messages to curious-me:
(click here to add new message):

from neko-carre :
9/17/24 - Happy 50th birthday!! Have a blast in Italy, omg! Can't wait to hear about it when you get back. xoxo Neeks
from happyone :
8/13/24: Oh and PS - I totally know what you mean about loving something that a company discontinues! I had a favorite chapstick by Nivea and it was the color "bit of berry". I got SO many compliments when I wore it and they got rid of it! The same thing happened with my favorite shimmery eye shadow color by Clinique called Lucky Penny. I've tried dupes of it but it's NOT the same!!
from happyone :
August 13, 2024: lol the inside-out shirt and the bright lipstick is hilarious! :)
from neko-carre :
6/27/24: Oof, sorry to hear about your scare. Keep us posted, but in the meantime keep on breathing, nice deep breaths. Everything is going to be alright - Neeks
from neko-carre :
6/3/24: Hey Miss M! Hope all is well. Missin ya. - Neeks
from neko-carre :
12/29/23: Happy holidays, M! Thank you so much for the Cmas card! Hugs & kisses to you and K, and a wonderfully refreshing New Year! Luv, Neeks
from catsoul :
10.27.2023. hi. have you checked on ebay for your chapstick? What is it called? Peace. =^..^=
from neko-carre :
10/26/23: Hieee! Nice to see you! That "show" you attended? Wowsa! That's ballsy (snort, pun fully intended!). I don't know if I'd have the guts to go but I'd be sooo curious. Also re: your possum. Make extra super sure that there are no babies or partners. Otherwise if you relocate it, it'll make the loooong trek right back (and I know I'd feel terrible about that!). Happy Halloween!
from neko-carre :
9/11/23: Hi M! So glad to hear from you! I completely understand about all the stuff - I've been through it too. Lots of '2 steps forward, 1 step back' for a while, but you'll come out stronger and more solid. You have a good, hearty foundation. Yay, Vegas! I like the Luxor. Weather should still be nice for the outdoor pool areas! HAPPY (early) BIRTHDAY!! Luv, Neeks
from neko-carre :
8/25/23 Hey M! Longtime no see! Just checking in to see how everything's been. Hope you're doing well and busy with lots of enjoyable things. Luv, Neeks
from neko-carre :
5/16/23 Hi M! So sad to hear about the passing of a longtime Dlander, especially so young and that she couldn't find the help she needed. Also, while we're on the subject - I'm so glad to have known you all these years. Maybe someday we'll get a chance to meet & dine & shop IRL. Also, yay for reading! I committed to 35 books this year on GoodReads (are you on GoodReads?) and I haven't even started! D'oh! Also also, thanks for the tea recommendation. Looks delish, I'm defintely going to buy some. We love Celestial's Fireside Vanilla Spice. It sounds similar. It's caffeine free too, so I can drink it in the evenings - but I know what you mean about having to get up in the night at pee! Dangit! :-D - Luv, Neeks
from catsoul :
4.25.2023. Oh my god, your raging headache, sounds soooooo awful, plus annoying. Bending over is totally out of the question. I hope that it clears up soon for you. Peace within yourself, especially for your head. Take Care. =^..^=
from neko-carre :
4-24-23: Hey M! I'm sorry to hear you're so sick! I just got over a very bad cold too, but yours sounds worse with the headache. I totally forgot that I could call some 24-hour nurse hotline to ask if/when I should see a doctor. Maybe you've got access to something like that? I tell ya, I think we got super viruses now, cuz pre-COVID, I don't ever remember my cold lasting 2+ weeks with a dry cough that wouldn't go away. What's the delicious herbal tea you like? I'm always in the hunt for good tea. Anyway, I sure hope you feel completely back to normal sooooon! - Luv, Neeks
from happyone :
03.10.2023: Are you left handed?
from happyone :
01.04.2023: lol you cracked me up, talking about eating comfort Chinese food while sitting on your butt hahaha
from happyone :
12.29.2022: I’m so sorry to hear about your dad’s heart attack! That must have been very scary. And now Covid all around? What a Christmas! I hope everyone recovers quickly so you all can enjoy the get together in January. -Ash
from neko-carre :
12/23/22 - Oh my goodness, M! What an exhausting and scary time for you and your family! I'm so glad your dad is recovering. Sending love & healthy vibes for all of you. Have a peaceful & happy Christmas.
from neko-carre :
12/12/22 - Thank you for the Christmas card, M! I was delighted you thought of me. *Heart!* I hope the rest of your season is cheery & happy & loving. Warm hugs to you - Neeks
from neko-carre :
10/11/22: Hi M! Sounds like you've been having a blast lately! Making up for all those cooped-up times. Funny thing: I'm obsessing about tea sets lately, and there's one on Ebay that I'm considering buying - and it's in your town! Ha! I never would've noticed that before we mailed each other. Anyway, hope you get well soon. You're a trooper, having fun despite a cold.
from neko-carre :
9/22/22: Front row center! Omg exciting! And as for the expense, it's always worth it. You'll never remember what you did with the money you didn't spend, but you'll always remember the experiences!
from neko-carre :
9/20/22 - Happy belated birthday, M! Sounds like a great weekend! You know how to do birthday weekends the right way.
from neko-carre :
8/8/22 - Sounds like a wonderful vacation & party! I'm sure your dad is more than happy to suffer a cold or two if it means having you there. *Heart.* Hold off on the pumpkin spice, you say? Ack! ;-) Can I at least do apple spice to transition? Hehehe.
from neko-carre :
6/22/22 I love that you push past your fear, and make yourself do it, with the knowledge that you'll have a great experience to talk about! You inspire me, because I'm a chicken with travel. I have an adventure for work next week, and I'm just dreading it and full of anxiety. You motivated me to find the fun in it and know that it'll be a cool experience, and something to look back on and say "I did that."
from neko-carre :
6/6/22: It was the same mug you tried to order? YAY!! Great minds!
from neko-carre :
5/24/22: What a great long weekend! I love that you went to a movie by yourself. Wonderful self-care! Sucks about the storm damage from your neighbors' stuff. If you haven't already, talk to your homeowner's insurance. They should cover things like that, even to your car. Happy b-day, K!
from catsoul :
5.2.2022. I am wondering what book is soooo good. Thank you. =^..^=
from happyone :
04.25.2022: Happy Diaryland anniversary! 20 years is a long time to keep an online diary. My own 20 year anniversary will be May 2023. Isn't it *wild* that we have kept up with this for so long? We may both be procrastinators, but we are loyal and consistent! What is the site that you are considering moving to? I would like to consider a newer, more updated site myself for all of my ramblings. This site is so old that I hold my breath every time I click to it, afraid it has finally shut down for good. I started backing up my old entries as well, but it's such a long and daunting process! 20 years of entries is a lot to go through. I've enjoyed reading your diary and hope I can continue to do so, whether here or elsewhere. :) - Ashley
from neko-carre :
4/22/22 Oh no, M! I'm so glad to hear you're able to manage at home, and now that K is getting better so he can wait on you. I'm sending you good healing vibes.
from hitch-hike :
Oh no!!! I'm glad you don't have the very bad symptoms and hope you and your husband have a speedy recovery!!
from neko-carre :
3/18/22 - I'm so glad you checked in, M. I was thinking about you a lot. I was sad to read that work bummed you to tears. Burnout perhaps? Sometimes even the action of browsing for other opportunities is renewing. Anyway, hi! I'm relieved you updated. Don't be a stranger. :-) P.S. I'll be sure to note what I think about Wicked next weekend.
from neko-carre :
2/28/22 - Thanks for the insight about Wicked, M! I've always heard it was good, and traveling Broadway shows usually are the best of the best. I'll give tix another look-see.
from hitch-hike :
30 Jan. 2022: OMG, it's awful to crash in an uncomfortable place in the cold of winter! And not food or a comfort available? It reminded me of a crash-out or 2 -- at a relative's!
from catsoul :
1.24.2022. I also could relate to your entry of today. Is it having cabin fever early? It is better to get that word vomit out, and you go for it. I always feel so much better when I do that. Could you learn to make a similar coffee taste you usually get from Tim's? Peace. =^..^=
from neko-carre :
1/24/22 - I actually liked your irritated entry. Very relatable! It make me chuckle. Tee hee. And that screaming baby commercial? WTF!!! Hub & I were just complaining about it this morning. I don't even know what it's about, all I hear is SCREAMING baby (I think he's actually squealing, like he's playing?? I don't know Baby Language). What ad agency thought that'd be a good idea for a TV commercial? SO irritating!
from hitch-hike :
If you like limeade or chilled lime drinks, I'd recommend it! Here's one I like, though I sometimes add just a little more of the simple syrup (which goes much better than regular sugar): Enjoy and bottoms up!!
from hitch-hike :
12/29/21: Enjoy your holiday break… and do get some needed rest ;-)
from happyone :
11/10/21: This is very random, but I am intrigued by the "20 years of Neko" entry and would love to read it! I couldn't access that diary, though, without a password and the profile and notes don't show up. Could you maybe contact that person so I may join their diary? lol :)
from neko-carre :
11/6/21 - So glad you loved the "20 Years" entry, M! I look forward to yours, if you decide to do it this Spring. It's a lot of work, but now I enjoy reading back on it. So much change, evolution, ups & downs in 20 years! Also, that was very kind of you to hang with your coworker whose brother died. Even though you didn't know what to say, she'll always remember you cared to be there, just to listen. You're a good person. - Luv, Neeks.
from hitch-hike :
11/06: Yeah, it feels a little weird to get out of the pandemic cocoon and socialize again! Ah, but you sound pretty dazzled for the company and gatherings!
