The World As Mare Sees It...

"Nobody can be exactly like me. Sometimes even I have trouble doing it." Tallulah Bankhead

My mother always said that talking to strangers would get me into trouble. I have trouble listening to my mother. Leave me a note, sign my guestbook, or (if you're not a spammer and can read the oh-so-clever-email disguise) drop me a line at

And please, have a smashing day.

My favorite diaries:

weetabix profile - diary
comments: The hostess with the mostest.
chauffi profile - diary
comments: He knows what to do to a monkey. And a panda. And Ms.PacMan.
biensoul profile - diary
comments: Because she rocks a mike like nobody's business.
trancejen profile - diary
comments: She owns every room she enters.
pablo profile - diary
comments: Something about black magic.
cyanophyta profile - diary
comments: Border-crossing It Girl.
marn profile - diary
comments: This should have been listed here ages and ages ago...
ann-frank profile - diary
comments: Sweet like vinegar.
fulminous profile - diary
comments: Deliciously charming.
mousemilk profile - diary
comments: Clever.
wicked-sezzy profile - diary
comments: Dee-lish!
secret-motel profile - diary
comments: Silence.
ugotsoul profile - diary
comments: Because she's honest and raw and the complete opposite of me.
unclaimed profile - diary
comments: He makes you want to sit at his feet and beg him to tell you a story.
twelvebeer profile - diary
comments: The Officer's Club
cruel-irony profile - diary
comments: She surprises me. Really, she surprises me a lot.
juddhole profile - diary
comments: Some kind of sick obsession.
luvabeans profile - diary
comments: Sultry, smoky, totally chanteusy...
science-girl profile - diary
comments: Who says science can't be fun?
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: Luxurious and sultry. All the best parts of being female.
groovy-decay profile - diary
comments: She's pissed off ALL the time. You gotta admire consistancy like that.
la-the-sage profile - diary
comments: Unafraid.
pischina profile - diary
comments: Loss finds loss.
kungfukitten profile - diary
comments: Moxie.
smartypants profile - diary
comments: Because she makes me freaking laugh.

My favorite music:

Neil Diamond
comments: I dare you not to dig him.
comments: Always stylish
comments: Fun. Catchy. Also, Noel - call me!
Elvis Presley
comments: Oh God. Does this one need an explanation? He's the King, after all...
comments: Because I can cha cha, dammit.

My favorite movies:

All About Eve
comments: and The Philadelphia Story
Love Actually
comments: and French Kiss
Moulin Rouge
comments: and Strictly Ballroom
Stand by Me
comments: and Moonstruck

My favorite authors:

J.D. Salinger
comments: Over and over and over.
John Steinbeck
comments: I will read East of Eden 150 more times in my life, I think.
Dorothy Parker
comments: ... is who I want to be when I grow up, sans the anguish.
Maeve Binchy
Rosamunde Pilcher

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last updated: 2011-03-25 15:03:46
this user's total entries: 560
user since: 2002-10-01

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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