messages to tornshadow:
(click here to add new message):

from ashesasunder :
Real jobs suck anyway! The only way I can use my messenger right now is through my cell phone so I'm not on it too often. Typing on that thing bites the cat's ass, let me tell you. I'll look out for you though. =P
from ashesasunder :
*SMACK* Believe me, I've been indulging in that special "herbal remedy". I think the problem is that I need to get laid >=D
from goingon :
Happy birthday my love, may we have a thousand more together ;)
from bettyford :
i just got your note and i'm not sure when you left it but THANKS. it's weird that you mention the "singleness of purpose" subject as it came up in a meeting this week. some one started to share and introduced herself and said she was an addict and the discussion leader cut her off and would not let her share. it bothered me for her and it bothered me that "old timers" act so self-rightous sometimes. after the meeting i talked to my sponsor who said that alcoholics will quit relating and that the program won't work if it becomes a meeting of drug addicts. But one of her sponsees is a former pill popper? i have so many opposing emotions about AA but I also have 45 days sober for the first time in ten years. Thanks again for leaving a note . . . we should chat!
from ashesasunder :
Will that be 4x6 or 8x10? =D
from ashesasunder :
The other reference was to The Rocky Horror Picture Show...but since you got the first one so beautifully, You'll get the "1/2 off" sent to you ^_~
from daze-of-rain :
I compare the convention to a large pep rally where your team can do/say no wrong...but that other school is all kinds of fucked up. A pat on the back and a stroke of the....uh...ego, yeah....Politicians need it...(and I'm a liberal idiot too btw : P ) but I like you anyhow (ha ha)
from juniperhexum :
thank you for saying that
from prowlingleo :
Loves you ;)
from lifew0ntwait :
Hey. I made a new diary, off-color-, to start fresh. Just letting you know that I won't be using this one anymore.
from tornshadow :
Just leaving myself a note. :P
from ginmar :
According to this site--- least nineteen women have died since the war began. I have to wonder, frankly, if you sneer that much at men in the same 'important but not dangerous' professions.
from ginmar :
The fact is, you're wrong. I know of at least five women who've gotten killed since fighting began, and you didn't address the issue at all. It doesn't matter whether or not the US puts them in harm's way because the enemy does not draw that distinction. I don't have a diaryland account because I have a livejournal. This war does not have a front line, and while women are still restricted from combat arms, they are in fact MPs and so on. By all means, provide links to the 'reputable' news sources as well as DOD sources. As far as your dismissive "it will help them to relax when they are not doing their jobs, which are important but generally not life threatening,"---I was in combat three weeks ago. Perhaps I should have just informed Muqtada Sadr's insurgants that I wasn't allowed to be fired at!
from tornshadow :
I like how "ginmar" made a diary and then when you try to click on it you get the "User Doesn't Exist" message. I like how I am unable to post a logical reply to her allegations that my numbers are innaccurate. I take my numbers from DOD and reputable news websites. I know my rules of military engagement. There still aren't any women walking around in the Infantry, driving Armor, in Recon, actual Paratroops, etc. If there is incidental combat going on, I salute anyone that takes the fire and has the courage to return it. Man or woman. Simple as that. Methinks "ginmar" may be someone I irritated at D-land just trying to irritate me. Sorry, I'm not that easy ;) As to serving time "in country" - already been to the Middle East, can't say I liked it. Do your homework before you start throwing barbs.
from ginmar :
I wanted to comment on your DOD report, which is frankly inaccurate. I'm a soldier in Iraq--female, needless to say---and I've been in combat. So have the female MPs I know, and a wide variety of females in various MOS's. Do do some of your research---preferably in country---before you issue such a ludicrous blanket denial.
from daze-of-rain :
Hold on a second...I am not supposed to lock the kid in a closet? Damn...actually...I say that completely kidding as I really do have the boy locked in his portable crib in his bedroom..."time out"...As for your latest entry, it didn't sound sexist to me.
from daze-of-rain :
thank you so much for your words of support. It means a lot to me. *hugs* Tell Mel I miss her.
from kishijoten :
*waves* I'm semi-back ;) how have you been sweetie? :)
from prowlingleo :
Baby you crazy! *kisses*
from lifew0ntwait :
from daze-of-rain :
lol I am always coming in at the tail end of something. So you went and did something scandelous again huh? What, with serving your country and all. I think I have gotten the basic idea of what's going on. Regardless of the awful things that happened at the hands of a bad man (men) I am still thankful to you and your brothers. (I so do love my men in uniform ;)...ummmm...I mean...patriotic guys.)
