messages to yellopenguin:
(click here to add new message):

from raven72d :
15 June 2024-- I quite like the poem.
from papotheclown :
Thanks for stopping by my diary, new friend. Excited to read your words.
from girl101 :
a special joy when one of your friends from the computer is back, especially here!! <3 may the summer be filled with music & joy. so glad you are writing. x
from raven72d :
Totally amoral? No, I don't think so. I think I have a very strong set of moral guidelines, though those guidelines aren't always obvious to everyone else. And I always tell myself that dogs like me, and beagles and corgis are very good at telling the Bad from the Good.
from raven72d :
16 Dec. 18--- lease do come back and write!
from raven72d :
So what is your favourite Tarot deck?
from raven72d :
Top of the queue. I should Disc 1 on Tuesday.
from raven72d :
Kisses and all the best of 2016!
from raven72d :
I'll be sending wishes for a good Year Sixteen for you.
from raven72d :
Hedonism is always good, and at year's end it seems to mean *so* much more. I'm trying to plot out a last couple of weeks of the Year Fifteen---- a few parties, a few delights. And you?
from msjessica :
i would not want to be anything less than too much. too much is a gift. x
from girl101 :
too much is always just enough, darling.
from raven72d :
How is December shaping up?
from jimbostaxi :
And his reply no your not x infinity? :0)
from jimbostaxi :
I bought a book called tarot cards for dummies and a deck of tarot cards but I've yet to use them :9(
from jimbostaxi :
Love the tarot card layout :0)
from msjessica :
from jimbostaxi :
Added you to my list
from girl101 :
what a delight to hear from you again! hasn't it been 100 years? would love to hear about everything. xx
from msjessica :
happy adventuring xx
from raven72d :
I really need to get back to reading the cards! I've forgotten so much! (I liked the Palladini "Aquarian" deck back in the day--- good Art Nouveau images)
from raven72d :
Penguins are...always a delight.
from raven72d :
I love the Tarot card format. Do you read the cards? Have a favourite deck?
from nineofswords :
Small world! So we have Tarot and ICD 10 in common.
from msjessica :
from msjessica :
oh, that comforts me as... I didn't recognise you? But I loved to see a bit of you, and for you to pop up like that brought a real shine to my day! But I did feel bad/strange for not recognising you. I love though that reading your ten years ago has relevance and strikes strong chords in me. Some of your entries had me thinking you were someone I once knew as well, but then you'd say something (about WHERE you were) and I realised it couldn't possibly be. But real moments where I thought you were a certain *her* and I was your *you* and I mean.... wow, that's Lovely. If it's a happy accident that you told me you love me, I'll take it! <3 xx
from dangerspouse :
Even if penguins were never featured per se in your entries, I could always feel their presence somewhere in the background going "BRAAAAAAAAAAK BRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAKK BBBRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKK!!" like penguins always do, influencing your sunconscious. And it was beautiful. If noisy.
from msjessica :
It is funny sometimes knowing things are just where you left them. Personally, I like it. This place is such a safe haven. x
from dangerspouse :
I are/were a longtime denizen here, and because I've always had a fondness for penguins I would always read your entries when they popped up in the list. For no other reason. Penguins. But you seemed very nice, and wrote well, so even after all these years your name rang a bell when I saw it show up again. (signed), Stranger :)
from raven72d :
Welcome back! Always good to see people from the old days back at the site! I hope you'll stay and post and leave comments--- I do enjoy seeing life at D-Land!
from dangerspouse :
Wow. Welcome back. I was wondering if we'd ever see you again....
from mediumgrey :
heather, my friend. diaryland is too small a land for you. get a livejournal, i'll mad hook you up with some codes.
from raven72d :
Cruz Bustamente... wasn't that a character name from "princess bride"?
from thisisamess :
identity theft. i'm totally with you on that.
from raven72d :
Being small is good. It makes one pettable.
from raven72d :
Without a lucrative career, one can never afford the toys and lovers that make up a life.
from ricah :
I miss much to say and no words to say it...
from raven72d :
Don't forget to write me...
from mylatenight :
Hey, I'm glad to hear you've found a place to live. I hope I can come see sometime soon...and I hope I'll get a phone number and stuff? Give me a call sometime before you move (please?) I want to have a Heather-chat. I miss you sometimes :(
from mylatenight :
YAY! Ok I will plan on it a ticket!
from mylatenight :
do you want to see Bright Eyes/Belle and Sebastian with me at the Greek Theater on 8/22???? Please? Get back to me asap so I can buy tickets!!
from thisisamess :
yeah cuz the mirrors tell lies i know they do. you are beautiful i see you from the otherside.
from mylatenight :
you are the greatest. i miss you too.
