messages to dieselengine:
(click here to add new message):

from jumblygiant :
when I first saw C. Flake I was all "no way" because you are the least flaky person ever. I don't think a name with a negative connotation is a good choice. I like Honcho CONch a lot! congrats on getting the M. Jackson choreography done! too bad you can't record it somehow! xo.
from somuchsugar :
YAY for black boots, you cannot have too many!! :)
from jumblygiant :
ahahaha. I honestly laughed out loud at the $25 raise business. That's a bummer that it wasn't $25. Some day he'll be making $200 an hour, I promise. love all of your boots. I bought a fantastic pair of black boots, but they ended up being Boots of Death in any sort of icy/snowy/slightly inclement weather situation. boo of them. xo my dear.
from toastcrumbs :
Where did you get your boots from - I am in love with the first pair (and I already have three pairs of black boots too!)
from polly-esther :
If you do move, will it still be a personal type of blog or more open to people who know you? As long as I can keep reading, anywhere you post is fine with me!
from somuchsugar :
Holy guacamole!! :)
from razor-vixen :
Do what you gotta do! I'm wondering how many people are left here, and wondering how many followers I still have myself! lol just let us know if you move!!
from woeknowsbest :
This place is a dinosaur sadly. I feel like our founding fathers of this country here sometimes! This was great when I was a web idiot, so trust me--I don't blame you!!!
from lolashowgirl :
Do it do it! Make the move!
from jumblygiant :
I'll read you anywhere my dear. DL is pretty limiting. obviously.
from woeknowsbest :
Those stockings look totally pro! But then again, you ARE a pro at EVERYTHING! Congrats on 6 years :) Where has time gone?
from jumblygiant :
Twins! that's fantastic! And the stockings are soooo adorable!
from woeknowsbest :
I'm going through the same thing right now. That list is PERFECT! Neosporin on my nose rocks, seriously. I'm soooo dry :(
from somuchsugar :
Glad you had such an amazing Christmas, what perfect gifts you gave each other!!
from razor-vixen :
Hey!! So when I got my new computer, I realized I lost all my DL passwords. Could I please have yours again?? Thanks a bunch! [email protected]
from alure :
soo random...i obviously read your blog and today on facebook your name came up as a suggested friend! craziness!!
from theotherman :
i love it! thanks! that's great!
from whystinger :
Sweet! Thanks for sharing.
from whystinger :
I'll show ya mine if you show me yours. Would you send me a password to take a peek? whystinger"at"yahoo
from f1shb0wl :
thank you girl... what a mess i've gotten myself into.. *sigh* thanks for the kind words.
from alure :
new pword? could i possibly have it?? pretty please!! [email protected], thanks!
from polly-esther :
Oh great! I need easy recipes! The meringues only call for a few ingredients so I thought they wouldn't be too difficult. Maybe I'll do something else instead.
from serenaville :
Heya- remember me? Finally decided to come back to D-Land and the 'Ville, after taking some more ill-advised detours in life. May I have the password here again? (serenavilleAThotmailDOTcom) Miss reading, and seeing all your Etsy items. Hope you've been well! HUGS, Serena :)
from singlegirl :
Couldn't leave a message in your comments section...weird. Anyway, your bikini wax story made me smile. My first experience was horrid. I did a full Brazilian and at one point the woman said, "Your clitoris is bleeding just a bit." Wonderful. The second time I went, it was much, much better!!
from jumblygiant :
Hope you're having a wonderful time and there's lots of relaxing and no sunburn and plenty of delicious drinks. miss ya! xo.
from whystinger :
Found you and wanted to read, but you're locked. If you want to give me access, you can email me at whystinger"at" If not, I understand.
from polly-esther :
Maybe I'll look into Netflix. I don't know much about it but I've heard that a lot of people like it. This might be a phase, though -- I'm afraid I'll run out of movies I'm interested in seeing!
from noaddedme :
Damn it, that picture made me cry! Beautiful sweetie! I'm so happy for where you are in life :) You both deserve all the happiness in the world!