from chickpea981 :
Unfortuntely, it's not always perfect in this world. Justice is not always done. I was young and niave and terrified of what might happen to me if I pushed the matter. I was not granted justice. I wasn't even given a full trial. They got a slap on the wrist - whether or not you believe that is irrelevant to what happened. I am not getting into this any further with you. I don't care if you believe me or not... I don't seek your acceptance or approval. I don't ask you to accept my judgement of you either.
from chickpea981 :
the five guys who attacked me on base and raped me were repremanded. That is it. Not a fucking thing ever happened to them. Not a goddamned thing. And the commanding officers watched on. Then 2 years later another one tried to rape me, but I was able to deffend myself. I am perfectly allowed to have my opinion on a group as a whole if I so choose and I am perfectly allowed to vent about it when I run into the same mentality over and over and over again.
from prowlingleo :
I found something new for ya. Check out this entry:
from mkboog :
Since our daughter is an only child, I try to make playdates at like a park or mall play area for her so she can get out and interact with different children. She and I go out in the yard and play too. Our neighboors are older people and she's only 3 so there's not alot of variety as far as playing with children in our area. Thanks for asking though! Times have changed way to much from when we were young. =)
from ashesasunder :
POST IT THEN DAMN YOU!!! You know IMs are out for the time being. *SPANK* >=D
from daze-of-rain :
awwww...thank you. I am honored to have you as a friend. ;) lol
from eranajz :
Thanks for the info. :)
from daze-of-rain :
I have come to realize those that drive drunk rarely see the error of their ways without something pretty serious happening. You are one of very few. (unless something did happen that wasn't included here) And some people don't even stop doing it at that point. My father killed someone and spent time in jail for it...and has done the drinking and driving thing often enough to have been thrown in jail for an additional DUI. Law school huh? I've been doing some thinking about that too...But, you are two years ahead of me. I haven't even started college yet. lol
from kishijoten :
*bounces around your little area of diaryland* :)
from daze-of-rain :
you made it easy for me.
from ashesasunder :
*peers down the notes* Looks like you twisted quite a few tits, hehehe.
from preciousgift :
LOL, got bored took your nerd test. I got -26.19047619047619% - Not very good huh?
from daze-of-rain :
I know...a chick that uses logic rather than emotions...I am a rare find. lmao Not that I don't have plenty of hormonal
from mkboog :
I would like to say thank you for that 2nd entry about SAHM's, it better explained alot of things your point was trying to make with your first entry. Visitlife- you crack me up with your "arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics..." LMAO! Loved that note!
from daze-of-rain :
I just wanted to say thank you for the kind words in your latest entry. I think it's the nicest diaryland compliment I have received thus far...
from starlight42 :
oh've got to love internet arguments! Well, all I wanted to say is that I agree with your point about people who make poor decisions & then complain about them later. And being that I live near Detroit, I would love to see more poor people with no education use birth control or go out & get a job. It pisses me off that I work everyday & they sit on their but living off of the government. But, I'm not saying that's what I think SAHM's do. I never thought I'd be one to want to be a SAHM, but I have recently decided, that I would like to do that when I have children- although that is a few years down the road (and I'm 28!). However, it can only be done if it is affordable & if I don't go out of my mind with boredom!
from makahagirl :
I'm flattered that you added me. Thank you for clarifying your point, with that second entry. You don't seem like such a bad guy after all.
from mommymartin :
im not gonna throw insults but i do wanna say... that i am home with my child because i want to be. My husband makes more than enough for me to stay home. but due to some past financial mistakes ( that many young couples make) our financial situation hasnt been what it shoudl be. yes sometimes things get really tight. but the bills are always paid and there is always food on the table. if the bills werent able to be paid and i needed to find work outside the house i would. with a new car my husband and i discussed me getting a job to pay for the car payments but HE decided that getting rid of the 180$ a month for his entertainment center and tv was a better idea. my life is my life. if you dont liek how i raise my child, write in MY diary, handle my familys finances then thats your problem not mine. i dont come to your diary telling you this and that. your entry offended me and it offended others also. so i decided to reply. but after this id appreciate it if you would stay out of my diary.if you do read my diary unless you can find something kind to say about my child, or something i do dont bother to leave anymore notes to me.