from thefallofart :
yay picturespicturespictures!
from thefallofart :
yay picturespicturespictures!
from thisisamess :
fuck yes the golden girls.
from raven72d :
There's always that moment of lying awake in the dark and the heat and wondering if your own breath has stopped...
from glitzi :
re: 2003-06-16 2:36 p.m. exactly. how did you know? you're wonder.ful.
from nakedembrace :
this is the new shit:
from mylatenight :
from raven72d :
Cell phones are evil.
from nakedembrace :
you can be my air.
from raven72d :
write soon!! wuff!
from raven72d :
Beware the Evil Esquimaux.
from mediumgrey :
this saturday is my prom and i refuse to go. come visit me THIS weekend.
from raven72d :
Tell me about the shades of grey... And do e-mail me...
from raven72d :
What do you hear in the rushing air...?
from mediumgrey :
you know. i had this therapy appointment for late may and after this last weekend my mother called and begged and made them move it up to sooner, however sooner it could be. i guess i'm worse than i suspect. but no matter, it's a dull throbing and not much else. how are you. weren't you coming to visit me? when is your graduation, i want to crash that party.
from raven72d :
there's a certain fascination in opalescent, though...
from raven72d :
bones-- luminescent or opalescent?
from raven72d :
I'm still here-- and hoping you'll visit more often...and send the occasional e-mail.
from nakedembrace :
xo cannot get enough
from redd :
face place
from raven72d :
"oceanlining the border"... brilliant phrase. Write soon.
from raven72d :
Love must be an exquisite, almost painful grace...
from raven72d :
I missed Mr. Rogers when I was young. But I mourn for Captain Kangaroo...
from raven72d :
I do wish you a vur' Angelina Jolie V-Day...
from kessica :
i e-mailed. i did.
from raven72d :
3-D thoughts... brush on paper?
from raven72d :
I thought only the batrachian Manx or the vile, non-human Andaman Islanders buried secrets wrapped in shredded human skin.
from wonderspoon :
I think i'm the only who leaves you notes who isn't in love with you HA SUCK ON THAT unless ashley told you, "breathe through my mouth" just maybe from Hedwig
from nakedembrace :
let's climb in a monkey tree and kick the monkeys out and eat bananas while the sun is orange sets and we tell stories to each other about a tv and how it ate everyone we made coconut shell and coral bit necklaces and sleep with sand stuck on our eyelids listening to the waves and things.
from raven72d :
Ever since age seventeen I've been around universities-- as student or teacher. I know of no life elsewhere. I can only deal with people who are still in university or at least around the campus.
from thisisamess :
oh baby, i understand.
from glitzi :
you are something good. xox.
from raven72d :
People of one generation only?
from x-it-wound :
hello friend! i have been in the back of beyond. and you? i fell out of the loop for a while, but i'm back. and like i've said before, i'm ever so near here. happy day...
from raven72d :
4 vices? 4 only? Far too few... A vice can be like a heraldic symbol, a kind of announcement and a definition...
from raven72d :
What did you do to get It all out of your system?
from dianasour :
time is out of my reach, becareful of those two steps...
from nakedembrace :
hi babe how are you starlet? sorry i haven't came by in a while but i'm still lovin' it xxoxoxooxoxooxxxoxxxoxxxxxxxx
from raven72d :
I've never seen Berkeley in the rain. What's it like?
from wonderspoon :
n you must come to my party tomorrow or die trying. actually it wouldbe considered today but whatever i have to go to mock trial that day so i deserve a and your posse
from raven72d :
I'll leave a message saying you have to pick me up when the autogyro flight from Volpukia arrives...
from thisisamess :
i mean it. lets go.
from raven72d :
You can always come hide out with me! And a beagle with pink highlights could be fun...
from glitzi :
what's the number? you were supposed to come over and help me give my beagle pink highlights. <3
from wonderspoon :
I'm going to spin Bowie tomorrow. I want some to gyrate eh? there's only one peach with the hole in the middle
from raven72d :
Tuxedo Sam is the most spiffy penguin... But I do hope the holiday week goes well for you, that two zero-zero three opens well...
from raven72d :
What's the story behind the entry?
from wonderspoon :
how about coming to school once in a while?
from glitzi :
people do silly things and 'castrate' is a funny word. xox m.
from raven72d :
I don't cite "good looking" on my resume, but I *do* list "vur' corgi-like" and "most pettable" as resume points.
from raven72d :
spooled cotton today. spider's silk tomorrow...
from nakedembrace :
the girl     in your layout is that you? 'cause she's     some kinda beautiful.     i like your latest entry love ♥
from raven72d :
The idea of you formally meeting someone while his face was in your crotch is just brilliant. I'll expect an e-mail with the whole story...
