The Crusade Against Fuckwittage

Well, not so much of a Crusade any more, more just a general grudge.

British guy, frustrated (or frustrating, depending on your viewpoint) writer and now joint homeowner. My life is by no means bad, but it has its... complications. And at times it really does seem like I'm a fuckwittage magnet.

My favorite diaries:

anne-hardy profile - diary
comments: My bestest bud. She's like the crazy gay sister from the Black Country I never had, LOL. I could easily believe that the volume of texts we send each other help to keep O2 afloat!
shamrock50 profile - diary
comments: Another partner in crime. Fear us, for we send packages...
spacebabe profile - diary
comments: I asked her what I should write about her here. She said I should say that she's wonderful, sexy, cute and in need of a decent shag. That may make me sound like her pimp, but she keeps all the money herself, I swear!
dnilasor profile - diary
comments: She's at Hull University! I went to Hull University! Altogether now... "It's a Small World after all, it's a Small World after all..." Sometimes I even scare myself, LOL.
vickiediablo profile - diary
comments: I read her because she's hilarious, NOT because she's a cute 18 year old lesbian. She's pointed out that she is also "gorgeous, beautiful, pretty, sexy, hot, stunning, amazing, lovely, adorable, appealing, attractive and angelic"
shesadrug profile - diary
comments: She added me so I added her. She has a secret cove, and that's not a euphemism.
thisdarkgirl profile - diary
comments: Interesting. Not entirely sure what sucked me into this diary, but it's all Spacebabe's fault, LOL. Compelling reading too.

My favorite music:

Depeche Mode
comments: In the 80s Pop, in the 90s Rock'n'Roll, in the 00s ...?
comments: Nuff said
Simple Minds
comments: 80s rock, can't get enough of it!
comments: The Vinyl Vikings, LOL
comments: She may not be that pretty, but she's damn sexy. Music's cool too.

My favorite movies:

Star Wars, etc
comments: Yeah. I'm a scifi geek. Ep 2 was the first movie in ages that I've been to see twice.
Bring It On
comments: Trashy American teen-flick, but Eliza Dushku in a cheerleader outfit... mmmmm...
The Mummy
comments: Again, trashy, but with a good eye for action and cheesily funny comedy, I can just watch it again and again.
Kevin Smith's Movies
comments: I'm not sure which is my favourite at the moment. Mallrats or J&SBSB.
The Matrix, etc
comments: Well, you gotta, doncha? Revolutions are coming...

My favorite authors:

Orson Scott Card
comments: If you've read "Ender's Game" and/or "Speaker for the Dead", you'll know why. If not, go read them.
Greg Bear
comments: Science Fiction uberscribe with a flair for doing Epic Grandeur and doing it right! His imagination seems to work on a scale that is both awe-inspiring and terrifying.
Jasper Fforde
comments: Take a bunch of crazy ideas that are ridiculously far-fetched, then make them *work*. Throw in a good helping of humour, and an appreciation of all kinds of literature, and you're somewhere close to Jasper Fforde. The guy is a genius.
Alastair Reynolds
comments: Up and coming sci-fi writer who's well on the way to becoming one of the best. "Revelation Space" is a masterpiece, and I sulk because I didn't write it.
J. Michael Straczynski
comments: TV and Comic-book writer who really knows what he's doing. This is the guy who wrote Babylon 5, for chrissakes!

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last updated: 2005-03-24 06:23:14
this user's total entries: 355
user since: 2002-06-10

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