messages to call911:
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from noaddedme :
miss reading you!! (2-1-06)
from kitchenlogic :
How are you?
from wifemotherme :
Have a very Marry Christmas and a Blessed new year!
from wifemotherme :
12-2-04 I hope you are doing ok. Miss reading your updates. How is hubby? How are you?
from cosmicrayola : I shall now picture you as the knight in shining armor, lol!
from trinity63 :
Hey! I am so glad your hubby came through. GO GET THE PNUEMONIA VACCINE!!!! It's suppose to prevent you from contracting Pneumonia for life.
from trinity63 :
You go girl I am so proud of you:) let's do this together:)
from trinity63 :
I am so glad you watched Super Size me. When I wrote about it -- it gave me chills, and I had an epiphany. Can't bring myself to watch the other two.
from trinity63 :
hugs hugs hugs and more hugs. i love you oodles.
from wifemotherme :
6/27/04 Hope all is well with you. I miss reading your updates
from wifemotherme :
Happy Birthday! I cant help but wish you get a new hubby for your birthday but hey maybe the one you got can change. May you skip right over 47 and go stright to 48 and live happily ever after!!!
from wifemotherme :
Happy Mothers Day!
from trinity63 :
You know it's all going to be worth it. School is tough, let me know how you like your Dell Dude:)
from kaire :
I'd knock his damn leg out from under him and tell him you thought you were helping his therapy! You kick ass sweetie, your lesser half though is an asshat!
from trinity63 :
Wow! You have been busy. I am glad to see your husband is making progress. I am glad to see you are still in school:) Hang in there sweetie:) xoxoxo
from trinity63 :
I am so sorry you are having to go through this, I feel so helpless I wish there was something I could do for you. I am so sorry. All I can do is pray.
from trinity63 :
Cause you have it set to scan your outgoing mail to prevent your computer from being used to send out virus/worm -- not a bad idea actually. Iff a virus/worm triggers your com puter to send an email, your norton's would catch it.
from wifemotherme :
In case you have one of those stat meters, and start to worry you have a stalker... I just wanted to drop you a note and let you know it was me who spent the day reading the archives.
from trinity63 :
I am keeping you and *D* in my thoughts. I love you very much. It's going to be okay. It really is.
from trinity63 :
Oh Lord, that is a lot of morphine. So is the morphine making him whacko, or is it him just being whacko. I am so thinking of you.xoxoxox
from trinity63 :
URANUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHHAHAHAHAH GOD I CHOKED ON MY Diet Dr. Pepper on that one! hahahahhaha
from trinity63 :
It's the GA hon. He has not control over it. You should see me when I come out of GA. It's not pretty. I know you are frustrated with him. But give him a break in that regards. He really can't control how he reacts to it. Honest. From one who knows. Love you.
from wifemotherme :
My heart is really going out to you - even if I have to admit I am evil because I laughed out loud reading some of your hubbys rants while he was doped up. I am the complete opposite of Florence Nightingale but day by day step by step I nursed my husband from a massive shoulder operation. I am sure I spent that year wanting to kill him but looking back on it, I honestly think it made us closer. I am betting the same happens with you guys.
from trinity63 :
Oh that just broke my heart. I love you.
from trinity63 :
LOVE LOVE LOVE the new layout:) It is way more you!
from odalisk :
Yeah. I had the same feeling about the topic. Just making the attempt was like some sort of personal betrayal.
from cosmicrayola :
Awww. You were too sweet! Now what do you want?? lol
from jason75 :
Hope you are doing well over here.. Lots of fun for everyone so far.. I have been missing for a couple of days and have missed so much
from odalisk :
Thanks for leaving a note. It's nice to get things off on a positive note, I think. I hope this turns out to be fun.
from mousepoet :
thanks for the note. i look forward to reading your stuff. have a good weekend. ;)
from cosmicrayola :
What trinity said. Ditto. This should be fun!
from trinity63 :
Congrats!!!! I am so looking forward to playing Dland Survivor 5 with you:)
from trinity63 :
The main purpose of Daylight Saving Time (called "Summer Time" many places in the world) is to make better use of daylight. We change our clocks during the summer months to move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening. It was originally intended for the Farmers. So they could plant and plow later:) Make sense, or still stupid? ha ha
from trinity63 :
Well --- if you were like 1000 miles closer to me you know I'd hang out with you ALL the time. I too find that I have a problem playing with others. I think it's because we are smart as whips, bright as the sun, and we think all the time, and no one knows how to deal with that.
from leslieirene :
Hi! Just wanted to tell you that I loved that "Welcome to California" banner! Excellent. I'm in Fresno, California. Armpit, Central. Also, great design. Mine's by rpdesigns, too. Anywho, just thought I'd say that, and yep, Trinity is right. I have jillions of banners.
from trinity63 :
LOVE LOVE LOVE your new design:) With all that energy, come over to my house:) I have a list for you, and you will earn more point:) hee hee xoxoxo
from trinity63 :
You buy banners, Squirl-x has em, and so does Leslie Irene, tons and tons of em! I know sometimes it's overwhelming. So sorry to hear about hubby's foot. And I hope you get vacation soon!
from trinity63 :
Oh my Gosh -- how freaking scary. Let me know how you feel.
from trinity63 :
I love your honesty. It's gut wrenching. You are in my thoughts always. I love you:)
from call911 :

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