
My favorite diaries:

TheLatteBoy profile - diary
comments: "I am not in-the-know. There's a cutting edge, and I'm not on it. I couldn't be any further behind the curve."
Smartypants profile - diary
comments: "I held up a finger to say, "Wait a minute," leaned over the bar, and spat a foam brontosaurus onto the bar top."
Weetabix profile - diary
comments: "I really didn�t want to acknowledge the existence of my damned tube of spermicide. Because it involves penises. Hi. I�m exactly eleven years old."
Marn profile - diary
comments: "I DO shower at least once a day and yet, there are very few dogs who can pass me by and not try to, uh, Inhale The Wonder."
Perceptions profile - diary
comments: "probably because i was wearing a shirt that said, "ORIGINAL SLIP 'N SLIDE. SUPER WET! 20 FEET OF FUN!" the interviewer kept subtly asking if i was on drugs..."
Evany profile - diary
comments: "So yeah, "Potentially constipated thirtysomething chokes while watching Lifetime's 'Homeless to Harvard'." "
Elgan profile - diary
comments: "I have been sucked in by the evil internet and it has not yet released me from its vampiric hold."
Mare-Ingenii profile - diary
comments: "Next time, I'm just going to lift up my shirt and show 'em my bra."
Kate-San profile - diary
comments: "after much deliberation, i decided on umbrellas."
sidewaysrain profile - diary
comments: "Kindness is love. Kindness is godly. Kindness starts to look kind of weird when you type it over and over. "
seastreet profile - diary
comments: "In a perfect universe, coworkers would respond to the volume buttons on remote controls."
PacksAWallop profile - diary
comments: "Their job was to explain their lives to me using very small words. My job was to yell �WHAT DO YOU MEAN you�ve never heard of Newlyweds? Come on! Chicken of the Sea? What are you people? Pilgrims?"
Betholindo profile - diary
comments: "So in some ways Europe is more advanced than the U.S.: banking, cell phones, politics, and of course, cheese."
MaryWa profile - diary
comments: "I have also been informed that we are out of milk."
ManyFires profile - diary
comments: [locked]
MadamePierce profile - diary
comments: "anyone want to join Team Rambling Diarists? I could totally make t-shirts."
shutupmom profile - diary
EssayWriter profile - diary
comments: "God bless America and her snack cakes"
MegMarch profile - diary
comments: she's getting MAAAARR-IIIIIIIED.
Marlen816 profile - diary
ChaiLife profile - diary
comments: New Jersey represents, yo.
metonym profile - diary
comments: odalisk turned sea-change- turned metonym. She hated the second hyphen and I have to admit that it bothered me, too.
La-The-Sage profile - diary
Pischina profile - diary
RdhdPrincess profile - diary
WilliamTells profile - diary
kittybukkake profile - diary
simplify profile - diary
sparkspark profile - diary
tattoobelly profile - diary
drewa profile - diary
elle-78 profile - diary
kmlovesdn profile - diary
minired profile - diary

My favorite music:

Counting Crows
Elliot Smith

My favorite movies:

American Splendor
Talk To Her
The Golden Girls:The Movie
comments: (Hi, Taylor)
All About My Mother

My favorite authors:

John Irving
comments: "A Prayer for Owen Meany"
Sharon Olds
comments: "The Dead and The Living"
Robert Hass
comments: "Sun Under Wood"
Janet Frame
comments: "Angel At My Table"
Sogyal Rinpoche
comments: "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying"

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last updated: 2005-10-03 22:43:03
this user's total entries: 263
user since: 2002-09-26

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