messages to theatreliz:
(click here to add new message):

from the-aerie :
Just out of curiosity, are you still alive?!?! I miss you (from the-diarist-formerly-known-as-Shaithis).
from uberfrau :
Hello, hello and a belated welcome to the kids in the hall diary ring. I don't think you could ever be too neurotic for a guy. Pop psychology aside, I think men are way more neurotic than women and way more fragile, in an annoying way. I think MOrrissey is the worst thing that ever happend to men in their twenties and thirties.
from rachelalexis :
Ahh, how happy it made me to see that you were listening to Rilo Kiley. Just yesterday I bought their new CD "More Adverturous". Fantastic. Really, lovely. Anyway, you really need to check the new stuff out, I think you would enjoy it. How is life back at college? You know, we really should start just writing emails.
from shaithis :
Ahhhh, Southern women make my blood boil...
from rachelalexis :
Oh, yes, and.. Hah.
from rachelalexis :
1. Take Offs and Landings by Rilo Kiley is by far my favorite album. Their other stuff is good, but this is great. The first track has always reminded me of you, for some reason. 2. I am in love with DMB. 3. I'm falling in love with Ani DiFranco. 4. Be proud.
from soror :
(Was 'do without' the right expression there? Is a whole life enough to learn a language almost perfectly..? Anyway.)
from soror :
Thank you for your note. And for your empathy. Love... Desired. Difficult. Sometimes painful. But it's worth it. May your world do without feelings like the one you wrote about in your latest entry.
from shaithis :
Perhaps it sad that two oh-so-clever people revert to this type of exchange? Nonetheless, I thought it was cute. Hehe.
from shaithis :
I love the fact that you and I shared the witty banter from a Batman movie...
from shaithis :
A kiss can be deadly if you mean it...
from soror :
It's great that you write in your diary again. I like to read it.
from shaithis :
I have missed you.
from soror :
I really like your diary.
from shaithis :
I love to mention Rand whenever possible... I hope you're OK. I'm worried about you. E-mail me if you need to vent. Adios.
from shaithis :
Yeah, Mr. Adams isn't my usual fare either. Nevertheless, I've been listening to 80's power ballads lately. Perhaps the hopeless romantic in me is taking control. Is that a bad thing?
from shaithis :
Once renew my faith. I don't know if you understand your imapct upon my life, but it is significant. Thank you for being you.
from shaithis :
It's raining in my life and my constitution is washing away. Why is it that God creates beautiful things that are so dangerous? I miss your entries...
from rach4christ :
You must see it as soon as you can. Honestly, I can't even tell you how amazing it is. It's in my top 2, easy. You'll love it.
from irockmysocks :
Well, I talked to Pippi, and she said every small animal is eligible other than her.
from irockmysocks :
Hmm. Well, so, when do I get to meet / see a picture of this Eli guy? You told me a while ago I would. And... I haven't. Are you going Sunday? To Memphis in May? If so, please call me while you are there, as I should be, too.
from irockmysocks :
BEN KWELLER SONG! And his best one to date, by my calculations. Ah, yes... I have taught you well. Haha...
from rach4christ :
Kill Bill Vol 2. Tomorrow. Holy Living Fuck.
from shaithis :
I am absolutely thrilled for you! Romance makes life worth living.
from globe :
Globe Listings would be happy to have you as part of our listings site! Would you like more traffic? Come check us out then! Thank you. Have a great day!
from blavender :
I agree completely with your latest entry about religion. -B.
from throwingjuly :
there's this couple that comes into the country club where i work on a regular basis--at least once a week. the husband is in his late ninties, his walk is doddering and about as fast as a turtle with arthritus. the wife is a bit younger and bit more coherent, perhaps in her eighties. every morning (reportedly) he wakes up before his wife and makes her a cup of coffee and breakfast, and never, absolutely never, sits down before he has seated her, even if he has to wait five minutes while she goes to the bathroom. it's amazing, really, in this really small, sweet way. something to strive for, i guess.
from girl-razor :
Hiya, I've been reading your diary for sometime now - all my rings somehow lead me back to you and your layout's always stood out to me. I really enjoyed reading your diary. *starts humming Luka* xxx
from irockmysocks :
It's a huge production, and there were no cuts... It would take me all night to tell you who all did. And I would still forget people... Let me just say Caitlin, Elizabeth, Jack, and Tim got the lead's.
from shaithis :
Any time you wish to discuss Rand, feel free to e-mail me!
from irockmysocks :
Aw, Lindsey, it was awesome. You really need to work out a way to go see him. And the Colliseum was a really good place to have him. I mean... We weren't on the floor, we were the first thing up, and our seats were -awesome-! I think anyone had a good seat in that place. And even Maroon 5 was great. Which... I knew they would be. I heart them, too. Oh, and thanks for the message about State! It's gonna be awesome... I frickin' love choir!
from shaithis :
Yeah, I guess I never thought about the Roarke connection...The Fountainhead is one of my top five favorite books. Rand is my favorite author - Atlas Shrugged is also in the top five. I feel like Roarke now...I always do in a certain sense. If I had to choose a fictional character as a prototype for the man I want to be, Roarke would win hands down.
from shaithis :
Happy belated birthday! Sorry I didn't send happy wishes your way earlier, but I've been a little insane. Hope the play is going well. Cheers!
from shaithis :
By the way, I'm glad I reaffirm your faith in men. Trust me, you do the same for me - well for ladies, that is.
