Elgan Speaks

Middleaged, mother of two, wife of one, still trying to make sense out of life, but elsewhere. My diary will take you there.

My favorite diaries:

bindyree profile - diary
comments: Hi! *waves*
coldandgray profile - diary
comments: She is neither cold, nor gray. Honestly!
cosmic profile - diary
darklily profile - diary
comments: Oy, another soprano!
drgeek profile - diary
comments: iMac or IBM, that is the question.
eggsaucted profile - diary
comments: The ringmaster of a crazy, three-ring circus, and good at it too!
deareddie profile - diary
giftofflesh profile - diary
comments: ((((( Michelle )))))
greenteacup profile - diary
comments: Dear Rosie
harri3tspy profile - diary
comments: Ethnomusicologist for hire!
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: My favourite Queenslander to date!
jonquill profile - diary
comments: A great read, spelling errors aside.
krugerpak007 profile - diary
comments: We all need a hug from time to time, and a cat named Fluffy.
melodymetuka profile - diary
teranika profile - diary
comments: "Oh my God, eh?" Must be an explicit sign of a stressed out west-coast Canadian.
zitagsd profile - diary
comments: My bestest friend ever!
ladybug-red profile - diary
comments: She's back!
puresunsh1ne profile - diary
deriveazure profile - diary
comments: This landscape that lies in wait before me, it's lovely...but what the hell do I do with it?
empezar profile - diary
comments: in the margins between the train tracks we will confess to crimes we want to commit.
omgwtfyo profile - diary
imalex profile - diary

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

King of Hearts
Singing in the Rain
What about Bob?
Galaxy Quest

My favorite authors:

Charles de Lint
Clive Barker
Salman Rushdie
Thomas Hardy
A.S. Byatt

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last updated: 2020-01-06 11:32:49
this user's total entries: 2104
user since: 2003-09-08

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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