I don't know what to do with my life

I live, eat, breathe - and (of course) work at - Disney. I finished my first year of teaching 8th grade Language Arts in June 2003, then I moved back to the Orlando area after being in South Florida for three years. I'm 25, and I'm having a quarter-life crisis, as far as I can tell. I don't know what I want to do in terms of a career, I want to start a family but we can't really afford it, and the house is permanently messy and I just can't seem to do anything about it.

Loves: Brian (my husband), my Shih-tsu puppies Toby and Bandit, my cat Buster, Johnny Depp, Josh Groban, Disney, Christmas, Care Bears, days off, Chili's, good books, ice cream, cereal. Hates: skanky pop and/or rap artists, bad parents, the Bush family, slow drivers, scary movies.

My favorite diaries:

pooperbrian profile - diary
comments: My Brian -- my love, my life, my everything. And now my husband, too.
thatmikeykid profile - diary
comments: i used to hang out with mikey a few years ago... no longer updated, but the old stuff is great
polishstreak profile - diary
comments: "Hi, I'm Miss Meanie, and I'm going to be your evil hag of a summer school teacher."
crazy-ol-tom profile - diary
comments: "I hope Pikachu and DBZ just seizure all the people who watch those dumb shows. Where did Transformers and Teanage Mutant Ninja Turtles and all the regular cartoons go?"
perceptionss profile - diary
comments: "On the phone, I'm often mistaken for a female or someone's kid"
perceptions profile - diary
comments: "i used to snorkel in my bathtub. i'd go underwater and stare at the drain."
spritopias profile - diary
comments: "I got lost in Upstate New York. My penis was still attached so I wasn�t able to stop and ask for directions. It took me four extra hours to get home."
beautifulmes profile - diary
comments: she's got more troubles and less complaints than me. I really look up to her.
dana-elayne profile - diary
comments: another teacher who helps me get through the days
justchris profile - diary
comments: "I'll tell you this much, if I'm ever eating a human, I want upper torso meat, cause it's probably the best."
mommymartin profile - diary
comments: she made me a free banner and button� I am forever grateful
kangaroopoo profile - diary
comments: "we need someone who is male, wrinkly and stupid�if it isn�t George W Bush!"
ddrboy profile - diary
comments: I love gay guys!
ecovlke profile - diary
comments: If you send him your thongs, he'll give you money.
epiphany profile - diary
comments: "And teachers, at whatever cost, don't like to poop at school, and certainly don't like to do it with students."
waterstain profile - diary
comments: "you know you're a geek when you start talking about online diary hosts as though they were your lovers."
coffeeadikt profile - diary
comments: describing Bush: "it's like jumping from a diving board and finding yourself in the 3-foot section of the pool: who wouldn't expect something deeper and less dangerous?"
messylissa profile - diary
comments: she reminds me of� me
klutzygirl profile - diary
comments: she's Jennifer Marie, just like me
msboombastic profile - diary
teen-mother profile - diary
hodgson profile - diary
kal-uwsp-81 profile - diary
madtownlivin profile - diary
lahoo profile - diary
secretrue profile - diary
thepeachtree profile - diary
sicktrick profile - diary
comments: no longer updated, but it's a tragic story (true, too) and a great read.

My favorite music:

Josh Groban
comments: I had to put him first. I am in love with his voice. My boyfriend is terribly jealous of him.
The Beatles
comments: The Beatles just rock. Period.
Simon and Garfunkel
comments: Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
comments: No day but today...
Ben Folds Five

My favorite movies:

Harry Potter
comments: both 1 and 2. I like the books better, but the movies are great too.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
comments: I've never met a person that doesn't love this movie.
The Breakfast Club
comments: another classic
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
comments: I saw it on Broadway in NY too... awesome
The Goonies
comments: ahh, the brat pack� can't get enough

My favorite authors:

Emily Bront�
comments: Wuthering Heights... my favorite novel... I am Heathcliff...
J.K. Rowling
comments: I'm going to marry Harry Potter (if not Josh Groban).
Francesca Lia Block
comments: Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books
comments: When you do dance, I wish you a wave o' th' sea, that you might ever do nothing but that. --The Winter's Tale

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last updated: 2007-02-02 12:10:27
this user's total entries: 416
user since: 2001-06-03

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