Here lie the thoughts of a girl who never wanted to hide from the world. May her thoughts rest in peace.
My favorite diaries: |
bebelua profile - diary |
comments: "i'm starting to learn what i'm looking for, and as far as i can tell, that's the first step to finding it. or to realizing i'm ok without it." [I love her layout. It's beautiful] |
shiami profile - diary |
comments: "I destroyed our friendship so that he would know I was going too far. So that he would know I was a possible threat. I sacrificed stability and a friendship and my dignity and all my self-respect so that he would know. And she hates me for it." |
lerin profile - diary |
comments: She's my favorite Tulsan. |
toxic-hearts profile - diary |
comments: "I'd do anything. leaping over mountains, I swear I'll find a way to get to you." [silentletter's other diary] |
jendra profile - diary |
comments: I loooove making web pages now. Love, love, love." [she is a really good designer too] |
silentletter profile - diary |
comments: "Or maybe you'll see through it all and see a broken heart and a tearstreaked face. Because that's all there really is." [the second diary of alwayzhere4u] |
BanefulVenus profile - diary |
comments: "Man, I love to dance." [she has a really awesome layout] |
penmaster profile - diary |
comments: "the illustrated guide to becoming a woman." [this guy's diary is just great] |
laura-diane profile - diary |
comments: "i needed someone to tell me that no matter how broken inside i am and no matter how fucked up i've become, i'm still valuable." [this author is amazing] |
fargahar profile - diary |
comments: I have a feeling that fulfilling my potential would really cut into my sitting around time."[this diary is a diamond in the rough] |
hamakosan profile - diary |
comments: "again, i'm a simple simple girl. granted, it was tiffany, but still.. it's a box.." [this diary just kills me!] |
unsentletter profile - diary |
comments: a public diary / a collection of unsent letters. |
savecraig profile - diary |
ouvrelesyeux profile - diary |
comments: photography journal of ladiscrete [beautiful photography] |
lostinmylove profile - diary |
comments: "I feel like now the tears come too easily. My heart feels so heavy..." [I can tell this will be a good one] |
hertinyhands profile - diary |
comments: Lerin's adorable babies |
yami-angel profile - diary |
kayrayne29 profile - diary |
false-apathy profile - diary |
comments: "The flakes will sparkle and shimmer, as the imprints of our bodies will change the world. Our world. You and I, me and you, forever. Together." |
thelongreign profile - diary |
comments: "I tear myself apart little by little. Truth be told I almost always know when I am doing it�" |
jiltedsoul profile - diary |
comments: "I live behind this mask, this facade which grows duller and weaker by the moment.." |
absdiet4life profile - diary |
comments: "I'm content in knowing that I've got a good heart ... I'll probably always wear that heart on my sleeve to .. that's just me." |
summersands profile - diary |
comments: "I'll probably always wear that heart on my sleeve to .. that's just me." |
beauthentic profile - diary |
wheeless profile - diary |
comments: the picture diary of a beautiful family |
myself--asis profile - diary |
babymakes3 profile - diary |
ashnwesten profile - diary |
discepati profile - diary |
My favorite music: |
My favorite movies: |
My favorite authors: |
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last updated: 2010-11-12 09:04:35
this user's total entries: 410
user since: 2004-05-28
AOL IM name: StrongBadiaVII
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: fearless7337
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