i've got a lot to learn

i am an evil cookie elf.

My favorite diaries:

alicegonemad profile - diary
comments: emilie. constantly by my side, supporting me, defending me, or beating me to a pulp. depends on her mood.
bowhead profile - diary
comments: she's got the coolest cats i don't know. i think her influence in my life means more than she knows.
coffeestain profile - diary
comments: more neverending chewy goodness
dannii profile - diary
comments: added on impulse. i had a good feeling about this one... i was right!
euphoria21 profile - diary
comments: i find her writing absolutely amazing. i am shamed.
greytanit profile - diary
comments: her prose is poetry
gutterfairy profile - diary
comments: sarah. not dionysian. and she knows how to pronounce words like 'soiepeilkjop'. keeps my head on straight.
jenne1017 profile - diary
comments: i found my way to her journal in my earliest diarylanding days and i have enjoyed watching her life unfold ever since then.
k-rambles profile - diary
comments: another whose presence means more than i think she knows.
kylieee profile - diary
comments: the infamous fucking amazing chick. radness. indeed.
notanaddict profile - diary
comments: amy. i think i'd marry her if she'd stop insisting i deserve better.
nothingone profile - diary
comments: brenda. canadian love. the sweetest there is. make me pasta! YOU make the damn bread! *furgles*
papayafruit profile - diary
comments: my future business partner (in crime). (locked)
picnicpixie profile - diary
comments: jen. she moved over here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/lovesickeskimo but sometimes she writes here.
prettyponies profile - diary
comments: tegan and sara fans will take over the earth.
sherpahigh profile - diary
comments: intriguing, for some reason
telepathetik profile - diary
comments: lauren, the australian best-friend-from-birth i was meant to have.
tinkabitch profile - diary
comments: jess (TWIN!). she calls people monster. go love her, cause i do. got it?
tygerlili2 profile - diary
almost-ok profile - diary
comments: because i said so
milliegrace profile - diary
comments: my older sister's back!!!
thelastmoon profile - diary
comments: a new version of rob. he tells me he's actually going to write this time.
slapj profile - diary
comments: you wouldn't think i'd have much in common with a male, christian republican, but we certainly seem to get along quite well. sadly i think he's gone from the diaryland world.
knicker profile - diary
comments: i'm going to follow this girl to the ends of the journaling earth
bringcomfort profile - diary
comments: my music buddy, my life buddy
indigojess profile - diary
comments: another one of those journals that i read for months before taking five seconds to add it. excellent taste in music/movies, and i'm such a snob about that, haha.

My favorite music:

Tegan and Sara
comments: "Yes I'll love you always and I'll do it without aching"
Ani Difranco
comments: "If you don't understand then how can you act?"
The Ataris
comments: "Don't you know I really hate it here?"
Reel Big Fish
comments: "I've got big dreams but no self-esteem, you know?"
Less Than Jake
comments: "It's okay you didn't need her anyway"

My favorite movies:

Kill Bill Vol. 2
comments: because of the buried alive scene... try watching that one stoned! (Kill Bill 1 rocks too, but I liked 2 better)
Pink Floyd's The Wall
comments: because this movie does things to people, including me
The Day After Tomorrow
comments: because i'm a sucker for natural disasters & scientific thrillers
Iron Jawed Angels
comments: because i have so much respect for the women the movie is based on and what they did. very inspirational, and i want to apply their tactics to the gay rights movement
Requiem for a Dream
comments: because it's the only movie i enjoy watching alone

My favorite authors:

Janet Evanovich
comments: she makes me laugh even when i don't think i can
Nancy Garden
comments: she left me speechless
J.K. Rowling
comments: harry potter = comfort reading. comfort reading = good.
comments: politics, geology, natural disasters, weather, religion (not just christianity), gender, feminism

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last updated: 2006-10-31 11:46:24
this user's total entries: 1480
user since: 2001-08-10

AOL IM name: stonedhenge42O
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Yahoo Messenger name: frostedlemon13
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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