from daze-of-rain :
I have to admit that I have only caught the tail end of this little discussion...But being a SAHM I have to put my two cents in none the less. I agree with you. I adore my son. I know that at his young age he needs me home. My husband and I both decided before having children that we wouldn't do it if we couldn't afford to have me home with them. Until he starts school that is. I can't imagine being at home when he is no longer there, needing me, like he does now. And even now I am lacking the mental stimulation I very much desire. For those that it works for, more power to them...if they can pay their bills. But, if they can't, a job outside the home is probably a good idea. But, that being job, although not a paying one, is a difficult one.
from visitlife :
Funny, I thought at least someone like the President of the US had the most important job. Baby, you know how the saying goes: "arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics..." even if she wins, she's still retarded. All anyone has to do is look at the way she writes, and then they can wonder exactly what kind of education any child of hers could possibly be receiving at home. Her child would be better off in daycare.
from makahagirl :
And what did YOUR mother do? You have absolutely no respect for someone who has the most important job in the world!
from mommymartin :
actually, when your child spends 8 hours a day with someone normally they are gonna be taught something. If the child goes to bed at a reasonable time then the parents really dont have much time to spend with them. and many parents are to busy fixing dinner, showering, relaxing after working to sit down and work on ABC"s and such with a child. if the child is in school then yea the parent might help with homework but thats if the child didnt do it at the daycare already. well then in that case any problems or questions that they had about their homework would have directed to a daycare worker. Also many daycares have story time, and certian times set in the day to work with the children on numbers and the alphabet. sorry but id rather teach my child things like that.
from mommymartin :
well if you dont like them fuckhead why dont you NOT read their diarys???? i guess your the kind of ass wipe that would rather have a daycare worker teaching his child everything.
from visitlife :
Baby you so silly, I love you!
from lifew0ntwait :
Nah, I was just trying to say that whenever I write horrible, "dark" entries, that it's not the way I always think. I'm usually just writing on a whim. I was just trying to say not to take it seriously.
from lifew0ntwait :
I'm somewhere in the middle of 15, so considering you being quite a bit older than me, you can just brush my pathetic ramblings off as typical teenage bullshit.
from visitlife :
I am very proud of you. And if you were to fall, I will be right there to catch you. I love you, my hero.
from preciousgift :
Merry Christmas!
from horngoddess :
Haven't heard from Mel. I think she wanted to disappear. She'll reappear eventually in true leo grandeur. Trust me.....we cannot stay out of the picture.
from cutie1083 :
Happy birthday!
from officegal :
lovel;y lovel;y lovel;y layout:) Happy belated!
from preciousgift :
Happy Birthday! :)
from autumn-kitty :
Happy Birthday, you old man! Now go crank up the thermostat!
from treewillow :
Happy Birthday, I hope you had a wonderful one.
from damodred :
Have a great birthday!
from rinramiel :
Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day :)
from bluebonnet :
from scorpio123 :
happy birthday! i hope you have a totally awesome day!.. love always, vanessa
from atbay :
Happy Birthday!
from watty :
Happy birthday! Have a great time celebrating. I wish you all the best. =)
from riversrawk :
happy birthday! living with the opposite sex isn't so hard.. of course, i never lived with anyone until my junior year of college. but it's not so bad. don't let the others scare you.
from dombilly :
happy birthday jay!
from pastagirl :
Happy Birthday! Have a great day!!
from velvet-heart :
Happy Birthday Jay. Say hello to Mel for me. Hugs Chrissy
from elliorange :
♥ Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your special day!
from seenuh :
happiest birthday wishes to you!
from seenuh :
happiest birthday wishes to you!
from misspinkkate :
Happy Birthday!
from mickey225 :
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!
from macfarlane :
Happy Birthday Jay, have a great time
from dlandbdays :
Happy Birthday!
from twisted-mind :
Happy birthday! Hope its great!
from visitlife :
Happy Birthday my love, thank you for making my dreams come true, hopefully I can do the same for you someday. I love you forever and ever, and on December 1st, our lives will finally be complete.
from visitlife :
I didn't even realize they were bundled up until you mentioned it. But what can ya do? Some people are set in their ways. As far as D2 goes, it doesn't matter if they've been together longer, they are still miserable, and have been for most of those 6 years. You and I have fought how many times...uhm...never? And they are at it almost daily. I wouldn't stress over their opinions.
