messages to howlingwind:
(click here to add new message):

from wordwhore :
from wordwhore :
Hello! You wrote! 9.7.23
from wordwhore :
6.18.23 thank you! So far, he's very good.
from wordwhore :
Facebook groups for me always start promising and then turn to shit. Every time. You know my inbox is always open.
from wordwhore :
I'm sorry the job has drama. Hopefully it is paying you decently, at least.
from wordwhore :
Things are looking up for me. If you got a job, hopefully that means they will be for you shortly. I wish you much better days ahead, my friend. You deserve to be happy.
from papotheclown :
As of the email I just sent, I am no longer working for the prick. I appreciate your positive platitudes nonetheless and send some right back at you. From one invisible person to another.
from wordwhore :
Thanks. It's been a struggle, for sure. Today was better and I hope that becomes a trend.
from wordwhore :
You're sweet. Thank you, friend. I appreciate the effort and thought, regardless of timing ❤ Make that life more awesome. You deserve it.
from wordwhore :
It is nice to hear from you, even though I'm sorry it has been such a weird time. Tarot has been strange for me lately. I hope you figure things out.
from wordwhore :
Hey. Thanks for saying hi ❤ Hope things get better for you soon
from wordwhore :
Sucks about dickhead. Idk how to delete, but I'll be sorry to see you go. Keep in touch! You've got my fb and email. Best ❤
from wordwhore :
Zero preaching detected. You're good :-*
from wordwhore :
Thanks, if I ever hear from him again, I will pass that along. Glad you heard about it for yourself!
from wordwhore :
11.10.21- I would have sworn you left me a note the other day... anyway, did I ever respond to your last email? Maybe that's what I was thinking of. Sounds like things have been a bit chaotic but possibly improving for you?
from wordwhore :
Got to Dallas. Get some distance. Get some perspective. Get some peace, maybe, to figure yourself out.
from wordwhore :
Wondershare Filmora is good video editing software. $40ish to get rid of the watermark for a year. Good luck!
from wordwhore :
Husbands. Meh.
from wordwhore :
The cat barf entry is still there. And you were wrong. Your 2nd entry was at least 7% less lackluster 😏😘
from wordwhore :
Yeah Gandhi was apparently a dirty old man too.
from wordwhore :
Thanks ❤ and yes hell is other people
from wordwhore :
Ah yes, the old "my parents minimized my traumas and feelings and invalidated my entire sense of agency and self-worth and now everyone wonders why I can't cope" realization. I know it well. Codependency is a bitch. Comparing problems benefits no one. An elephant weighs more than a Fiat, that doesn't mean I can or should have to lift a Fiat, does it? The same with traumas and problems. Just because someone else is being publicly ridiculed and your spouse only does it in private doesn't make what's happening to you any more okay or any less painful. I'm sorry you're going thru all this. Your feelings are valid. You are worthy of happiness and love and compassion. Hugs and ❤ to you.
from wordwhore :
Thanks! :) Hope you enjoyed your trip!
from wordwhore :
Thanks for the commiseration, chica ❤
from wordwhore :
Keep questioning. You'll find the answers.
from wordwhore :
I'm sorry you're feeling exhausted with life. I spent a few chunks of the last year that way, so I know how awful it feels. Hugs and good vibes to you. I hope you find your way out of the nasty feelings and into a more hopeful place. ❤❤❤
from wordwhore :
Thanks! Me too
from wordwhore :
I'm an Aries and I'm definitely a jerk 🤣
from papotheclown :
Enthusiasm must come with age. I'll catch up
from wordwhore :
Happy Thanksgiving. It's your diary. Write what you feel you need to.
from wordwhore :
Hi back
from wordwhore :
You'll figure it out, chica. ❤
from wordwhore :
so many yummy snack foods off the table
from wordwhore :
You definitely sound depressed, chica :( I'm sorry. Sending virtual support, if that helps ❤
from wordwhore :
Haha, thanks :)
from wordwhore :
from wordwhore :
You'll figure it out. Dallas sounds like a good plan.
from wordwhore :
Yeah, it's very definitely a male actor I'm thinking of, but thanks.
from papotheclown :
Why thank you! Seems like a pretty decent club to be in.
from wordwhore :
Yesterday was apparently the day for crying jag.:/
from wordwhore :
I saw it. It is strange that he's not doing anything overt when it's happening. Maybe it's someone else??
from wordwhore :
Best of luck, old friend! Blessings on your journey of self-exploration and -restoration!
from wordwhore :
Good luck with it all and sorting it out. You'll figure out the right move.
from wordwhore :
Thank you!
from wordwhore :
Thanks! You may also feel free to reach out, and same on email checking :)
from wordwhore :
Strange things afoot in the universe these days. Strange things.
from wordwhore :
I had the hot sex thing with S. It's what I miss most. That stuff is harder to find than you'd think.
from wordwhore :
from wordwhore :
Feeling energy is a thing I can do with some people, but we have to be close, usually.