from im2evil4u :
YAY!! Congrats. Welcome to the Married Club. Oh and P.S. I am BACK!!!
from red-wine :
Mmmmm, Au Bon Pain. So yummy. I'll think of you next time I go there!
from polly-esther :
No I am actually concerned about the environment as well. Did you know that not eating meat can do more to combat global warming than switching from a gas guzzler to a hybrid? I was going to ask you about the DIY cleaners you mentioned. I have asthma and all of those cleaners give me attacks. I�d love to find out how to make my own!
from lowercaseg :
The acorn squash was some organic shite from Mexico or something. After it was cooked, it didn't look as good as they do in the fall/winter. I don't think the taste was as nice either.
from noaddedme :
apparently my craptastical computer has deleted all my passwords again. I don't have yours saved and obviously would like it! [email protected]
from polly-esther :
Thanks for the good vibez. They helped! I found out that my bag is in Las Vegas, so I'm just waiting for it to be delivered!
from jumblygiant :
your comments hate me today. Somehow I missed that you officially accepted that particular job - so yay!!!! Good luck on Monday. I'll be thinking of you for sure. enjoy your last weekend of retirement D! xoxo, as always.
from polly-esther :
Haha...thanks for the note. She actually HATES bananas -- she's weirdly afraid of them. I was thinking about exploiting that somehow. The hardboiled egg thing would be good too.. By the way, did Christie tell you she's sort of dating one of Matt's friends?
from noaddedme :
I like those. It's a soft gentle blue in there and I like that touch really. It looks like it's all coming together!
from tootiturtle :
It is a semi-colon. Sorry about that! ♠ ♣
from vickithecute :
1) !!!!!!!!! 2) I'm back. 3) Is there a comments link I'm not seeing somewhere? If memory serves (and it often doesn't) you HAD comments, didn't you?
from beckers-j :
Hedia's family is from New York, but I don't know what her origins are. I guess I'll be finding out, so I'll let you know. ;)
from vla :
haha! omg. I've totally thought that before about the seans thing. hee. be greatful, dude. (I know you are.)
from vla :
thank you for that note! I totally forgot about that episode, but now I am going to have to watch it again!!
from noaddedme :
David's Bridal doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks. Go read stuff on them to see how badly they fuck people over without a thought or care!
from vla :
o yeah? can't get any worse, huh? now I am sick! so there. ... thanks for the kind thought though!!
from vla :
from vla :
yes! *the* boots. hee.
from applerobot :
For some reason I couldnt leave a message in your comments section... anyway, I just wanted to say that I hate people like that!! Good on you for saying what you did! xxx
from vla :
ooo. good idea, actually. I think I will wear those! I always get trouble with those boots on! ;)
from beckers-j :
Thanks for the words of wisdom. :) It's my friend who is visiting Ohio. I would stay at her place here on the Island while she's away. I actually think she IS going to Columbus, though. Her sister lives there.
from noaddedme :
I think you would be a good leader because you *get* it.
from lowercaseg :
when I wrote about Tegan/Sara, I actually wondered if you had met them! That's so awesome, how many musicians you met, that is!
from serenaville :
Happy Belated Birthday, D!! All apologies for being hideously late, still catching up on diaries after my impromptu hiatus. Seems it was a good day for you, very nice to read. Lavender sugar, huh? Can't possibly imagine... *HUGS!!!*
from applerobot :
Yep, I can see your page again now! Also -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY (sorry if I'm a bit late) xx
from tootiturtle :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! *throws confetti*
from applerobot :
yes, I was about to leave the exact same message as the one before!~ I cant see yr page in any browser!
from jumblygiant :
D, I can't see your diary in IE or firefox and, I'll be honest, it makes me kind of panic stricken. wtf?
from vla :
thank you for that.
from beckers-j :
Good! You should do what's right for you and not get pressured or influenced into anything. Not that it counts for anything, but I don't think he'll fire you either. :)
from oldmaid :
i've been using the regenerist lotion every morning all over my face, and the "total effects serum" every night and every morning, just on my lines. i'm not sure which product is doing it, but it's pretty sweet!