from neko-carre :
10/12/21: Thank you for sharing your sleep paralysis experience! It's pretty fascinating to learn that your body is naturally "paralyzed" during REM sleep to prevent you from acting out your dreams (GAH!), and that this reaction is due to coming out of REM sleep too quickly. Interesting. See, I knew I was awake when it was happening! You're lucky you didn't get the Night Hag!
from hitch-hike :
Thanks for the birthday wishes! Here’s to a happy birthday to you, too!
from hitch-hike :
08/03/21: I had to laugh with glee at your moxie to skip work because your computer kind of got struck by lightening (or was too close by)! I laughed more when they delivered it and you shut the office door... it was an uncharacteristic Virgo move, but we must do this sometimes :D
from neko-carre :
7/1/21: Sangry! What a great word! I’m totally going to insert that into my vocabulary. And what are these wonderous ‘cotton candy grapes’ of which you speak? Hope you’re feeling well after second shot. I expected it to be bad too and then it wasn’t for us at all. Yay you’re healthy! :)
from hitch-hike :
I was soooo relieved to get the vax and felt so much better about going out and about! Hopefully any blah effects will be short lived and you can see your peeps again soon!
from catsoul :
6.4.2021. Thanks for liking my words set in poetry. Since it will be so, so hot this weekend, why not find a closer lake place to go cool off in? Anyhoo, peace within yourself. Peace. =^..^=
from happyone :
03/29/21: I hate shopping for the very reason you mentioned - finding cute things but NOT in my size! This weekend, I actually *did* find some tank tops at Old Navy that fit. I hadn't shopped there in ages! The tank tops are all the same, just in different colors. They're super soft! Anyways - you have to tell me about this weight loss drug you're on! From what I can tell, you and I are in similar boats. When the pandemic started, any attempts at "dieting" went out the window for me and I ate, drank, and was very merry. The problem is I've continued some of these bad habits long after quarantine ended, so I'm still sitting here with the extra 10 lbs I gained. I already take meds for high blood pressure. I'm awaiting the results of a recent health screening and I'm sure they won't be good. If you want to share more about what you're taking and how it's going, feel free to email me at: [email protected]. Thanks!
from neko-carre :
3/8/21: Basement battles! I know those alllll too well. Sigh!
from neko-carre :
2/11/21 Heeheehee, "Navy of Old"! ;-D
from barefootruby :
Our church did livestream services for Christmas and they were awesome. All the church members and anyone else who wanted one were given a pack of three candles (nightlights) for the carol service (church members were given two packs; one for them and one for a friend) so we could take part from home. Christmas Day service is always fun and included a adult vs children competition. Depending on who won, either the ministers or senior deacons got smothered in trifle. The results were extensively biases to ensure the ministers got hit! re your mother: it may just be a age-related temporary drop in blood pressure. Tell her to get up slowly (sit on edge of bed before standing up) and keep her fluid intake up. We had Chinese too - there's a great restaurant about 6 miles away that does takeaway.
from jimbostaxi :
Jeep problems,,, I know that feeling. Good luck and Merry Christmas!
from neko-carre :
12/21/20 Spiced rum with warm apple cider is my fave. I call it a "Spider." Merry Christmas, M!
from hitch-hike :
Have you tried a beverage called Calm? You can find it at any pharmacy, and it’s drug free. I use it for when I can’t fall asleep, and I’ll also use kava in water (which you can get from a vitamin or health store).
from neko-carre :
10/12/20 Tee hee! Glad you love the Halloween getup. I want to do more but i can't believe how fast this month is going. It'll be time to decorate the "condo" for Christmas in just a few weeks!
from hitch-hike :
9/18/2020: I hope you had a very happy birthday! I also use gaps of time away from things to reflect time past and ponder time forward. This usually falls between Christmas and New Years for me. I think a little retreat is a natural for certain types of people (like us!).
from neko-carre :
9/15/20 Hi! Yep, so many people were planning on making this year the big Halloween since it's on Saturday. Sigh. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, M!
from happyone :
8.9.2020: I’m currently bingeing The Office myself and I’m on season 9. I didn’t watch it when it originally aired and all this time I assumed I wouldn’t like the show for some reason. I was so wrong!
from catsoul :
8.8.2020. Hi. I sure don't miss having a period. I so know what you mean. Over that past number of years I have stopped using my phone. I usually forget where I put it even. Since I lost it for over a month one time, I never put the ringer volume up. Boy was Randy pissed at me. He finally went and bought me another phone. I didn't really care. So I am glad to read that you are going to try and use your phone less on your vacation. I challenge you to leave it at home. All those other people will have their phones, if need be you could use their phone for a few minutes. Be Safe. Take Care. Peace. =^..^=
from neko-carre :
7/20/20: I wonder if the copyrighted music creates an issue for watching the Barbie video? Hmmm. Well, let me know if & when it works - or doesn't. I should probably remove that clip anyway. :-P
from barefootruby :
Veganism: I can't help thinking that it is the preserve of those with enough money and/or time to prepare alternative meals. I'm all for eating more healthily, but don't believe that you have to eschew all animal products to do this. I'll happily eat vegan food, or vegetarian food, or carnivorous food - but that's because I like food of all types and don't want to be limited to what I can eat.
from barefootruby :
10,000 steps a day is a hard target - keep aiming. Especially if you are an office-based worker. I generally exceed my target at weekends, but fail miserably in the week. My wife is teacher, and generally hits 6,000+ during the working day at school. Now she is teaching online from home she struggles to get to 1,000.
from neko-carre :
5/30 Try the Barbie video link again (copy & paste the URL from the bottom of my "Vera" entry). I'll keep it open but unlisted for the next couple of weeks, cuz another friend wanted to see it. It's 20 mins long so be prepared to be bored! Ha ha!
from catsoul :
5/22/2020. Hi. I want to know the title and author of that book you finished reading. I also would like to know what genre you like to read. I have so many books, maybe I have some might like, I could mail some to you so you don't have to buy some. You can email me at: [email protected] OK, only if you want to. Peace. =^..^=
from neko-carre :
5/18/20: I really enjoy reading your "Back Then" entries. I relate to them so well. What were we *thinking*??
from neko-carre :
5/2/20 - Ah, M, your entry about reading back: I know exactly what you mean. It's both a mind-f*ck and a wonderful blessing. Like you, I've kept this diary for nearly 20 years, and paper diaries before that which I still have. I hit the "random" button on my Dland now & then and go down the rabbit hole. But sometimes it's seriously hard to read and easy to get sucked into the past. There are things that I simply can't read back on, yet I know they're still here in writing. It does put one's current life in perspective though. That was then, this is now, and I wouldn't trade either time for the world. :)
from catsoul :
4.30.2020. Barbies. I remember getting my first Barbie as a Santa gift. It was the Barbie with her hair up, and she was wearing a gold and black diagonal swimsuit and she was wearing high heels. The accessories were all beach related. What I remember most was loving that she had earrings in her ears. That started me bugging my parents to get my ears pierced. They must have gotten to that point of the only way to stop Sue from asking was let's get her ears pierced. I got my ears pierced, so thank you Barbie. I used to look for Barbie style ear rings all the time. My mom thought the ones I bought with my allowance were too grown up. My dad said, let it be, let her live her dreams. So thank you for your memories. Peace. =^..^=
from neko-carre :
4/24/20 M, you love Barbie stuff too?? Yay! I'm so glad someone else gets it! Suddenly getting back all the ones I had as a kid is all I can think about. I'm gonna do an entry on them. I LOVE the McDs! My friend had one. Such incredible detail and little extras!
from neko-carre :
2/1/2020: Hope all as well. Miss ya around here.
from neko-carre :
11/25/19: Yay, I'm so glad you read about my Canadian visit! Have you been to the U.S.? With the area you're in, you'd meet a lot of "outgoing" East Coasters. ;) Oh, how do you say "coyotes"? P.S. I'm so sorry about the passing of your friend. Puts life into perspective and makes you reach out and give extra love to those around you. :-*
from catsoul :
11.15.19. I have to laugh, every time I read that you have to go to bed early, for example, 8:15 pm is way past my bedtime. I don't know how you stay up so late. More power to you. Have a peaceful, chillax weekend, go with the flow. Peace. =^..^=
from hitch-hike :
2019/11/04: Thank you for your sympathies! It is very energy-draining and every little bit keeps things going. Bless you and Keith!! <3
from in19seconds :
I love the beach! But I agree with you about the bathroom bit. Is it there way of keeping the restrooms clean or something? I know they charge people to use the restrooms in some of the countries over in Europe (according to my siblings who have been there). But $5? That's insane. My brother-in-law was just diagnosed with diabetes and had to give up drinking. He was a very heavy beer drinker. Now he's lost so much weight, he looks like a completely different person. I wonder what it is about alcohol that makes people sick when they have diabetes.
from in19seconds :
I just read your kind words in my notes section. Thank you for saying that about my writing. It feels good to hear that since I want to try and become a freelance writer. Here's hoping 2019 is a year for us both!
from neko-carre :
HI! Missed you! Glad for the update. And thanks for the autobiography encouragement. We should both do it!
from catsoul :
1.10.19 hi. I think you have to ease into an all protein diet. I don't know. The cabbage was probably the culprit. I know proteins are hard to breakdown and absorb in the system though. You also wrote that you did so many salads. As far as meat, I know beef is top on the protein breakdown chain. The white meats are the easiest on the gut. I do mostly chicken, and every once in awhile a turkey breast. Carrots are one of the easiest vegetables for digestion absorption. Drinking lots of water, pop has caffine in it and that cramps the bowels a lot, as does coffee. Just sayin'. Peace. =^..^=
from in19seconds :
I read 75 books in 2017 (or was it 2016?) and told my self, "never again!" I can't even tell you what I read or what the books were about. They all blended together into one massive book mentally. Now I make it a goal to read only 24, 1 book for book club and 1 book just for fun.