from shaithis :
Advice from the roost: Don't sweat it about the boys. Time tells all and it is quite pointless to fret over the future. You should continue to see both of them (it isn't like you are committed to either of them) and let their actions and personalities make your decision for you. Just let nature run its course. Cheers.
from irockmysocks :
Guess who I saw tonight while in Hasting's? Jane and her... Fiance.
from irockmysocks :
Guess who I saw tonight while in Hasting's? Jane and her... Fiance.
from irockmysocks :
Ah, yes. I understand that you couldn't come, but... Dang, Lindsey, it was sooo fun. "I can't explain..." Heh. The Who. We listened to them on the way to Hot Springs. Adam had their CD. Man... I loved it so much. So awesome. [And, yes, On the Road is for Mrs. Morgan. I just... Don't read. :-/ ]
from irockmysocks :
"I can dance. You will see... The others? They all learned from me!" - The Superbowl Shuffle by The Chicago Bears
from irockmysocks :
Haha, yes. Brandon sent me one last night, and I fell in love with it. I really do believe you'd enjoy him if you ever got to talk to him. And since you're busy with 800 million things to do, I guess inviting you to watch me at All-State is a definant no? :-/
from irockmysocks :
"Hey, kid... I'ma computer! Stop all the downloadin'!" Dude, Lindsey, the next time you're home, I -have- to show you these G.I. Joe videos. Frickin' hilarious.
from irockmysocks :
I only do that when I'm home by myself. I get invited to parties and stuff, and I refuse. I know what I'm doing. I didn't drink until I was home and it was 12-something. I wasn't going anywhere.
from shaithis :
Thanks for the offer, but I think I'm going to be OK. I don't is somewhat difficult to explain, but I feel pretty darned good about myself right now and I think I'm almost ready to move on. Time tells all and I'm sure I'll have a relapse or two. When and if this happens, I'll cry on your shoulder - as long as the offer still stands. Have a great day!
from shaithis :
Happy Valentine�s Day.
from shaithis :
You found the roost!
from rach4christ :
Hey thanks for the encouraging words about all state. I really appreciate it. Also, give me some good jam bands to look into. *twitch*
from fieryjudge :
Men are evil? I must redeem myself in the river Jordan!
from shaithis :
Hey, "stumbled" upon your diary and I must admit that it is refreshing to see other romantics in the world...
from irockmysocks :
YES! The Darkness. They are the funniest band around. Funny guys, they are. They make me laugh, cause... They're funny.
from irockmysocks :
Hey, here's an idea, ya'l... GO TO THOSE SITES AND USE THEM. Hmm... Seems smart enough to me. Oh, and Lindsey, did you know that Scarlett Johannsen is in "The Perfect Score?" Perhaps you should go see that and be wowed by her in that, too! :-/
from rach4christ :
I have an idea. You left me a note saying you wanted my template. Although I haven't admitted it, I want to use yours. Possibly a trade is in order?
from arielmac :
I know I am late but welcome to the roadtripper diaryring!
from irockmysocks :
Come around? Honestly! I merely like one or two songs. Nothing near your state of obsessive-ness. Heh. Whoo... Too many biggish words, uh...
from fallen53 :
Hey, saw you marked my your diary a little...glad to see that there are other hopeless romantics in the world.
from allie23869 :
Hey! Thanks for joinin the anti-country diaryring. =)
from irockmysocks :
Haha, yes... I just laughed about the grass / sky one for... So long. I'm sure people thought I was crazy, but did I care? No.
from irockmysocks :
Haha... I can't get you a ticket! You might wanna ask Mom; she's paying for mine. I think I might take a friend along, too. And I have no clue how much they are. They're not on sale yet. Oh, and Maroon 5 is opening. I don't know them too well, but Brandon assures me they're good...?
from irockmysocks :
28th of Febuary... Colliseum. We are going, YES.
from irockmysocks :
You said use it, and... Use it, I did! Don't worry... If anyone asks, you get the credit. But... No one does. Anyway... Pippi says hello and that she misses you. Poor Patty.
from irockmysocks :
Why, hello there, from Arkansas. How is The College Life treating you? Good, I hope? The College Life... LET'S MAKE A REALITY SHOW! Or... Not.
from irockmysocks :
You scare me much, dear sister. Especially when you type like that. So... So WiLl I! LoL! i JuZt LuV tYpInG lYkE tHiS! iT rUlEz! And you're wrong... Hilary Duff rules. HAHA!
from mistresslink :
thanks for joining high fidelity :)
from intheory27 :
I would say welcome to the english major ring...but then again, my gold membership has run out. =/ So when I get it back again (ie: when funds are up again), I'll review and add you. :)
from sillieshamma :
Welcome to the Hook diaryring!
from valkang :
HI. Welcome to the IHATEOPRAH diaryring. Thanks for joining... -Zelda
from caspia :
Thanks for joining the blooddonor diaryring!
from irockmysocks :
I enjoy it. So, there. Leave me alone, anyway. I'm going to be alone and depressed at the fact I have nothing to do tonight. Oh, and you started with a { and ended with a ]. What a loser.
from brodyrocks :
It's like my all-time fave. I even take fashion tips from the characters. Even though I've seen it a million times, I still get emotional after they crash Nat's party and they both start crying. LOL, I'm such a girly!
from brodyrocks :
WOW! Your layouts pretty cool as well! :D
from rach4christ :
That's crazy saying I'm too young to take my boyfriend into Victoria Secret with me. [And yes, it was quite fun.]
from irockmysocks :
You are a skank, but I am forced to call you my sister... LOBSTER STICKS TO MAGNET!

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