
Mad scientist

My favorite diaries:

liar-by-rote profile - diary
ejaculated profile - diary
dirtylinda profile - diary
lisamcc profile - diary
pura-vida profile - diary
meli profile - diary
louveciennes profile - diary
nautious profile - diary
nofat-chicks profile - diary
mestupchick profile - diary
starlight99 profile - diary
bebelua profile - diary
scud profile - diary
roklobster profile - diary
devonair profile - diary
hijinks profile - diary
stardust23 profile - diary
yardsale profile - diary
inebriated profile - diary
robotlou profile - diary
evil-edna profile - diary
dottionline profile - diary
to-the-dogs profile - diary
peth profile - diary
slithy-toves profile - diary
sexyatheist profile - diary
limegreenman profile - diary
trancejen profile - diary
daath profile - diary
biensoul profile - diary
justcircles profile - diary
thespark profile - diary
idiot-milk profile - diary
bare-my-soul profile - diary
agentlulu profile - diary
science-girl profile - diary
nudeplatypus profile - diary
miss-k2 profile - diary
tenpercenter profile - diary
ssteedman profile - diary

My favorite music:

John Coltrane
The Clash
The Propellerheads
Beastie Boys

My favorite movies:

Man Bites Dog
Blade Runner
Seven Samurai

My favorite authors:

Phillip K. Dick
Bruce Sterling
Rudy Rucker
William Gibson
William S. Burroughs

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last updated: 2004-05-07 18:57:27
this user's total entries: 633
user since: 2000-09-01

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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