from x-it-wound :
i'm. so. near. here. covered. in a blanket of ash. quite sane with the idea which you might find bold....i love you. i love you. i love you. what's your name?
from raven72d :
I think everyone needs one of those t-shirts...for a trip to Taco Bell.
from raven72d :
Some years ago, a shop near the Univ. of Texas at Austin was selling t-shirts that read "If God Didn't Want You To Eat Pussy, Why Did He Make It Look So Much Like A Taco"... The shirts had a brief but spirited popularity... Though I saw one and thought immediately of Taco Bell and wilted lettuce.
from raven72d :
That's why "Conchita" was always a wicked nickname for Spanish girls... I'm just deathly allergic to cheese (and tomato). Spaghetti for me means white clam sauce or garlic butter and a wee bit o' oil.
from raven72d :
"Coolest conch" is a great description... Macaroni, though, is evil... (I can't eat cheese at all...)
from raven72d :
I have no razor marks or suicide calendars, but my bookshelves and filing cabinets...Ahem. I have this nightmare about profilers and shrinks and Grown Ups with badges looking at my shelves and going "well, *obviously* this guy is a dangerous sociopath..."
from raven72d :
You're vur' perceptive and insightful...
from oneko :
you say she is a coolest conch! your adjective rules.
from raven72d :
What parts of yourself do you see in others?
from raven72d :
I'll be doing Korean BBQ for Thanksgiving... I wonder if that's quite...acceptable.
from wonderspoon :
have fun in shasta, i'll pretend i'm having a torrid affair to keep you entertained...psst steatopygous
from dianasour :
woo for nelly furtado! my kitten wants to eat me
from raven72d :
I appreciate that. I hope they'll be delivered via Small Messenger Capybara. Small Messenger Capybaras are most stalwart little couriers, and quite spiffy in their white silk scarves and aviator helmets. (They are named Ferdinand!) They often pilot autogyros. And I'll give the little Ferdinand a vanilla milkshake as a reward and send a vur' large smile to you in return.
from redd :
ani was so so sos so sos so so so. so. good. she is always great. i got all the tickets for march. something to look forward toooooo. how are you xox.
from wonderspoon :
my brother said you were seemed rational..rational like sensible
from wonderspoon :
hmmm rent is infused in hedwig. jesus that movie is like a blowjob on angel's hair
from redd :
renntttt xo
from raven72d :
Volapuk. Volapuk. The artificial language Volapuk will allow you to say only the truth while still never leaving the protection of the cryptic...
from dianasour :
yeah i dont pay attention to anythign i say its just me rambling anyways. i wasnt critisizing your journal at all, i just didnt know that you used to write in a different form. yuup ok
from dianasour :
yeah all i coudl think about was linch or somthin like that when i was trying to figure out the name of the movie. i havent watched that movie but i really really need to. the blond boy was on dawsons creek for a while i knw that much! hehe yeeees ok adios
from raven72d :
When I read Warhol's Popism I wanted so much to be there at the Factory and date Factory Girls... And I'd have loved being in San Francisco in the early Beat '50s...
from dianasour :
that song is from that movie that i dont know the name of! but its on a cd my friend luke made me and its a great song. yes ok
from raven72d :
Great entry! Where were you in the days of the Beats, the days when Warhol was at the Factory.
from dianasour :
and yeah that black wig its mine
from dianasour :
you yeah you! what the heck is your e-mail? im insane today! woooooo yeah you better come to school tomorrow or or i dont know but it will suck cuz me and laura know where you live. i knew that looked familiar but i was like what is it and then laura said that i wrote that and i was like what im amazing! i didnt get to make your present yet but i shall and you shall love it or not but either way. i found pictures of her, im such a stalker. and i found a cute pic of alex and me and then some of you huys from the halloween dance and then some other ones. i think ive seen every picture now. haha yes and its not her on the cover page of the yearbook, it just looked like her at the angle i looked at it. yup and adam e-mailed her from my name i wanna see hwat she responds with cuz it was completely insane. and he was like why dont you just ask her out and i was like ack yeeeah right i cant even get too close to her or i stop breathing. ok this is incredibly long but thats what you get when i dont know your e-mail! ha
from wonderspoon :
mujer you best be coming back to school, or there will be more egg massacres..did i by any chance leave my mock trial book in your car?
from redd :
ooo rent is so good too. im seeing ani on saturday in new york. one song glory is xoxo.
from dianasour :
oh yeah that was me ashley just in case you didnt already know! hahhaha still laughing at my great present
from dianasour :
hahaha i am making you the best present ever!
