messages to tphi:
(click here to add new message):

from student-bum :
Banana widget :P (password, before you think I'm weird)
from legolass :
if you meant the new one the link is here - i got the top specs you can get for it so its like 250gb hard drive and 4gb ram or something... apparently the graphics card isn't completely great for some games but it plays all mine ok (mostly sims LOL)
from legolass :
my old laptop that i'm trying to sell? or the new one? here is the spec of the old one - hows you anyway?
from legolass :
hey it seems like this rachel girl is being what you guys like to call a "prick tease" lol.. my advice is back off completely and she'll either come running or... well... not lol. at least that leaves you free to pursue others :-) i'm not sure if i missed anything in your diary as you tend to update in blocks but how is your friend who had the accident? xx
from legolass :
wow i just read the last note i wrote you and it was also in response to something bad - i shall have to note you when something good happens too! anyway.. thats really awful about your friend, (and that doctor does sound like a fucking tactless idiot!!) i notice this entry is dated the 9th and its now the 18th... how is she now? xx
from legolass :
aww thats really sad about your grandad, i'm sorry :-( my grandad his having his second hip replacement operation next thursday, he had a little heart attack when he had the first one done so i'm very worried! i think we just have to make the most of them while they're here :-) so i'm glad you went to visit. hope everythins ok xx
from legolass :
noooooooooooooo *wails* not heath ledger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alex text me this morning and told me :'( on a cheerier note, blood tests all fine :-)
from legolass :
hehe i'm far from relaxed believe me.. well i'm ok now but i was extremely freaked out at the time and now am worrying i have some strange disease that's never been heard of before so they'll have to name it after me haha! i was reading all my old notes yesterday, we used to talk loads!!! hehe xx
from student-bum :
Hehe, indeed! I suspect it's because he has frequently said he gets jealous easily when it comes to me. At least I know he cares! Belated Merry Christmas to you too x
from legolass :
good LORD still the same layout? i salute you!
from legolass :
i have returned to diaryland... and lost your password :-( email or note me? xx
from chilied :
to be honest, appart from the odd message every now and then we dont really keep in contact, but i think thats partly due to me not making the effort in the beginning for various reasons, but i'm sure if you wanted to you could do, you never know what might come out of it in the future. x
from chilied :
no update in what 3/4 days? everything alright? just bogged down with uni work like me? x
from student-bum :
Aw, I'm sorry about Sylvester :(
from student-bum :
Hehe. But if you made us pay, the money would be going to the people who made it... at least this way, Hanna and I didn't pay a thing for our tickets. The sad thing is that we were prepared to...! Of course, I'm trying to think of something super-special to put as a blurb, but until then you're stuck with yeti legs ;)
from student-bum :
Aw, I'm sorry about your cat - I know how you feel. We've put down three dogs, a cat and 2 guinea pigs over my lifetime. And believe me, if Sylvester is worsening and he's getting confused, he probably won't be enjoying life much right now. If Tuesday is 'it', you'll be doing the right thing for him.
from anibananie :
10am?! I was up at 4.30am. It's enough to make you weep...
from anibananie :
I was hoping you wouldn't look until tomorrow but alas, my plan was foiled. Oh well. It's three minutes to twelve so it's practically tomorrow/today anyway. Oh, shut up Annie.
from anibananie :
Happy birthday :)
from anibananie :
I couldn't stand Martha because I felt she was a let-down after Rose. That exchange was quite cute but she didn't half bang on about being in love with the Doctor! Kylie in the Xmas special? Yep, I heard that too... hope not. Can't see any reason for it.
from anibananie :
Oh, I just hated Martha overall. She annoyed me for some reason. I much preferred Rose as a character. I hope the Doctor's new companion is male; the love-sick young woman bit is getting tired. I'd quite like Sally Sparrow and Lawrence Nightingale, but as if that'd happen...
from anibananie :
Ooh I completely disagree about Doctor Who. Well, mostly. For one, I thought Jack being the Face of Boe was BRILLIANT, it made me laugh for ages. Two, I hated Martha, and screamed "YOU SELFISH BITCH" at the TV when she said the whole thing before she buggered off out of the TARDIS. Erm, I've run out of things I disagreed with you on. Oh well. Two is enough. (Apologies for the poor quality of this, I haven't had much sleep...)
from anibananie :
Ooh, I'm going to Alton Towers next week, haven't been for years. Recommend any rides in particular?
from anibananie :
I think I saw Hot Hot Heat in 2004... or did I? Might have been a support band for something. Dunno. Are they worth looking up?
from anibananie :
I dunno, I just want to name it! And yes, I remember Brum. Brum was a GOD. The guy trying to stay awake, I predict, will appear fine but will soon start suffering paranoid hallucinations. When he finishes the experiment his personality will have altered in some way. Foolish, foolish man...
from annie-cam :
Oh, and if you did understand girls, you wouldn't be confused... you'd be scared ;) Nah, seriously, you don't want to. Girls are a bit twisted. Ignorance is bliss and all that.
from anibananie :
Fuck only knows! It was written about 80 years ago by some music teacher. The school motto is equally bad: carry the light, uphold the right. Or is it follow the light? I hope not; that sort of implies death... oh, and I hope the "COMING OF VICTORY" bit didn't hurt your ears too much either. Try actually being there, it's bloody loud.
from anibananie :
Hope the exam went ok today :)
from anibananie :
Yep, phallic carrots. They were... erm, delightful? I await your next entry with baited breath!
from chilied :
more in the next entry?! oh the suspense...:D
from chilied :
oh right, didnt realise, thought there was only one left. omg, 5 deaths! that quite alot!! and yay for finding out what jack was up to.
from chilied :
hehe, they're deleted now! yeah, very odd that richard hadn't aged at all!! gutted, gonna try my hardest to keep away from any spoilers till next week. cant believe its the last episode of the series already!
from chilied :
is it actually possible to delete notes?? and yeah jacobs outline, freaky or what?! and what with that richard guy being one of the hostiles, and ben joining them to create the others, very weird.
from chilied :
omg, lost was good. dunno what the hell was going on with the jacob thing, very odd, and no, locke cant actually die, can he? i mean, its locke. and i really wanna hear what jack was going to say to them all, and they still didnt tell us what juliette was going to tell kate in the previous episode, but it was probably that she needed to take a sample from her or something i dont know. Its getting quite good again!
from chilied :
thank you, and dont worry, when i read lost i skipped over the spoiler bit :D been checking like every few minutes, cos its normally the one that has it first. never heard of, so thank you very much, right, I'm off to go watch, and distract myself from revision even more :D
from chilied :
:O what website do you watch lost on? cos I cant find the latest episode on any of the websites I usually use!!
from anibananie :
Yeah, I know... trouble was, I didn't do much in the day (except write the damn essay!) so I didn't have much to put in the rest of the video. Most of what I did in the day took up loads of time and I wasn't doing anything interesting, or I couldn't film it (driving, for example, would have been a problem). Can't remember why I went to bed before 11... tired, I expect! But thanks :)
from chilied :
aww, crap, yeah. havent updated my diary in so long, didnt realise, lol. thats really dumb, and probably is a stupid ploy. guess we'll just have to be patient and hope it gets sorted.
from chilied :
hey, no update for 4 days? what going on, lol. everything ok? need your diary to keep me from doing my work :D
from anibananie :
I have been given a Gold membership for 6 months, yes! Did I ever give you the password for my diary? I've forgotten. If I didn't, sorry, and I shall provide it asap.
from leggierox :
Hmm, I know it just sorta cut off with the whole drop-a-random-in-Marrakech thingy =) x
from leggierox :
That's what I like to hear! ;) Well to be honest, I'm not sure how far I got up to, because it was funkin ages ago since I last pestered may be worth starting from the beginning again ;) x
from leggierox :
Dude! Hows the story coming along? Other than major far you up to nowadays? x
from chilied :
I know! really creepy, I'm a little scared to say anything like that in jest now, hehe. and yeah, shock that Picketts gone, though really didnt like him. and shock that juliette's a 'prisoner' too. and gutted that we didnt get to find out the answer to jacks Q 'why didnt you take Ben to the mainland if you have contact etc' cos Kate had to radio in at that moment, grr, but thought it was sweet that her telling the story made him calm enough to save ben. Right, better get back to my excrutiatingly boring essay on radon...
from chilied :
omg, i just watched the latest episode of lost! what a shocker, didnt see the bus thing coming at all. cant wait for the next one now, as feel just if, if not more confused as i did before.
from leggierox :
Yeah I know, but its a lot easier to contemplate doing an online test than actually sorting anything out =P Cheers my dear! xox
from chilied :
aw, don't worry so much, I'm sure it will work out better than you think, although how i know that is a, no, i think maybe you're worrying a little too much, I mean it doesn't seem to have gone too badly with her so far.
from leggierox :
Thankye, took forever to work out the bloody div layers for polaroid-like photos... I'm about halfway through yours, was dragged away from the PC by Vicarness *shifty eyes* =P xox
from leggierox :
You're telling me - I only venture out the house these days for work and/or shopping, and still they mock me! Everywhere! Kissing on the escalators on the tube! *throws evils*
from chilied :
its a bit late but merry christmas to you too :D
from leggierox :
Hi hunny, I know exactly what you mean. It's actually keeping me up at night these days. How I manage to screw most things up, and how I just want someone there...anyone I suppose. I think it's a pretty common thing, although I know from experience that that's no comfort when you're lonely. *virtual hugs* xox
from leggierox :
and you too =) xox
from leggierox :
it's pants when everyone buggers off home for xmas =(
from leggierox :
Ack! I ish uberly jealous of your incoming Wii...if only I could afford one...
from leggierox :
Your security sound like that ACTUALLY do stuff, rather than wander around brandishing empty threats...and the Casino Royale theme is great =)
from leggierox :
Ah, you're a hardy student, you can wait a bit longer =P No doubt you've been through worse, it'll probably disappear after a couple of days, or right after you book an appointment down the doc's. All is well actually, I've recovered from my own post-Muse-stress-syndrome cold, and am now considering pulling my finger out and doing some work...or not *shifty eyes* x
from leggierox :
Sounds suspiciously like a throat infection?...
from chilied :
aw, muse were so damn good! wanna go back and see them all over again!
from leggierox :
Awesome. Man, I still don't really know how to do it justice, and I've screwed up my body (achey and flu-y) by attending that concert so I think I'll just put off writing that entry a little bit longer...
from chilied :
yeah!! so good, when i watched it with my flatmate, we were both speechless for quite a while afterwards, very unexpected :D but very good
from chilied :
:O you havent watched season 3 episode 1?? it has such a good beginning, i couldnt stop gawking at the tv, hehe.
from chilied :
heh, no worries, just thought i'd point it out :D dam, its so cold in out halls, are your like this too? or is it just out shitty ones?
from chilied :
erm just a little question, why are there 3 posts for the 6th, all exactly the same? just thought it was a little weird.
from chilied :
absolutely, and they are the extent of my drawing skills to, hence why they are stick figures...:P well, one entry read, better get back to some work, and read another in a little while, hehe
from chilied :
I bet it is!! and wow! i drew a stick figure drawing of all the residents of our flat which is currently stuck up on the kitchen wall :D
from chilied :
yay that you've got your laptop back, but :0 five days in one go?! thats gonna take a little while to read :D
from chilied :
aw, thats really crap. i though i'd fucked mine up last week, cos i spilt water on it! (stupid i know) but it seems to be ok after drying out, thank heavens. and yeah, i dont really update my diary very much, but i still read everyone elses :D especially yours since you update everyday, and i want to know whats happening in the interesting life of tphi :D also gives me a reason not to be doing my work...*shifty eyes*
from chilied :
hey, erm is it my computer, or have you not updated since the 24th?? just a little confused since you normally update every day :D hope all is ok rach
from leggierox :
Youch...that sounds messy. I can't really offer any sort of moral support since I'm yet to do the whole talking-out-the-break-up thing...although that's scheduled for tomorrow...
from leggierox :
* i meant "so are the security peoples" =)
from leggierox :
Cheers for the note. Yeah, I know, but I mean the suspicious looks/shifty eyes/getting stopped thing has only happened to me a few times and its still embarassing and frustrating...imagine what its like if you "look" more Arab. Anyone who does is pretty much screwed one way or another. But yeah, so are security. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. Hopefully things'll calm down sooner rather than later =) x
from leggierox :
Hmm I managed to find on the gloriously wide web a website-downloader-programme that saves sites to your hard drive...its very longwinded though, you gotta basically list each page you want done, rather than a domain =/ I'll see if I can't find where I got it from though...
from leggierox :
Good god, a right Casanova we have on our hands here... ;)
from chilied :
woo, should be going to muse at wembly too, providing i can get down from uni, but shouldnt be too much of a problem, should be good.
from leggierox :
Bwhaha my brother and I used the customise-a-card thingy from the guardian too ;)
from leggierox :
I'm interested! Any chance I can have a sneaky read? I think I've only read up to 9 or 10! =) Hope all is going well, x
from leggierox :
Yeah I know! I've never been attacked by chavs (although I'm sure they gravitate towards guys). Bloody scary stuff...