from prowlingleo :
If you don't mind, I'm going to sit here a while...closest I have to being with you right now. I love you.
from visitlife :
Ditto ;) Moooooooo
from visitlife :
You are the BESTEST boyfriend EVER! And that makes it 500 points ;)
from visitlife :
I don't recall the closet part, no, I don't think you mentioned that ;)
from visitlife :
A conversation eh?
from tornshadow :
Yeah I know. I just don't like them that much. :)
from prowlingleo :
Baby, you know you got private entries now? Hehe, big fat cow goes grr arg! Perhaps a 5 banger is in order...
from preciousgift :
from morguecrawl :
from lifew0ntwait :
Of course I wasn't being sarcastic. It is cool. :)
from kishijoten :
4 times in 2 days... *feels your forehead* :))) love the new template honey. Missing you and Melody lots :(
from lifew0ntwait :
nice diary.
from kishijoten :
*hugs n kisses*
from prowlingleo :
Your gold is all set up, let me know if you want to use that 3 field option thing. Loves you! Mooooooooo!
from atbay :
hehe...who knows maybe the titans will actually win the game against the saints on sunday.
from preciousgift :
and the rumor is that you need to fucking update.
from prowlingleo :
There's this rumor around the internet...
from preciousgift :
Hey You! Update!!!
from prowlingleo :
Overflowing, just thought I'd let ya know. ;)
from lionyxen :
No problem, let me just wire it over right now. . . .Damn, don't have your account number! Aw shit, hehehe. =P Maybe you could try doing what I do part-time...but be careful, most of the men in the business are "mens' men." ^_~
from preciousgift :
I agree. I would've been knocked the fuck out if I talked liked that.
from suckthis :
Hey just thought i'd let you knwo that it's weird that you like Rush and Third eye blind, Expecially since its my fav bands and i think its weird... i'm 17
from prowlingleo :
Haha knew it wouldn't be 3! Busted!
from eranajz :
Just wanted to leave a quick note saying... uh, thanks for the quick note. :)
from kishijoten :
Blood Red Skies - Judas Preist? *muah* babes, how are you!!!! you and Melody and D all huh huh huh... damn Americans never answer your phones :( miss you guys! still up for next year all of ya? ;)))
from preciousgift :
hahaha! would your theme song be: Blood Red Skies by none other than the most excellent Judas Priest?
from prowlingleo :
I knew it wouldn't be two days in a row, silly you for even mentioning such a thing!
from preciousgift :
Eleven days? Do you abuse everything like you abuse this diary? ;) Just kidding. Update already, sheesh!
from atbay :
Football season is fast approaching, you can bet I'm eagerly awaiting it.
from prowlingleo :
I'm thinking you need a break from Amber and you need to embrace Vampire!
from prowlingleo :
Need me to clean your pipes? ;)
from kishijoten :
aaaaaah, b. i just figured it out *grins* *hugs lots* anyways, nope - me no like it being referrred to as that. *shudders* puts me off just thinking about it. and to close.... "If there is any Zelazny fans interested in playing the Amber DRPG that live on Long Island, please email me immediately." me me me!!!! oh, wait. Long Island area *sulks*
from lionyxen :
There's just one problem with that adorably nervous message you left on my call back number! *poke* Way to go professor, hehehe. Thanks for the birthday shout though. ^_^
from prowlingleo :
Baby you're slackin! If you don't update before or during your trip, your fans will cry and toss themselves over cliffs! Hehe :)
from preciousgift :
Ok, I know you're alive. What's the excuse. 10 days? Come on Mr. Jay...some of us miss you.
from orgasmicrevu :
Hi! We're not new in town but our review site is. Please cum request a review if the mood strikes ya!
from prowlingleo :
I come here sometimes just to read the latest entry...I love you sweetie.
from lovebleeds4u :
i knew it and now do not let go
from livieaaron :
I am not confused anymore. I am happy for you both and can not wait to see you!
from preciousgift :
Good luck on shaking the (h)ex; I wish You & Melody the best of the best. Because you both deserve to be insanely happy. Cheers!
from prowlingleo :
I love you baby. No more darkness, only the light our love will bring to the future.
from prowlingleo :
Hello in town?