from redd :
ahh <3<3<3 i got tickets to see ani two times in three days and soon im gonna be working on three times in three days. how are youxo
from raven72d :
Y'know, I thought I was the only person who sat up at 3 a.m. eating peach pie and watching porn (in this case-- Andrew Blake's "House of Dreams"...). It must mean something that peach pie is best when chilled and that I choose porn not by actress or by topic but by director...
from yellokitty :
:) hello.
from raven72d :
Remember Yahweh's exhortation: Go forth and smite the Amalekites!
from raven72d :
"Surprise!" ...Saying that as a valedictory on a sunlit day... It's an intriguing idea.
from x-it-wound :
i am sending you a purple valentine....i tear my thoughts with my own sarcastically piercing blade. i love you. because you make me sick. distorted isn't it? but it's beautiful! exceptionally beautiful! damn.
from raven72d :
Mandy Moore is tall and leggy, and I can only hope she's habitually panty-free... I hate Louisiana: the heat, the humidity, the distance from places I'd like to be, the whole weight of my past... I like darkness, so sunshine is out. I'd probably hate sex-- if I could still remember what sex was like.
from raven72d :
Well, you can be in love with Justin. I sigh over Mandy Moore, a girl I'm convinced could be wickedly, decadently, powerfully erotic.
from raven72d :
Hmmm... Do you despise sun and sex, the Bay Area, or some combination of the three?
from raven72d :
Outside and play, yes... Love to. Autumn afternoons are majorly delicious... What part of the world are you in? (I'm trapped in the deepest darkest South)
from thisisamess :
baby love you shine. glow.
from raven72d :
A film to rent-- "A Woman, Her Men, and Her Futon"... And-- "All the Vermeers in New York"... Tell me if you like them.
from raven72d :
Drop me an e-mail ([email protected])... I have a few essays you might like...
from raven72d :
One of my failings is that I don't own a suit-- and can't afford one... But the world of employers and careers is scary, bruising, and humiliating. I'm so much better at the academic demi-monde...
from raven72d :
Penguins are always spiffy-- Tuxedo Sam being the key example... And your writing is heartrending. Grey bones, grey air... I know that place. Just as I know what it is to need to be with others who are sad today...
from glowfilled :
thankyou to the moon&back for the note. from what i've seen and read, you're very beautiful. i feel honoured for the words you left. stay spiffy girly. xo <3
from x-it-wound :
i am an attic full of moans and noise. the static has rendered me useless. all i have left to offer, is a box full of sharp objects.....
from xouttheeyes :
wow, you are truly amazing. i just read a few entries (so far) and i'm completely awestruck. thank you so much for the kind words, you make my heart swell as well... love rachel.
from x-it-wound :
"sleeping on your belly, you break my arms, you spoon my eyes, been rubbing a bad charm with holy fingers..." i could fit into your pocket...if you wanted me to?
from redd :
im doing okay/alright/good/maybe not/always so/fine. how are you. im about to watch a movie. the best thing about being up late is that no one else but the lovely ones are. xoxox.
from redd :
im sorry that i didnt find you first
from x-it-wound :
but i do ♥ you tonite. next time. i promise we'll be perfect...
from girl101 :
oh, this makes sense...."you would have loved me tonight" but really. shouldn.t they love us all the time? [yes]. but i know just what you mean.
from gallinula :
oh no, sorry -- it's not something I do, I think it's great you posted your pics, I apologize for making you think otherwise. take care, be well
from gallinula :
you're fucking hot. okay, there.
from glitzi :
sometimes i cry in my dreams. those brash, harsh, loud sobs. and it feels really good. when i cry in my dreams, i don't have to pick anything up after. xox, m.
from glitzi :
i like this (your) place. xox, m.
from therat :
it's 10:11. should be 11:11. daylight saving's has brought many wonders, but 11:11 is magical. 11:11 is when i make wishes that don't come true. but it is 10:11 and i am here. reading. you. beautiful.
from gallinula :
"oh oh oh, I am too drowsy to be eloquent." -- I know your pain.
from x-it-wound :
yellow. penguins. and eloquence in words. 3 of my most favourite things. thankyou.
from wide-eyes :
your words are poetry in the best way, in the way that life is &don't ever forget to be poetic. because reading you in the morning before politics class seems ohso right somehow. loveness paige xoxox
from glitzi :
ohhh dont ever let that feeling go. xox, m.
from heartshaped :
and oh. i'm not ready for this sorta thing. <3<3
from glitzi :
you are wow. xox, m.
from sipthis :
nice diary.
from heartshaped :
and every time she sneezes i believe it/s love.
from thisisamess :
from therat :
from heartshaped :
hi dear. stear clear of the creative writing class boy. been there. it hurts. but what's life without pain, right? i like what you have to say. cheers.
from girl101 :
your words are such poetry. <3. &thanks girlface. tell me about this boy. xo.

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