messages to bingoguy:
(click here to add new message):

from fan4 :
Thanks for the note and for congratulating me about having a bf.
from nixtress :
Happy Easter!!!
from nixtress :
Happy New Year!
from nixtress :
Merry Christmas, bingobuddy.
from cardiogirl :
p.s. Thanks for the free Bingo Dabber!
from cardiogirl :
Bingoguy, I added you again, but I need more from you. I enjoy your writing, but I'm hoping to see more recent entries. I know this sounds like I want you to update daily (which is true, but I'm trying to be realistic) but every week or so would do. And what's with myspace?
from nixtress :
Have a great Thanksgiving!!
from nixtress :
40 days since you've updated...still breathing?
from nixtress :
Happy New Year (early)!
from nixtress :
Merry Christmas (early)!
from nixtress :
Happy Belated Thanksgiving :)
from mr-onion :
Well there's still people on Diaryland that want to hear what you have to say, so keep writing you bastard.
from artgnome :
thanks very much for the feedback! :) I hope your move goes well and that good things happen for you there.
from nixtress :
Hope you're doing alrite over there.
from nixtress :
Happy 4th of July weekend!!!
from nixtress :
Umm. No. Cleavage was not an option. The humdinger was that I knew this cruddy deputy and he was such a smartass. He could conceivably have given me a warning and instead actively chose to cite me. Pffft. That's what I say :)
from nixtress :
Happy Easter!
from dicentrah :
Okay, the idea of Mom attacking Introduction Boy sicks me out less than the almost-incestuous other commercial. It must be the blood ties. Makes my stomach heave!
from cindreviews :
Cinderella Reviews is a brand new review site. So if you would like a review please come and check us out at . We hope to be hearing from you soon. Thank You!
from mr-onion :
yes, you're still a pansy ass but we like you anyway. PS. put something soothing on that foot, like...ummm.....warm things....Pillsbury Crescent Rolls mebbe.
from nixtress :
Happy New Year, B.I.N.G.O. Early wishes,even!
from mr-onion :
y'know, if you're still in pain you might want to look into these replacements:
from nixtress :
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.
from goingloopy :
You're welcome for the faves add, and thanks for the linkage. Ya know, in college, I worked at a bingo hall...but I was never cool enough to be a caller. I only sold pull tabs, and shit.
from bigpimpinmba :
I hope that you did not take my comments as an attack on you in any way. I like to talk about hockey, especially with someone who knows about it. It is certainly not Holik's fault that he is overpaid, nor is it the fault of anyone except the Ranger ownership for paying him an outrageous salary. However, the players need to concede that hockey can't go on with the structure that it currently has. They have to realize that, out of all of the major sports, then NHL has the highest ratio of salary to revenue, while having the smallest network contract and comparitively low advertising income. I just want to assure that there will be hockey played in the near future. In order for that to happen, I think that the players are going to have to concede the cap. I don't think the owners are going to back down from this. Many teams are actually saving money by not having the teams play. The point I've been trying to make, rather poorly, is that the NHL cannot continue to exist in the current financial structure. I don't think that can be argued. No matter whose fault this is that we are where we are, it is obvious that the owners can't practice fiscal responsibility on their own. It's a wonder that they are as rich as they are to begin with! Take care.
from discothekid :
Thank you so much.
from mr-onion :
Don't leave, I only just figured out that you rock. If you keep posting I'll put you on my favourites list sharpish!
from nixtress :
You'll be missed.
from tuff517 :
DAMN THE MAN! If Corey Hart can wear his sunglasses at night, you should be able to enter that contest.
from tuff517 :
DAMN THE MAN! If Corey Hart can wear his sunglasses at night, you should be able to enter that contest.
from nixtress :
Thanks for the suggestions. No luck, no joy. I even went into regedit and reset HKEY values. Nada. Safe mode and spybot/adaware both found one new each and immunized but it's still got my I.E. tied up. I don't know what else to do. Can I borrow a hammer?
from dangerspouse :
You've gotta be kidding; the guy was an M-fuckin-P and he STOLE A $64.50 RING?? (What's that, like $12.25 US?) I tell ya, when those gays see some item of fashion they want, all breeding goes out the window. Thanks for the notes man, you rock! And next time - make a move on the chick with the nice ass in the elevator. Otherwise, you're a fag. Good luck.
from anisettekiss :
You're hot too Bebbeh! *cough* Maybe you could make me your friend and put me on your list?? know you want to ;) P.S. I'm naked right now. Where are you??