from leggierox :
=/ I can't believe the chavs you guys about vicious!
from leggierox :
Aw, so no coming down to Watford next year then...oh well, as long as you're doing something you want to, I can deal with it =P
from leggierox :
He's pretty good...if a little scary at the same time =D
from leggierox :
LOL! I went and listened to the podcast, and I'm hysterics...who's singing? =D
from leggierox :
Oooh Alton Towers...even just thinking about Oblivion freaks me out - in those three seconds I thought I was going to die =O And Air rocked my socks too, although we couldn't be bothered to queue for front seats...might do so next time =)
from leggierox :
T? *ish confuzzled*...but NOT confuzzled enough for you to expand your answer =D And I too hope it is Ana Lucia to go...cannot STAND that woman! and I thought I disliked Shannon...but I didn't know hate till whatsherface turned up... (I've only seen up to eppy 14 btw)
from leggierox :
Grr no fair! I'm trying to organise a flat outing to Alton Towers, but its looking to be ridiculously expensive because there's no way of getting there other than train =( And also thats SO mean spoiling 24 for peoples who cant watch! Someone already told me who dies in the opening minutes of the latest series, and I just went into shock! x
from leggierox :
Hmm the dilemmas that face us in adulthood...they really do suck, eh? I hope you find some resolution =) And close call with the Old Bill! Hehe x P.S. I totally forgive you for stealing my word - I think you need to use it more than me =)
from leggierox :
Cheers, sorry for the inconvenience, had a minor scare this morning when I thought my parents had found it =/
from leggierox :
I, stupidly enough, can't for the life of me work out what rhymes with "train all"...but whatever it is, I'm not sure I want it branded all over my notes section =D
from leggierox :
P.S. And it does NOT rhyme with "floral" as one of my friends questioned haha
from leggierox :
=O How dare you suggest such things?!...and I really dislike that term, it sounds so...yucky =P Erm there may have been something that resembled that and umm some other various kind of stuffs...bwhaha could I get more amibiguous? =D
from leggierox :
=O Oooh! Yayness! you kinda-almost-met King Theoden! =D
from leggierox :
Oh yeah, I've seen up to Episode 14 through a combination of downloading through the slow uni network and running home and getting it off my cousin, so I know about the umm "departure"...I guess its to avoid the typecast-pigeon-holing malarkey...
from leggierox :
Shannon from Lost is in The Fog? And she kisses a zombie?! =/ Add Superman into the mix, and initial interest at the movie poster is fading pretty quickly =P
from leggierox :
Cheers, much appreciated =) Happy V-Day, by the way! x
from leggierox :
Yeah I know, but let me pretend to reason with myself ;) The thing is that until now, there's been miniscule or no effect... And yes how could I forget the Sean Astin one?! *slaps self* but still, the dum dum dum dum de dum dum de dum bit is hysterical =D
from leggierox :
Well TECHNICALLY I didn't smoke anything ;) And the best Orange Wednesdays advert by FAR is the Darth one - just thinking about it cracks me up =D x
from leggierox :
Sounds like a dumbass suggestion, but you could always go and buy your own *things* since you now are obviously in need...although I guess its not the least embarassing thing to have to ask for in a shop... =)
from leggierox :
Well it was my friend's suggestion, and its all free on the film pass. And it's lightly amusing, probably a better choice for Friday night than good but hefty ol' Kong =)
from anibananie :
ravishingcecil @ hotmail . com (avoiding spam like a pro here. Avoiding random diaryland people much less like a pro though).
from anibananie :
(Super-annoying-style) EEER MY GOD. It's you! Long time no read, eh? How did you get off my buddy list? And may I end this barrage of questions by requesting your password? (I'm unlocking my diary tomorrow, it was to keep prying eyes of a certain friend out, hopefully she'll have forgotten about it now.) Hope you're well.
from leggierox :
Hmmm...I think its just another part of the *freaky* things about Lost that make it so good. But don't tell me any more! Or I shall hunt you down something scary! I've heard rumours and a couple of possible spoilers, despite doing my abject best to avoid them...*ahem* =)
from leggierox :
*gasp* I KNEW it! I KNEW he could speak English!...maybe? Or am I going down completely the wrong track? Actually I don't want to know...oooh juicyness mucho =D Gotta start watching Season 2 soon, don't think I can hold off much longer...
from leggierox :
=O There was a trailer?! Damnit! I didn't watch the finale again on TV....pshhht...
from leggierox :
And lest we forget, Kamikaze =D
from leggierox :
Worms rule! =D
from leggierox :
I hope you saw out 2005 in style, and also that you have a brilliant 2006. Happy New Year! x
from leggierox :
God I thought the townie chavs in MY area were bad...
from leggierox :
Good luck =)
from chilied :
hehe, fair point, fares will take up a proportion :( thats the good thing about working a 5 minute walk from home :P
from chilied :
yay, thats really great. think of all the great stuff you'll be able to do with the money! :D
from leggierox :
=O YAY! You have a job! And it be a cool one also!... *ish jealous*
from yesimahobbit :
oi! thomas...can i have the password back now? Cos i'm missing out on all the juicy gossip and goings on in your loved up life. pleeease? Or are there horrible entries about me from july or august or whenever.... :) au revoir xxx
from chilied :
hey, just thought i'd say im glad its all working out for you :D
from leggierox :
Thankissimo, I am too =D
from leggierox :
Yay! Congratulations!
from leggierox :
Yeah, I *do* know, that's the point =D
from leggierox :
You're not very *with* it are you?...that was SO two weeks ago =P
from leggierox :
Ooh, it sounded like a dramatic film moment, choosing your path =) At least its out in the open now... love Lianne x
from leggierox :
I know what you mean! I was looking back at RotK premiere photos, and found the one of Dom, and was like "CHARLIE!!!" instead of my usual "MERRY!!!" can only be healthy =P
from leggierox :
OI! I heard that you sly dog! =D I know what you mean, but what could I do? No one I know has decent enough music taste to own the album, and besides even for the songs I knew, I was too busy concentrating on not being crushed alive and making eyes with the bassist =D And woo Nine Black Alps! =
from leggierox :
Yikes about the fire =/ I'm in one piece from the concert thank god, and will TRY not to gloat =P And your news article link wasn't closed properly - the rest of your entry is a massive link =) P.S. THE GIG WAS AWESOME!!! WE MET RICKY!!! SQUEEEEE!!! =D
from leggierox :
Yeah I don't think wonderful was the right word...probably made me sound like I actually went INTO one of them =P
from leggierox :
=O You went into a coffeeshop WITH your dad?! The only conclusion I can come to is that your dad is extremerly cool =P And I get what you mean about polar dichotomy (love that word) - you'll have a beautiful gothic cathedral, and then two doors down, a sex shop...its a wonderful place, Amsterdam =D
from leggierox :
Have a good time rocking it up in Amsterdam =)
from leggierox :
*duh* Have I got News For You of course...I'm ashamed I couldn't get that one quicker... =)
from leggierox :
Allo again, I'm going to bed very soon, I pwomise...could you excuse my ignorance; HIGNFY? *racks brains*
from leggierox :
Hehe indeed =) And the few interesting indie/rock nights they have at the University of London Union are a) in central London somewhere and b) completely and utterly sold out =(
from leggierox :
I beg to differ. It's unexpectedly unfeasibly boring here! Especially at weekends. I mean there's loads of club/rave nights, but truth be told I'd rather just sit in my room watching a DVD or meeting a friend for dinner or something equally docile and un-student like =)
from leggierox :
I know what you mean about the low ebb...but at least you have your friends and family around.
from chilied :
:O the moomins, havent seen that in litterally years! such a good show...
from leggierox :
Name two instances in the past week...? What a suck-ass question!
from leggierox :
Fear not! I think its fantasmically spankingly awesome =D I haven't read any more though past chapter 7 - I've come home for the weekend, leaving the copy you sent on my pc in my flat. Don't worry, it'll be healthy for me to tear my eyes away and read something else =) luv Lianne x
from leggierox :
Aw yay, I'm glad its sorted out =)
from chilied :
yeah, agree with lianne, i mean i've met loadsa people from working in waitrose, admittedly most of them have gone off to uni now, but still.....
from leggierox :
Ah come on, I'm sure I've said this before, but we're not all bad =) I second Rach's idea - get out there, get a job and you'll meet people. Not that I'm any expert or anything, I just hate to hear you say you're lonely! Take care, ~x~
from chilied :
hey, you really should try and get a job. i dont wanna sound like your mum or anything, but you dont want to waste this wonderful oportunity of a free year, and think of all the wonderfull stuff you could do with the money, like go travelling. and trust me, finding a job is much harder than it first seems. I went down to the job centre yesturday and they couldnt help as apparently they're understaffed, so a great waste of time that was, waiting in line for like 10 mins, argh...
from leggierox :
Kill you? Maybe inflict some serious emotional pain, but not kill... =P No worries, we looked really dorky on TV anyway. You could see our banner for miles in the main programme itself, and then on the digital channel straight after, our interview type thing was on, and just in case we weren't recognisable Iain Lee read off our names from the banner =D Greatness all round, methinks.
from leggierox :
Yay mucho thankies. I think the maybe the colours are a bit dark, so may fix that later...and *tut tut*...stoned? Again? Someone's been busy =P
from leggierox :
I know! I was competely freaked out by it all, especially when he saw the coffin for the first time, because I just KNEW what was going to happen...and the whole survival thing is quite amazing. I mean that boar realistically would only last half the people there, for one dinner. And that Shannon woman makes my skin crawl with stupidity...
from leggierox :
Lol the book is alright I guess, the whole exciting conspiracy thing is just a bunch of coincidences shoved together to make an overrated best-selling book. Disappointing really =P
from leggierox :
I'm convinced that grandparents are genetically inclined to stuff you full of food, even though you really can't eat any more...and WOW a singing balloon?!
from leggierox :
Thankies, a pat on the back to yourself as well *pats* lol x
from leggierox :
Yay! I'm glad it was was only really an over-glorified greeting card =D At the moment, I'm frantically running around catching up on stuff for the last two (almost) weeks, so don't have time for a proper note, or to read, so will be back later with an update as well, I pwomise =) Basically, YAY for birthdays! Lianne x
from legolass :
arg i didnt even know your birthday was coming up!!! happy birthday!!!
from legolass :
hehehe tom is gonna turn gay :-) dammit what a waste LOL. im going away in 2 days!
from legolass :
hehehe the posh invitation would be cool though :p and guys are just as guilty as girls of the whole "texting, then not texting" dont blame just us :-)
from leggierox :
Bwhaha is it annoying you? I mean love to be evil, but maybe I should've just waited to send it to you... =D
from legolass :
awwwww if you'd have gone to hertfordshire you'd have been like an hour away from my first placement :-( how could you desert me? and WHY are you never online ya moose? im leeeeaving on sunday, at least text me or something before i go...i have a new number 07917798843 xx
from leggierox :
Whatever happened to me reading your newly-updated diary after dinner? I see no updates! =P
from leggierox :
Yeah, I just realised uni is more than one year long ;) The diary means way too much to just abandon it, so of course I'll be keeping it =)
from leggierox :
Aww no coming-down-from-Watford to hang out next year then? =( Well at least you came to a decision that you're happy with, and I'm happy for you, if you know what I mean =) Decisiveness...I've forgotten what that feels like lol. Take care, much love, Lianne ~x~
from leggierox :
Well they pulled out of all four of their friendlies against Crystal Palace and Leicester and I tihnk Portsmouth, but it's just stupid really. Glad you didn't think you were dying yesterday =)
from leggierox :
Aw yayness indeed - so that's what the mumbling conversation was down to ;)
from legolass :
oooooh so its fran now is it ;) glad to see you're finally listening to a song that i have not only heard of, but actually like :p
from leggierox :
Cheers my dear =) It was rather brilliant, had great fun etc. And we learnt you don't need alcohol to get drunk-like, just get on some boats and race each other (people on the banks were walking faster than we were going), whilst singing Bohemian Rhapsody at the top of your lungs =D
from leggierox :
Woah. That's quite scary...*tuts* I hope you've learnt your lesson =)
from leggierox :
Yeah, what with the cheeky chappy thing he had going on, that's why I liked him orginally lol. And Jamiroquai are greatness! =)
from leggierox :
You liked Maxwell? =/ I liked him at the beginning, but it all went downhill after scabgate. And it just seems like he's a boring arrogant my humble opinion that is =P
from yesimahobbit :
doo be doo be doo be doo be doo
from leggierox :
Hehe. I didn't think it would affect me so much emotionally. Just amazing. And I can't believe anyone read through my longass exntry =)
from chilied :
aww, lol, thought it was a bit weird! a mistake anyone could have made though...
from chilied :
erm, if they said 1st july, isnt that like today?? just thought i should point that out...