from wordwhore :
That's a really big ask for someone you don't really see or talk to. "Hey fly across the country and come watch my kid even though we don't like each other much." Ugh. No thanks.
from wordwhore :
So it would seem
from wordwhore :
I can relate. I've long thought I'd do better with a manual labor job than one that requires too much sitting and thinking about what I'm doing. Hard for women to find jobs like that though, even in 2020.
from wordwhore :
There are always reasons for these things. Something you need to learn. Something you need to do or stop doing. I hope you figure it out.
from wordwhore :
you're in control
from wordwhore :
Thanks. The fire actually put me in a better mood for a few hours, anyway. Good luck with your trading. You'll figure it out.
from wordwhore :
You can totally master the market. Stop watching it so closely! You'll make yourself insane. Just because it has fallen so far does not mean it won't rise. Pick something that has reason to be on the rise soon and hope for the best was always my strategy ;)
from wordwhore :
i highly recommend needle felting. you stab wool repeatedly with a needle until it does what you tell it.
from wordwhore :
Men do not listen. At all.
from wordwhore :
Sounds like you're not able to be yourself in your own space and that sucks. The passive aggressive comments are especially irksome. I'm sorry. I hope you can find something to give you joy, confidence and financial stability soon. ❤
from wordwhore :
Thank you!! Not lame at all. ❤
from wordwhore :
Thanks. I could use some pie in the sky optimism about now.
from wordwhore :
Yep, your entry is exactly how I feel. And your note: I don't know how to get off this path either.
from wordwhore :
As valid a philosophy as any other :)
from wordwhore :
Working on it! 🥶
from wordwhore :
Sounds like you're making a strong attempt to take control of your time and your life. I can only applaud that effort. Seems a good step in the right direction. Best wishes, chica!
from wordwhore :
Sounds like nasty business all around. Ugh.
from wordwhore :
Yay for kitty getting comfy and being sweet, boo for other cats being butts
from wordwhore :
Awww, kitty.
from wordwhore :
Yeah, the buttdial was a bad deal that spun me out and sent me to a bad bad place. Ok now though.
from wordwhore :
There is info that pot can reduce your risk of alz.
from wordwhore :
I have no clue how she puts up with him, except she barely sees half his bullshit and makes excuses for the other half.
from wordwhore :
You don't give too much advice! I will check out EFT. I am open to options fo sho
from wordwhore :
Thanks 😌
from wordwhore :
Doesn't sound like you have positive energy around you at all. More like O energy. We know what kinda energy he gives off... Best of luck for a better second half of June, chica!
from wordwhore :
No, I can definitely see people inspiring that kind of destruction in those with less self control.
from wordwhore :
Just sounds exhausting, all of that. Ugh.
from wordwhore :
Uggggh. I'm sorry. Forced trips for people you don't care about, blech.
from wordwhore :
from wordwhore :
Changed my pass again. The Un now has an f in front of it, so the un/pw are now the same
from wordwhore :
I'd miss you, chica.
from wordwhore :
I was just asked about Kombucha. I still need to try it...
from wordwhore :
Yay for your friend! Yay for cruciferous veggies! Yay for finding new music!
from wordwhore :
Happy New Year!
from wordwhore :
Hope you figure out what you're looking for. It takes a while sometimes. ❤
from wordwhore :
I have no idea. You've updated fairly recently, so idk why you'd get that. I did not get it. I've had no issues. Weird!
from chakra-nadi :
"If you can't change the world, change yourself, and if you can't change yourself, change the world." -The The
from wordwhore :
There's woowoo and there's woowoo. Personally, if your beliefs/interests cause no one harm, I think you're entitled to them. ❤ Manifest that awesome life for yourself!!
from wordwhore :
Thank you! Hoping tomorrow is gonna be good!
from wordwhore :
thanks chica ♥ sending positive vibes your way
from wordwhore :
hey chica. just saying hello. ♥
from wordwhore :
Thanks ❤
from chakra-nadi :
thank you!
from wordwhore :
You did mention, yes. Not for a while though. Sounds like it's best if you disconnect from it. Have a great weekend yourself :)
from wordwhore :
well that sounds... not at all fun. best thoughts ♥
from wordwhore :
yay hummingbird rescue! yay good deeds! i will try visualization of exercises. can't hurt. still need to remember vitamins...
from wordwhore :
hm. i was taking some individual supplements for a while, but i stopped. maybe i should try again.
from chakra-nadi :
yes, life is shit, but thank you.
from wordwhore :
wish you could find the way out and on to better things
from wordwhore :
I dunno, apparently he had been suicidal on and off since his first divorce? *shrug* STILL SORE. Ugh.
from wordwhore :
Yes, the sweating is obnoxious. Men who silent treatment you are obnoxious but the silence is oh so sweet...
from wordwhore :
thanks re:NG. i've been sporadic at the exercising myself.