from anisettekiss :
Psst! DOn't tell anyone I'm would RUIN my reputation for being a real bitch.
from anisettekiss :
p.s. I love it when you link me baby.
from anisettekiss :
That's it. You are now a favorite. Luv YA. XOXOXOXOXO
from joecartoon :
Nah, Almost Famous needed some gratuitous sex scenes to be a little better. Too much drugs and not enough pooty. My theory on movies follows along a 2 hour Coors Light commercial, basically.
from anisettekiss :
Holy crap! Thanks for answering my vanilla sex question. I know it was last Friday, but I just saw it. I read your diary. I had no clue you read mine...stop in more often. XOXOXO
from nixtress :
Thanks for the help with the template issues :)
from anonadada72 :
4/7/04: Thanks for the note in the guestbook. And, hey, anyone who gets dubbed "pigdog" by some anonymous watcher is definitely not boring. Anyway, feel free to drop by any time. Pigdogs are always welcome! :) ~Jess.
from anonadada72 :
4/6/04: I can't remember for certain, but I think I found you through Nixtress. Anyway, just thought I'd let you know that I added you to my favorites list.
from leebozeebo :
Well, my hat wasn't STOLEN stolen. I mean, she took it from me without my permission, but because of who I am, I got it back using a combination of wit and well-placed punches to the kidneys. I think maybe you associate with too many thieves. Fight them. For honor, and hats.
from minderella :
well, in my case, curvy.. is a euphemism for "big, fat". hehehe.
from nixtress :
Thank you for the birthday message :)
from nixtress :
Hey you, just wanted to pop in and let you know you were in my thoughts.
from tuff517 :
Very sorry to hear about your mother, my condolences to you & your family.
from tuff517 :
Congratulations on your promotion!
from discothekid :
Will Wheaton? That was funniest analogy I've heard yet. I'm not entirely sure it makes sense but it made ME laugh.
from cutie1083 :
Happy Holidays!
from nixtress :
Have a very merry Christmas and a safe New Year's!!!
from roadiepig :
(SignMyGuestbook is being wanky again, so I will use this method of impersonal communication instead)�.Just thought I would say Hi, and make the comment that �Right Down The Line� is my favorite song by Gerry Rafferty. Well, third favorite, right after �Baker Street� (coolest non-jazz sax solo of all time, and a senior-in-high-school song) and �Stuck in the Middle With You� (I know-Stealer�s Wheel- but that was Rafferty�s first big hit, wasn�t it?)
from fuzzy-grey :
She'll be a dancing star for sure, INDEED. Flexible with tight shiny pants... I live in Vegas, I know what THAT means... How about they call her "hopped on 3 pills of E, two hits of acid, and a gram of coke so that she can feel good about stripping for $20 a song and then have enough energy to charge for her special, either 'Me and Skipper'......or even worse....'Me and Kelly' so that she can pay for even more E, acid and coke to do it all again", just woke up. :)
from strangerlucy : is screwy, so here I plant a laugh at the work dialogues with your dad. That is exactly what happens when J and I try to 'work' together. So we usually don't- we try separate projects to preserve our sanity and egos. I cuss a LOT when I'm mad, poor guy,
from kalel592002 :
Another Canuck here (in Kitchener) and a MAJOR book lover. BTW, did you know that the girl in your "beer" pic is Aria Giovanni, Penthouse Pet of the Year? Anyway - liked your latest entries, dropped by to say hello.
from wifemotherme :
I am sure I am one of a million people that stopped by today because UB linked you, but I think I will stay away. You a extremely interesting
from outtatune :
Yes, I couldn't agree more, black is a colour! Thanks for signing! :)
from porktornado :
Fuck. Must go edit entry...
from porktornado :
Hope I didn't seem to be taking credit for that quiz thing. You got props from my favorite list, though. Good entry about bad drivers, too. have you read my road rage entry? you might be able to identify. Also, good point about the Dinopoop. Of course I'd probably want a small dinosaur. One that couldn't kick my ass in a fair fight.
from roadiepig :
I don't usually use the d-land note feature, but.......... Thanks for the b-day wish. pulled the plug on Andrew by mistake, and it's taking them forever to fix the mistake.......I wish I could procrastinate sometimes. I tend to worry too much about getting things done, and end up a nervous wreck because of it. There must be a happy medium somewhere, right?
from asteroidbelt :
are you from bc?
from shutupmom :

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