from chilied :
lol, thanks, i only really got into system of a down through my brother, but they are pretty good, i have to say. also really like radiovideo off mesmerise :D and soldier side has such good guitar in it, but my alltime fave is aerial(toxicity). well enough of that...
from chilied :
just have to say that BYOB is such a good song, i mean especially the lyrics, and i really like the chorus bit, rather catchy :D
from leggierox :
Hmm true, but an any of the FIVE books, do you meet a nice Slytherin? If she didn't want them all to be "cunning" idiots like Malfoy and crew, then why are they the only ones we meet? And same goes for ex-students, Snape namely. Sure he's an Order member deep down, but generally he's an evil git the rest of the time lol. I guess you're right really, I just wanted to throw a tantrum at not understanding most of what was going on, despite reading for the third time. I'm sure there's some deep profound meaning somewhere in there, and a good plotline as well, I just can't for the life of me see it =D
from leggierox :
YAY! I saw part of it, but got quite scared and ran away, despite Johnny Depp =D It's not really very true to the actual history, which I can tell you ALL about thanks to the documentary thingy we made in media about it =D And I'm gonna read your defending note thingy now lol.
from leggierox :
Bwhaha true =D
from leggierox :
Lol, you didn't actually use the word chav in your essay, did you? =D
from leggierox :
Hmmm, I know all about that - I completely left off Regeneration from the war lit paper *duh* and have a creeping feeling in my stomach that I'm gonna forget something else for my equivalent of your English paper - Keats/Jonson lol. I guess we're only human =) Take care x
from leggierox :
=O It's a sign...and damned Bush refuses to ackowledge global warming...come and sit in my sweltering room for five minutes and tell me again lol. Cheers for the luck - I think it worked =) My mates also had history was it?
from chilied :
hehehe, "voldy" that realy made me laugh :D and woah, im re-reading pheonix, again, and sirius is still alive, so when i read down to the sirius bit in your list it was like WOAH, and then sadness, that he wont be back all came flooding back, and i feel all upset now, how could she kill him, damn her, and in such a way, she better not kill lupin as well, otherwise i might just have to go and see to her...
from chilied :
general studies is a load of crap (or so ive been told :D) so dont worry about it, and ICT4 (you are doing AQA?) is quite easy, did it in January, and ICT5 shouldnt be too bad either, or so im hoping :D good luck with english tomorrow
from legolass :
hmm you've changed your tune...i thought you didnt agree with getting stoned? lol just so you know its the CRONE GIG IN LONDON tonight and you're missin out it wouldve been so fun!!!!! promise you'll come the the next one at the ferryboat in norwich??
from leggierox :
Hehe - I was looking for the html for a random quote generator thingy, and came across this - brilliant =D
from leggierox :
Ooh: =D
from leggierox :
No worries, I caught up Dr Who later...all hail BBC3 =D You're right, it was ok, but I'm waiting expectantly for the Dalek invasion ...
from leggierox :
Screwed? In what way?...
from leggierox :
Well I didn't actually end up going to bed by 9, sort of mooched around until 11 lol.
from leggierox :
Lol you noted yourself as well XD Hey, you know you can delete them in the "edit your notes settings" bit <<<< Oh and I wanted to say - two word titles?! =O
from chilied :
yeah, tis rather annoying that you have to pay for it as well, but does provide much bigger savings in the long run :D
from leggierox :
Hmmm...that IS a lot of money. And cheers for the Eowyn thingy. I wrote it absolutely ages ago - I can't even remember what was in it *goes back to read* It's so bloody cheesy *hides* And I think Gamling was an underplayed role in the films lol he sort of made a fleeting appearance in TTT but had fallen off the face of Middle Earth by RotK =D
from chilied :
Crap! noted myself, but heres the note: :O 60 quid?! you should get a student rail card, although it does cost to get, gets you discounts, and could be useful when at uni....just a thought
from leggierox :
Wake Me Up When September Ends lol darn you for making me type out the entire title =D And I would offer to guide you on Monday, except I have an exam the next day =P I could give you directions though, where you gotta get to?
from chilied :
aw, you should go, it would be so cool, i remember when my brother got his first game boy, and the first game he ever had was zelda, i could never work out how to play, but thats not the point, hehe, and the tue isnt that difficult, just look at the map, and make sure you get off at the right stop! :D
from leggierox :
Wake Me Up... is such a great song. Seen the video?
from leggierox :
Oh pooh, I noted myself...anyways I skim-read your note and got kinda worried, but after re-reading, I understand =P Don't worry, I'm happy to help...someone needs a hu-ug! lol...I really need to get over that...
from leggierox :
Oh and check your inbox for a really feeble attempt at amused me so much more than it should've, although given that there isn't much artistic license, I think it should be given some leeway =) luv Lianne x
from leggierox :
Aww you shoulda said you were feeling lonely yesterday *huggles*
from legolass :
hey whats with the password change? gimme!
from chilied :
sorry to note you again but: hehehe, i keep automatically typing in the old password, and the new layout is nice, slightly brighter than the old one :D, but i did like the old one
from chilied :
oh, lol, i just read the email, hehehe, nice one, i like it :D
from chilied :
aw, yeah, i know what you mean about people reading the notes you send to other people, and it isnt that paranoid, its just a fact. thanks for the email, and sorry that it was me who caused you to have to change it twice
from chilied :
have you changed your password cause it wont let me in to read your diary? would greatly appreciate you giving me it, if you had changed it, thanks
from leggierox :
LOL Vin Diesel sat on a cactus... =D
from legolass :
lol! are you hiding 'offline' again? omg what are you doing today? please come into the city right now i'm sooooooooo bored and need something to do!
from legolass :
and apparently i'm still drunk cuz i meant to say 2pm. 2 PM!!!
from legolass :
oh my GOD we'[re such alcoholics!! me and charli were drunk by 2am yesterday! 2 AM!!!!! i knew it was weird that time we met that all we talked about was alcohol :D
from leggierox :
I watched some of BB last night. Quite disappointed that Kemal has turned into the token gay dramatist..after the video, and he said "like ohmydaaays", I was sure he was my favourite, but then when he actually turned up in a red sari doing all strange stuff, I got somewhat scared. And I know you don't like him, but Anthony was looking kinda buff =P I'm quite scared you've gotten me hooked on it already lol...
from legolass :
lol we're a pair of sneaks!!!
from legolass :
i'm a appear offline cuz theres no-one online i wanna talk to lol!
from legolass :
hahaha. :-) why not on msn?
from legolass :
heeeyyyy how come you're not online?
from legolass :
hehe he can have whatever kinda hair he wants..i think it makes him look fit :-)
from legolass :
*sulk* he can so deliver lines!!! and he's gorgeous :D
from leggierox :
Oh yeah, crap typo lol...can't wait to see the film, hopefully on wednesday *watches calendar*
from leggierox :
Oh and you are awesome with links - just went to play with Darth Vader, and thought of the most obscure thing I could - a capybara (the largest rodent on the planet, size of a pig, lives in the Amazon), and he got in 25 questions =O WOW!
from leggierox :
YAY! I would insert a comment about padwans and being taught well, but I couldn't get it to to work grammatically lol. Anyway, I'm still a lightweight. I mean tipsy on half a glass of triple JD and coke? Still pathetic lol. Oh and thanks veryveryvery much for the postsecret link - I'm working on one now =)
from leggierox :
Heh sorry, I didn't mean it like that, but you know that all the guys finish on a Thursday? That's really random...
from legolass :
sorry sweetie you know i didnt mean it like that...guess i should think before i speak...anyway whatever, the offer is there ok? :-) xx ps - accidentally sent this to myself first lol!
from legolass :
awwww :( lol i know its not exactly a consolation but if you wanna meet up with me and have more random convesations during half term then all you have to do is ask :-) (even tho i'll be secretly plotting to steal jess the whole time :P)
from leggierox :
Ohhh ouch. It is incredibly silly to not be able to give up a few hours for something that's supposed to be fun. But then again, when you plan to do something, it usually takes up the whole day rather than just the afternoon, and you spend weeks planning it. But if she's anything like me, she prolly wastes the same amount of time doing jackshit rather than anything constructive lol...anyways, take care love Lianne ~x~
from chilied :
:( comisserations, i hear that norwich got relegatted! never mind, next year they might make it back up....
from nvcfs :
I have indeed! *sniffs* It was wonderful! Can't wait to play it. (^-^)b I wonder if it will be as good as Oot? The story for that was great. I bought the manga of it the other day hehe.
from leggierox :
Haha you fire-extinguished someone's BBQ xD
from legolass :
oh you poor thing :-( it all sounds so terrible *hugs* hehehe i'd drop school and be done with it and move into a hotel so you never have to wash up or cook or wasc ou clothes :-)
from leggierox : brother kept saying "he can sue him" over and over, but I think the worst thing about it was that he geniunely believed that he was killing/murdering people/zombies. I doubt he's ever held a real gun and shot at someone, I mean how long did was it before he actually fired his first? He kept threatening to, and then went crazy =/ His so-called "mates" didn't put up much of a fight before he was bundled away by a strange man and camera crew either =D But yes, Derren is greatness as you pointed out lol
from leggierox :
Hmm Derren was interesting last night...the zombie thing was frankly disturbing. It was like one of those horror films that you don't want to watch, but end up peering through fingers much as I love his magic/psychology stuff, I think that pushed it too far. That guy in no way did give his consent to have an emotionally traumatic experience imposed on him, other than walk up to an arcade game�it�s quite scary. Anyway, apart from that, brilliant as usual � the slapping thing slightly scared me a little, but he was freakily good =D
from leggierox :
Lol =D I totally agree with your politics stuff. I think the only thing Blair has done wrong is Iraq, and apart from that they've been cleaning up the Tory mess for 8 years. So many people are talking about trust etc, but I believe that he thought he was doing the morally right thing. We had a mock election in school today, and for the hell of it, I voted Lib Dems, and they won mwahahaha...Actually most people I know are voting that way, and only a few Labour...could be interesting, veerry interesting, although I might just not bother staying up - too tired =/ Would setting my alarm for 4am be too "geeky"? =D
from leggierox :
And reading back over my last note, I've just realised how many times I've used "lol" in such a short space...not good...note to self, increase vocabulary =P
from leggierox :
Oi! What's wrong with Miss Congeniality?! Lol anyway, that's the only place I've ever seen test tube shot glasses =) Lol I'll take the nose-holding tip, although I do that most the time anyway =D And OMG you've just reminded me about accomodation, and the all-important internet - I too might actually shrivel up without a connection. I guess I could always just live at home and commute, but you don't really have that option lol... anyways take care, Lianne.
from leggierox :
Lol I may be desperately sad, but not THAT desperately sad - I know what shot glasses are =D No, they really were test tubes, like in physics lessons, or in Miss Congeniality =D Hmmm I was thinking about the letting-yourself in gently thing, and I sorta am, and I DO hold my nose when drinking stuff like beer, but when it comes down to it, I fear risk-taking lol...
from nvcfs :
I can't help it. :( Zelda is just so great! *is listening to Oot soundtrack at this very moment* Anyway I was kinda bored looking at the different types chickens (wouldn't you be? O_o) so my mind WOULD wonder! I also thought maybe I could use one to fly over a short distance and get outta there. :P
from leggierox :
=O "gay porn show"?!! I'll have you know, it's actually a gay/straight porn show =D
from leggierox :
Yes, I know, shame on me...although I guess that my Playing it Straight is another man's Big Brother =D Anyway, I read the bit about the PETA video, and figured I'd be daring and have a watch anyway. Needless to say, I got to the bit about broken legs, and um...chickened out (no pun intended). I was too freaked out =/ It's just plain horrific. And since when did Pamela Anderson care about...well anything?
from chilied :
yeah, good that it gets that response, i mean, i dont know how someone could watch it, and still go to KFC, but still...
from legolass :
shoulda rang me silly! i always answer my phone, even to private numbers :-)
from chilied :
eugh, i just watched that PETA film, and it was quite horrible, glad im a veggie already, and always had my doubt about KFC. That pic of the chicken with its beak cut off is gonna haunt me for quite a while....:(
from leggierox :
Eh stalkerish smalkerish =P I just never actually realised where it was I guess =D And argh I remembered to set the tape for Playing it Straight last night, just before I ran out of the house, but I forgot about Derren *slaps self* Anything good? And is there a repeat? Cheers =)
from leggierox :
Yeah, the thing is that I KNOW it's crap, but it's blindingly compulsively watchable. It is very much an obsession, pondering upon who's gay and who's straight at any given moment in the day =D Oh yesterday we went up to Watford, and was rather excited when in the map, Hertfordshire Uni was on the same page =D
from leggierox :
*public school accent* Oh yes, jolly good schools, aren't they. Nothing but the best...pfft NO! I didn't even bother thinking about wasting a application there =D It's probably (hopefully) Queen Mary Uni, London =)
from leggierox :
=O You're going to Hertfordshire? I know technically it's not that near...but really it is! I know people who are going there =) I finally sent back my application online today, after putting it off for so long...mostly because it seems so final. Anyway, glad it's all sorted, Lianne x
from leggierox :
Lol it sounds like you guys had fun...and everytime I see Derren Brown, I only see the goatee, moving ever so slightly with his non-expressive face...all thanks to you =D Haha
from legolass :
ella kittens in case you were wondering
from legolass :
you have to wear UNIFORM at 6th form? hahahahahahahahahah!!! they dont at the 6th form where i used to go to school, i didn't think they did anywhere!