from livieaaron :
I am confused.
from eranajz :
Awww... okay, you're forgiven. -- I was mostly just teasing, anyway, but the note and entry is most appreciated. :)
from saptinus :
Because Rush is so awesome I will leave you with some lyrics from Hemispheres. We can build a world of wonder, I can make you all aware I bring truth and understanding I bring wit and wisdom and precious gifts beyond compare I bring love and I bring music I bring fire to keep you warm, through the endless winter storm. So good so far.
from luciangrey :
... I found your diary through Miss Kristen (Aka, MorgueCrawl) - a dear friend of many years. I wanted to take the time to thank you for the read, I will, if it is, acceptable, be back.
from visitlife :
I have no doubt in my mind you will make it interesting. Give them a day, it'll change (hopefully).
from prowlingleo :
The only thing I could find for Maryland was Bladensburg, many many stories there, and Burkittsville, town Blair Witch was based on. Any of those? Cause we're going when we find it!
from prowlingleo :
Nunc scio quit sit amor.
from preciousgift :
No pressure from me; I assure you. ;) Stay sweet to my girl & have a blast in Vegas.
from visitlife :
I thought you might.
from livieaaron :
I forgot. It will come to me.
from livieaaron :
You! I need to research you for my project!
from visitlife :
Pics added :)
from prowlingleo :
Before I forget, the email you requested is [email protected]
from lovebleeds4u :
i beg of you to read email sent.
from lionyxen :
Hmmmm, you now have a total of 25 b.p.'s going towards O.S. you lucky man! >=)
from ontheoutside :
Hey, well I'll be 22 when I get married. And I'm in "such a hurry" (which really isn't as it's a year away), because I love my fiance very much. It's probably a bit silly to some people, but to those that have read my diary since I've met him - I fell in love with him, and knew I would marry him from the moment I saw him. We compliment each other in every way - what I am at a loss for, he fills in. The same the opposite way. He's my best friend, and I want to share all my experiences with him. I want to be able to talk to him and say "remember when we did this?" and so on and so forth. Dave is everything to me. If your curious still, I believe I wrote an entry on it, if you look in my archives for this month, I believe I wrote it June 1st. :) Anyway, I'm going to go check out some of your diary. Have a nice evening!
from visitlife :
It's nothing, don't worry about it.
from lionyxen :
*hugs and smiles back* You know where to find me.
from preciousgift :
Don't settle for the one you can live with, wait for the one you can't live without.
from prowlingleo :
I know this is officialy random guestbook signing week, but I'm making it a 'thank you for reading me' day. So here is me, thanking you, for continuing to read me.~Everyone got that note, but only you get this *throws checkers french fries at you!*
from prowlingleo :
This is me annoying anyone who hasn't updated, so update! If I say please sir, will ya do it? ;)
from lovebleeds4u :
from prowlingleo :
Soft Cell did Tainted Love! Yeah, having a blond moment and just thought of it :)
from griffinboy :
Shes the lucky one...fact your both lucky. Hope you are very very happy :)
from prowlingleo :
No, I'm the lucky one.
from prowlingleo :
Uhoh...fightin' words *hides*
from atbay :
ayuh, lousy taste in teams. but at least you don't like miami or buffalo, there may be some hope for you yet.
from prowlingleo :
I can admit when I'm wrong: It is Godsmack, not Vast. Although you wouldn't be able to tell on Kazaa. And diaryland is eating my notes again.
from prowlingleo :
So...uhm...yeah. Beating you to it, you're welcome for Applebees :)
from prowlingleo :
And yeah, this is another note. In answer to your are never 2nd, at least to me.
from prowlingleo :
And yeah, that was your 100th entry. Congratulations...and my AIM misses you :(
from prowlingleo :
Understood if you need this weekend off.
from prowlingleo :
I think I already said this; there's no need to thank me. But I suppose I'll get all humble now and say you're welcome. You will be okay, if I have anything to do with it! ;)
from angelwhore :
angel, dearest. whats happened :*( fuck i wish i had some money so i could call you.... I've had to nick Russell's computer to check my email and favourite diaries. damn babes - I'm worried about you :(
from prowlingleo :
Check out the template on this diary:
from lionyxen :
This may be one of the last notes I'll be able to leave I suppose I should write something poetic and well. At least you got your damn note ^_^
from prowlingleo :
Sorry, I won't stalk you anymore :(
from poeticstance :
Read the latest, 'Escape', let me know what you think.
