Inner Musings of a Squeeky Girl

Live every day as if it were your last, because someday it will be.

My favorite diaries:

Fu-Fu profile - diary
comments: my eyes twinkle & my heart melts at the mention of his name
dottionline profile - diary
comments: I LOVE DOTS 'cause she is da bomb YO!
sturge profile - diary
ladeeleroy profile - diary
poorfricky profile - diary
sundry profile - diary
mangus profile - diary
gigantor profile - diary
comments: mangus' evil hulking twin
weetabix profile - diary
crazy4muffin profile - diary
ozmodiar profile - diary
gushparty profile - diary
i-girl profile - diary
hsiutime profile - diary
meepful profile - diary

My favorite music:

The Cure
comments: Helloo - Disintegration is the greatest album ever!
Elvis Presley
comments: don't even ask - it is a life long obsession
The Mendoza Line
comments: The Sea and Cake, Josh Rouse, The Smiths, The Boo Radleys, Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, Essex Green, Joni Mitchell, Norah Jones,
comments: Nina Simone, Toad The Wet Sprocket, Billy Bragg, Japancakes, Conway Twitty, Johnny Cash, Gillian Welch, Old 97's, Travis Linville, Ben Folds, Alison Krauss, Lucinda Williams, U2, Lambchop, The Star Room Boys, The Ladybug Transistor, Magnetic Fields
David Gray
comments: Ryan Adams, Mojave 3, Air, Jeff Buckley, The Sundays, REM, The Black Crowes, Travis, DMB, Neil Diamond, Cross Canadian Ragweed, Glowbead

My favorite movies:

Dancer in the Dark,
comments: Donnie Darko, Lost in Translation
The Royal Tennenbaums
comments: you must see it - it is a moral imperative!
American Movie
comments: "It's all right, It's okay, Jesus told me so ..."
What a Way To Go!
comments: An old musical that makes me laugh just thinking of it.
Monster's Ball & Slingblade
comments: What can I say, Billy Bob is magnificent!

My favorite authors:

David Sedaris
comments: Naked - Me Talk Pretty One Day
Sarah Vowell
comments: Take the Cannoli - read it, if only for the chapter on Goth
Nick Hornby
comments: High Fidelity - if you liked the movie, you will love the book
Douglas Coupland
comments: Girlfriend in a Coma and Microserfs; Dave Eggers - A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
Kurt Vonnegut
comments: My new favorite! I am currently reading Galapagos and will then move on to Breakfast of Champions as per fu-fu's instructions

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last updated: 2009-12-16 13:11:37
this user's total entries: 439
user since: 2001-07-22

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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