from legolass :
oh oh! i was right about the whole thing! i said that was why!!!! hehehe i should be a psychologist (hmm perhaps not)
from legolass :
lol no i'm not sure she did! well who cares...I like it!!!!
from legolass :
i couldnt help but notice your imood was PLEASE tell me you just havnt changed it since you came back from cromer? otherwise we really are a pair of drunks. i have to go back to college today *sulk* so i better go xx
from leggierox :
Yeah, I know he was FAR from perfect, and they really gotta pick a new, slightly more liberal one this time around, but he still did more for the third world than any of our world leaders have done. Oh and OHMIGOD!!! I also went on a random Boulevard of Broken Dreams constant repeat spree day before yesterday!!! It's sounds dumb, but I only just realised the true AWESOMENESS of the song. I mean I knew it was great before, but now I think it's one of the best I've ever take care, luv Lianne
from leggierox :
lol I sense a little anti-Popeism going on there
from legolass :
arg! you so should have been there last night! i'm gutted you werent! i got sooooooooooooo trashed....and now its the morning i dont have one bit of a hangover...actually thats a lie, i have one bit of a hangover - the dodgy feeling stomach! but other than that i feel like dancing lol.anyways chat soon xx
from legolass :
hehehehe have fun! drink lots of girly stuff for me!
from chilied :
aww, glad things are going so well with jess :D
from legolass :
awww how cute :-)
from leggierox :
Hey, yeah sorry bout lengthyness of entry =) You know what? I think I feel like Jess does about Leanne, with Shrina. It's like I'm invisible to any guy, or gal, for that matter, and am just a lonely looking third wheel lol. I say you dump Leanne as soon as is possible =D Oh being bitter and cynical is great take care, luv Lianne ~x~
from legolass :
hewwo :-) just thought i'd tell you that jess is much prettier than emma...i might even fancy her myself ;-) lol why havnt u been online in ages, or do i just keep missing you?
from leggierox :
Lol I haven't played in a while actually, and my brother bought 2004, so poor likkle 2003's been shunted to the back of the games cupboard...but the best bit about the entire game is big-head mode - the more kills, the bigger your heard bwhehehehe. Will update as soon as my life develops something mildy interesting =) luv Lianne x.
from chilied :
lol, that word does it proud :D good thing i dont do english a level, eh!! :D
from chilied :
i really like the new layout, i did like the blue one, but i really love the new one, its so.....damn, cant think of s good enough word...*walks away in shame*
from leggierox :
Two things - yesh, the layout is gorgeous, loving the red, and Unreal tournament is just greatness. I'm shite at it, but it's just SO much fun!!! Lol Hope you're doing fine and stuff, luv Lianne
from legolass :
well i'm always on at you to come out with me but do you ever take me up on the offer? noooooooo!!!!! seriously dont know. lol. maybe i'll come up with summat better when we next chat online. see ya xxx
from leggierox :
OMG shame on me - I DID forget the Derren *slaps self* Oh and Bill Bailey; watching his seven minute gem, it prompted me to dig out and finally watch the video I recorded of his show when it was broadcast on channel four a while ago. I'm still not sure why I hadn't until then, but twas great all the same. I LOVE his songs...he rules =D
from chilied :
not good that you foun it on the street, cos then you didnt give money to the good cause, but obviously someone else did, so it doesnt matter. I have one on my diary, and one through the bottom shoe-lace holes on my shoe, but have to wait till the middle of march for my silicone one :(
from leggierox :
Oh man that Comic Aid programme was AMAZING!!! I think seven minutes wasn't long enough really, but then again they did have to cram every great British/Irish comedian into the space of like two hours... all my favourites... wow I'm still grinning =D take care, Lianne ~x~
from legolass :
lol its ok i fixed it all my myself :-) :-) :-) lol i forgot i know about this sort of thing
from legolass :
lol i thought it looked a bit odd but i wasnt gonna say anything cuz i assumed it was meant to be like that!!! is it easier if i just give you my password and you have a look cuz it may be that i messed up the code adding something in....
from leggierox :
Lol. In London, apparently, 3 in ten people are non-white. Actually going to places like rural France, and even rural England on our geography field trip, is pretty weird. Not so much because I myself notice, but because the locals notice our multi-colouredness =D Anyway, YAY for likings of uni - it's pretty annoying when the individual course/other students/location/offers don't match up =) Anyway, take care, Lianne ~x~
from leggierox :
Yo. First of all lmao at Paris Hilton's address book =D dumbass...*eyes up Adam Levine's phone number*...although it is a tad worrying that it's actually possible =P And all those poor celebrities will have to change their phone numbers and email addresses...oh well =D Anyways, take care, Lianne ~x~
from chilied :
glad to hear that things are cool with you and emma, and tbat things are going well with you and jess. Things look like they might be on the way up :D
from leggierox :
Hey, I'm bored (not that's the only reason I'd ever note you) so figured I'd leave you a pointless "hey, how you doing" type note. So hey, how you doing? =) Anyway, take care, Lianne.
from chilied :
man, that girl seriously needs her head checked. Ive said it before but 'she dunno what she's missing'. Im sorry for you, but i think its good that its finally over, as now you wont be stressed over it all the time, and you can just move on, and get on with you life. rach :)
from leggierox :
Oh. I see. *quickly finishes of heart-shaped cookie* It's not all crap, Valentine's that is =) I loved your speech about not being backup and stuff. It's amazing to me, that you talk about your feelings and stuff so openly - no guy I know does that =) anyways Happy non-discriminant Monday *hugs* luv Lianne
from leggierox :
Lol. I dunno what happened yseterday. I was a little hacked off at school an all, but forgot all about it until the evening, and then COULDN'T forget about it, and then couldn't sleep =D I'm random like that lol.
from leggierox :
WOW!!! *squeals like a five year-old* Love the bright lime green!!! =D lol sorry, didn't really pay attention to the actual entry, will go back and read now =) tc Lianne ~x~
from chilied :
aaah i see, you are trying to confuse me :D lol, now i understand, thanks
from chilied :
the date on your diary is confusing me-did you post your last entry today (6th feb) or yesturday (5th feb), sorry, but your diary says 5th feb, but from the sounds of things you posted it today, plus dland says you pisted 4 hours ago, which was definately still today :D sorry, random post
from leggierox :
ACK!!! I don't come online for a few days, and I miss all the drama?! Yeah, I can't be bothered to type out what Rachael said below again. So read it again =D Maybe I'm overstepping my mark here, and just poke me if you think I am, but I think you should TELL her. I mean you guys talk about fun stuff (from your copy/paste conversation) in a kinda roundabout way, and you talk about really personal stuff like the kama sutra episode =D but I don't think she realises how much keeping you hanging is hurting�I feel bad about taking up note space, so I�ll just email you the rest of my blabbing in it�s entirety� =D tc Lianne ~x~
from chilied :
erm, well, its just that he's so cool, and i really love the hair i gave him *looks embarassed* :D yeah, im really convinced its never happened to you, the amount of games you must have played :P glad my note cheered you up, and i guess only you can decide what to do, and you know her, and you know how you feel beter than anyone, so you have to do wat you feel is best hope something happens for the better soon :)
from chilied :
man, she needs to sort herself out, she doesnt know what she's missin, i mean you sound like such a great guy, compared with loads of dicks i know :D and i mean that, if she doesnt sort herself out soon, i think you should consider giving up on her, to be cliched 'theres planty more fish in the sea' i mean there are more fmeales than males on the planet :P she sounds like shes just playing about, i mean giving you mixed messages all the time and everything, but i guess you have to do what you feel is best, ive never been in this sort of situation, so my advice probably isnt very credible
from leggierox :
Lol your mates has great goalkeeping tactics...especially if he's playing for the other time =D hehe
from leggierox :
There's a minor issue in that The Beast, as we have nicknamed her, not only is my Maths teacher, but my form tutor, so if I show my face again in registration, anytime soon, she'll eat me =/ But the way my wonderful exam timetable has worked out, I don't have to see her for nearly another two weeks =D bwehehe...
from leggierox :
Uh ok, forget the note below - all diaries are a bit weird at the moment, must be some computer/server bug thingy =) Lianne.
from leggierox :
Ack! Have I become computer-keyboard incompetent, or have you changed your password? =/ Hmmm...anyways, hows it going with exams and the like? I'm sure you're having fun...anyways, take care, Lianne.
from yesimahobbit :
pfft! yeah right stop flattering yourself! as if id read it anyway. and im not a stalker!!! if anything you're teh stalker (i dont know why but give me a few days and il coem up with something so nerrrrrrrrr! xx muhaha
from yesimahobbit :
hahaaa! i just started it recently cos felt like it :) muhahahaaaa whyve you locked your diary meanie???
from yesimahobbit :
boooo! guess who......? x
from leggierox :
Lol, not too much work...Yeah, I think a few other people who knew me also would be shocked. Maybe that's why I do it. I'm so the perfect little girl...I'm seriously considering starting smoking. Just so I can do it gutlessly. Heh, there goes the content of my next post, just a helluva lot shorter =) Glad the exam went well, I'm still waiting for my first on Monday...and that revision-high has worn off, so I'm now avoiding it...again =D tc, Lianne ~x~
from tphi :
I noted myself. Bugger. >_<
from tphi :
Heh. Thanks for the note.. and the love :P I'm really quite suprised that you came close to doing it as well. I always have thought you kinda level-headed but I guess we all (well, most of us) are effected by extreme emotions at some point :S Anyways. I'm feeling a bit better now, history exam went well, so yeh. Thanks for the note. Tom. xx
from leggierox :
Nooo, don't think no-one loves you...if nothing else, I love you! *big cheering-up hug* I got *that* close to cutting as well, but I chickened out also. I don't think there's any shame in that. Although I did think so at the time, I was pissed off at myself enough to do it anyway =) Hope you're feeling better, luv Lianne ~x~
from chilied :
hey, no worries, glad the exam wasnt too bad, but yeah, you never can teall, i thought my ICT exams went well last year, but, well lets just say i didnt meet anyones expectations :D, but hopefully that should be rectified tomorrow, but damn i really had forgotten how much crap we learnt last year.
from chilied :
dunno, if that really helped at all, but im not very good at advice and all that stuff, but i gave it a shot..:S
from chilied :
and woah, so glad you didnt cut yourself, which proves you are strong, rather than weak, as cutting yourself wont really help you in the long run, you'll just have nasty scars and loose some blood, you have to be strong, and just think of emma, and the future and try to get through it.
from chilied :
you're probably in your exam now (9.05) bu im sending you good luck vibes :D hope it goes ok i've got 3 retakes, all tomorrow :s, so yours cabt be that bad :D rach
from leggierox :
Ah, the Thing. Another randomly assigned name, like "Sweet Guy" =D Yeah, will divulge soon, I pwomise. And I was flicking through the channels last night, found Big Brother, and just couldn't turn away...*stares* I don't think watching someone smoke their cigar has ever been so absorbing =D Oh man Kenzie was hilarious. I'm so happy he went on a eff you/I'll get you battered blad rant, because finally I can show people what it's like living in North London - about 95% of people under the age of 30 are carbon copies, or a female equivalent =/ Oh, John should *so* stay =D Anyways, cheers for the note, luv Lianne ~x~
from leggierox :
See? Sitting at the front of a one-person class does have it's benefits =D Yeah, I don't know what it is is about apple juice...but when I drink enough, I get quite hyper =D Derren Brown's where? *looks frantically* heehee tc, Lianne.
from leggierox :
Yeah, I have a serious trust complex, with myself. I don't trust myself to take anymore. And I was with my mate and her parents so getting drunk is a no-no. And it wasn't exactly a *cool* party either many respectable oldies to embarass them in front of. I'm not sure when exactly would be the time to push my limit, if not New I have no life =/ Although on an upside, I was quite ecstatic when I saw the Aftershock bottle behind the bar, and thought of you =D And I get high on sweetened apple juice anyway - *sugar* =D
from leggierox :
Hey, I just read your last two entries, and would like to come out with a brilliant piece of wisdom, but I don't have any, so sorry =( And whatever I do say will sound cliched and used because everyone says it every time someone has stuff worrying I genuinely hope you're feeling better =) And Happy New Year! Love Lianne ~x~
from alittleodd :
Holeh smoke! That *is* the longest entry ever! Must go pour water in eyes now. Sore. Poor tee-fee fingers. Have a happy new year! :) x
from leggierox :
What?! Where?! I don't think I've read all of them, so that would explain it lol. I had a vague recollection of pipe/opium, but the whole needle thing freaked me out - I have a major phobia =/ And I know he wasn't always really nice to Watson, but still, I didn't expect that level of "ignore him, he doesn't want a tea" evils! That's just mean! Give Watson his tea, damnit!!! *Ahem* =D And yes, I'm dutifully shamed for not knowing lol. Thankies, and good to know that you're still around for noting...everyone else seems to have abandoned me =D tc, Lianne.