from neko-carre :
10/27/18: Oh hai. Haven't heard from ya in a while, just missing seeing your name lit up in red in my Buddy List. Hope all is well. Keep us posted. :-*
from catsoul :
7.21.18 Oh my god, 2 days, how did you manage? Hahaha. Sorry if I let the cat out of the bag about the new HOH. I finally washed my hair, I am embarrassed almost, not to say 14 days. Bam. I have new clean sheets already on my bed. Bam. Hope you get that vehicle. You have more patience with the dealer fellow, kudos. Peace. =^..^=
from catsoul :
7.19.18 Yes you should start writing again. :)
from barefootruby :
had an "oil spillage in the trunk" incident once, but it was gasoline so I could smell it for weeks! What was worse was that I was going on holiday the next day so loaded my luggage. The gas seeped into the cases and at the airport they refused to take them because of the smell. I had to but a new bag and repack everything at the check-in desk!
from catsoul :
Glad it was good news. Get a second opinion, always worth the effort, I have also gotten a 3rd and 4th opinion on medical issues especially when it isn't a dire emergency. Peace. =^..^=
from catsoul :
No matter what it is, you will get through this and do what you need to do. It will be alright. Peace. =^..^=
from hitch-hike :
You reminded me that staycations or family time can also be refreshing as vacations. As much as I like to do a bang-up job with my hallowed time off, sometimes home and family is all you need!
from catsoul :
hi. Glad to see that you wrote. I was starting to wonder about you, and was hoping that all was ok. Peace. =^..^=
from hitch-hike :
Happy Valentine's Day! Ooh, I hope you and the hubby enjoy the Falls!!
from catsoul :
hi. I have a suggestion about getting past that number. How about you don't get on the scale, you just go about your routine for a couple of weeks, and just the weight loss by the feel of your clothes. Just a suggestion. Peace Out. =^..^=
from neko-carre :
Your post made me tear up. So many good people gone in the final months of this year - and at the holidays, it's especially sad. I'm so sorry, M. My heart goes out to you & K. I'm glad you have the strong support & kindness of family & friends. Merry Christmas. I look forward to another Diaryland year with you. :)
from catsoul :
So very sad to read of Keith's mother passing. Glad you are all getting together for Christmas to share those precious memories. You two take care of each other. Merry Christmas to you both and your families. Peace Out. =^..^=
from catsoul :
Thanks for the birthday wishes. Now seriously, you and only you can help yourself with your health. End of lecture. Life is a bitch sometimes, and god forbid, something happens to you concerning your health, where does that leave Keith? OK. Value yourself more. Peace Out. =^..^=
from barefootruby :
Oh, and Happy Birthday!
from barefootruby :
That's a good hypothesis for celebrating birthdays. We pre-celebrated my mum's birthday today. Four months early, but the only time we could get all three siblings together (or would have been if Hurricane Irma hadn't forced one to stay in Florida)
from barefootruby :
EEK, that first sentence reminded me that I will be going back to work after a three-week vacation! But at least I still have over 2 weeks' vacation to enjoy - and 2 4-day weeks when I go back.
from invisibledon :
enjoyed your issue about putting yourself out there. I sit stewing on a question a long time before I ever ask as well and I too am work on it
from catsoul :
great thoughts on your reflection. I think you nailed that on the head. Myself being like that in the past, one day I just decided who the fuck cares, I need the answer to do better and I need a better understanding of what you the speaker, or whomever was talking about. It also doesn't matter what others thin about you, as long as you are comfortable in your skin and clothes. So ask at the consignment shop, good way to get rid of the old and get some new clothes without spending extra money. Again great writing today. =^..^=
from barefootruby :
yeah, the lack of a real keyboard is one thing that puts me off tablets.
from neko-carre :
Wow! Your dark dining experience! I've never heard of anything like that! What an interesting concept. It didn't occur to me either that it'd be easy to feel claustrophobic but when you started talking about it, ohhh man. I'd feel exactly the same way! In fact I was thinking it may have been somewhat reassuring to see that person's watch lighting up every so often. Let's your mind know that you're NOT in some closed-up box. :-o. Very brave and fascinating!
from catsoul :
OK. Brand is RiceSelect. Jasmatia comes in a plastic container with a screw on lid. Look on back. In a clear oven glassware with tight lid I use. Put 1 and 1/2 cups of rice. Add 2 and 1/4 cup of Swanson's low sodium chicken broth. Here I stir with a fork the rice and broth. Then I use 10 twists of my salt. Next four slices from a stick of margarine. Cover. Put in a 350 degree pre heated oven. One hour. Peek make sure when you lift the glass oven bowl above your head that there is no liquid bubbling. If there is, place back in oven for 15 minutes, lower oven temp. to 250 degrees here. You don't want brown crusty edge or if you do, bake it a bit longer. I take off the lid when I take it out of the oven. I wait a bit for cooling to happen but I usually stand there with my large spoon and start eating. It smells and tastes even better to me. Oh my gosh, I have to go make some now. Enjoy. Peace Out. =^..^= P.S. thanks for asking.
from hitch-hike :
Helloo!! I hope all is well with you! I update every once in a while and haven't been writing much lately.
from happyone :
Yay, thank you so much! ❤
from catsoul :
Thank you ever so much. I love my time with her. Peace Out. =^..^=
from neko-carre :
I know! I've even noticed that if the rest of the house needs tidying but the floors are clean, the house looks clean! Makes no sense, but it's a quick fix I ought to do more often! Haha, I had to laugh at your opening & closing the door at 5:50am - dark! cold! nope! - and then forcing yourself to do it anyway. Amazing! I couldn't do it either. Way to go, but I don't blame you for not doing it again. Morning people are a bit insane, I believe.
from neko-carre :
Yay! I get a shout-out! :-D
from neko-carre :
Way to go on tackling your basement! I shudder to think of taking on that task at my house, but I MUST do it! You motivate me. Good job on the swimming too! There's a skill that not everyone has. I'm seeing a theme with many of us: it's a good year for being strong, active, and in charge of our own happiness. *Love!*
from barefootruby :
oh, just checked the website - there are only four parkruns in the whole of Canada, so the chances of there being one near you are pretty slim
from barefootruby :
re your fitness motifiaction: Do they have parkrun in your part of Canada? The support and encouragement everyone gives each other is wonderful - doesn't matter whether you run the whole course, or run and walk (or even just walk). It's a friendly and no-pressure way of getting fit.
from catsoul :
hi there. Read your latest. Proud of you for what you are changing for yourself in your life. I go with one day at a time, probably moment by moment even. Since I have been a diabetic forever, we just don't keep any high sugar or carb in the house pretty much. I can't make Randy not have foods he wants to eat. Since you are changing for the better, please just don't substitute going out and buying "stuff" as a trade-off. That mind set is just a trap and creates clutter. Been there, done that, and when I realized what I was doing it stopped. One day at a time. As for the sun, I say, like you where the fuck is it. It has been going on 14 days here with gloomy days and such. Anyhoo, have a good week. Take Care. =^..^= P.S. Really proud of you. Keep going
from mistfree :
Ahhhh nothing like a little shindig to throw a ripple into the diet pool. For me it was a visit from out-of-state friends. We felt the need to show them all our favorite places, which included copious amounts of booze and non-diet-friendly foods. LOL Super nice to have a better half that will cook for you and keep it healthy to boot! Is it too late to teach mine?
from hitch-hike :
Happy new year! Your mindset about the new year is refreshing, so I will embrace it!!
from hitch-hike :
I lost your email! What is it?
from catsoul :
hi there. Sounds like your December plan is going great. Enjoy your 3 long weekends. Now if we would just get some snow around here. Take Care. =^..^=
from mistfree :
LOL - its always a 2 day set-in for my weight lifting pain too. In fact, I purposely schedule my massage appointments for those 2nd days to truly appreciate the rubbing of sore muscles!
from neko-carre :
HI! I was browsing around and look who I stumbled upon! So nice to see a longtime Dland pal who still updates. I hope you had a wonderful anniversary. Congrats on 11 years!
from mistfree :
Hope you have a great 11th Anniversary. And you should TOTALLY wear that wedding dress! Everyone may think you just got married and treat you to freebies! Sort of makes me wish I kept mine. LOL
from catsoul :
It is so hard to declutter. My hardest part was when I went through my books. I gave away close to 300 books. I stopped after that. Now this coming Winter I plan to go through the books again. I figure another 200 I will donate/give away. You are doing great, just wanted to say. I love no drama myself. Take Care. Be Safe. =^..^=
from barefootruby :
My car was once making a horrible banging sound. I ignored it for a while (because that's what men do) but eventually pulled over. Turned out a broom had got stuck in the underside - I must have picked it up when reversing into the garage. All the bristles had been rubbed away by the time I stopped!
from catsoul :
Glad you are feeling better. I want to know the title and author of the book you couldn't put down it was so great. Thanks. =^..^=
from barefootruby :
I agree about the need for pastors to have a human touch. Sometimes I hear a sermon and think "yes, that's all very interesting and theological, but how does it apply to me?". This morning our vicar caused amusement when he went off at a tangent briefly, and then completely forgot what he had been about to say!
