Ex Nihilio

My favorite diaries:

genvieve profile - diary
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blackbear profile - diary
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moonferret profile - diary
balynar profile - diary
catullus profile - diary
quoted profile - diary
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kyneburh profile - diary
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alesiag profile - diary
bera profile - diary
blueduke profile - diary
giuliana profile - diary
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nia-nia profile - diary
roland profile - diary
thjora profile - diary
foxphotog profile - diary
colin-g profile - diary
the-bookgirl profile - diary
puck-eater profile - diary
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havorc profile - diary
ysbryd profile - diary
llywelyn profile - diary

My favorite music:

Linkin Park
Sarah Mac
Reel Big Fish
Young Dubliners

My favorite movies:

The Majestic
The Shipping News
A Beautiful Mind
any Kevin Smith

My favorite authors:

Michael Faber
Chris McKinney
Nuala O'Faolain
David Guterson
Milan Kundera

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last updated: 2004-05-31 08:48:25
this user's total entries: 40
user since: 2001-05-17

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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