messages to budget204:
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from vintgequeen :
Do your little guys like canoes?
from vintgequeen :
RIP Schwartz 2007
from rmsoboist :
Hey, I was just checking to see how the two of you were doing. Congrats on your recent graduation Rachel, and to Will...well, my cousin's going to be fresh meat at the big UNC Chapel Hill, so I guess I hope everything is going well there. Have a wonderful summer!
from smoog :
Ta for dropping a note. By the way, in my opinion most caucasian people should never get dreads, no matter how thick and wiry their hair. That's because, no matter how thick and wiry their hair, it's still not the right consistency. If my hair looks ratty and out of control *now*, dreads will simply succeed in also making it look as if I haven't bathed in months or that I have dead, furry snakes growing from my head. White people dreads are just sad. Sad pathetic, not sad boohoo.
from divadesigns :
I have changed the HTML for your layout to include the correct image URL for the brushes. I had a few problems with an image host I was using and forgot to change that particular layout properly. If you just copy and paste the code from the site again it should all work fine. Sorry for the hassle and take care, Kelly* xxx
from sylviashadow :
Thanx for taking my badhabbits survey! Come back anytime--sylviashadow
from avintagelove :
i think your diary is precious. xoxo lindsay.*
from nodoubtgirl7 :
hey angelina!! I have a new diary now its pinkygirl727 soooo check it out sometime lol ~lex~
from bouncingback :
I added you guys because you're so sweet. I think it's a cute idea for couples especially if they're in a long distance relationship. I still have some romantic in me. ~Carma

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