from barefootruby :
I did all the cooking for Christmas dinner (with help from gf's 9-year-old niece). When gf and her SiL asked how they could help I replied "stay out of the kitchen". I did the clearing up too - and only came away from the washing up when my mum called and SiL said "no you can't call her back later. Go and speak to her now and I'll finish the washing up"
from barefootruby :
You have a day off for Rememberance Day? Is that a Canadian-side thing, or just your employer? In the UK the commemoration is held on the closest Sunday, but most places observe a two-minute silence at 11 o'clock
from dangerspouse :
How are you making your buttercream that you need an icing set to make it work? When I make a buttercream I usually start with a chilled Crème Anglaise and beat butter into it gradually, along with whatever flavoring. Jacques Pepin gave that recipe in his book "La Technique", and it's been my go-to for years. If you're comfortable making Crème Anglaise I'd recommend giving it a shot to see what you think. You wouldn't need anything other than a piping bag and an offset spatula to apply it - or even just the spatula if you don't need fancy. Sounds like a great weekend regardless, though!
from dangerspouse :
Whew. Glad you turned from the Dark (but glittery!) Christmas Side back to Halloween mode. All is right with the world again. *whew* :)
from dangerspouse :
You're in Christmas mode ALREADY? That's sad. That's just sad. Wrong, too. But as long as you're shopping, I could use some new sock garters. Just sayin'. Feel better!
from barefootruby :
even if it rains in Dominican, it will be warm rain. have a good trip.
from catsoul :
Your time together sounds dreamy and heavenly. Loved your writing of it. =^..^=
from barefootruby :
I once locked my keys in the car when it had broken down too. It was an epic story - they'd just been a car smash and my car ground to a halt as I was driving round it. At first I thought I'd picked something up from the smash that had cracked the engine. Fire crew, ambulance crew and police came over to us and I had to explain that we weren't part of the smash. But the police managed to unlock the door for me! And the breakdown truck gave my friend a lift home to another part of the city ("well I've got to turn round somewhere, so it might as well be there") and gave me a lift home after dropping the car at the repair shop.
from barefootruby :
A fallen mirror isn't too bad. I've got so many cables under my desk, when I stretch my legs out I end up unplugging my computer!
from barefootruby :
My company is moving everyone to a nine-day fortnight in August, with every other Friday off. I can't wait!!
from barefootruby :
I once ate rancid butter for three days until I realised that this was what was giving my food an odd taste!
from catsoul :
4/16/15....hi I have an ellipital trainer and use it every day. There is less pain. I too have a left foot that hurts because of the pain that extends down my left leg from the bulging disk I have. I used to walk up to 4 miles a day but it hurt so. So I got an ellipital trainer and it makes exercising so much more enjoyable. I read while I walk. Good for you working this out and not just giving up. You go girl!!!!!!! =^..^=
from barefootruby :
You'd think that with nine people walking the opposite way, that guy would have realised he was doing some thing wrong! After all, it is a pretty basic principle on any track (walking, running, motor racing, whatever) that it is "one way round". I'm working next week too - I finish Christmas Eve lunchtime. A few of my colleagues finished yesterday. tbh I don't mind - there are less interruptions so you can get more work done. Fewer bosses to keep an eye on you. And you can get a space in the car park. I'd rather save my vacation for when it is warmer. I have worked the days between Christmas and New Year before, but my current company closes down for the period.
from barefootruby :
We haven't got as far as working out New Year's Eve yet. In fact we're not even 100% sure about Christmas arrangements. Options were either that gf's brother and family come here for Christmas or we go there just after. Latest idea is we do both - then gf's SiL gets a break on Christmas day (as I do the cooking), and gf gets to see her 'rents. My 'rents are visiting later in the week. ('rents is UK slang for Parents)
from barefootruby :
Yeah, I always get stung on postage for overseas presents too. Somehow I never remember to buy gifts that don't way too much. At least this year I remembered to put the cards in with the presents, so I didn't have to pay separately for those.
from hitch-hike :
Speaking of a work Christmas gathering, thanks for reminding me to get an ugly holiday sweater... That's the theme for this year's party!
from barefootruby :
I'm kind of intrigued by the walking track you mention. Is it basically just an athletics track or more interesting than that?
from barefootruby :
Last time I cleaned out my car (which doesn't happen very often) I found my work car park pass, that I'd lost several weeks before. It was tucked up right under the seat so I hadn't seen it when I'd looked. And at the start of summer I found my online banking gizmo in my summer shoes - that had been missing since October. I had slipped it inside the shoe when I packed to come home from my mum's, for safekeeping on the flight, then completely forgotten where I had put it.
from barefootruby :
Happy Birthday (belated)
from hitch-hike :
A-ha, so today's your birthday!! Have a very happy birthday!!
from jaysthoughts :
Just checking to see how many diarylanders still actually check their notes and stay active.
from hitch-hike :
Thanks for the birthday wishes! Isn't your birthday soon?
from catsoul :
8/27/14...a good bed is wonderful and now may I suggest for that bed a heated matterress pad with adjustable temps and has a pre-heat plus will stay on for 10 hours or until you turn it off. It has been a back saver ever since I got it. =^..^=
from barefootruby :
but you're in Canada - I'm pretty sure the scenery there is just as impressive!
from hitch-hike :
**(Sings from the old commercial): Oh, what a feeling! Toyota!** I'm on my third Toyota with the first one being a Corolla. I loved that car and had very minimal trouble with it. I probably could've had that car for 7 more years but decided I wanted an upgrade.
from catsoul :
8/6/14....I have been wondering what you two have been up to! I read that you have been pondering the word, displine(spelling is close enough). May I suggest that since you like routine that you add the word structure into your thoughts. It maybe a way to help you build displine. Building displine takes building small steps. With myself I don't brow beat myself up if I don't get something done. I truly feel that living in the moment, being present in the moment is way better than being so displined that you can't be free in spirit. So there is my two cents worth. Take Care. =^..^=
from barefootruby :
Hope the Toyota works well. I think that in general the build quality of Japanese cars is better than European or US. My gf's Nissan is 12-years old, over 90,000 miles (not sure what that is in km) and still going strong
from razor-vixen :
Crossing fingers all goes well with hubby's new job!
from barefootruby :
Yey, congratulations to Keith. I'd be inclined not to worry over-much about S not talking. Some kids just don't talk much - and if D is a chatterbox, maybe it's not a realistic comparison. Also - maybe he can never get a word in edgeways! My limited experience suggests that younger siblings often talk less and later, and I put it down to the fact that they seldom have to ask for anything because the older brother/sister works out what they want and gets it for them. But what do I know - I don't even have kids!
from catsoul :
Very glad for Keith.
from barefootruby :
that sucks. hope something turns up for keith soon
from barefootruby :
I once had a set list autographed by the performers (singers from the 80s - Midge Ure, Leo Sayer, a few others) but the ex took it when we split up. OK, technically it was hers, but I was hoping she would forget it and leave it behind
from barefootruby :
it's not the nine-year old nephew's fault - it's his parents for not explaining clearly enough the importance of staying out of site and/or making sure he did
from hitch-hike :
Ugh, some guys can't keep themselves to themselves and your walking partner is one of them! Be very careful because some of them will keep trying!
from hitch-hike :
Thanks for the well-wishes :) I'll take every bit that I can get.
from happyone :
2.16.14 Hiya! So does you reading my archives mean you've read my whole journal? WOW, I never thought that would happen! I started this diary when I was 14 and now I'm 25, so a lot of my earlier entries are really weird! Aha
from barefootruby :
Keep on the anti-bios to the end of the course.
from hitch-hike :
I had some "wounds" packed a few years ago from wisdom teeth extractions! I hope you're feeling better and heal well :)
from catsoul :
1/24/14...Life and living is a big money sucker. Sounds like you should just give a card with let's say only $10.00 as a gift. It is also alright to tell your people that you and your husband are in a money crunch and you are doing the adult thing to pay your bills first. You know giving your time and being there for your friends/family is the best gift ever. You could get a second job also. I had to teach and pick up a night job when my second ex husband used my credit card to buy that bass boat and he resold it. Just writing, instead of just sitting around thinking and stressing about it, work more, it does keep you busy and too tired to think about it. Gretchin Rubin writes about "loopholes" in which people convince themselves why it is alright to let's say, buy something because it is such a deal. She also has written, "Happier At Home." Take Care. =^..^=
from barefootruby :
We've had a lot of rain recently - that's why it is so green. Weather here in Englandshire has been unseasonably mild.
from hitch-hike :
I've definitely had weeks like the one you describe for this new year. **Hugs**
from barefootruby :
Christmas Day was fun - first big family Christmas I've had for a long time. Four adults and children aged 7, 10, 12, 14 and 16. Yours sounded quite stressful - hope all improves in 2014
from barefootruby :
my gf and I put a �20 limit on presents for each other - we spend more on others as we can buy presents for each other any time. A few years ago my dad and I decided on getting just one big (expensive) present rather than lots of small ones. It proved harder to find one present so we've gone back to several small things (maybe the logic is that if you get a lot of presents there is a better chance of getting at least one thing that they like!). And at the other end of the scale that you wrote about, a friend was saying how her sister-in-law buys separate presents from each member of her family, which I think is excesive
from barefootruby :
I recognised only the first of your Christmas songs - but I prefer the Harry Belafonte version (I think I would possibly recognise some of the others if I heard them). Some other favourites of mine are That'll be Christmas by Thea Gilmore and Christmas Morning by Loudon Wainwright III. And "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" by Gayla Peevey. I never used to mind working over the Christmas period - you can get a lot more work done because there are fewer interruptions; the commute is quicker; and there are fewer bosses about so you can get away with arriving late and leaving early. Though the company I now work for closes down for the period so I am off from Christmas Eve through to 2 Jan. I like a carol service too - we have a candlelit one this evening.
from barefootruby :
Just picked up your comment - Hi. Glad you like my blog. I put all sorts of rubbish on it! Best thing I find for a cold is a couple of Night Nurse tablets before bed, and wear a few extra layers in bed to keep warm and sweat it out. And I remember what a good feeling it is when young nephews/nieces let you put them to bed and/or read a bedtime story (obviously it was a long time ago - my Niece is now having a sproglet of her own!)
