
I'm 29, married, and mother to a 8 yr old stepdaughter. I work, play and exist. I want to find is where I plan to do it.

My favorite diaries:

clrmehppygrl profile - diary
takethemoney profile - diary
yellowrosetx profile - diary
jenne1017 profile - diary
clarity25 profile - diary
cats-corner profile - diary
daze-of-rain profile - diary
true-to-self profile - diary
kilowatt profile - diary
uurabbit profile - diary
ilmomof3 profile - diary
liviasgarden profile - diary
elliemay23 profile - diary
feesticka profile - diary
princesstosh profile - diary
lostinmylove profile - diary
science-girl profile - diary
kilgoretrout profile - diary
la-blue-eyez profile - diary
beautifulwoe profile - diary
neangel profile - diary
bebelua profile - diary
some-trouble profile - diary
wifemotherme profile - diary
seekingme profile - diary
rainforme profile - diary
lesbian-love profile - diary
long-ignored profile - diary
anti-b0b0 profile - diary
faded-desire profile - diary

My favorite music:

White Stripes
John Mayer
Dave Matthews Band

My favorite movies:

Can't Hardly Wait
The Hours
The Ring

My favorite authors:

John Saul
Stephen King
Dean Koontz
VC Andrews

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last updated: 2004-12-20 20:20:01
this user's total entries: 203
user since: 2003-10-05

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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