from prowlingleo :
I was reading all of my notes today, and came across a few old ones from you. Seems like we've known each other forever, and yet we haven't. Any idea why that is? And yeah, White Castle ~ you're buyin'.
from prowlingleo :
Good for you, you should be able to write what you want. Hopefully I can too, someday. If you would like the password to my diary, feel free to email me. I trust you.
from prowlingleo :
Just making my rounds of thanks for people leaving me comments. Remind me to NEVER do that again, WAY too many people to thank. But since we've been talkin' all day, it's all good ;)
from stormsong :
i finally remembered to check where im hosting it and its all cool. heh. I'm off to go get drunk
from prowlingleo :
So where are you when I'm feeling daring hmmm?
from lionyxen :
>=( Not using the messenger today?
from prowlingleo :
Mission accomplished.
from lionyxen :
Saaaaay...I was just scrolling through my notes and I noticed a certain term you used way back in the day..."AFK"...reminds me of a certain game, just curious if you know what I'm talking about (and if you do, I may need assistance in picking myself up off the floor) ^_^
from prowlingleo :
And here I thought your next entry would be about changing the world *sigh*. Such disappointments in life I must endure. Have fun today.
from lionyxen :
Hmmm, August 1-3rd...I don't know for certain, my birthday is August 4th though! Going to pick out a nice present for me? >=)
from stormsong :
angel - mail me your home address; I'll send you the great book of amber :) I don't read it much anymore anyway :(
from prowlingleo :
Sorry I missed you, depression took over and I avoided all contact for most of the day/evening. Still am actually, with the exception of my beloved diaryland.
from prowlingleo :
from stormsong :
from prowlingleo :
Not sure when you wrote the note, I just woke up from a freakish nightmare (I've only had three nightmares in my life, this is #3). Glad Luc got off okay, maybe tomorrow our online paths will cross. Night.
from prowlingleo :
Had a good time tonight, hope to hear from you soon ;)
from prowlingleo :
How about answering the cell phone when I call...sheesh! My mission has been accomplished, not my fault if the target is busy doing other things :X
from lionyxen :
Well in that case...the guest bedroom is a horrifying mess, so I guess you're going to have to sleep in my bed... ^_~
from stormsong :
I'd buy it. Oh I'd have such a fun time *reading* it. hey, you know what - do you wanna read it ..... together? ;)
from stormsong :
Hey there ;) How you doin *chandler voice* *grins* I'll be coming down in a minute. hehehehehe, gotta try to get some sleep. Probably ;)
from lionyxen :
Hmmm, October, "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves" style. ^_~ R: "Position does not dictate behavior; otherwise I wouldn't have been able to spit water all over that customer!"
from lionyxen :
"I drive real slow, in the ultra-fast lane, while people, behind me, are going insane..." ^_^ I love the classics! and my answer...only if the bride is allowed to wear a sexy red dress instead of boring white....*MEOW!* ^_~
from ladyofamber :
uhm. As far as I know - Monday/Tuesday. *hugs* I hate my life at the moment :(
from lionyxen :
Hehehe I just couldn't stop myself on that last one ^_^
from lionyxen :
*grins and bares it*
from morguecrawl :
*smiles and waves*
from lionyxen :
Nice wolf picture on the page! I like ^_^ A king eh? I don't know if a King Wolf is a match for a Queen Lion =p hehehe see you soonb
from ladyofamber :
yay for being the king!! :) and ignore what other people say angel (uhm, yes im a hypocrit)
from lionyxen :
And where have YOU been Mr.? Don't make me come out there and whip you! >=)
from ladyofamber :
tum tee tum - its almost midnight here now angel, so I'm gonna go to bed - hoping I didn't scare you ;(
from morguecrawl :
Alright :-)
from lionyxen :
Onward we surviors go, heads bloody but unbowed. HELLO TO YOU TOO! ^_^ Hehehe I'll give you the most exciting lap dance of your life if that will help cheer you up =D
from ladyofamber :
you dont stink godamnit!!!!!