from hitch-hike :
**Feel better, Keith!** Maybe your family will make a soft landing to your place to say hello? That once happened to me when I was under the weather.
from hitch-hike :
You organized a work gathering to the wineries? Wow, I'd love to organize something like that! The only thing is getting everyone's schedule to align like planets!
from hitch-hike :
Happy Anniversary!!!
from catsoul :
Happy Birthday belated!! Thanks for the note. It is always great when the good person wins. Indian Summer day here today....going to cut down some more dead trees in the two new lots for awhile. Take Care. =^..^= 10/1/13
from hitch-hike :
Happy belated birthday from one Virgo to another!! I'd also like to say thanks for your thoughts and comment... I appreciated it :)
from dangerspouse :
When you're old and sittin in that rocker looking back at your life, you're not going to get the warm fuzzies when you reflect on the presents you got. You're going to reminisce about the people who gave them to you. If you and S "are so in sync when we travel we just roll with everything and we have a great time together" then it won't matter if she gets you a Hermes bag every year or a #2 pencil. Anyone can give a present. Not everyone can be - or ever gets - a soulmate. Don't be fooled by the superficial. Take more joy in a "flippin awesome" person than a fleeting gift. And drink more. It'll help. Just wash off later. You don't want to smell like your husband.
from hitch-hike :
Here's a weird fact... Vitamin C affects the absorption of iron, so you might want to be sure you're getting enough of that, too!
from hitch-hike :
**I hope the surgery goes well for your husband!**
from catsoul :
Don't know exactly what to write, but I wanted you to know that I feel for you both. Personal/financial/health issues when all combined can be a challenge in and of itself, though I believe you are such an upbeat person, that there is always a way, plus there are the two of you together, forever. Take Care. =^..^=
from catsoul :
Super glad to read about that the baby is warmer. What about warmer weather....too warm is also overrated. People should remind and remember when the made comments about the length of Winter when they are sweltering in the heat of Summer. For myself, I just go with it. I figure since the snow is still on the ground around here, I can't start the cleanup of the yards. Boy, this week with the ice storms and winds, there is about three times the amount of twigs/branches, and pinecones. I love it. Take Care and happy swimming, I am envious. =^..^=
from catsoul :
hi, if we kept our air conditioner on 64 degrees we would be super cold. Now if we also kept our heat on in the Winter at 64 degrees we would also be cold. If you are a child who has small body mass, and weighs hardly anything would you be cold. If the person is a baby, they can't tell you they are cold. My husband worked in peds for 5 years. When a child has a low body temp, shock sets in. The extremities are the first to lose circulation. Do I need to go on. A child's immune system once it gets sick from the elements usually heads for the respiratory system. Please intervene with your friend. I don't usually don't get involved, only if it is for the welfare of children or animals. Please I ask you make your concern known, you mentioned that you thought the house was too cold. You can delete my message after you read it, if you want, I will understand, and I don't want you mad at me for caring. Help this new mom understand.
from hitch-hike :
Are you the person who's been visiting? :) Actually, thanks. It made me reread some entries that were extremely informative for what's happening today. I look forward to reading you, too :D
from catsoul :
P.S. The most important thing about my hair is that I am a hippie. Peace & love......
from catsoul :
Thanks for the question. If I cut my hair, I would probably have to wash it more often, my mom and sister do. No matter what it would be a hassle. Since I have an extreme thyroid issue, the result being so dry all the time. I call myself the "lotion Queen." I have to find the humor in the health issues to stay sane. Anyhoo, maybe I should stop writing about the chore of showering and washing my hair, it does it old and boring. Any suggestions.....I could make up stories or something. Have a good 4 day work week, and I hope that your financial issues improve. Take care. =^..^=
from bathtubmary :
Sorry to hear, friend. Thinking of you. XO
from razor-vixen :
Contact the city. I am sure they will agree to some sort of arrangement, some kind of payment plan. You're right, you can't ignore things like this. Deep breath, you will get through it. You can pay it off!
from retro-cat :
Hi, i've also read the 50 Shades trilogy..i wonder what the film is going to be like?
from enurta :
hello. just wanted to say I was seem interesting. def going to come back and read more! have a nice day <3
from razor-vixen :
Ug, how sad and scary about the man who drowned. Thanks for the well wishes too; I'll try to update more frequently. I start new job on Monday and I have found an apartment too! If you want to friend me on FB, send me an email to [email protected] and I'll give you my secret identity! lol
from razor-vixen :
LOL.....I think the request I denied was you because I didn't know it was you!! Send it again, please!
from catsoul :
A posh girl can't have too many awesome pillowcases, especially those made with love. May I suggest he look into minky material. I love my minky pillowcases. On etsy look up minky toddler pillows, they are the perfect size for behind your head while reading. So happy relaxing. Take care. =^..^=
from razor-vixen :
Really?? Weird about FB but I think it's randomly done that for me with another Dland friend. Next time you see me, add me then! Or add me now! lol
from razor-vixen :
At least you put some thought into the gift! Can't wait to hear her response!
from take-two :
Hi there... I haven't visited this site in over a year and was surprised to see all the names in red. I hope your doing well, and I will be back to read more frequently.
from razor-vixen :
Hey! I'm often working at the KW courthouses at Weber and Frederick! Cool!
from razor-vixen :
Never heard of the bridal PARTY going for a hair trial. I don't really think it's necessary.
from tattoobelly :
Thank you for the feedback! I was already thinking about changing to something lighter, on account black being funereal. Now I'll definitely switch. XO
from bathtubmary :
Dexter fever! Mike and the doula watched a Golden Girls marathon when I was in labor waiting to push, so that show makes me weirdly nostalgic. I understand how you might have to cut yourself off though. XO, D
from razor-vixen :
Happy birthday!!!
from omfggwtf :
just stumbled on here! "I was having a very blah day yesterday. I just felt �blah�. I didn�t want to watch tv (but I did), I didn�t want to read (but I did), I didn�t want to sleep (I didn�t), I wanted to do something....I wanted to do nothin�. Yup it was one of those days. If I was a teenager it would have been perfect." I HATE THAT SO MUCH. it's the worst thing ever aha, actually drives me insane, ughhhh.. sorry about the random note i just felt compelled to go on about my angst about that.. :) x
from catsoul :
I feel your pain sister...take it easy...& WTF is going on with those ribs. I hope it gets better real soon. Take care. =^..^=
from omfggwtf :
random passer by, i do like your diary :) xo.
from dulligirl :
Thank you for the add! I'll be reading you,too. Take care.
from bathtubmary :
thank you, my friend, for your very sweet words about that post. xoxox, d
from bathtubmary :
congrats, auntie. xoxo, d
from wthglwnghrts :
I go back to the beginning of almost all blogs that I read and I'm happy to say that I've read all 1000 of yours! You may have noticed that I haven't been updating wthglwnghrts lately - I haven't had much angst that I needed to get out! Instead I've been updating my public blog with a vengence (is that one word?)! if you've forgotten. And I must say that I never realized what the Me stood for - you are so witty! And hey, we're only a few hours apart, maybe we'll meet someday!!!! Becky
from razor-vixen :
I do the same thing-- start at the beginning of a new read! Wow, 1000, congrats! Here's to another 1000 (hope that doesn't freak you out lol)!
from looniebin :
Happy 1000th entry! I hope you don't decide to lock up shop...maybe you'll feel more rejuvenated about your diary here if you play around with the gold package you're paying for! Thanks for today's entry - it was a great one!
from wifemotherme :
Happy Anniversary! For what its worth, I read every entry. I just suck at leaving notes and comments. I HATE it when people up and leave like you havent vested the last 5 years with them. So dont do that to me ok. I am here waving!!!! I am reading.
from witty-remark :
hi Well, that looks quite bare and meager on its own. But that explanation looks awkward preceding this one. If I have to follow every line with another, I'll end up writing a goddamn novel in your notes. Blasted OCD! hi
from samcorday :
i just started reading your diary.....way the beginning.....2002/'s gonna take a while to reach to present day lol....but maybe i'll read fwd..then read backward...and meet somewhere in the middle :)
from bathtubmary :
you should feel bad if you DO know what a belly band is - it's not something that exists outside of the pregnant world (for the record it's this tube-top like thingy that you pull down around your jeans to keep them up when you can't button them anymore). xoxo, d
from looniebin :
So if you'd believe it, I only just got the notes on my page..I didn't realize that I had that function, and seem to have pissed the e-mail notices from messages past. Oops. Anyways, I wanted to stop by and say thanks for your messages - they're much appreciated! Also, I'd totally bail out on work tomorrow with the pink-eye - just do your best to convince yourself it's in the best interest of your coworkers :) Feel better!
from bathtubmary :
take care, honey. xoxo, d
from catsoul :
I am feeling for you...the news of being a diabetic does take some adjustment. Better to treat it then ignore it, because it won't ignore you down the road. When I take my meds, I eat a few crackers to blanket the throwup feeling. Did the pharmicist tell you to use the clock method for checking your blood sugars on your fingers? I also alternate two fingers. Anyhoo, it does all get easier and becomes second nature, down the road, you will actually be healthier. Take care. =^..^=
from wthglwnghrts :
you know what, the after effects of the McD's were not so good. I totally felt ill and my heart was RACING for a couple of hours... It'll be awhile before I eat that again!
from razor-vixen :
Happy birthday!!!
from bathtubmary :
happy happy birthday! hope it's great. xoxo, d
from razor-vixen :
I have not heard of a lingering effect after eyelash tinting. You do need to be careful; there are some brands of tint that aren't really approved for use around the eye (Combinal is a popular one that isn't approved). Make sure it's the Fortune brand from Germany. All I can suggest is try flushing the eye with cool water and don't rub. If it keeps up, maybe see your doctor. Hope this helps!