from applerobot :
yes, it's pretty freaky indeed. I have a feeling it has something to do with our age... we were born within the same week (yeah?) so perhaps it makes sense? Otherwise I put it down to everything else sucking and us not!
from alure :
Omg you are my new hero.
from applerobot :
I am so so so so sorry for sucking completely! I feel like a terrible person as I told you I'd do something and didn't! Yr new site looks fantastic! Well done :)
from lowercaseg :
i am so excited to get her diapers in the mail! wow - diaper free! that sounds really cool and really difficult! how is it going for your friend? i'd be interested in learning more, although i doubt i could ever do it myself!
from vla :
Hmm, that's weird. Why is your immune system crap? I really don't get sick that often so this is out of the ordinary for me... Very annoying though, for sure. I guess it's been going around here though? Weird time of the year for it. Also! Your cakes cracked me up. I know your wedding is going to be a blast.
from vla :
I hope not too! I totally thought of that as well. My friend G was really sick last week too. Hope you're feeling better by now. I am actually feeling ok this afternoon... so maybe I dodged the bullet? I hope so anyway.
from f1shb0wl :
i am sick all the time, too! it is the curse of doing too much! secondly, i did fill out a report. i even put on there that no one was injured, that the damage was less than $1,500 (which is actually what it is supposed to be to fill out a report), but thta i wanted to fill it out "to be safe." my insurance just SUCKS!
from applerobot :
thanks for the congratulations! im so happy. as for those Pez dispensers - AWESOME! So insanely cute!!!
from alure :
yay! yay! yay! Congrats!!
from f1shb0wl :
i hate to say it, but i got it at the craft section of wal-mart! my hubby had a dui and he was able to get a hold of his mug shot. we are gonna make a pic of that on a shirt!
from f1shb0wl :
oh, you are right, i didn't make that very clear! i meant we slapped together a not very healthy dinner, then ate and went straight to bed. we didn't even really give it time to digest. i probably would have been better off just skipping dinner. european diners... that's a good way to think of it. i have to remember that so we sound sophisticated, not just slackers!!!
from applerobot :
happy easter to you too :)
from beckers-j :
Awesome! I am psyched for the t-shirt!
from f-girl :
ha, ha, ha, yeah... noticed i erased your note and the other person's who sent me that link. that way i'm only sharing with people who know my password! ;o)
from sparkspark :
That picture doesn't even show the other two calendars on my desk. It's not that I'm obsessed with time or planning. It's more like random coworkers musing, "Well, it's Christmas, and I should get Violet something... how about a calendar?" and then I have to display it.
from vla :
zappo's is normally amazingly perfect. exceptional customer service, actually. I order from them all the time with no problem, so I was really surprised that they sent me the wrong shoe! I called them & the lady on the other end sounded genuinely upset. it was almost weird. She found them for me on dillard's and credited my account before I even sent the other pair back & gave me a 10$ off coupon, which isn't much but made me feel a bit better. I'll still shop with them!
from i-found-him :
I just wanted to let you know that I get compliments on the hat that I bought from you ALL THE TIME! :)
from toastcrumbs :
I felt the need to be different and use the notes feature and not the comments. Pblttttt. In answer to your question, yes, Siamese Cat does in fact open his eyes, unless he sees a camera. Then they squish tightly shut in flash anticipation I suppose. And completely unrelated, but I am so impressed with your yoga skills. I do a yoga dvd in my living room (when Siamese Cat isn't using the mat) and sometimes downward dog gets to be too intense for me. So you can see how your yoga poses would impress me. Ok I'm done . . . . now.
from lowercaseg :
i can't get into your diary - maybe i have an old password? if you want, could you email your info to me? i miss reading your diary. :-) glad you like the pictures. and now i know what to get you for christmas. hehehe (a red piano).
from beckers-j :
Cool! I've added you so you can go ahead and post your entry whenever you want. Thanks! I'm looking forward to it.
