll be thinking about you and praying that you'll be ok. ----- Stephanie |
from innocentways : |
{{Go out to sea vibes}} Plenty of them!!! |
from teachersrock : |
Hey, thanks for noting me back. I enjoy reading your diary too! Unfortunately, I'm not in school yet like you said. But, I do start September 7th. Which is in 10 days. yay! Anyways. Talk to you later!! --Stephanie |
from sixweasels : |
Weasels always win, my dear. We humans must accept our role as their food-bears, hammock providers, and chew toys. (Your weasels, by the way, are adorable!) |
from teachersrock : |
Hey teacherlady2, I was just looking at some of your other entries and saw those cute baby pictures of that adorable baby squirel. My family and I used to have a few squirels up on our deck. One of them I named Smokey. We haven't seen any of them for awhile. Infact the last day I saw Smokey was the day he left me a nice gift on our deck railing. lol. Well, keep postin' pics of Charlie. Have an awesome year! Stephanie |
from innocentways : |
Hi teacherlady. Thanks for believing me, i want to let you know, that your notes, made me smile and feel loved. {{{teacherlady}}} Thankyou so much. love kez xxxxxx |
from innocentways : |
thanks, i do believe you, because i know that i can trust you. And i see that you do all you can for any living thing in need. I respect that. I know you don't judge me, because on some level, you know what it's like, and you understand. *big hugs back* Love innocentways x-x-x-x-x-x-x |
from ladyro : |
I am very happy to see that you made it through the storm...Your new charge is adorable! Charlie...I might have named him "Rocky" tho (think Bullwinkle). But that's just me. LOL |
from innocentways : |
Awwwww Charlie looks so sweet! I'm glad you're ok. Take care innocentways x-x-x-x-x-x-x |
from sixweasels : |
Charlie is adorable! I'm so glad he made it to you - he couldn't be in better hands! |
from ladyro : |
I hate hurricanes...and tornadoes too. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers...*hugs* |
from sixweasels : |
Raisins. Of all my weasels, I've only had one who didn't go crazy over raisins. In very limited doses, these are great treats. And Ferretone. Ferretone is not only like crack for weasels, but it is good for them and works great as a distraction when you are trying to trim their claws! |
from sixweasels : |
I am so glad that you were a part of Aaron's life, and that you will continue to be a part of his sister's. My thoughts are with you. Hugs. |
from hissandtell : |
Darling, first of all, good luck with the new term. It's natural and inevitable to be nervous about the changes, but things will settle down eventually, I'm sure. Next, try to imagine yourself simply as strong and gorgeous and powerful and clever and completely fabulous, and let your inner bitch come right to the fore. If people dare to make negative comments about your appearance or your ambitions or whatever, just refuse to listen. Look them in the eye and say something like, "I always think personal remarks are so odious, don't you? I would never be so rude or presumptuous to tell another person what I think of how they look or how they live. I can't imagine why anyone would feel they have the right to pass judgement on someone else," and smile inscrutably and stand your ground. If you let them know how happy you are with all aspects of your life, they will have little choice but to believe you. (Just a thought...) I'll be thinking of you. Love, R xxx |
from ladyro : |
Brady cool is that? Hope your weekend went well. Mine just *went*...LOL oh well. Hopefully, I'll have a job this week. I kinda wanna eat next month...I'm not too fond of ants, you see...heehee! |
from ladyro : |