from catsoul : I know why I trim down my nails alittle. That has to suck big time!!!!! =^..^=
from catsoul :
Nausea is a side effect of some blood pressure meds, it is a sign that particular meds isn't working well in your system. I had to try 4 different types of BP meds before I had one that didn't give me any side effects. Take care. =^..^=
from catsoul :
I would be counting down the make that counting down the minutes, to the second to have a week off. I sure hope that it goes super duper fast for you. =^..^=
from bathtubmary :
Veronica Mars is good for what ails ya. Sorry you're going through such a crap time - get better soon! xoxo, D
from catsoul :
I would vote for taking a nap. Naps are like getting a little piece of heaven for your body and mind to do some mending. Glad you had some better medical test results. Thinking of both of you and sending good karma your way. Take care. =^..^=
from take-two :
[04/22/09] Hey there... sorry to here about all the medical issues, but you are right - this is just something to make you really get on your grind for your health. I know you will conquer it! *hugs*
from catsoul :
Wow, what a shock I am sure. So what did they give you for blood pressure meds? When I started taking them, I couldn't handle the first two they prescribed, so if you feel really "off" on them, call your doctor. As far a being a diabetic, just take it one day at a time, and eat small meals, I eat every two hours. I keep track of the protein, carbs, etc. I bought myself a wrist blood pressure taker. It is OMRON HEM-609 number. I take my blood pressure morning and night, I right it down. A good BP reading is less than 150 over 80 or so. I feel the best when it runs 120/70 or so. If your head starts feeling like a vice and it is tightening, that means at least for me that my BP is spiking. I than check my BP and if it is high I take 1/2 a tab of Lisinopril, which is 2.50mg. With the right BP meds you shouldn't feel light headed, dizzy or have any palpatations going on. It gets easier over time. I just hope you get the answer to your lower abodemn pain. I have lived with high BP and diabetics for years, so if you have any questions I can share with you what I know and what has worked for me over time. Take care & I hope that you start feeling better soon. =^..^=
from red-wine :
Oh DAMN girl! What a hellish couple of days! And no real resolution, what BS. Well, for what it's worth, I do care! Diabetes is scary stuff, but I know you'll get it under control in no time.
from witty-remark :
I can't tell you how much reading your note brightened my day. I've only ever read my entire diary once and found it a pretty grueling task. To know that you did it out of your own free will merits some kind of a reward. Especially the entries from when I was 15...yikes. Anyhow, I just wanted to stop by and thank you for your kind words!
from catsoul :
How long is your old boss going to be there? =^..^=
from valsala :
hi, i am from India. Read your diary.I don't know your age still I feel I am old enough to respond to your thoughts. Good to know that you see a light at the end of the tunnel.Keep looking! Valsala
from valsala :
hi, i am from India. Read your diary.I don't know your age still I feel I am old enough to respond to your thoughts. Good to know that you see a light at the end of the tunnel.Keep looking! Valsala
from valsala :
hi, i am from India. Read your diary.I don't know your age still I feel I am old enough to respond to your thoughts. Good to know that you see a light at the end of the tunnel.Keep looking! Valsala
from take-two :
[02/10/09] I have similar fiber issues! Yikes!!!
from red-wine :
Jeez, is it snowing everywhere in North America? This is crazy! Also, I always forget you're Canadian until I see something you put in metric. I got all sorts of confused by you 15 cm measurement :)
from bathtubmary :
thanks! have fun on your getaway. this baby business is insane, especially as we get older. i worry about not being able to when i do start trying. but not too much. something will work out, and if you decide kids aren't for you that's a totally cool and valid choice. xoxo, d
from catsoul :
Gee doesn't it just suck royally when you can't sleep! I hear you loud and clear. I hope your sleep pattern improves. =^..^=
from moncapitaine :
I hope everything works out okay for you. I'm sorry to hear you had such a bad day yesterday.
from catsoul :
Potassium Gluconate 99mg per tablet taken daily will elimanate leg cramping and other muscle cramps. The loss of potassium in the body from sweating from working. It is the body breaking down and telling you, help me, when it gives you muscle cramps, etc. That was recommended by my nutrionalist. You do need to take it daily, it is water soluble so it flushes like vitamin C out of your body system. Happy New Year to you both. Take care. =^..^=
from arwym :
Happy new year! It's about to begin, after all. ^_^ I think this is the first note I send you, so don't bother trying to remember me. hehe. :P Wishing you many good things, including good health, for the new year. :) See you!
from catsoul :
hey there, I hate to mention this, but you have been sick for a long while now. Perhaps, it is maybe something that should get checked further. My son still gets these whopper of sinus infections about once a year. They did an MRI on him way back when he was little, and found the spot where the gunk was in his head. Then they pounded him with powerful meds. Just remember if they give you antiboditics, you should take acidopolous(I am sure I spelled this wrong, but close enough). Once the antiboditics take out the bacteria, you have to get good bacteria back into your colon, plus the acidipolous helps protect against getting things like c-diff. So anyhoo, I am just concerned that you have been so sickish for a long time. Take care. =^..^=
from kykaboo2007 :
I think your diary's pretty cool and honest....
from dogbones :
Want to draw attention to your diary? Check me out! I can help! If you don't then ignore this note and just think of it as a Kudos ;)
from abhorgod :
lol red-wine, you dont think i know that? i even said it in last post... here, ill quote it for you. "i just read my older entries. i should delete them. wow i fucking sucked. im not sucking less now, but at least i dont have the audacity to put anyone else through more of that shit. fuck. my bad."
from red-wine :
Have you been to the lovely abhorgod's diary? (I just popped over out of curiosity.) Pure teen angst "fuck you I hate the world and everything in it WAHHHH" shite. Just horrible writing trying to be soooo profound. At least it was good for a laugh!
from catsoul :
hi, I hear what you are saying, your friends are his friends sort of thing. The card exchange you wrote about sounds awesome. I make cards. How did you find out about card exchanges? Take care. =^..^=
from abhorgod :
kieth sounds pretty douchey, post something actually interesting shit about you two, or dont, i dont care. how's your sex life? i hope its more interesting than your day-to-day. dont bother responding and telling me im a dick, i dont give a shit - and my diary sucks, so who cares.
from bathtubmary :
i'm so sorry. that's a heartbreaker. hugs to you and them. xoxo, d
from bathtubmary :
you are too sweet. have a fabulous weekend, ladycakes. xoxo, d
from catsoul :
Thanks for the nice note. I am glad you enjoy reading what I write. I want to say I enjoy reading what you write, when you do. Have a good week yourself. Take care. =^..^=
from maliger :
Hi, I just saw you online and decided to investigate your diary. I'm going on 34 in another month, also wondering about not having kids yet. But life gets in the way sometimes.
from red-wine :
Happy birthday dearie!
from razor-vixen :
Happy Birthday girl!!! Have a great night!
from take-two :
[08/19/08] Hey there! I just wanted to thank you for reading! It tickles me to think that there are people who actually enjoying reading about my non fairy tale! I have a million and one things going on right now, but I will make a point to start reading your journal as soon as I get a chance. OH - and the exercise thing isn't so hard if you don't have a significant other or kids... Wait. Now I'm depressed. Hope to hear from you, again, soon!
from boxx9000 :
I LIKE CAPITALS! hehehe. CONGRATULATIONS on the tent thing.
from spring1234 :
i got 10 pink ipods does anybody want one? i also got 7 laptops.
from boxx9000 :
The iPod and underwear are together somewhere.
from asm20 :
hi. my name is spring
from razor-vixen :
Hm, well, you and T see each other a lot; you are always writing about the things you do together. Seems like it's harder to spend time with your hubby! I don't know, you have to do what's right FOR YOU. Seems like both of them might (unintentionally, but still) make you feel a bit bad about whichever choice you make.
from moncapitaine :
OMG! That google Chuck Norris thing is hysterical! I hadn't seen it yet either. :)
from catsoul :
Hi, I didn't realize that you live in Canada. That is cool. You said that your BP was up a bit and that you are anxious alot. I get that way when mine elevates. My heart specialist said that happens. Your body is all affected when you are living with elevated(hypertension or above) level. There isn't anything wrong with BP meds, they actually will make you feel better and not so I call it, humming like, almost like an overdrive feeling, plus I don't miss the intense tightening I feel around my head when my BP goes up. I still have that at times, but not as much. Anyhoo, I have found that I just deal with it, and get on with life, it is no biggie!! Oh a plus is that I do sleep better when I take my BP meds regularly too. Take care. =^..^=
from catsoul :
Hey you like the smell of flower shops. Trapp candles make a candle that smells just like a flower shop, they call it Flower Shoppe, it is an awesome smell. So do you wear cedar oil then, if you like the smell of wood? Just an idea. My favorite smell is Patchouli, so I have to say I like the earthy scents. My memory sucks also big time, so I understand completely about trying to remember something or other to use as examples. Anyhoo, that was fun reading today. =^..^=
from windsorblu :
You are too sweet. Thanks for reading me. You are the first person that I know of who has added me because of my writing. Now, I have to catch up on your archives!
from catsoul :
That sure sucks, the tummy stuff. I hope that you are also drinking Gatorade along with alot of water. Gatorade really helps me when I am feeling off. I sure hope that you feel better, if not, why not just go get checked out, it could be a bacteria that you picked up on vacation, who knows. =^..^=
from red-wine :
Have a great vacation lady! We want pictures when you get back! :)
from moncapitaine :
Hey, thanks for the note & your concern. Stacey actually works for a mortgage company so she is keeping me in the know about all those kinds of things. And I've figured out that I will get a paycheck the week before we go to settlement, and I can use all of that for any extra things that come up at the closing. It seems like it's all going to work out! :)
from red-wine :
You must. Go. To Scotland. My heart aches for that place every damned day ... just go, trust me.