from beckers-j :
Would you be at all interested in doing a guest entry for me this week? I'll go ahead and add you so that when you click on "Add an entry" you'll see that you have the option to post to my diary. If you'd rather not, just let me know. ;) Thanks!
from singlegirl :
I don't remember the newest password. Could you please email it to me?
from serenaville :
Success! And all caught up on things. The reason the password info won't work, is it is case sensitive. Can't use caps. I feel so rockstar for figuring that out. :D
from im2evil4u :
What in the great holy ghost is the password today, my dear. The one you emailed me with yesterday is not working today.
from applerobot :
unfortunately it's not a real tattoo on my boobie!
from im2evil4u :
What!? Again? Email me the info @ [email protected]
from sparkspark :
Hey, there--if you feel like re-opening, e-mail me at whiteDOTvioletsATgmailDOTcom. Peace, sister.
from hippie-shit :
saluti, signora? may i please have the key to your heart? if not, the password to your diary will do. dearlycorruptedAThotmailDOTcom <3
from heylee :
Hey girl. Long time no talkie. I still try to read you when ever work permits, but now I'm sad cuz you locked up. Can I get the keys please? Hope everything is ok...
from lowercaseg :
thanks for the pass. you can trust me; i won't give it out to ANYBODY!!!! :)
from beckers-j :
What's up with the locking? I hope everything is okay. :)
from f-girl :
if you WANT, i'd love the password. i love reading your entries! fall_whatATyahooDOTcom
from noaddedme :
combination please? :) [email protected]
from vickithecute :
Locked? You know, I KNOW (or at least I think I know) the info....I swore at some point you said something like, "If I ever have to lock up again, this will be the info" but I can not for the life of me recall this now. So, may I please? vicki_thecute(AT)comcast(DOT)net
from im2evil4u :
*GASP* Locked again? What's up now?
from deirdre-70 :
I am going to miss reading your entries, but I respect your privacy and know you must have locked your diary for a good reason. Best of luck.....
from f-girl :
ha! you are so right... i should pick a family name. but, i don't have many good choices.... mary, butch, anita, jim, lois, lyle,.... ugh. my worst fear is i will name my child and have the most horrible, offensive student who will make me look twice at my kid. :o)
from vla :
I should have maybe actually waited for your responses b/4 I sent my email to him! Oh well. His email response wasn't so hot, as you can see by my latest post. Whatever. I am over it, as I said. I am cutting my losses and just D O N E. Thanks for your advice though, as always.
from sparkspark :
It is similar! And who wouldn't want to take a big bite of that? Mmm.
from serenaville :
Thank YOU, so much, for the reciprocal add! Such a lovely surprise. It's reassuring to know another person has my back on the whole cleaning thing. (Could there be a diaryring in this, yet? Heh.) So glad to know you'll be reading, I really enjoy you. Thanks again! :)
from f-girl :
ugh! you had bad luck! i LOVE that place. i just got the green tea mantra today. it's yummy. but, normally i pick the peach pleasure or the strawberry. they are awesome!
from f-girl :
you are right. i really like them too, and it is surprising how much room they actually have. we told about 4 dealers we are searching, but it's crazy how none of them can find a used one. ONE dealer had ONE, but by yesterday it was sold. that is our only hope, though. thanks for the advice!
from beckers-j :
I just posted the apple bread recipe. ;)
from f-girl :
i agree, very weird couple. especially because, although rather talented, he's not the hottest thing. and, really, he's tiny! i would say he's like 5'3"- 5'5". we was really short.
from beautyx3 :
How are you not more mad about him coming home late two nights in a row?! If that were my boyfriend I'd be crazy-mad at him. Maybe you just have more paitence.
from oldmaid :
thanks for letting me know about the craft fair! i will be sure to check it out!
from beckers-j :
Hmmm, I thought there was at least one other site that you mentioned, but maybe I'm wrong. I wasn't looking for anything in particular, but my youngest brother mentioned that he wants some vintage style t-shirts for Christmas. I want to get him a couple without paying much because I'm already getting him a slightly pricey zip-up sweater. Anyway, if you happen to think of any other good sites, let me know! Thanks!
