The Setting Son

Prune me, pricks.

My favorite diaries:

arletterocks profile - diary
comments: Filthy. If you placid little Mugwumps could smear her filth all over yourselves, you would know the true flavour of smut.
idiot-milk profile - diary
comments: How can people actually find men more interesting than women? These women writer-types make me harder than Chinese algebra.
meeyapede profile - diary
comments: Amusement has transmorglified into full fledged tingly sensation in the nads. One harder to get rid of than a jailhouse tattoo.
smartypants profile - diary
comments: Ms. Mimi is a doll. That's about as complimenty as I get. Well written, thoughtful blog, you're well rewarded for your time.
his-holiness profile - diary
comments: His arena lies adjacent to my own killing fields - but we're both heading the same direction. Read him.
girls-suck profile - diary
comments: And they DO too.
diaryquotes profile - diary
comments: Condensed People. How modern is that?
slipping- profile - diary
comments: 4 Entries Old as of this writing. Good entries.
kimmikers profile - diary
comments: Jesus, this comment shit is getting old, Doll, it's not you, but I'm spent.
redcadmium profile - diary
comments: I read this because I like it.
kristintracy profile - diary
comments: Chinese Wrastlin' Green.
theturtle profile - diary
comments: *shrug*
wench77 profile - diary
comments: I bet you five dollars I could beat her in an Indian Arm-wrestle.
gwensworld profile - diary
comments: Email her for free eSpankin's.
roklobster profile - diary
comments: A Rok crossed with a dreams of carniverous flying pinchy things draws nigh...
parlance profile - diary
comments: I have a sinking suspicion that I know this human.
thisdarkgirl profile - diary
comments: Yo, ho-ho.
weymouth66 profile - diary
comments: Writes in brogue. I can hear it as I read.
dirtelilhole profile - diary
comments: ...has a purple, gloppy, coagulated blood filled doughnut of a secret.
angryelf profile - diary
comments: Little. Angry. Professionals. How cool is that?
gerg69 profile - diary
comments: An interesting collection of vowels and consonants.

My favorite music:

Tom Waits
comments: Nick Cave, Martin Tielli, The Dandy Warhols...etc.
Method Man
comments: EPMD, Eric B. & Rakim, De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, The Beastie Boys...etc.
Miles Davis
comments: Chet Baker, Oscar Peterson, Mingus, Bird, Satch, Mose, Coltraine...etc.

My favorite movies:

Apocalypse Now
comments: The Godfathers, The Deer Hunter, Anything With Bogart,
Fight Club
comments: A Requiem For a Dream, Pi, 28 Days Later, Inacto, Donnie Darko, Cube...etc...
La Femme Nakita
comments: Leon: The Professional, Killing Zoe, The Big Blue...
comments: The Animatrix, Spirited Away, Alice in Wonderland (the Disney one)...

My favorite authors:

Neil Gaiman
comments: Warren Ellis, Garth Ennis, Alan Moore, David Mack, Frank Miller (so many Brits)...etc.
Ernest Hemmingway
comments: J.D. Salinger, Millar, James, Kingsly Amis...etc.
Chuck Palahnuik
comments: William Gibson, Hunter S. Thompson, Jack Kerouak, Brett Easton Ellis...etc.
Andrew Vachss
comments: Leon Uris, Tom Clancy, blah blah blah.
James L. Halperin
comments: Asprin, Vonnegut, Clarke, Wells, Ellison, Herbert, King James...etc.

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last updated: 2005-08-04 03:35:54
this user's total entries: 191
user since: 2003-09-18

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