from coachjeff :
YES- I randomly found you in the box and clicked-
from moncapitaine :
Hey, thanks for leaving me a note. I'm glad you enjoyed reading me so much. Are you the one from Canada that's been in my archives lately? :)
from razor-vixen :
Hm, no, it shouldn't hurt still. And yes, initially the wax should be warm. And the tweezing, while uncomfortable, shouldn't feel like that! Hey, it's your eyebrows & your face; don't go cheap!
from catsoul :
Hi, I read some irony in your writing. Don't take me the wrong way. Your friend T, needs help. Her asking you for your silence is deadening, that is denial on her part. If everyone doesn't know, it really didn't happen, did it thinking. Then further on I read that you got a new bar for your basement. It is great to get something nice for yourself, but what will T think about that? Like I said don't take me wrong here or get upset, I just care and I have been there in a similiar place. =^..^=
from catsoul :
You can't make everyone happy with being honest. Sometimes the truth just plain hurts. Good for you though telling your friend the truth of the matter. Sounds like a great week so far for you, that is so awesome!!! Take care. =^..^=
from catsoul :
Yeah for you!! Glad to read that you are going to get more training. I figure the more knowledge and skills we know, the better we are at doing our jobs, plus we make the company look great!! As for power shopping, I think it is great exercise. I am 52 years old, and I get so mad when Aunt Flo gets closer because of the break out. I thought the zits were for teens. I don't hear many people call it Aunt Flo is in town alot, we use that all the time at work!!! =^..^=
from catsoul :
Hi Again, Go you, for joining a gym!!! I chart my blood pressure each day for my cardiologist. I use a wrist cuff to do that. If you are interested in really, really knowing what your blood pressure runs, and if it is dropping due to the exercise, I would suggest that you get one. After researching them, also my husband is a nurse, he was a medic in the army for seven years in Korea. My husband suggested the brand, Omron. My husband also checks my blood pressure using his arm cuff, etc. Also, I hope that you are keeping really, really hydrated now that you are exercising healthy. They say 64 fluid ounces of water. I am able to only drink bottled water because of the additives in tap water, and all my health issues, but I am sure you can drink tap water, it is cheaper. Anyhoo, excellent that you are working out. I go to CURVES three times a week, I walk, and I do low impact weights on opposite days of CURVES. On a side note, I agree, being asked nicely about doing something, especially like, getting organized, would be a kinder approach. I would let him do it all, if he really wants to. (ha-ha) men, sometimes. Take care. =^..^=
from catsoul :
Hey your distolic number of 98 in your blood pressure reading is too high. You probably are experiencing a tightening like a vice around your head at times, you probably think, boy do I have a headache brewing. I take 5 mg of Lisinopril for that. Otherwise my distolic number sometimes goes way over 100, not good. We don't want to stroke out. Also, your doctor is correct, loosing weight and exercise will also lower your blood pressure. I think for myself, when my blood pressure rides 120/70 or so I feel the best. Also that can't sleep well, is related to high blood pressure. I don't want to alarm you honey, but it is your body, and we women have to take care of ourselves. Doctors don't know it all, and we live in our body. I have dealt with alot of my own health issues over the years, but I am no expert. I am sharing with you what I have learned. If your blood pressure remains high constantly that isn't good for the heart valves or veins. Basically, that little old heart of yours is just working too hard. Anyhoo, don't take me wrong or as an alarmist, but I just wanted to share with you what I have learned along the way. Take care. =^..^=
from catsoul :
You will feel better when you ask your doctor, even though you are scared to know the answer. It is alright. You have to take care of your health, there are people who need you. Take care & I will think positive thoughts for you on Tuesday. =^..^=
from catsoul :
The hot tub sounds wonderful! =^..^=
from catsoul :
Hi, I am so glad they figured out what was going on with your brother. I just hope that they ran the gambit of testing for all the bacteria in his colon. There are bacteria in the colon which are able to eat away everything in a person's colon. I had that and I am glad to be alive. I still am able to eat less that a dozen foods. My digestive tract can't tolerate alot of foods and is now allegric to many foods. It will be two years for me come Jan. 13th. Anyhoo, glad things are better for him. =^..^=
from red-wine :
Oh my god - the whole thing? I admire your ability to sully ever onward in the face of my years of whining and screaming and sackcloth and ashes! Consider yourself buddied :)
from ivyparker :
I'm hooked on Hollyoaks, which I now have to watch on line at BBC america. Good luck with those boxes tomorrow.
from razor-vixen :
Hey! That is a good tip (for the eyebrows). I think 10-15% is good, depending on the service. Similar to tipping a waiter.
from razor-vixen :
I watched that "Wedding SOS" just now too! He is truly a loser. They really had no sense about planning their wedding at all!
from pink-circle :
*The Circle of the Phoenix* Hi, I'm Phoenix, and I'd like to personally invite you to join The Circle; a writers' and artists' group for diaryland members. It's a public journal, so that anyone can post to it, but members have profiles on the site, as well as critiques, and once promoted to Apprentice have buttons to show off their achievements on their site. I hope you don't take this as spam, you can just delete this message if you're not interested, but if you are, please visit our welcome page: -- Thanks for your time -- Atara Phoenix
from then-n-now :
from then-n-now :
from razor-vixen :
You know the musical is coming to Toronto in the fall?? I've got my tickets, you should go too!
from bookafly :
Ok, I just read your openning line and I just have to say that at 730 tonight I was flipping between Facts of Life and Extra... I think we are alike :)
from curious-me :
Hi there. I'm pretty much a beginner belly dancer too. Although I have a feeling I'll be saying that no matter how long I do this - unless of course I actually practice on my own! I love reading new diary's, if you're so inclined I would love your password. My email is [email protected]. Thanks!
from prolifique :
Cool, you belly dance too? I'm still pretty much a beginner, but it was nice to know we have that hobby in common. (I'm also a serious shopaholic, and everything you bought sounded perfectly reasonable to ME.)
from tater-fay :
Thanks for letting me know!! I'm sure I'll start reading yours as well:)
from haloaskew :
Awwww, thanks!! I can't tell you how much I needed hearing that from someone! Now, about those TPS reports... *smirk*
from val922 :
It's hard to maintain weightloss but you are doing something about it, keep up the fight and way to go!
from b-bennett :
hah! you can tell it's grammar (in my previous message) is horrible!! sorry!! :)
from b-bennett :
Heya! Got your message...don't worry you're not missing anything on my dland -- I'm taking a break right now and haven't wrote for a while. If I could figure out how to let you through the lock-thingy I would...ask Booka how computer illiterate I am. Ugh. It's painful! I'll work on that today.... Good luck with the weight loss -- it can be difficult, so I'm here to cheer you on!! Woohooo!! (And, if you could let me in on this whole "will power" concept, I'd love to know how you do it!! :) )
from roklobster :
Good luck darlin - you get to eat yummy food on the SB diet. Really! More than salad too. You just need to be smart about carbs - there are good ones you can nosh without hurting yer heart and all things associated with it. Yay!
from roklobster :
HI there! Just read your entry about the visit to the doctor and your high blood pressure. I would like to recommend the South Beach Diet for long term weight loss and better heart goodness. I went to the Dr. and had high colestorol and was on the too heavy side, so they recommended lean meats, more veggies, less bread - which is the South Beach Diet is all about. Anyway, I've lost about 10 lbs so far (just from EATING, have not uped my exercise yet), so I feel confident that I will get to the weight I need to be and not have high colestorol any more. YAY! Good luck sweeting!
from b-bennett :
Thanks for the kind words:) Yeah, it's been tough, and I know it's going to be a long road, but I'm resilient and I've had lots of support from friends (like Bookafly!!) and family. I look forward to reading your diary -- that sounds so strange still -- and getting to know you. Booka talks highly of you:)
from val922 :
Thanks so much for the well wishing with the job. Fortunately it is catalogue order taking so for the most part all happy people wanting to spend money. On average I get between 3 and 5 people who have dealt with someone less knowledgable than I or dealing with a warehouse error but when they see I will do everything in my power including spending however much time it takes to do so they are generally quite pleased when they hang up. I do this even though the center likes each call to be 3 1/2 minutes they realize some things take longer. I like the job but can definetely see how it has a high burn out rate. Tedious is an understatement (same script everytime over and over). When you consider I handle about 21 calls an hour you understand why I say TEDIOUS.
from bookafly :
Hey there! You sent me a note today at my previous diary (flybynyght) and I wanted to let you know that this was my new one! btw - this will be a long note... If you noticed the comment I had for you on the old diary, I feel like we're very alike and for some reason I've never been able to let you know. You were one of the first diaries I read and one of the reasons I decided to write one myself. Wow...hope that doesn't scare you off! :) On a different note, I read your entry and if you read mine, you'll see that both of us had horrible Mondays. I'd love to talk to you a little more about it - I can give you the benefit of my psych degree :) But it would be much easier by email so - email me with your addy and we can talk a little more - and I can tell you how you inspired my diary! [email protected] Watch the spelling though! If you haven't already, check out my diary, and I hope that you're having a much better day. Oh and one more btw, just thought I'd let you know that I'm 28, married and from Windsor - yup, Ontario. Sincerely, Fly.
from bodega :
I hope that when you do talk to him, he will understand your concern
from val922 :
I also sent it to [email protected] both messages have rebound as undeliverable. E-mail me where you'd like me to send your tips. [email protected] or [email protected]
from val922 :
Nope I sent it to the [email protected]
from val922 :
Check your email and junk folders for a [email protected] my yahoo account was acting up this morning. Your tips are ready to had.
