This is my true religion.

"As for mending, I think it's good to take the time to fix something rather than throw it away. It's an antidote to wastefulness and to the need for immediate gratification. You get to see a whole process through, beginning to end, nothing abstract about it. You'll always notice the fabric scar, but there's an art to mending: If you're careful the rapair can actually add to the beauty of the thing, because it is testimony to its worth."

My favorite diaries:

marsist profile - diary
comments: "I can't deal with the seriousness of it all; I need a beer and a blowjob." Addendum: she no longer updates and it's a damned shame.
betenoire05 profile - diary
comments: "Fellow Americans, it was just a breast. Over half the population has them."
strangerlucy profile - diary
comments: "it's feeding time at this zoo. stop looking at me! (draws blinds over cage)."
blueapple profile - diary
comments: "You know, we've gotten on so surprisingly well since she gave up on my being a lesbian socialist and settled on my being a flaming liberal with a taste for effeminate men."
lv2write00 profile - diary
comments: "My even-more-amazing-then-ever girlfriend/same-sex partner/lady-lover/meal-ticket/easy-menstruater has been patient and kind and loving and so damn good."
inarticulate profile - diary
comments: Inarticulate, my toe. This lady's got a way with the words...
xat profile - diary
comments: On the left coast--brilliant observer of people and politics.
educaitlin profile - diary
comments: my first gbook entry ever!
unclebob profile - diary
comments: "And if they find someone they think is hot, they can stare at the picture and have impure thoughts and burn in hell for using a church directory to further their sexual fantasies and/or perversions."
inlondon profile - diary
comments: "I'm not being a hermit. I'm just hiding from everyone and everything."
leitinaa-s profile - diary
comments: Marvy stitchy.
cactustree profile - diary
comments: Tha girl's having a rough go. Give up the love.
chubbychic profile - diary
comments: "What does my mother bring? A tray of Little Debbies, arranged on a crystal platter - individually wrapped.. .You know what everyone was thinking.. "Aww, lookit the fat chick. Her family must've been short on time and raided her stash.&
weetabix profile - diary
comments: Seriously, ya'll. Has me hootin'
marn profile - diary
comments: "52 going on 6." The woman's a riot.
intelligeek profile - diary
comments: The kindred
dangerspouse profile - diary
comments: The man is a hilarious blend of comic genius followed by a little crack-whore music addiction. Maybe, if it weren't for the alleged non-mullet, I'd consider jumping him. Then again, maybe not.
pooh67 profile - diary
hausfrau profile - diary
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: We love hissy! She's an Aussie and she says "arse" and "fuckall." Plus, it's Goosey Barnyard animal fun. Go there. Go there NOW.
ladybug-red profile - diary
haloaskew profile - diary
bingoguy profile - diary
science-boy profile - diary
comments: "Like the way you see something shiny out of the corner of your eye when you are wading in the water of a lake: you see it, but the step you just took clouded the water and stirred the surface, obscuring the view"

My favorite music:

Tori Amos
comments: well, duh.
Broadway Musicals
comments: Any and all. Doesn't matter. I just love it. It's the closet gay man in me.
Eddie from Ohio
comments: Folkin' good music
Simon and Garfunkle
comments: Yeah, well, I missd the 60's
Ani DiFranco
comments: She's pissed. Good for venting.

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

Neil Gaiman
comments: Well. How could I not. Blame Adam.
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
comments: So able to caputure the nature of us humans, and succinctly too.
Elizabeth Berg
comments: Rip your heart out stuff.
Tracy Chevalier
comments: Falling Angels. Seriously.
Robert Browning
comments: I'm a dork. I'm okay with that.

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last updated: 2005-09-19 11:16:17
this user's total entries: 1
user since: 2003-06-19

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