Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it.

24, married, no kids, bit of a goofball...really, what do you put in these spots anyway?

My favorite diaries:

unclebob profile - diary
comments: Uncle Bob makes me laugh. Yay, Uncle Bob!!
sundry profile - diary
morleykc profile - diary
peytonsplace profile - diary
comments: Took approximately three seconds to hook me.
morganzola profile - diary
weetabix profile - diary
trancejen profile - diary
comments: Yaaay!! She's back! And she's still the coolest person here.

My favorite music:

Tara Maclean
comments: Phenomenal voice, incredible talent. If I could chose one person in the world to become, it would be her.
comments: "Maybe I'm the one that's wrong, I misunderstood, you just want to die young to come back and feel good..."
Dar Williams
comments: Go find "The Poignant Yet Pointless Crisis of a Co-Ed"
Matchbox 20
comments: Rob Thomas's passion alone makes me adore them.
Blackmore's Night
comments: Wonderful Celtic/Medieval sound

My favorite movies:

American Beauty
comments: Left me stunned.
A Beautiful Mind
comments: Ditto.
Center Stage
comments: This is a MAJOR guilty pleasure.
Moulin Rouge
comments: I love it when directors are willing to take risks.
A Few Good Men
comments: Mmm. Tom Cruise. :-)

My favorite authors:

Ayn Rand
comments: I don't always agree with her, but strangely enough, I like her writing style. And she always makes me think.
John Grisham
comments: He's a good way to escape.
WB Yeats
comments: The reason I love poetry
JK Rowling
comments: Yes, I've fallen into the Harry Potter abyss.
too many more to list

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last updated: 2005-03-01 15:33:23
this user's total entries: 214
user since: 2002-04-03

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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