from val922 :
Congrats on your new Gold membership. I love mine. I don't think I've uploaded enough pictures. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us.
from bathtubmary :
the whole thing? you read the WHOLE thing? are you mad, woman? hee. i'm flattered. thank you and thank you for your very kind words. this is a gift to me because now that i know of you i have a new diary to devour in its entirety. xoxo, d
from val922 :
Thanks for the compliment on my layout. It's also nice to know I'm still interesting as I often think I must bore the crap out of the few readers I have.
from kungfukitten :
Guess what, darling? You won the Blogiversary Swag pack! Stop by my blog for instructions on collecting. Thanks again for reading. :)
from neko-carre :
You read from start to finish? Wow! That's five years worth of blah-blah-blah! :-D You probably know me better than I know myself by now! Ha! Thank you for your nice words. That made me smiley.
from razor-vixen :
Hey there! I just saw your note! Personally, I found the pro-active very drying. That's why I had to stop using it. However, I have a friend who has used it for a couple of years, and she swears by it. Her secret is (and I did try this too but still, too drying for me), she only uses it once a day, and then also has to add a richer moisturizer. You can buy it off the shopping channel, or some malls have a kiosk now.
from neko-carre :
Hi! I'd be happy to share my password with you. Any fan of Rdhdprincess is a friend of mine. :-) Is your email "[email protected]"? Because in order to maintain my incognito-ness, I'd rather email it to you than post it here. Let me know. Or just email me at Qkari AT yahoo DOT com. Thanks!
from rdhdprincess :
That's right! A day of goofing off is definitely good for the soul. It sounded like so much fun. I laughed so hard when you said well, if he would whip out the frosting again....Ha! Thanks for the sweet note!
from cdghost :
no worries.i will check back periodically to devour the new entries.
from cdghost :
enjoyed your entries
from brightxxeyez :
I just got done reading your entry for 2-18 , I can really relate to having fears in the night like that with closet doors , I would have thrown something at it too and went to the couch . I couldn't help but smile and laugh as I read your entry , you couldn't have wrote it any better , your a very good writter .
from val922 :
You made my day. Thanks so much as it was starting to turn out to be a rather horrible one. I am currently reading your archives and giddily finding all sorts of things similar. I look forward to reading more. See ya around.
from whovillian :
Hey you... I just visited here is life..I haven't had a chance to read your journal but I hope all is well :-)
from ms-m :
You are far too sweet! And I swear I think my last job (the one I quit a few months back) is where you must work! They called our work stations/cubicles pods too. I keep referring to my desk as that at my new place and people look at me oddly! ;) Pod people unite!!
from im2evil4u :
Hey, I must have missed that entry. Contrats on the engagement and Happy New Year to you both!
from asking2much :
D'oh. I didnt mean to leave the message twice. Sorry
from asking2much :
Congrats on the engagement!! I just got engaged in October and it has been a whirlwind ever since (and I mean that in a good way!) Have your and your finaces parents met yet? If not may I suggest an engagement dinner me...everyone is going to want some input on the upcoming nuptuials. Good luck and God bless.
from asking2much :
Congrats on the engagement!! I just got engaged in October and it has been a whirlwind ever since (and I mean that in a good way!) Have your and your finaces parents met yet? If not may I suggest an engagement dinner me...everyone is going to want some input on the upcoming nuptuials. Good luck and God bless.
from omnipre5ence :
No problem. =)
from omnipre5ence :
:) Congratulations on the engagement!
from whovillian :
Merry Christmas ....I hope Santa was good to you
from whovillian :
yeah i know sweetie but I hate the whining I did on here .....but if you like I can email you my new dairy home...
from whovillian :
Hey are you??? Give up the goods on weight loss...hahaha Just been eating right and hitting the gym like a mad 40 lbs loss now :-)))
from ann-frank :
awwh, well thank you!
from taintedsky :
Go you! :) I know you'll get to where you want to be, just keep on "truckin," as the saying goes. :) I agree with whovillian, the mental process is difficult, and takes quite a bit of time to overcome, but you can do it. It seems you have your own support group here too, hehe. :) I've found that just by writing in my diary it helps relief my stresses of the day, and it has even helped me sleep better at night. Who know getting the troubles of your mind out would help you sleep better? hehe :)
from whovillian :
Hey sweetie... I know I've been MIA for a while but I certainly know what you are going through. I've always had a weight issue and a self esteem issues over it. It is a hard mental process....and trust me the daily battles of going the gym can be exhausting...I find it easlier to just give in and go. I'm finding the support of loved ones makes a huge email me anytime **hugs**
from taintedsky :
Being self conscious is a common trait for many people. It sounds like you have an idea of what to do to change yourself, and even for yourself, which is the only true reason you should. I don't know you, but I can tell you that I am proud of you. You are taking the steps to overcome your insecurities, if you will, and make them your greatest accomplishments. Good luck, and I'll send my thoughts your way for some extra strength. :) ~Namaste~
from chasingastar :
hi there! I saw your comment at kungfukitten's diary and saw you live in ontario - can I ask whereabouts? I lived in belleville/prince edward county for years and years and years :) hope to hear from you!
from color-me :
Hey! I started a new diaryland listing, Color-Me. I thought I'd invite you to come check it out, and browse the diaries.
from daze-of-rain :
lol I thought I was the only one who did that..thanks for your kind words!!!
from daze-of-rain :
Thanks for letting me know. I always like to get an idea of who's reading me and what they do you think?? lol
from whovillian :
Hey thx for the note..I decided not to lock my diary...screw them if they don't like what they are reading...anyway thx for reading me still even through the miserble entries
from im2evil4u :
Did you get the pics?
from sroo :
Thank you for stopping by and for leaving those kind words! I enjoyed your diary as well, I will certainly be checking back with you:-)
from whovillian :
Thanks sweetie...I"ll be fine...for some reason I always end up on my feet....I may be standing on a pile of sh** but at least I'm on my feet and not my head...don't ask where that came *hugs*
from vm72182 :
I somehow stumbled across your diary and I must say that I like it!! I'm not sure why, but it has that sort of um..."thing" that makes me keep reading. =)
from im2evil4u :
Done. I've read the whole thing. Enjoyed reading about your life, thus far. We are similar in many ways. I'm glad to "meet" you.
from exploring :
hello there. seems like i know you. i have been reading your diary for quite some time now, probably since about the time you had been getting over J and getting on with life and finding Keith, and all that good stuff. i enjoy reading your diary and look foward to it, shame you dont write that often, but just thought id come out and let you know that you're intresting. all the best :)
from whovillian :
Happy Birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy Birthday dear Happy Birthday to you.... Heard you had a great one... *hugs*
from whovillian :
I know how that feels to have loved ones read your journal...I opened my mouth about my journal and some friends read it (which I regret now) only cuz it is my santuary (sp?) but I figure that they are chooses to read it and therefore they have to live with the consequences of it....anyway just wanted you to know that I know how you feel....*hugs*
from whovillian :
OMG....I was getting worried about you my dear...nearly thought of sending out an Owl (harry potter influence..heehee) out your neck of the woods in the great ol' country of Canada but knowing my luck the bird wouldn't find you...damn birds....always I'm soooo glad that you are happy with Keith. I know what you mean you wanting your privacy on this diaryland.....I'm not sure how Sid would handle knowing that I bitched about an ice cream just wanted to say hi and I'm glad things are awesome with you...and thanks for the words about Sid...I'm sure he and I will work our differences out..after all I'm an easy person to get along with....ahem...*rolls eyes and looks the other way*....hugs..
from sadnow :
Hi, I found your diary by accident but really enjoyed reading what I did of it. The writing was good and it was very interesting . . . and I'm glad you got access to the Internet at work again!!! I'd pry die if I had to go a month without the Internet :-P
from whovillian :
Have a great weekend at the wedding my dear...
from whovillian :
Don't feel too bad and although this doesn't help you has been almost four years since my split with my ex....and I still think I'd sleep with him but not want is that comfrontable sex...screwed up but true...have fun camping!
from whovillian : so remind me of is the need to feel attractive even to those we aren't attracted to...just rememeber through the whole shit load of men out there...there has to be a diamond amongst them....*sighs and hopes*
from whovillian :
Sweetie, Sorryyyy I just read your entry...I hope everything is well with you and your family. I know what is it like to see our parents dad and mom are not doing well and it pains me to see them like that
from whovillian :
I'm actually a newie to this too, but I have met some wonderful people on here so far, so I'm sure you will enjoy it too... ttyl
from whovillian :
Congrats on the car, my dear. I have to look into replacing my first car soon too...Stephen has served me well and I know I will cry when I have to give him up....take your time with the guy and sex situation. It is obvious you are not over J. but time will heal that..took me over a year to be over my ex and I still don't think I am, I just accepted that he and I are not going to be together again, which in itself was hard to accept.
from whovillian : you read them all...I hope they entertained get a kick out myself some days...well there is a diference between sex and love...meaningless sex has it place in the world...although so does love. I was in a really long relationship in my early twenties so I never figured this out. Taking back your life is a hard thing to do but what helped me was friends and returning to school to get my feel free to contact me in anyway, anytime....if anything I will make you feel better about your life by telling you the bad decisions I made in mine.....:-)
from whovillian :
Hi, I just wanted to drop a note and say that I enjoyed reading your diary...scary how our lives have such simularites (sp?) lol
from punkalistic :
Check out Kitty Rash Designs for really cool layouts for your diary! :)
from bytemee :
hi,ran across your diary,Im kinda new at this diary thing myself.
from curious-me :
I love you

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