i am a closet rebel

yep, here it is. my diary. i'm sure you know me and who i'm talking about, but if you don't just e-mail me or whatever.

My favorite diaries:

snowfalling profile - diary
comments: tu comes los hamsters?
sarahgukluv profile - diary
comments: an ex-timhorton's kmart obsessed sean luva
lilybelle29 profile - diary
comments: do you have any whale oil?
mcfrooggy profile - diary
comments: i enjoy the stars
mel93 profile - diary
comments: jessica, are you jewish?
lyse profile - diary
comments: she drives me around, i am thankful
silvercloud9 profile - diary
comments: bueno chica.
tree3003 profile - diary
comments: teresa, i don't know why i listed you as one of my favorites, you're obviously not
loqme profile - diary
comments: hey lara..bugger
lifespeachy profile - diary
comments: <<----- hey, who's that sexy thing?
evrybodycool profile - diary
comments: amazingness
fizlishn337 profile - diary
luckystar27 profile - diary
comments: katebear, what's up
olivrcromwel profile - diary
comments: jimmy
gweng1122 profile - diary
comments: why don't you update?
sexyguy44 profile - diary
comments: i don't like you a lot
ian-sk8ter profile - diary
comments: ian, i enjoy you
rachelc profile - diary
comments: nice htmls, good stuff
cminivini profile - diary
comments: one of my favorite girls
laundrygirl profile - diary
comments: i don't know the author of this
bettysue profile - diary
comments: new rach
weeeeeiner profile - diary
comments: my arch nemesis ::shudder::
myapplesauce profile - diary
comments: jesssssi

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last updated: 2006-02-28 23:39:11
this user's total entries: 346
user since: 2001-02-18

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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