from angelwhore :
your not a loser godamnit!!!!!!!!!!!!! your adorable *rasp* and remember what you are to me... ;P
from angelwhore :
angel whats wrong? *worried look* *gentle hugs*
from sexfiendgirl :
if you want my password, leave me a note with your e-mail address
from morguecrawl :
You know, you've never given me your number. :-/ I'd call you if I had it. *L*
from lionyxen :
Happy where's the keg? ^_~ Hope you had a great time =D
from ladyofamber :
I called you on Saturday and left a message on your answerphone
from name-less :
happy birthday!
from riversrawk :
happy birthday! i hope your day goes well. have a good one! it's naptime for me..
from hapithoughts :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! i hope you have a great day full of fun and laughter!
from cheerbaby12 :
happy birthday hun! i know you aren't having such a great time, but keep your chin up, it can only get better..
from november9 :
Happy Birthday!! That last entry about your day sounds horrible!! I hope you're doing better and that you have a great birthday today. Take care!!
from kathiec :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! have a great day...heck, have a great year!! Love and birthday hugs Kathie
from jen69 :
happy birthday. hope you have a better day than the one in your last entry. dlandbday committee
from dlandbdays :
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day, and may all your dreams and wishes come true.
from lionyxen :
*laughs* Always bring a roll of toilet paper when visiting with an 'expert'. Tell them to wipe their mouth with it after they're done spewing out the bullshit terms they use to basically tell you how fucked in the head you are. ^_~ I suppose that means I have "a misplaced sense of humor stemming from disassociated blah blah blah" ahhh...I'll just shut up and eat my apple and happy pills. ^_~
from ladyofamber :
~hugs lots n lots n lots~ call me sometime soon angel? :)
from lionyxen :
I enjoyed my visit. ^_^ Stay strong.
from morguecrawl :
I don't know when you'll log in here again. I haven't seen you since that other night. Listen, I want to really sincerely apologize. I can't believe I treated you so badly and unsympathetically. It was really unlike me to do that and I feel utterly horrible about it. I hope you can find it in you to forgive me. I'd e-mail this to you but my e-mail thingy doesn't seem to be co-operating...hmmm...maybe I'll put it in you notes on d-land. Anyways Jay *hugs* I DO love you. I'm sorry I snarked and, as much as I'd like to say I had a good excuse, there really IS no excuse to treat a friend that way. So I won't even bother with my pitiful reasonings. Please get in touch with me soon so I can say again how sorry I am. xx-Kris (I'm such a shit. ugh)
from ladyofamber :
your not a shit!! your wonderful and i miss you lots :*( we should start the roleplay-y thing again :)
from morguecrawl :
I'm sorry if i said something wrong... :-(
from morguecrawl :
I'm sorry hun. :-(
from morguecrawl :
Oh,'ve really gotta stop this. That's so dangerous. I many people get hurt... *sighs* My very good friend's husband was killed right infront of her by a drunk driver a year ago. She never got over it. She killed herself just this past May. There are consequences. The last thing I want to do is lecture and make you feel bad...but I worry about you.
from morguecrawl :
Shhhhh, all is well.
from ladyjennalea :
Hi- Actually I gave up on Diaryland. I didn't like the format. All my stuff is now at under Empress Jennalea. or u can check out my website
from dust-puppy :
i cant - i've moved back home, to my parents house - because of all the whatever it is between me and ben - and i dont have AIM on their computer and they wont let me install it...
from morguecrawl :
That's a really sweet comment about me, Jay. Thanks :-) I feel all sorts of loved.
from morguecrawl :
Boredom is KILLING me today. Help! Ah well, maybe the afternoon will be better, because I'm in not...ah well. We'll see. Hope you had a good weekend.
from morguecrawl :
Incubi?! Where? Who? Awwwww.... :-( None around...though I had a great visit from one last night...hehe...something to write about, I tell ya.
from dust-puppy :
want me to call you? ;) and no drink pwease - maybe we can start afresh huh? :)
from morguecrawl :
Everyone stumbles. If you're serious about making a change, resolve will take over eventually and it won't be so hard.
from morguecrawl :
No problem, and no rush. :-)
from dust-puppy :
oooooooh ooooooooh - if ur flying to england, come visit me!! ;)
from dust-puppy :
oh yeah - im the only i know too that likes Amber. well - cept for an ex of mine who got me onto it. but that book in one of my latest entries that im raving about - thats the great book of amber that ive FINALLY GOT!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA *bounces lots* really happy bout that :) anyways - take care wucy -x-
from dust-puppy :
i like what u write ;) and i love ur nickname :)

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