messages to andsoitgoes:
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from missdementia :
no longer am i a favorite. i guess i faded. cool to see you came back.
from slit :
I miss you so much, Nick.
from marcmo :
Sorry about your kitty. I have cat myself and he was sick last year. Needed an operation on this thyroid. Almost killed him, but he's still around. I lost my first cat to cancer. It was awful. 'Nuf said about that. However, you may find that another critter can fill your heart and heal those time.
from nothingone :
Merry Christmas. Hope it's a good one for you. Sincerely your Tool fan, -Brenda
from ophelia613 :
I'm sorry. It's very sad. I've been there.
from ellipses :
im so sorry to hear of your loss hon. words cannot bring comfort for grief. i will be thinking of you.
from ellipses : embarrassed to have not read your diary in so long as to be just be finding this out....but congrats on getting back with jen, but more importantly on finding your joy. ive been terribly self absorbed due to being in a play and my computer dieing, and falling in love myself, and all kinds of things. anyway...congrats i have said many times you SO deserve to be happy. and my use of capitals should show you how happy i am for you. *kisses*
from theshivers :
bugger about the job indeed - but hopefully a year from now (or maybe even 6 months), you'll look back and be very grateful that it happened...
from nothingone :
you rock because i say so. and because your my favourite tool fan. i have an interesting story to tell you about Tool. best get in touch with me. this is Brenda. and that is all.
from ellipses :
nice to see you update. it sounds like you are getting a much better grip, and i am very glad to see that. take heart and know that you are in my thoughts.
from halfdevoured :
I'm leaving this for everyone: It makes me laugh. Check out the Big Bunny, too.
from ellipses :
my dear, if you updated more often, i would visit more often. *wink*
from ellipses :
i know exactly what you are talking about. im down 40 lbs and 4 pants sizes...still have more to go, and it urks me that no matter how healthy i much i work at it, i will never 'naturally' have the body that i want. i will always have stretch marks, i will always have loose skin, especially around the stomache and arms are hard and well toned, as are my calves, my stomache is going away...but i know that no matter how hard i work, i will never have the body i want. and it frustrates me, and it pisses me off. i now understand skin tucks alot better.
from ellipses :
hey there hon. i read alot of books from alot of i just have a section for religious stuff...there bible is there beside the book of mormon, the bhagavad-gita, the sadhana, the koran, the analects of confucious, my pagan my opinion we can glean wonderful things from all of why not stick them side by side? just my way of doing things....but then i mostly get it well...
from hellspell :
okay you know your better than this! stop thinking to much. You, I ,and a whole buncha people know you are completely different than the annoying people in our society that make it shitty. You what make it alittle bit better. So stop thinking your one of them, because your not, and you know it!
from jpoet112 :
"It seems that everyone has someone that they can just pour themselves out to. At least most people I know. Or, if they don't, they're organized enough to not need that. These people make me angry. They figure that hey, they have everything in order so everyone else should as well. It's not that simple, and it's difficult relating to these people. It makes me a comination of angry, and frustrated to know that I'm not like them, though. It frustrates me that I have to expend 190% of my self to just have enough energy to even seem semi normal" 1) Why would that make you angry? Sure, sometimes . . often times . . . I wish that I was more sane or stable. But what does getting angry at those people who can hold it together . . . what does getting angry at those people really accomplish for you? Is it really just a misdirection of anger that would otherwise fall upon you? 2) Normalcy is a blatant myth. 3) I understand.
from manicmonday :
hello.i came across your diary, and i just wanted to tell you that i like it. have a fabulous day.
from ellipses :
i have to say that i agree. many women have been raised to believe that acceptable behavior does not include anger. we have to talk, express, heal, you know what a pain in the ass it is to always be expected to be gentle and supportive? yipes. i hope that i can teach my daughter that anger IS an appropriate emotion. but to use it wisely.
from opheliatl :
everyone feels kinda impersonal sometimes. just at a loss for words.
from glitzi :
i'm sharing with you in the angerness that memento did not win. xox, m.
from ltr2384 :
i know how you feel! (your entry on 3.7.02)we all want change, but some of us (like me) are too lazy to do it. i've learned that the only constant in life, (mine at least) is sucky-ness. does this make sense to you?
from tofukiller :
from f-ckwittage :
ooh you gooden writer yus you are!
from iloveboys :
hey thanx for writing me back!
from jen-marie :
Be my guest. I'd love to talk with you, about anything. We've got this funny little note thing going on... It's fun.
from jadedsoul49 :
argh. you need to update? are you okay? hrm... i hope you're doing well. love, lei
from nomotive :
I agree wholeheartedly. it's nice to know others feel the same about the current state of chaos.
from boyrepellant :
hi! i am still way confused about creating the "me" page you so kindly are offering to help me with--i just have been feeling sick so i will try to work on it this weekend. be prepared for a slew of questions!
from halfdevoured :
I will send you mail. Tonight. I'm so sorry I worried you. That was not my intent. Much love for you, Nick.
from jen-marie :
Aw, thanks. I just read the note you left me. I'd like to be able to talk to you, that'd be nice. If you have AIM (AOL instant messenger) my screenname is OdeToAnIllusion or CreedFanJenny.
from three-wishes :
sending you lots of love and support. there are lots of us online who are here for you, even though most times we just sit in the corner and watch, if you need us, we are here. Kerry
from glitzi :
very beautiful, both in layout and context. muah, m.

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