from leggierox :
Yah, to you too =)
from chilied :
oh wow!! cant beleive i havent heard about that yet! damn, the 5th book was crap, but i still cant wait for the 6th :D
from chilied :
meaning the date, not whats happening!
from chilied :
what happening on that date in july 2005?? (gees, my memory is bad, ive already forgotten it :s)
from chilied :
aww, im sorry that things with emma are causign you so much stress, but im sure they will work out in the end, and hopefully the end will come soon...:)
from leggierox : =D Well the thing is that everyone I know has older siblings/cousins so they know exactly how it works, and then there's me, who hasn't got the faintest. I had to scavenge many a conversation =D So no, not a dumb question for you, but for me, since EVERYONE else knows the answers lol. tc Lianne ~x~
from leggierox :
Um yeah, for UCAS, if you login again, you get given an application no and password, and then if you go the main page, you can track your application and any offers. You should also get them through the post. It took me so long to figure it out without asking dumb questions =D
from leggierox :
Heh, I just caught up on a few of your entries, I is liking the layout =D And I realised with a shock that I haven't written for a grand total of 8 days! *shock* it feels a helluva lot longer than that... Oh, and I watched my first ever full episode of Spooks tonight, and it's bloody amazing...where have I been living these last few months?! How was my life complete?!!! Anyways, well done on UCAS...I'm curently awaiting offers/rejections/any sign of acknowledgement too =) Take care, luv Lianne ~x~
from alittleodd :
Woooo.. a lotta catching up to do in your diary!! ;) Great song.. "One is the lonliest number.. that you'll ever dooo-oo-oo". Goodgood you liked it, the frog parts are weird! Okee.. off I go to read a million words ;)
from chilied :
i watched kill bill 1 at the weekend, and was, lets say, slightly disturbed, but need to watch the 2nd to find out what happens dammit...
from leggierox :
Yay for Tom! Ah, forget the money issus - trust me, I ventured back to my local library on the weekend for the first time in ages,and found that somehow (I'm convinced of a conspiracy) have notched up enough fines, to well, get me into a Muse concert, and have change to buy my own copies of all the books I borrowed =/ At least your money is going to good use =D tc luv Lianne ~x~
from chilied :
erm, reshack says that that file doesnt exist :S i dunno if thats good or bad, but thanks for explaining it anyways...
from chilied :
if its not too much trouble to explain, could you tell me how to get rid of that annoying thingy at the bottom of msn 7 beta? as it is seriously annoying :D dont worry if it would be too difficult, just thought id ask anyways!! good that you're meeting emma again, you both sound like you're looking forward to it :D always a good sign
from leggierox :
God I've started squee-ing again. The not-so-deeply buried fangirl in me is surfacing once again...mwahahaha!!! I'm gonna convince my dad to buy it, but probably over the internet because it's cheaper and therefore easier for convincing purposes...but that means waiting for at least TWO WHOLE DAYS!!! Oh and the Emma thing, just checking cos I was a little confused =D Cos that would be a little odd otherwise lol. Anyways, tc Lianne...*looks manically at calender* =D
from leggierox :
NOOO!!! Been found out!!! =D Sorry, you've probably explained this somewhere, but I've been on and off for a while and am sure I've missed the explanation...I wanted to ask does she read your diary? tc, Lianne.
from leggierox :
YAY!!! Sorry, just really excited, I've been sitting here waiting so long for Friday for you damnit!...A bit weird, but hey, I'm nosy =D OK, so not so great that you're missing her, but yay for meeting and for it going so well...I ish happy now, like at the end of a rom com movie =D Take care, and I await the next installment...
from chilied :
aww, that so sweet, im glad you had a really great time, and hope you get to see her again soon :)
from leggierox :
Yeah, I think you're right, but I still quite like him/the Streets for some reason. Or maybe it's just that cute forlorn looking dog in their last single =) aww...
from leggierox :
Heh just watched that biscuit reminds me of Mike Skinner for some reason ...Oh and your layout is still halloween =D
from leggierox :
OK, if you insists =D I didn't realise the extent of the fun extra stuffs, I can forgive you for lugging around that huge thing =P Only kidding, I can see why it's good now. You have enlightened me. I just wanted to say that DAMN you're harsh on yourself! I don't think I've ever met (virtually of course) anyone more resolved than you in issues of the heart lol. You've actually decided to, asked, and arranged to meet up with someone you met on the internet. I don't know about anyone else, but to me that's absolutely amazing in terms of moving forward. Anyway, tc and don't stress =) luv Lianne ~x~
from chilied :
Sorry, but I have had to lock my diary as my brother is needing to use my laptop for his homework and internet access and stuff, as our �home computer� is basically wrecked. So for this period, till it gets my diary�s locked. You can email me for the password: [email protected]
from leggierox :
Heyo, after reading a few entries, completely baffled, I finally figured out what the DS is that you're always talkingabout/playing on *duh* Just one's so icky!!! What's the point?! I have both the GBA and the SP, so I guess there would be no point in buying the DS, and admittedly it must also be weird/cool with two screens, but WHY?! I'm convinced it's another consumer-ripping-off conspiracy on behalf of the gaming industry =D Sorry, just a little rant. Apart from that, how are you?
from leggierox :
Ack no, not the REGENERATION?!!! We're doing a CW on that damned book in about a week and I haven't even managed to force myself to read it yet =D We were even made to sit through a mind numbing interview with Pat Barker =/ Although the movie's quite good...well not really, just if I had to choose between the two, Dougray Scott aka Robert Graves wins =D Um that's all, just back-reading cos I ain't been on for a few days, so cya later, Lianne ~x~
from leggierox :
Eww I see Rach is recounting the stupid-prats-on-the-bus incident. I figured something was happening, cos I could hear them sniggering so I turned round and started up a random conversation with the guy we were with...OK Rach has already said all that, but I wanted my two cents (or should that be pence?). what was I gonna say again? oh yeah, LOL at pigeons and Marmite =D
from chilied :
you know, i dont was greyish, and had long antena, sortof like a version of the bug neo has in his navel in the matrix, but smaller, and with shorter legs, sorta a cross between that and a beetle....hard to explain, if i find a picture, i'll let you know...
from leggierox :
Lol, I had that dilemma a while back. All you gotta do is type my full name into google, and it's the first one =/ despite putting in those google meta tag thingies...dodgy...will email you now, thanks for the gmail address - I've got your hotmail one somewhere too, but thanks anyways =) take care, Lianne x
from chilied :
i got a give blood letter ages ago, and was annoyed that they somehow had my details, and a little scared. i filled in the form as i thought it was definately worthy, but still havent gotten around to sending it back :/
from leggierox : nice name =) you'v never actually written it before, either that or I'm blind/stupid =)
from leggierox :
Lenny Henry rocks...and me totally love your layout - tis wicked =D
from leggierox :
What?! NOOO!!! Sorry, all my notes make it look like you only know one person on here...I shoudld stop...although you ARE instigating a note-conversation here =D *slaps wrists* I will try to not write you many more notes lol, Lianne.
from leggierox :
The fact that you're counting the days is making me rather guilty about not having done any work so far so...please stop!!! =D
from leggierox :
Mayvbe it wasn't so much the "pointless" element, looking back, I think maybe I should have tried it in the company of mates, but something that Sweet Guy said stuck in my mind about girls not looking so good when they smoke... =) lol yeah, I'm feeling better ,it's just that it has gone on so long without anything developing, I don't know why I can't stop liking him. Anyway, thanks for the note =) luv lianne x
from leggierox :
thanks I'm feeling a little better, just in need of some loving =)
from leggierox :
Oh lord thanks you - there's so many and I is such a confused little dazed in-the-headlight rabbit when it comes to choosing things I don't know about...better get started on unis, I guess =D cya later, love lianne.
from leggierox :
OK forget the note below. Which is the best of ALL of the albums, since they all seem to be on sale =)
from leggierox :
lol. sorry for openly broadcasting my uninitiatedness but I don't know a lot about HIM and am planning on buying one of their CDs (HMV sale) - tell me, Deep Shadows... or Love Said No? One is probably extremely obvious as the better/current etc one, but as I may have mentioned, I have only ever heard one song, and that was about a 30 second snippet, so I'm not exactly qualified to choose. And DON'T say both =D
from leggierox :
Yay! I nearly got a whole page's worth of notes! Mwhahaha!!!
from leggierox :
OK, firstly I notice that me and my note lengths are obviously a source of humour/annoyance to both you and Rachael, but I WRITE LONG get over it =D And this stupid note page format means that what looks like 15 lines is in "normal" terms, probably about 3. What was I gonna say again?...oh yeah, Colossus was brilliant. I don't actually remember most of it, just a vague recollection of holding on for my life. I never went on Detonator. Firstly I would have been scared crapless and secondly, the queue was way to long for what I prolaimed to be "a rubbish ride" *cough* wimp *cough*. And Inferno wasn't built when we went. And Peter Andre and Jordan?! *ew* I know what you mean about people finding your diary. Although if you go to the google help website, they have some meta tags that prevent search engines from picking it up, mucho handy. OK, long note again, but :P to the both of you - my notes hold the record for long-ness and hereby rule over all other weedy charades =D love Lianne x
from chilied :
thankyou *gives herself a pat on the back*
from chilied :
lol, yeah!! erm, completely forgot what i was going to say, what a waste of a note...
from chilied :
just posted this to myself, what an idiot?!! yeah, what is it with lianne and extra long notes?? she cant seem to leave one shorter than about 15 lines!! :p nope dont have a cube, only have a ps1!! dammit, cant afford/arent allowed to upgrade!! :'( damn annoying, but it was mucho fun playing the demo, was very dissappointed when i had to drag myself away :D
from chilied :
oh that game is so much fun, me and my brother were playing on the demo in Game for ages and ages, till some very annoyed people chucked us off :D hehe
from leggierox :
Have fun at thorpe park it's brilliant, but I think Alton Towers is a likkle bit better =). And it's so NOT FAIR that you get to go see Lenny Henry - I wanted to, but the bloody tickets were at the cheapest �25! Maybe it's worth it, but when I don't have a job and am relying on handouts from the rents, it's not that feasible. Especially what with my bill for my resit exams coming through...�34 =/ I also wanted to see Bill Bailey and/or Jack Dee, but me, being too slow off the mark missed all the cheapo seats...Oh well. Time to get up off my ass, stop talking about it and actually get a job, methinks...
from chilied :
yeah. i know what you mean about individual essays, our geography teacher is giving us so many to write!! but, i guess it is good to have practise of writing them before the exam. Anyways, sounds like you've got lots happening in the next week or too, busy social life. eh?! lucky you, im hardly doing anything...:(
from anna-spanna :
"37. I think people who don't count fish as meat are stupid." Yes! Me too -nods-
from chilied :
PSHE-personal, social and health education!! its really crap, you dont ever want a lesson, ever...
from leggierox :
Aw man! You put me to shame. So much for the score-comparing. You ARE kimng of that game. Although after much perseverence, I got 75500. Damnit must burst those excruciatingly annoying yet wonderfully brightly coloured bubbles... =D
from leggierox :
Damn I'm now addicted to that Bubbles game =D My high score's 27060, you?
from leggierox :
LOL...then again maybe =D I think I better change it to something less...fetishist lol.
from leggierox :
NO FAIR...I love Golden Touch :( Ah well, I'm sure you had a good enouhg time for you and me both =D
from chilied :
yes, it does make me sick!! i really feel for you!! and how the hell do they come up with so many different ways of boring us to tears??-PSHE, citizenship, PDP, what next??
from chilied :
excuse my syupidity, but what is PDP?? you still have to stay at school for you frees?? that sucks, we just get to go if we have no more lessons, as long as we go to at least one registration! i feel for you, i really do...
from leggierox :
Oh, no, I'm not, it's just that if I could, I would. Although it's also voting empathy. Either Blair or the Tories *argh*. But he's a good politicain, even if he refuses to admit that the war was wrong, he's admitted the mistakes in information and all that. Then again he couldn't really avoid it. Anyway, tis very confusing,and you prolly wont be able to make out what the hell I'm on about, but you get the gist =)
from leggierox :
Lol bling...sorry easily amused :D
from leggierox :
LOL at shoe/hoodie incident. I'm guessing you guys have some sorta dress code then? Here, it's whatever the hell you could be bothered to dig out first thing in the morning, be it skate shoes or *shudders* velour tracksuits :D
from alittleodd :
muuhh, the green wing looks SO good! everytime it's on, I forget.. :( also.. DAMN YOU! i'm bloody addicted to Bubbles now! *g*
from leggierox :
I'm soowwwwy *hides face* but it's so easy..and so I've also just found out that most (sane) girls who went on this trip also fancy the pants off this teacher, so to say, and most don't watch football, so let's just say that the Google searches for Freddie Ljungberg ave increased hugely :D
from leggierox :
HEY! I've had that dream before too! Oh and I was actually planning on writing in my next entry how I've just started a dream diary, because I'm SURE there must be some logical sequence and/or hidden explanation or meaning to them. OK, no, they're just random, I just like telling people that :D lol that is really weird that you picked the same update topic as me...anyways. tc Lianne x
from chilied :
YAY!! fun house!!
