~^ this mel's life ^~ diary of a mod housewife?

Actor/singer/dancer. Wife. Daughter. Friend. Secretary. Pisces. Foodie. Music Junkie. Southerner by birth. New Yorker by naturalization. Adoptee. Jewess. Liberal Democrat. But, most importantly, PERSON.

"You may be asking yourself � what is a mod housewife? It is a woman being dragged kicking and screaming into adulthood... Stuck in the netherworld between bohemia and suburbia, between set lists and shopping lists. You've probably seen her at the supermarket with her kid in a grocery cart, headphones blasting Elastica while she debates the merits of low-fat granola bars vs. Snackwells. Maybe you've seen her pushing a toddler in a swing, with a fading ink stamp on her hand from some club the night before... She still wants to rock, and still knows how. She understands compromise. But she's not ready to give in ... yet." ~ Amy Rigby, the inspiration

My favorite diaries:

biensoul profile - diary
comments: because she's what a teacher *should* be.
chailife profile - diary
comments: because she's a survivor.
chinacat profile - diary
comments: because hers was the first diary I read, and because she came back!
crickwooder profile - diary
comments: because it only took 8 months to find her again!
cubiclegirl profile - diary
comments: because she rocks. with glitter.
gofigure profile - diary
comments: because what's more, baby, she can cook.
golfwidow profile - diary
comments: I call her "killer" 'cause she slays me.
harri3tspy profile - diary
comments: because I love the way she writes about music.
lisamcc profile - diary
comments: because she's my crush with red eyeshadow.
marn profile - diary
comments: because she's the marn, eh?
throcky profile - diary
comments: because she hath returneth, tra-la, tra-lay!
trancejen profile - diary
comments: because she is beautiful.
weetabix profile - diary
comments: because I prefer weet to white.
whatawoman profile - diary
comments: because she owns power tools, and knows how to use 'em!
brewreviews profile - diary
comments: gw's beer review site...because it's never a bad time for a brew review!
fivehundred profile - diary
comments: because it's time I got off my ass.

My favorite music:

Dar Williams
comments: 'Cause for every price/And every penance that I could think of/It's better to have fallen in love/Than never to have fallen at all
The Beatles
comments: Enough said.
Tom Waits
comments: ...for no man. Thanks, R.
Elvis Costello
comments: because he can still amaze after all these years

My favorite movies:

Silence of The Lambs
comments: One of those movies I can watch over and over. Is the "obsession with serial killers" thing unhealthy?
American Beauty
comments: A birthday movie. Hits you in a place you didn't know you had, and doesn't let go.
Young Frankenstein
comments: More random quotes per square inch than you could shake a stick at.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
comments: A seminal movie from my childhood. No, I *don't* have a thing for Gene Wilder, thank you!
Singin' In The Rain
comments: I liked it...good'n loud!

My favorite authors:

Ayn Rand
comments: Oh, but that 30 page speech by Francisco D'Anconia in Atlas Shrugged that I can never make it through....
Simone de Beauvoir
comments: The Blood of Others... She Came to Stay...need to give that a read again.

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last updated: 2014-01-17 16:27:16
this user's total entries: 590
user since: 2002-06-04

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