from beckers-j :
Hey! What were those vintage-type t-shirt sites you posted about a while back in your old haunt? I know one of them was, but I can't remember the others.
from pansycline :
hey, good idea!
from f-girl :
that's one he never did. which is surprising to me. i have purchased a few for him here and there, so he has a mini collection. but, he never got into it all that much.
from f-girl :
i am so sorry i didn't get a picture. shane left early this morning. but, it did turn out very well. i want to make it again soon. it's pretty gross and quite funny :o)
from thegoodbiboy :
from thegoodbiboy :
Clicked on one of your banners and read most of your entries. I like when you talk about the cats, it's funny. I use to not like cats until my girlfriend got a cat. I love that cat now. Also, my ex nicknamed her sister Diesel. I always thought that was an awesome nickname. Anyway, just wanted to say hello and that I enjoyed your writing.
from sparkspark :
Just so's you know: not me, either.
from singlegirl :
It wasn't me! I did catch up with all of your entries today had been too long. Stupid work getting in the way of my diary reading :) I just need to get a home computer. I loved the orange scarf. It looks SO warm and cozy.
from polly-esther :
Hmmm. You might want to delete my previous note after reading it. I should have e-mailed you.
from toastcrumbs :
Welcome to your new space. I meant to leave a note to tell you I have been reading - the other night my smoke alarm went off because while catching up on all your entries, I forgot about my 99 cent Totino's pizza I left in the oven. Not me googling you, but whoever it is is at the Colorado Springs School District 11 ( for that nifty info, in case you didn't already know). Oh and the bracelets, I will have to sell it them at about $274 to make a profit while unemployed, but could be talked down to around $10. Or a trade for some of your guitar pick earrings (I think that was you that made those?). Anyhow, just let me know.
from lowercaseg :
haha! it could be so. i have been reading, and eating many a fried egg sandwich is one of the top 5 symptoms of being pregnant! ;) have a nice nite!
from heylee :
hahahaha!!! Loved your last note! And of course, you're right!
from whystinger :
I was hooked in by your banner. Very cool diary. I LOVE Cindy Blackmon (Blackman?) as I saw her and her trio at last year's Jazz Festival in Savannah last year. She is one of the best drummers I have seen!!!! Love your diary's name, very unusual and I am a terminal gearhead...
from sparkspark :
I can't believe I hadn't even considered dressing up the dog. I'm going to get it an unruly blond wig and claim it is Robert Plant. Then he can answer the door when the fairies come back, leaving me to my lime-flavored Tootsie Rolls. Photos to follow.
from serenaville :
I found your space through Evil's comment section. Just wanted to leave a note to say 'Hey', and forewarn you that I'll be nosing about in your archives, and possibly scavenging from your list of favorite diaries some. Don't be alarmed, and don't believe a blessed thing Evil tells you about me. *Cheshire cat grin* Take care!
from vla :
I know you worry about that stuff too sometimes, but whenever you post pics I am struck by how pretty you are. And once you posted a full length pic to show off your shoes? And you looked so fit and, well, just right. I know this shit shouldn't matter. You're a fantastic person and loveable and awesome no matter what size. I would think you were amazing if you were 1,000 fucking pounds, of course. But sometimes I think it also helps to hear from an outside source: you look good; you look healthy; you're such a pretty girl. So please allow me to leave this highly superficial Friday before Halloween note. :) Much love to you miss dieselengine.
from heylee :
I may be moving to the corporate office(where everyone is annoying) and that is so not cool. I think it's time to start the job search again. Blah.
from beckers-j :
Yo, Evan! :P Yeah, I forgot you had a Cavalier and hated it! I probably won't even look at it because I really just do not want a Cavalier anyway. It's funny, however, that people have had such drastically different experiences. Ted's brother had one for years, beat the shit out of it and drove it back and forth between here and VA without a hiccup. You story scares the shit out of me though! Fuck that, for sure!

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