Here is a list of boardho's favourite diary entries by other members:
Genghis Jon's Great Big Gay Night Extraordinaire by genghis-jon comment:   Why can't I help him out? He needs a blowjob, I have a mouth... I want you. Really. Now. by meeyapede comment:   I masturbated not once, not twice but three times today. butt shooter by savecraig comment:   I think it would be interesting if Spider-Man shot webbing out of his butt like a real spider. Sex: the cause of and solution to all of life's problems. by meeyapede comment:   I�ll probably see him tomorrow and somehow I�ll have to try and forget that he had the smallest dick I�ve ever seen in my decade of dick sightings. Holy shit, what am I thinking?!?!?!? by unordinary-1 comment:   I'm seriously about to stab someone in the eye. streaks by andrew comment:   I have this one really long eyebrow hair that sticks out really high now and I have resisted the urge to clip it for months. It's getting long and looks really nice and sinister and I sure hope that I notice when it falls out finally so I can preserve and measure it. I am all about science! diabetes and swim trunks by andrew comment:   I haven't shaved for about 5 or 6 days now, for no good reason also (other than I thought it might be funny), and I look creepy as hell. I used to think that when I didn't shave I looked like a serial killer, but the more I really look at it, I actually look like the guys who write letters to serial killers in prison. Ie. much, much creepier. Doggies. by sturge comment:   Yeah, I know they're cute, but one of these motherfuckers ate one of my flip-flops this afternoon. I'm going to turn my computer off now so you can't see me beating the shit out of them. catharsis through ralph by satellitebob comment:   Melissa rented a really bad movie... she gets nekkid as do a couple other woman, so that made up for the boringness of the whole movie. see the whole problem is that it seemed to me that the heist at the begining would have been totally fucked up if the security guy hadnt needed to pee. if he hadnt gone in the bathroom by himself there is no way the bad guys would have been able to take him out and nothing would have worked. maybe it would've, I just didnt like it. Irrational Torpor by luvabeans comment:   The urgency of my plea, intended merely to avoid the familiar delayed response time on the part of Robodoc, was apparently interpreted by her as "Get me a shrink, lady, because I'm on a fucking window ledge." ....Apparently, the crazy card trumps most other cards in terms of getting what you want. Movements by bingoguy comment:   I am sure I'll get over it but I am just stunned at her insensativity over my belongings. my books by satellitebob comment:   I'm going to walk away now. Anal scrapings make me laugh by sturge comment:   If we can't laugh at a retarded child trying to open a can of chili, what can we laugh at? by honestyonly comment:   I'm sorry, but anyone who says they do not masturbate is either A) a liar, B) an uptight prick/priss, or C) a liar. Namaste. by trancejen comment:   Pretty soon I'll be able to pleasure myself orally. Television, you're my only friend by jeffy comment:   Also, I've fallen for Lorelai-- not the actress, the fictional character. I am entirely aware that this is unhealthy. one + one by lexxee comment:   All these dumb asses who don't freakin signal. That's what they teach you at drivers ed. Signal, check your blind spot, change lanes. It's that simple. But dumb asses are too freakin lazy to flick the signal. If I were psycho I'd go steal all the signal light bulbs of all the dumb asses who don't signal. Better yet I would just kick in the signal all together. But I'm not pyscho. Uglier than Earnest Goes to Camp. by scanzilla comment:   I'm angry and insecure and I feel like I'm having my period which is fucking weird because last time I checked I remember having a schlong and a set of balls. Update on my list of things to accomplish by winkgirl4 comment:   See, all that and not one prozac tablet needed morning after by savecraig comment:   I'm trying to figure out what Chicago crossing guards get paid for. All I see them do is yell. I'm giving up dessert by fabulouseve comment:   "Men are like desserts, they are nice to have, but you can live without them." a short description of this entry by uglykatey comment:   . i want to be dancing in the motherfucking streets. So I baked him a cake... by augustaleigh comment:   You have any idea how long it takes to frost a cake with a dick in your mouth? Just wondering. Uh, I'll have the poo poo platter please. . . . by unordinary-1 comment:   she is so honest, it is funny Ahh, the Joys of Depression! by porktornado comment:   pretty funny
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