from leggierox :
Hmm. I haven't had my hair properly but for over a year too. Apart from trimming that is, once. The damn hairdressers that all magazines (that you prolly don�t read) ask you to consult "before trying anything", are bloody useless. They DON�T EXIST. I�ll just cut my own hair thanguverymuch. I've cut a sort of random layered effect. Sounds drastic, but it's just working on from the incredibly boring one the hairdresser gave. I'm doing it bit by bit until I get what I want. I had this idea of long tousled waves, but I never have the patience to let it grow long. Plus, as I may have just mentioned all hairdressers I know are crap. It's now halfway down my back (and yes, that IS attached to my head :D). OK enough of the hair life story�ummm can�t quite remember what the point of this note was, but it�s long enough as it is :) lol tc Lianne x
from leggierox :
I guess for the first few months we can kinda scare them off a little, with our we were here first airs and glares, but once they realise that we're just as lost and stressed as they are, I reckon they'll get nasty. Man why is it every other year apart form ours is a bunch of craptacular (see what I've done there? :D) idiots?! Ah well. Hope you're having fun :) I don't have to go back till Monday. Not true, I gotta go back tomorrow for re-enrolling but you know what I mean :) Anyways, tc, Lianne x
from leggierox :
Noooooooo! No fair!
from leggierox :
Hmm I finally updated. Although the main fuel behind was ranting about Bush and finally working out a way to post my pictures. It's becoming a bit of a chore unless I have inspiration. Let's hope Bush does something (not too) stupid in the near future :) Oh and I'm a bit more conerned about the year below nicking all the good chairs in the common room :D anyways tc Lianne.
from leggierox :
Damnit you update FAR too often! How the hell am I supposed to catch up on a WEEK of entries?! Lol, I just finished reading. Eventful (in places). Your poem wasn't 'craptacular'...although I like that word. May use it in everyday vocabulary from now on :) And no fair! You get to see Keane AND Razirlight?!!! Lol I've gotta go and read everybody else's diaries now, and update as well, so note ya later, tc luv Lianne.
from anibananie :
It's actually javascript that I stole from someone ;) Have it if you want... Do da View Source thang!
from leggierox :
Cool :D And OMG I watched that too! That was pretty low. And how they kept telling the Brits to wait before serving, and then the woman claimed she needed to re-strap her arse :D we're really bored :D
from anibananie :
Wahey! Well done! :D
from leggierox : kinda left a note to yourself again :D I gots three B's and an A. I've updated as well, so you don't really have to read through it all now lol. And from your note to yourself, it appears you've done rather well too, am I right? Well whatever, it's over now, so we can go back to the peaceful old life of stressing over uni decisions, career paths and A Level exams. Yay. :D tc Lianne.
from tphi :
Hey, good luck with yours as well. Just gots mine, not too shabby at all. :) tom.x
from anibananie :
Good luck for your results! My brother gets his today as well, so it's Tension City round here.
from leggierox :
Heya, yes happy belated birthday - sorry been offline for a little bit. Amazing you go out of the country and still manage to update more often than me :D And WOW WHALE WATCHING!!! *ahem* I wanted to go on the trip with Rachael but noooo lets condemn Lianne to an Iceland-less summer. Evil rents :( Well nice to know you're having a (kinda) fun time. Tis like a virtual postcard :) TC Lianne x
from alittleodd :
hapsy birthday tee-fee.. enjoy the next, most weirdest, year of your teens! :p xx
from leggierox :
Heya...the note that I planned after reading your note but before your post, doesn't really fit anymore. It went along the lines of ~ lol but I didn't really STEAL it as was a gift ~ And then I read your post and realised that maybe something more serious is needed...I get that fakeness feeling, a lot. Puddle of Mudd's Blurry always springs to mind. The suicidal thing as well. Not so long ago, I had a real depression, fished out from my bin an old ID card, cut up and sharp, and even got as far as halfway down the suicide note. I don't think I'd ever actually DO IT though. Even as I was writing, I was thinking to myself that my sensible side is gonna kick in any minute, and sure enough it did. I ended up crying myself to sleep and praying that I just wouldn't ever wake up. I did, obviously, but it was all forgotten until my little clear-out uncovered the note. I think the point is that no matter how shit things seem at the time, they're always gonna seem better after even a small amount of time. Teenage moodswings. Hey, at least you don't have to deal with period hormones as well, hey? :) OK, bloody long note, so I'll stop now. Take care, and don't do anything I wouldn't (which pretty much rules out anything, even stealing alcohol damnit :D) Lianne x
from leggierox :
Heya...I've kinda not been around for a while, so I have many a diary entry to catch up on later. Just on a little random note - Orandge suddenly upped their texts without telling anyone as well. I was pretty hacked off tooess they just take all us pay-as-you-go teenagers as incapable of simple counting of credit and/or intelligence to complain :D umm that's about all. I'll come online again Lianne
from chilied :
sounds like you're having a rough time with everything!! hope it all works out in the end :)
from chilied :
dont worry, your house will be safe...for the time being!! im going from 27th-31st august! was just curious, thats all, really, honest!! :D
from chilied :
glad you had a good time with danii! you're going to iceland? so am i! when are you going?, as in what date. just curious! and i agree, whatever happened to weeks wasted away doing nothing in particular??!!
from killerkatie :
I'm BAAACKK!! It's just me uniquechick... new sn though. I just thought I'd let you know I've changed my sn here at DL (to killerkatie) and I took down the password on my former sn. Well, talk to you later. *mwuahz!* P.S. I'm sorry about 'her'. I remember a while back that I used to read ur entries about the two of you. I just got out of a serious relationship too... I guess you and I can relate. well, tccic.
from leggierox :
Before I forget, funky nav bar. And wow, your town place is rather purty lol. I'm liking the "pointy thing" :D Anyways, I think only "a couple" of awkward silences is pretty damn good going for a first face-to-face meeting. Hmm I think I understand the confusionness. I probably don't really, but maybe you need some time to get to know yourself, and what you want again, after HER? I dunno, just what I'm thinking when reading your posts... anyways tc, Lianne.
from chilied :
well only one and a half days now, as wednesday is soprts day, so no school and thursday i only have periods 1 and 2, as do most people. so not too bad, i guess. hope everything went well today, cant wait to hear about it all. rach
from chilied :
we dont break up till thursday!! yay, not! im sure tomorrow will be fine! a question: how does my diary look on your computer, because i was just looking at it on my dads old one, and everything was the wrong size, and there was alot of scrolling involved. just wondering, as on my laptop, it all looks fine...:/ erm, think thats about it...
from chilied :
love the new navigation thingy on your page! its probably been there for ages and i havent noticed, but oh well!! hope you have a good time campy nd have fun on monday, while im still in school!! :(
from leggierox :
Well I did last year, in the style of hobbit-ness, you know, giving out presents on your own birthday type thing. But there were only three of us anyways so it wasn't majorly expensive. I feel a little bad, cos where does the threshhold end when your parents/you pay for your birthday party, and where you make everyone else pay themselves lol. Anyways thanks for the tip. I will see it at some point, I'm just not sure when exactly yet. tc Lianne
from leggierox :
I don't know really...I'm off to see Spiderman on Saturday, though, so I'm not quite sure. And I am mucho skint. To the point that I'm making everyone I'm taking pay their own way :D I do want to see it, but all the reviews are saying that it's a rubbish movie, and everyone loves it only cos it's bush-bashing. But hey, all bush-bashing is good bush-bashing is my motto :D
from leggierox :
Wow she is rather pretty...not that I ever doubted your descriptions at any point :D
from leggierox :
No I meant the female ones. Naturally they're weraing a skirt like the standard loo sign silhoutte...OK doesn't matter lol...
from leggierox :
Lol I do that to wind up people, although I have never got a reaction as wild as yours :D And you can actually get female gingerbread men. I've seen them in some bakeries... Basically all it means is that you end up with more...ummm...extremities to bite off before you work your way up the body to the best bit, the head. I'll leave it to your imagination. And wow I've given you a description of how I eat gingerbread items :D
from mylitlepony :
you are an interesting person
from leggierox :
*ahem* Gigi aka The Gingerbread Man? I have moral objections to eating gingerbread people now... :D
from musicchick44 :
My fave is Peter Pan...It's the only ride that's as cool now as it was when I was seven. Of course, Splash/Space Mountains are always awesome.
from leggierox :
Haven't been online in a while, but I have one thing to say to you - PUSS! boots! HAHA! Oh man, I'm really it wrong that I find the cat attractive? When I see Puss and his purty (MONGO!) shiny eyes, I see Antonio Banderas...hmmm...yummy ;) :D Oh and Donkey rules too lol. And Gigi! Um anyways, I'm gettng a little too uber-happy, so I'm gonna go calm down :D tc Lianne.
from musicchick44 :
I just clicked on your name in the members area, and I just wanted to say hello to a fellow Something Corporate fan. :o)
from leggierox :
I dunno...I guess we girls could say the same about guys. But I think you may be right. Things seem to be so much simpler with guys. I'm sometimes more comfortable chatting away about all sorts to a bunch of guys than sitting there bitching or whatever with a bunch of girls. I actually spent half an hour with a group of guys debating over who was the better footballer in his prime - Pele or Zidane, before I realised that all the other girls had migrated to the other side of the room :/ Anyways I can't quite remember the point of this note, other than to reassure you that we are a weird And wow you have HIM tickets! That's about it. tc Lianne.
from chilied :
know what you mean about the waiting, but im sure it will all be worth it in the end, and you'll have a great time! well, i really hope so anyways! :D
from chilied :
dont stress yourself out about meeting danii, if its ment to be, it will work out fine!! :D
from chilied :
wow, thanks, i feel so enlightened, and....jocund! :D
from chilied :
agreeing with lianne on the meetng up with internet people, my parents would never agree to that!! anyways, glad you had a good time with grace, that was her name wasnt it?? i hope so!! :/
from leggierox :
I've never really said this before, but I'm pretty amazed at how you're so easy-going with meeting up with people and all. I'd be pretty damn terrified. Especially as I always manage to attract the weirdos on the net :D Um that's all. Yay for the webcam arrival. Sorta. Ah you know what I mean tc Lianne.
from chilied :
wow, that last entry was....eye opening, no wait thats no the right word, but it showed that you know what you want and are going to find it, and where you're going(except with weed!!lol!) and it was quite, erm inspirational, as i never know what i want or if im going to get it, how to get it etc! well that made no sense, but it was a nice entry basically! i'll shuttup now....
from leggierox :
Ummm I think the actual quote is "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully" :P lol. On of my mates got me this huge poster with loads and loads of bushisms on, and there are so many it never ever fails to amuse me. Ever. I have been known to randomly burst out laughing with ridicule in my empty bedroom, much to the worry of my family :D
from leggierox :
Yeah...although it's difficult to imagine anyone else playing him, in a none-Welsh accent lol. And he's probably not short enough :D I was randomly flicking through some channels when this movie thing came up about Fahrenheit 9/11, and they were speaking to Michael Moore about the film, and he goes "its for everyone who has a healthy disrespect for authority" Hell yeah! Oh, Bush-bashing is way too much fun...although he readily provides too much ammo :D
from chilied :
thanks, i just thought that it needed to be said!! lol!!
from leggierox :
Hehe. Mr Bailey was on Jonathon Ross a while ago, and he said that he tried out for the part of Gimli in LotR, but apparently he wasn't Welsh enough lol. That's what I'll always remember him for - the not-Welsh-enough Gimli....imagine if he did get the part though. That would have been bloody brilliant :D
from leggierox :
Frankly you deserve it. The pity that is :) I had only 3 and a half, but I had them scheduled for the same time so I had to sit incommunicado for a few hours between them, so that I don't go off and find someone who's sat the second exam already and get the answers. Not so great when you're stuck with townie bimbos and gits for those few hours...anyway, by now its all over, so you can relax - I certainly have :D tc Lianne
from chilied :
aawww, i really hope things work out with danii, cos you sound like you really like her, and it sounded like she really liked you too!
from chilied :
you do ict? so do I!! its such boring crap, and theres three hours of it today. i had better go and do some last minute cramming!! then again, maybe not....
from legolass :
good luck on your exams :-) i have an exam today too *cries* plus an assigment to hand in which i only started last night! hehehe i'm just putting the finishing touches to it now. talk soon xx
from leggierox :
Lol. *virtually hits you* I actually did end up hitting quite a few people lol. It wasn't so bad. Maybe I was just being melodramatic as per usual, but I was insanely high after the exam, scaring most other people who were freaking out. Ah well, it's over now and I really don't give a... :) thanks tc Lianne
from leggierox :
Heya. Thanks a lot. I don't think that that was the worst day...oh no, not by far. It's maths tomorrow. And on Friday. And In two weeks time. Compared to that three hours of english essay writing is a sinch :D tc Lianne.
