My thoughts...whenever I feel like it.

Happy Reading...or not *smirk*

My favorite diaries:

smoke-screen profile - diary
comments: My Sweetie
ethereal0805 profile - diary
wunofmany profile - diary
magookkg profile - diary
comments: I found her via my Sweetie- she's seems pretty cool, unlike those other whiny b's
boigrrl1der profile - diary
heifa76 profile - diary
comments: Umm...she's another good friend. She doesn't update as often as I'd like her to, but she's still great :)
layoutwhore profile - diary
comments: I like...
memaselfni profile - diary
comments: XXX rated...sshh
luckydesigns profile - diary
comments: Finally found my Lillies
dizboy profile - diary
comments: Umm just clicked on the banner- think I'll catch up on this one
no-yes-maybe profile - diary
comments: Another victim of my browsing
lovely83 profile - diary
comments: My AOL ex X 3
teen-mother profile - diary
comments: Didn't think I'd like it as much when I clicked the name...I'm surprised!
ibemercy profile - diary
comments: hmm...that's funny...all I could do was laugh when it came to the comment-ahahahahahha
g1rly-g1rl profile - diary
comments: Clicked the the layout,lol
signomifly profile - diary
comments: Another victim of my browsing
trill-shawty profile - diary
comments: Been reading for quite some need to keep it a secret :)
devian profile - diary
comments: Another victim of my browsing
bronxbeauty profile - diary
I-love-sex profile - diary
yeahimadork profile - diary
comments: C'mon say it with me..."Another victim of my browsing"
PebbiesToo profile - diary
comments: My attempt at starting over

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diaries which list pebbies as a favorite diary
last updated: 2006-03-23 00:41:56
this user's total entries: 298
user since: 2002-01-24

AOL IM name: Pebbles1982
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: Pebbs_1999
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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