i like eggs

<<that is a box with a broken picture

My favorite diaries:

pettyquarrel profile - diary
comments: "What is the synthesis of syntax and life? What is the language of God?"
erases profile - diary
ping-island profile - diary
tsulnagrom profile - diary
ceilings profile - diary
hotwaterlove profile - diary
floorplan profile - diary
punklola profile - diary
andrew profile - diary
dented profile - diary
when-it-was profile - diary
cymbals profile - diary
trainyard profile - diary
orgami profile - diary
silverluna profile - diary
zoela profile - diary
sunfuck profile - diary
corposant profile - diary
atwowaydream profile - diary
pukewords profile - diary
sky-rocket profile - diary
bridgecity profile - diary
chakra-nadi profile - diary
loveherwell profile - diary
ieatsoap profile - diary
bedwarmhands profile - diary
unresolved profile - diary
lollipoprock profile - diary
comments: fuck me all i wanted was to go camping
bliss-sad profile - diary
boyecho profile - diary
movingsands profile - diary
http profile - diary
dinosaurs profile - diary
hovercrafts profile - diary
the1warrior profile - diary
che profile - diary
januarysnow profile - diary
judging profile - diary
frankie123 profile - diary
Jimbostaxi profile - diary
Leftcoast profile - diary
Hitch-hike profile - diary
Lust- profile - diary
elusive-you profile - diary
defaults profile - diary
swordfern profile - diary
catsoul profile - diary
swallowthkey profile - diary
orangepeeler profile - diary
jumblygiant profile - diary
babyhead profile - diary
blueisnotred profile - diary
linguafranca profile - diary
warmntoasty- profile - diary
browndamask profile - diary
theways profile - diary
theshivers profile - diary

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

hunter s thompson
jack kerouac
neil gaiman
philip k dick
virginia woolf

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last updated: 2024-06-02 16:31:23
this user's total entries: 2261
user since: 2000-07-23

AOL IM name: pseudosara
ICQ number: lol
Yahoo Messenger name: maybecolossus
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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