from chilied :
hey glad things are looking up with danii my brother won tickets to the golen gods awards to see HIM, hes crazy about them, i think he met the bassist in camden!! i'll have to tell him about that concert!! know exactly wjat you mean bout revision, and i d the same with coursework, i promise , myself iwont, but i always leave it to the last minute. anyways this is getting a bit long, so bye
from purplebanana :
Long distance things can be absolutely horrible. I mean, the reasons people typically want to date someone are absent in a long distance relationship, pretty much. That being said, I've had my share and I'm glad I'm done with them. Good luck.
from leggierox :
You don't like the Darkness? *realises it is a stupid question and hides face* :D Lol I odn't love them as such, but you gotta admit they are bloody funny if nothing else. Hmmm the Brits were interesting in the way Cat Deeley kept on saying that it was "the coming of rock" and the only real bands that they had on that could even be remotely qualified as rock were Muse and the Darkness (and Busted *shudders violently*). But Muse were absolutely brilliant live. I tihnk that the point of this note, anyway lol. tc Lianne.
from leggierox :
Hmmmm muse are good. Did ya see their performance at the Brits? (yes, I did watch it). They absolutely rocked. Don't have any of their albums though...hmmm...another thing to buy on dads credit card :D
from chilied :
hey, glad you've found someone who sounds realy nice. i have to agree, the origin of symetry cd rocks, i bought it quite a while ago, but i still love it, also like absolution(copied it off my cousin) but origin of symetry i think is a little bit better. Anyways, enough about muse, i better go and do some work rach
from leggierox :
Oh. Hey! You ruined it! I can usually wing my way through buying the odd small thing on my dad's card cos he usually forgets to ask for the money. That's where most my CD collection comes from - the odd �9 here and there :D
from leggierox :
LOL I love the credit card attitude - "I'm sure dad wont mind" :D If only...*saunters off to have happy dreams* :D tc Lianne
from chilied :
lol!! all the lotr films rock!! They are soo good i cant explain it, and so are the books, though it took me ages to finish, but it was worth it!! anyways, i managed to do a minimal amount of revision to, for geography, on rural areas, not the most interesting topic, but it had to be done! well, im off to try and do some more.....hhmm, or maybe i'll take a break and watch my rhcp dvd, yeah, that sounds like a good idea.....
from tphi :
Erk. I'm so sleepy I just noted myself by accident.
from tphi :
Just done some. Not a little.. but it's a start I guess. Heh, like I'm going to finish. :) Return of the King.. *fapfapfap* Best film ever! Saw it on the first day too. *wipes fleck of drool from chin* tphi.
from chilied :
i was dissapointed with the last harry potter film, so ive given up even bothering to go and see this one in the cinema, i'll wait till it comes out on video, and rent it, and be dissapointed in my own house. lol im hard to please to!! saw return of the king on first day of release too!!(with lianne!) Was absolutely awesome, and very sad but anyway, glad you're starting to feel better and hope you get some revision done before your exams, even if its only a little-every little helps!! lol! I hope i get some done too....
from chilied :
aawwww, im so sorry it turned out so badly but i agree with what lianne said, colds make it a whole lot harder to think and be yourself, and nikki can keep telling herself that she acted normal, but im sure the illness afected her in someway, the affect everyone, well im sorry again, rach
from leggierox :
You know what? I have suddenly developed a mystery bug too. OK so it's not much of a mystery, as a bloody cold, but anyways...they suck. Forget the pounding headches and blurry vision, they make it difficult to think straight. Maybe she was worried it was moving too fast? Or maybe it wasn't intentional at all? She may have just got a little ultra-embarassed/shy...after all things are always much much easier and smoother on the net, cos all your little (or in my case major) reactions, like blushing for example, are wonderfully contained to your own computer, and *the other person* doesn't see them, making everything a whole lot smoother on the net. Then again, like I said, colds make it a whole lot difficult to think straight, so I might be talking a whole lot of rubbish, and not even know I'm sure things will be ok, once the mist of illness clears :) take care luv Lianne
from chilied :
hey im sorry things didnt go as well as they could but im sure you'll both work it out, when you're both feeling better and back to normal good luck
from anibananie :
Aaw, poor you. Sounds awful. And confusing... well, whatever makes you happy, that's what I say.
from chilied :
hey, sounds like you're having a hard time of it at the moment, i have the same thing with revision, had an exam today and it was crap, hopefully that will motivate me to work more..maybe?? well, i hope you have a nice weekend, and get better soon rach
from leggierox :
Oh no, I believed you...then again, rereading the note kinda makes it sound like I didn't...maybe not so articulate after all. Aw I read your last entry, and it all seems so raw. I guess the cold isn't helping at all. I know the feeling about revision. I have just over a week too until most of my major exams, I and I have done hardly any revision whatsoever. And yup there are no excuses apart from the fact that I'm a lazy procrastinator - not a good combination...anyways get well soon, it'll probably help sort stuff out, tc, Lianne.
from anibananie :
In your 100 it says you like cheese. My God, that sounds so sad. I feel like a stalker... beware. The next corner you turn... MWAHAHAHAH! Ahem. Glad you found my diary funny. :) I aim to please. (I have a book of stupid graffitti (gaah can't spell) and it says, for a sign above a men's toilet, "We aim to please! You aim too! Please!" I thought that was relevant in some way... No? And I am sorry, I've clogged up your notes page. And - oh I'll shut up and end this bracket now.)
from leggierox :
Oi! I get the feeling people are talking about me behind my back :D And for your information, Rach, we were having a note-conversation so :P lol. I'm gonna try not to sound mean, but I couldn't help but laugh at your sudden bout of typical, eh? :D tc Lianne
from anibananie :
This may sound just plain ODD... but you are very much like me. Although I eat fish and chicken - but not red meat. Plus you're male, and a year older. But hey, what the hell. You're on my favourites list, so feel special. And yes, cheese is gorgeous. :)
from chilied :
No probs i think lianne has left you way too may notes, lol, like almost the whole list is from her! :P lol!
from leggierox :
Damn that arrow in my last note was suposed to point down... V thats better lol tc Lianne.
from leggierox :
Lol you been getting notes from Rach ^ :D Oh no problem. I get majorly happy when I get mentioned too lol...
from chilied :
hey just read you '100 thing about me' thingy, and it was enlightening, you sound really nice, just thought id tell you...
from chilied :
hey erm, i got to reading your diary through lianne, it was interesting, and would seem you're into alot of the same stuff as me, eg indi rock, vegetarianism, etc etc, anyway, just thought id let you know i found you're diary interesting.....
from purex :
You don't use the euro? What do you use? I learn something new every day I guess lol
from leggierox :
Lol thanks.
from leggierox :
OK, I take the hint :D
from leggierox :
But they're not my standards though! Well actually they are a little bit. They've pretty much been drilled into my head. They're practically written on the inside of the my eyelids. Well the thing is though, the remotest bit of approval in anything I do from my parents is when I get good grades and the teacher tells them, they smile and then as soon as we leave the desk, it's like "so where's the next appointment". And then when I do badly, they take it like a personal insult lol. Hmmm do you have MSN? Yuo don't have to give it if you don't want to. Just tell me you don't and I won't push it :D
from leggierox :
Yeah from what I've heard, Chem is hard. My friend got a C in her theory mock, and was pretty devastated. She does the whole C-is-a-fail thing too. But she said she had put in loads of work, and had expected higher, so I guess it's a little understandable. She is actually fervently writing and reading EVERYTIME I see her. It's gotta be unhealthy lol.
from leggierox :
Hmmm the only thing driving me on is a mortal fear of failing (or getting a C as far as my parents are concerned). I think I will actually be disowned if I get anything lower than a B. That I can deal with, but the rare but profitable cash handouts? Nope I don't think so somehow lol.
from leggierox :
HEY! YOU'RE being mean! You can't :P me back!!!Yeah, actually, I'm pretty much a geek too. It's quite sunny, although there's dodgy looking dark clouds on the horizon...anyway I'm pretending to do maths revision, but really surfin the internet. I just bring up BBC AS Guru web page whenver a parent walks in. It also gets me out of cleaning my room which is a tip right now. Good plan, eh? Oh no! the sun's gone in! Nooooooo... :D
from leggierox :
Thank you very much. You've made me feel much better about being insanely slow. I put it down to slep deprivation, and the fact that it is a sleep Sunday afternoon so :P *blows a raspberry*
from leggierox :
Haha lol I was gonna say...we're practically having a conversation here. It took me a while to figure the sarcasm :D
from leggierox :
Oh I nearly forget...damn, you replied fast. you online now?
from leggierox :
Ummm maybe a bit of both :D I don't know if you are like how I imagined...I didn't so much have a mental image, just a kinda personality with no physical form other than your diary lol. You're a real person! Ooooh! :D Well at least your pictures do you justice. I have a mortal fear of being on the wrong side of a camera lol. I'm alright behind the lens in fact I'm quite joyful behind the lens. It's the other side I'm more worried about :D
from leggierox :
Heya lol...I have learned the hard way not to hand out my msn. I just tell anyone who asks, that I don't have email, msn or a phone, and thats usually enough to put them off anyway :D And wow, it's so weird when you "see" someone for the first time, like after reading their diary...if you know what I mean. OK no, I'll just shut up (the hair's fine btw) :D And good for you, moving on. That's about all, Lianne.
from alittleodd :
i have to say it.. you are one mighty fine lad.. *g* ahem. damnit. your hair looks twiddable.. only 5 days left!
from tphi :
Damn.. just posted that note in the wrong place. GRR.
from tphi :
Hey, thanks for the note. Im intrested.. whats so great about England in your eyes? It certainly aint the weather.. tphi.x
from purex :
You are so lucky to live in England. Argh! I'm incredibly jealous. I've been there twice and I think it would be the greatest thing ever to live there.
from alittleodd :
You mean BB5? Nope.. not yet! Are you? I'm guessing you are.. *g*
from leggierox :
Argh I'm not exactly helpful am I? Just give me a spade and I'll keep on digging :) I don't think that there's any right solution to it, I guess just to let it follow it's course. Oh...just ignore me :D Take care. Lianne.
from leggierox : that's so weird. I just re-watched pirates on the weekend "for Media" *wink wink* The sacrifices of being a conscientious Media student :D I think davenport took it quite well actually...I mean he could AT LEAST have thrown a punch in will's direction if he was REALLY hacked off. Nope it's a Disney movie, so he just smiles and leaves them to snog each other's faces off. Ok I see what you mean now... :) Lianne
from leggierox :
Hey, long time no note-swap. Been following the girlfriend sitch, and man you must be cut up. I'm not really one to give relationship advice, since I'm not exactly an expert, but I guess the only thing that you can do is try and heal what's hurting. Great, now I'm spewing cheesy cliches at you, but like I said, I'm no expert so all I can say is hope you feel better. Lianne.
from legolass :
lol your mate Becki whoever she is, is right - on the whole all girls are bitches! thats why all my friends are guys bar one!
from legolass :
you thought i was taking the piss? well jeez i'm sorry if i gave that impression but actually i was genuinely upset. i cant stand it when people cheat, its the worst thing in the world. sorry if you misinterpreted what i said.
from legolass :
boohoo just read your diary....its so sad *cries* sorry but your gf is a bitch. maybe i have no right to say that but you should NEVER EVER cheat on anyone - its plain evil and unecessary. anyway i'm always here xx
from legolass :
hehe well maybe we're not quite as bad but we still see each other every evening and we're usually texting half the day....and ok so he rings me randomly sometimes. meh ok so we're totally as bad lol! although we've never spent an hour on the phone before :-S we see each other every day, what is there to say??
from legolass :
hmmm...well you know you can talk to me anytime, or text if ya want (07749093893) but i guess i wont be much use....after all i cnt really understand can i, me and lee are as bad as your 'sickening sister and her nobtard boyfriend' lol! still if ya wanna i am.
from alittleodd :
heh, it's like one big circle when things get said behind your back. too often = tee-fee = paranoid.. anyway, that option doesn't seem selfish at all! it's just.. whass the word? goooood. :)
from leggierox :
Heehee, I'm soooorrrrry! I've done things like that too. I dreamt a few nights ago about Sweet Guy, and basically when I woke up, I was convinced that this really happened...also a little disappointed when I finally realised it hadn't, obviously :D Oh and I once dreamt that I knew Orlando Bloom...and Hugh Grant, but his name wasn't Hugh Grant, and he wasn't famous either. I think we were in a movie. OK, I have weird dreams lol. Once, again, I apologise for the disappointment, but surely the dream must have been fun if you met Derren Brown...again :D Lianne.
