i say pitch black, you say afro.

My favorite diaries:

squeeky profile - diary
fu-fu profile - diary
ladeeleroy profile - diary
greenwonder profile - diary
beecroft profile - diary
sturge profile - diary
lost-mitten profile - diary
squarepants profile - diary
wheeloffish profile - diary
lrig profile - diary
jwinokur profile - diary
greenwonder profile - diary
spanklin profile - diary
anniewaits profile - diary
gayboyspurse profile - diary
proofrok profile - diary
hissandtell profile - diary

My favorite music:

the slackers
old 97's
the toasters
they might be giants
peter gabriel

My favorite movies:

big lebowski
comments: the all-time best movie of all-time best movies
fifth element
comments: don't piss me off on this one
anger management
comments: i just saw this movie, but it tore me a new one. what can i say? i'm simple
buckaroo banzai
comments: you've never even heard of it, have ya
the adventures of baron munchausen
comments: seriously

My favorite authors:

orson scott card
comments: ender's game, ender's shadow, speaker for the dead
nicholson baker
comments: fermata, vox
douglas adams
comments: hitchhiker's guide etc. i know it's geeky, but it's true
neil stephenson
comments: diamond age, snowcrash
terry pratchett
comments: witches abroad, night watch, etc

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last updated: 2005-10-20 10:16:33
this user's total entries: 439
user since: 2001-11-05

AOL IM name: dottisjatwork
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