messages to chuckwagon:
(click here to add new message):

from sillyhobbit :
from clairecav :
I lurve your diary, it is so... you. I don't know you so I don't know how I can say that without being carted off to the insane aslum, but hey ho... your diary is so you, and it ROCKS!
from ohmygord :
Well, I meant it. Every last word. As you can probably tell from my diary, I sometimes feel really good about myself....and it never lasts. I get down and out and that comment, man, i'll never forget it! (so thanks again!)
from muppetcoat :
Hey, I just wanted to let you know I unlocked my diary again. It's a long story, but the short version is that my parents can just live with the fact that I'm a human being, and the next time they try to use something in my diary against me, they'll just enjoy a nice me not talking to them.
from sianni :
Cute banner :) (I dont think your guestbook is working...)
from sillyhobbit :
from invisibledon :
thanks for doing my oddsandends survey - good answers
from dacoso :
Hey, just wanted to drop by and say thanks for adding me to your list. Since then, I've been reading through your stuff and have decided to return the favor. You're fucking great. Let's just wait until I'm sober, though. I want my profile to make sense, after all. Damn my friends and their pesky habits of showing up at my doorstep with a fifth of rum and a load of sad stories. Tomorrow, I promise. Thanks again. Also: TWoP is the very reason I even log on to this thing called Net. Long live Aaron.
from buddhawhoa :
hey i go to osu! math huh? can't stand the stuff....numbers and variables....oh my
from jzyjsmalls :
Hey, welcome to "twentyfour!" This is quite late, I know, but better late than never. Cheers! :-D
from diaryreviews :
Hey! Your review is up at Diary Reviews. And congrats, you're eligible for the "I scored an 80 or above at Diary Reviews" ring.
from yecats79 :
Hi! I just tried to leave you a message on your guestbook but an error came up when I submitted. You might need to check your code on your template. Anyway, I found your diary through a ring (I think Kiefer) and had to say hey! I think I found a new diary to read. Also, you're a fellow TwoPper! We're everywhere!
from bonkersquipy :
welcome to the anti-nsync diaryring...and thanks for joining...

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