Thank the gods that I wasn't the only one who thought of Nanu Nanu...LOL...How about 7 in another language? No? Okay...Now about your cleaning know, you're more than welcome to come over and assist me...I still have oodles of boxes to go through. I also think I am going to end up having some kind of junk sale (my junk is in good shape, I just have too much of I need the money!). Carson has a post-wide rummage sale once a month, but I don't remember when it is. Since I have a rather large driveway, I suppose I *could* have it here at home...? And with regard to your cramping, I agree with the exercise shit...too much like work. Here's what I do: squat. Literally, *Squat*. It's a natural birthing stance and it really does help to relieve the cramping. If you're laying down, bring your knees up (by far the easiest). If you can not squat, sit in a really low chair (or on the floor)...a beach chair will work and draw your knees up as close to your belly as you can...Get creative...sit on the commode and put some books on the floor, then put your feet on the books. This might also help with any flexibility issues you might have during that time of the month too...And NO comments from Tommy Boy (by far my fave peanut gallery) regarding said just wouldn't understand. |
from hissandtell : |
Oh, that dangerspouse is such a bastard. I thought of Nanu Nanu, too (since you wanted an NN name and all) but rejected it immediately as being too crappy to even mention. Oh, and this was on your Random Surrealism Generator just now: "If I had a Post-It note, I'd extract the elixir of life from it in the wheel-clamp, I'd catch rabies from it in the three-toed sloth..." Perhaps you could do something wonderful with that, doll! Love, R xxx |
from dangerspouse : |
Hey buddy, good to have you in the club. Grab a glass outta the dishwasher, pop a beer, scratch yer balls and have a seat. Feels good, don't it? Yeah, them dumb broads and their endless natterings about petty problems (like naming stupid tree sloths - what a crock!) don't know squat about problem solving, do they? (BTW, "Seven" is a shitty name for a sloth. That was the name of the little kid on "Married, With Children" that dragged the show down in its final years. Don't let that name curse your class also!! about "Nanu-Nanu"? Hey, it rocketted Robin Williams to fame!) |
from hissandtell : |
I too think Seven is the ultimate cool name for a sloth. Damn, I only wish I'd thought of it (even before George Costanza, that is). |
from rumblelizard : |
Howdy, thanks for stopping by. I think you should name the sloth "Seven," because he's one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Kidding! I think you should name him "Schnell." |
from iamafatgirl : |
I never mind for people to add me as a favorite...I like your diary too!! I hope that I never fail to interest you in my writing!!! |
from hissandtell : |
Do I MIND? Hell, no! I'm flattered as can be. Thanks so much for your kind note; I'm looking forward to reading your older entries and keeping up with your future writings. Love, R xxx |
from purplebanana : |
You couldn't be more right about the alarm thing. Perhaps I'll do that tomorrow. |
from dangerspouse : |
Hah! I loved your note, re: "no child left behind". This has been updated by Michael Jackson to "Leave no child's behind" of course... |
from ladyro : |
Oh MY...TommyBoy's a right little shit, isn�t he? Ah but you gotta love 'im! I know exactly what you mean by the sleeping in thing...I am nocturnal by nature and this getting up early stuff is for the birds...literally. I have trees all around my house and while I'm glad the hail storm from this weekend didn't scoot ALL the birdies out, I wish they would least until I get up. What do you have in your garden??? I haven't even thought about what to put in the empty flower beds that I find myself trying NOT to look at...I won�t talk about the grass that's NOT in the front yard...oiy! |
from dangerspouse : |
27 out of 28?? You really HAVE earned the moniker "TeacherBabe", teacherbabe! *whew* - what exactly do you teach them kids?! Oh man, sorry to hear about the foot problems. Sounds like you're wounded right to your sole. Sorry...couldn't resist.... :) |
from innocentways : |
hey teacherlady, i stumbled across your diary, and found it an interesting read, i hope you don't mind that i've added you love innocentways -x-x-x-x- |
from ladyro : |
You GO girl! *hugz4teacherlady* Rock on! |
from ladyro : |
Hon, we're ALL basket cases to some degree or else why in the great Wide, Wide World of Sports would we be writing for all the world to see...and for *free* mind you? Yeah, I think we're all a little nutzed...not that this is such a bad thing...Thank you for the note at my place and tagging my journal! <|:-) <3~k |
from sixweasels : |
Yay! Just wanted to welcome you to your second Diaryland venture. Writing here becomes addictive : ). |
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