Here is a list of krazywithak's favourite diary entries by other members:
I hate sucky music that's "popular" by krazywithak comment:   Justin Timberlake needs kicked in the nuts Engaged! by krazywithak comment:   Engaged! congratulations by moonpetal27 comment:   Engaged! i did britney by moonpetal27 comment:   I did Britney's Mom! thanskgiving plans by moonpetal27 comment:   Disney! Job, etc by paper-rose comment:   Welcome to the world of Retail! (I posted a comment on there btw) Hot, wet and steamy by notum comment:   If I liked soup... Crappiest love story by notum comment:   This guy is on crack! Curious George by notum comment:   Curious George Dear Ms. Aguilera by notum comment:   Funny guy! Love means... by notum comment:   I used to work at a McDonald's this is what forever should feel like by moonpetal27 comment:   forever = wonderful kiss me again by moonpetal27 comment:   And again and again and again Welfare? Hah! by girls-suck comment:   It's just funny i am a complete mushball by moonpetal27 comment:   Mushball = good thing spackle! by moonpetal27 comment:   I love her. lip gloss by krazywithak comment:   I like lip gloss Weekend madness! by kneestabber comment:   The Chris/Marc Hamil reference is hilarious home by moonpetal27 comment:   Yes, it did. ditto by moonpetal27 comment:   Ditto works, just fine! i am having fun. leave me alone. by moonpetal27 comment:   I'm not gonna leave her alone, cause it is quite fun. andrew is a cutie pie by moonpetal27 comment:   No, COOL!
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by krazywithak as a favourite:
krazywithak has 2 entries listed by moonpetal27 as favourites krazywithak has 3 entries listed by krazywithak as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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