from leggierox :
Woah, that park thing sounded a little scary. Is that guy alright? Ah, I don't mind about the notes - I mean yours are no where near as long as mine :D
from leggierox :
OK, but I mean just any other guy. Becks was just an example :) Yeah, it sounds really weird, but I haven't ruled out habing a different sexuality, simply cos I haven't felt anything YET for anything but guys. I hate it, but often being called gay is used as an insult as you know, but I was ranting about the half-nakedness of crap pop "stars" such as Britney Spears, and someone just said to me "You know, it wouldn't surpise me if you turned out gay"...umm ok. I wasn't upset or anything, it was just so weird cos all I was doing was promoting a little feminism. You dont HAVE to be wearing almost nothing and gyrating around a stage to sell records. OK, so the Darkess do it, but... :D And I've just realised how long all my notes are - just look down :D luv Lianne.
from leggierox :
Wow it takes a lot of confidence to be able to say that Derren Brown thing :D Most guys find it difficult to admit that they think David Beckham is attractive...but in just an acknowledgement way, rather than specifically him. Oh I'm talking rubbish now. And yeah, that show rocked - the chess thing was really damn smart *bows down and worships his feet* And this whole Sweet Guy thing. Well I've had enough crushes to know it gets easier as time goes on, I guess. It�s just that it all seemed so perfect. Anyways� Oh and one more thing - YAY! It's gonna be even more sunny tomorrow! I love sunny-ness! :D Take care, thanks, Lianne.
from leggierox :
lol no its just that i was drawn to the CAPITAL LETTERS before reading the username, and that was all I saw before everything blurred in rage :D Yeah, we have "Enrichment" too. We're supposed to do domething extra-curricular or along the lines, but everyone just goes home cos its the last lesson :D
from leggierox :
ARGH!!! YOU SCARED THE **** OUTTA ME! My god, when I read that again, I thought he'd come and hunted me down on the net! I seriously was yesterday getting a little bit worried about how easy it was to find my diary just by typing my full name into google :S So I spent some time inserting meta tags, so I'm safe. *phew* Don't ever, EVER do that again, or I promise, I will come and hunt YOU down :D Only kidding. It's really yucky. I still haven't got a reply from him, but I think it may have worked for now...if only Sweet Guy would make a move though... *goes off to have happy dreams* ah damnit I can't, not now. Dreaming will have to wait, cos fun geography coursework awaits too... ah well, thanks for the note :) Lianne ~x~
from parlance :
Lol. Sure am =) Thank you.
from parlance :
Sure, no problem =) Glad you like mine, too.
from parlance :
Hullo, there. I like your layout =) Very relaxing.
from leggierox :
I completely understand about the photos thing. I'm really random when armed with a camera too :D I've got piles and piles of photos that aren't really of anything important - it drives my dad nuts having to pay for all the processing fees, so now he's given me a hand-me-down ancient digital camera. But im completely overjoyed - I can snap away and no one will complain. The only thing is that its more fun when you actually have a pack of physical photos to look back over. Oh, and before I forget, your "previous" link keeps on going back to your new year's eve entry - i've only just worked out why i've missed so many entries. It's cos when i go back to read ones ive missed, i keep getting the same 31st December one :D take care, Lianne ~x~
from leggierox :
hey, i read your spain entries, and forgot to leave a note. i hope you got what you wanted out of your holiday. it sounds like you guys have good times together :) i was quite fascinated by the "its not half past two" part of the guardian interview. i was gonna try it on someone, but i told everybody i know about it, so they wont react naturally. and i dont have te guts to actually walk up to a stranger in the street :D anyways, take care, Lianne.
from leggierox :
Hey, good to hear from you. It took me a while to realise that you hadn't actually done the other 9 entries *duh* :D I was clicking on all the links in vain lol. I don't know what else to say, because you haven't yet said how the story pans out...BUT DON'T TELL ME! *ahem* I'd rather just read it, in your own time :D Oh, and whilst you were away, I got this magazine with the Guardian, and Derren Brown is on the cover and they've got an interview with him and stuff. It reminded me of you lol, and I've still got it if you want a scan or anything...that's all. Oh and welcome back to good ol' rainy England :D
from legolass :
good luck honey i hope things go the way you want them to, however that may be :-) chat when we get back xx
from leggierox :
Heehee. I absolutely love that whole magic thing, it fascinates me. Although, the Russian Roulette thing was a little suspicious. But Derren Brown is damn good. It's so cool when you're all confused and/or weirded out by the amazing stuff he does lol. I guess everyone has a fascination for the unknown, though...anyways, cool pictures :) Lianne.
from alittleodd :
heh. can you imagine that? you need to do an essay with 2000 words.. you hand it in with 2 pictures stuck on the paper. what an exciting moment that'd be! *g*
from leggierox :
OMG WOW! YOU MET DERREN BROWN! I think he's brilliant, apart from the little Russian Roulette incident, he's pretty damn amazing. Woah, that is so were in his presence, and YOU TOUCHED HIS GOATEE DAMNIT!
from karika :
hey, thanks for the note...havent spoken to u in a while, thanks for checkin my diary out, catch ya later
from legolass :
hmmm...not being cynical or anything but you're probably best off finding a girl over here, its a lot more sensible in the long run! especially if things aren't going well with rose. but i'm not gonna tell you what to do, i just want you to be happy :-) hope we chat soon!
from leggierox :
Just randomly read your hundred things list - not quite sure when it was put up, I haven't been online a lot recently. I completely agre with your no. 37 - the whole fish isn't really meat argument...what rubbish! It's just a way out for wimps and the weak-minded :D Um that is all lol. Lianne.
from legolass :
wow i really like your layout did you do it yourself? lol seeing as its copyrighted to you i'm assuming you did! hows things?
from leggierox :
Thanks lol. I still haven't told the parents yet though. The first thing my dad said to me when I read out my GCSE results on the phone to him was "How come you got 4 B's?"...forget about the other 7 A's and A*s. They didnt' realise, but I was pretty crushed...I mean they're supposed to be on MY side. Anyways, Let's just say after my little chocolate fix (not Fair Trade, I'm ashamed to admit), I was feeling a lot better. I'm gonna suggest retaking geography. Wish me luck. If I ever get round to actually telling them, that is lol.
from legolass :
hewwo! like my new layout i worked so hard on? thats so cool you have a minidisc player, I WANT ONE *sulk* lol hope i see you online sometimes soon, miss you! hows things with your girl up in spain? :) good I hope xx
from leggierox :
Hmmm nice minidisc player. I have one too. It's pretty much the most prized possession I own - it enables me to drown out the bratty little kids that fill up the public buses on the way to school in the morning with some decent tunes. Have fun! Lianne.
from leggierox :
AAAAARRRGGHGHHH!!! DON'T! DON'T MAKE ME... *trails off into sobs* lol. When I chose the essay I figured that it would be interesting cos everyone else did the "theme of revenge" one. OH how I was wrong. OK it was interesting the first time, but the 52nd? I don't think so lol. Oh and you got a snow day? How unfair. We've had a few showers over the last couple of days, and then a really long one this morning, which has now melted courtesy of the sun, damnit! That means sxith form tomorrow, no excuses....awwww!
from leggierox :
Oh I totally understand being smart enough to get through school, but now in sixth form, everyone is, so you gotta work harder to get anywhere. It's rather depressing, having to actually DO something to keep up. And yeah, I think I sound like an arrogant idiot too, so I don't ever actually say it. Oh well, its out the open, I guess... take care, Lianne.
from karika :
hey...a puck is something we use in underwater hockey is wat i play....a puck hog is someone who doesnt pass it to others....u left a note sayin *You've got an...wats that?
from karika :
hey u dont no me but i just found ur diary and i thought id leave u a note sayin hi...feel free to look at my diary since i looked at urs..hope write back, peace
from alittleodd :
.... ironic, indeed! lol! ;)
from alittleodd : .. although, Victorian wasn't there.. :s
from alittleodd :
hehe, i think when you have weird dreams, a lot of thoughts are in your mind, and a lot of stuff is happening in your life. At least, I think so! ;) Look up the keywords in a dream dictionary or an online one, they usually help and might seem true sometimes. Keyword: Victorian! *g*
from leggierox :
Oh...well if I manage to not be able to pay it off for 15 years, then I guess I'll be fine! :D Great, that just shows my lack of knowledge on what exactly is going on. I just heard the amounts of money involved and panicked :D And wow, I didn't think anyone would read that entry, cos it was so long-winded lol. And I know what you mean about routine. I was late to school this morning cos the ever-reliable London bus service was running late, and I was actually considering jsut giving up waiting and going back home, just to be rebellious and break with routine...God, I need a life :D
from leggierox :
I know the feeling. At least you answered back lol. "Accidentally" wandering the realms of the internet during ICT lessons, and then minimising as the teacher comes to chek on your progress is a fond memory of high school...*sigh* those were the days huh?
from alittleodd :
hm.. your dream sounds a little scary!! what do i think it means? no idea.. the trapped doors must mean you feel trapped though! :s
from legolass :
username - ella password - tamsen
from alittleodd :
*tempus fugit* ;) you set it all off now.. that word will be used somehow, forever. :)
from legolass :
hey...i'm really sorry you're feeling so bad, i can't even imagine it...after all me and lee get grouchy if we don't see each other for one day! I guess i should appreciate that we see each other as much as we do. anyway i'm not gonna say anything like "i'm always here to talk" because for one thing you know it anyway lol! and for another....i dunno it just sounds so cliched and i know it won't make a lot of difference to you so i really hope you cheer up soon. luv ya xxx
from purex :
Hey, really like your layout.. looks great!
from alittleodd :
yep mr. tee-fee.. very jealous that you have the DD script! Is it the actual proper, full thing?! If so, then.. *cries* Happy New Year, btw. Have a great time. ;)
from leggierox :
Heya! Ummm Happy belated Xmas! I'm sorry, I was at my uncle's all day yesterday, and only just got on to the computer, with so much junk lying around my room :) So Happy Boxing Day as well! Sorry! Luv Lianne -x-
from uniquechick :
Merry Christmas!! Lots of joy and luck for the upcoming year! Thanks for being my friend!!! My affection, K.V.
from uniquechick :
Merry Christmas!! Lots of joy and luck for the upcoming year! Thanks for being my friend!!! My affection, K.V.
from leggierox :
OMG Yes! There just are no words. I kinda stumbled about for the rest of the evening a bit dazed :) I still can't believe it - I can't even list everything that was good - it was ... *stumbles off to find a word worthy enough* :D
from uniquechick :
"Well, Simba, if it's important to you, we're with you till the end." -Timone from the Lion King. I'm with you on that balance idea!!! It is sad about kids who work hard and don't get what they deserve.
from leggierox :
Hey...I got tickets for RotK on Wednesday as well! 3:15 show to be precise. I'm hoping that it's not gonna be packed with screaming kids and/or crazy rabid fans like me and my mates. But it'll be a cool atmosphere, you know? Can't wait, although I KNOW I'm gonna be crying buckets, so I should make sure there's no-one there that I know :D Cya -x-
from uniquechick :
Oh darn, lol. Sorry about that. I just fixed it. Just use your username. It should work now.
from uniquechick :
Hey. My diary is now password protected because I thought that a certain someone could've been trusted. But no. I was wrong. Anyway, my password is code. Write back to tell me you got this note!!
from legolass :
well you're on your way now...or you might already be there so you wont get this till you come back but good luck and i hope everything gets sorted in the right way whatever that may be. xx
from tphi :
No, your not being dense at all, it's just I'm being extremely vague about the details right.. I hope everything will be sorted out soon. And then I'll start talking sense. ^_^
from legolass :
im confused. im probably being really dense but i've had no idea what you're going on about for a while lol! explain?
from legolass :
ive felt that way i've had chances with other guys and thought "do i really wanna stay with this one person for the rest of my life?" but then i think about not being with him and it's just too.....i dunno, weird. i don't like to think about it. xx
from legolass :
well done you!!! god you did so well!!! yay!
from legolass :
awwww its so cute!!! hope u guys are happy always :) speak 2 ya soon i hope xx
from tphi :
pretty sheep filled, actually.
from periodical : was the sheep-filled country?
from tphi :
Yeh, I know, but shes turning EVIL! :D
from legolass :
lol i dont know how old your sister is...but of course she gona change! she aint gona stay a little kid forever you know! you've got hell in store let me tell you - i'm a girl and i know muhahahahahaha
from legolass :
hiya thanks for the note, you're from norwich too? or close by wow. my msn is [email protected] if u wana add me xx
from craziofoool :
Consider yourself, 'added' x
from bonkersquipy :
welcome to the anti-nsync diaryring...and thanks for joining...
from meiguay :
hey tom Dosed by red hot chilli peppers?? i love that song but it allways makes me cry 4 some reason, i was lisening to it earliar as well. read u luv rose
from alittleodd :
from tphi :
Being very wordy today. Sometimes I'm just in a mood where all I want to do is type. Now is one of those times ^^'
from alittleodd :
Ooh.. You finally got your diary updated! Wahoo. Now I can be nosy too and read what you get up to.. Keep.Me.Reading. I know you always do.. Pah.. :)

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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