from wordwhore :
*waves lazily at you*
from wordwhore :
i would love to do that
from wordwhore :
i don't know what it means in palm reading, but yes, probably obstruction of some kind. is it getting bigger? is it painful? is it a weird color/shape? if any of these are yes, definitely get it checked out. dermatology appts take FOREVER to get, though. i have no insurance and haven't for years, so i cannot empathize with these woes, but i understand them. doctors are the worst. especially the ones that are just like "here, person who hates pills, have some pills i have not remotely evaluated the side effects for to see if they will cause you worse issues than you have already."
from wordwhore :
or you could be depressed? *shrug* hope you bounce back, chicamiga.
from chakra-nadi :
i haven't had a chance to read your journal yet, but I did get the password you sent. thanks.
from wordwhore :
i don't know. i find some people listen and some people don't. and it also depends on the moment in time. like, i don't listen as well when my brain is on repeat mode. or when i'm reading/writing.
from wordwhore :
lmao no i was not offended xD
from chakra-nadi :
could i have your password? lbdATwearerecordsDOTcom
from wordwhore :
i do remember those entries. i don't remember you having a sister xD i'm glad you're in a more positive place ♥
from wordwhore :
i was already sleepy, so it's hard to say... ;)
from wordwhore :
eh, it's ok. thanks :) it was just high anxiety day for everyone and i got overwhelmed. some earth mother i am. heh.
from wordwhore :
jewelry is soothing to make, at least for me. selling it mostly requires a facebook presence, possibly twitter and instagram, as well as a sales platform like etsy or just your own website. facebook presence doesn't require much interacting, mostly just posting of pictures with some text to accompany. if you're into that sort of thing. if it's something you want.
from wordwhore :
i feel like that's the plot of a movie?
from wordwhore :
imaginary love is the best kind, yes.
from wordwhore :
glad you're on a bit of an upswing! i hope the retraining works for you and things continue to improve. groups of weirdos are great. online is usually the best for me, but i know there are other sort of social gathering groups IRL too. art groups and whatnot. like my writer's group. i miss that. if you think you might have any interest in joining the scavenger hunt next year (even if it's like 1% interest) i could invite you to the gish group and see what happens. let me know :)
from wordwhore :
a>not giving a fuck what people think is the BEST. it's hard to get there, but so worth it. so, so worth it. b>that dick whipping out thing is not normal. especially the putting it in your face part. no wonder you hate sex. c>i wish i could bring you into my gishwhes fb group and you could see how acceptable weird is. we don't talk in there much anymore, though, so i'm not sure if you'd get to see. or maybe tumblr. just, i don't know, part of what helped me was finding out there are other crazies like me out there because trust me, there are so many. when you go to tumblr, you'll see meme's several times a day that you're like "OMG i thought it was just me who did that!" but it isn't. it's lots of people. *shrug* your mileage may vary, though. i don't know what it's like outside the superwholock area of tumblr.
from wordwhore :
well, as for cave vs trying to help the planet, i feel like it's like an airplane, where they tell you to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, then worry about your children, you know? i think maintaining your contact with email dude might be an excellent idea. mainly because i lost that early in my marriage, lost all my male internet friends and it was not good for me or for my marriage. i lost an avenue of support and people i could've turned to for man translating advice when shit got funky. i could have said, "is this normal?" "am i overreacting?" and gotten an honest answer and wouldn't have spent so long second guessing myself (thanks, anxiety! thanks, gaslighting!) and maybe you don't need that particular thing, but you need as many avenues of human interaction and support as you can handle, even if that support only comes in the form of "I can talk about my weird shit with him." It's good for you, and I say this as a fellow cave-dwelling people-hater. ;)
from wordwhore :
let me know how it goes with the list of wants and such. sending you all the positive vibes i can muster. ♥
from wordwhore :
That's a thing O used to do a lot of. The discouraging thing. It's very problematic and not healthy for you, but as for advice on what to do, I don't know. Doesn't sound like you're happy and it sounds like Mr. is very controlling. Of course, it's easy to say these things from the outside looking in through the tiny window afforded via online journaling. ♥
from wordwhore :
Men do suck, a lot of the time, but I get along better with most men IRL than I do women. I think it's because of the manipulative women in my family. I had bad men too, but somehow the women were worse and there were more of them. /shrug/ Sorry he's a dick. Sorry they all are. I've kind of given up, I think. On finding anything else, anything better.
from wordwhore :
oh i am... i am. haha ;)
from wordwhore :
growing your own mold cracked me up :) you'll get there and figure it all out. i have to believe that for myself as well...
from wordwhore :
unkind was the very word i used to describe to him how he treated me.
from wordwhore :
that whole thing really struck a chord with me in a ad way and i'm so pissed at all the women coming to his defense.. GRRR. ugh.
from wordwhore :
Yeah, I know how you're feeling. I felt that way myself for so long. I stayed so much longer than I should've, for so many of those same reasons. As for cell phones, if you go with ATT prepaid, it's like $45/month for cell+ unlimited data, $40 if you set up autopay, I think. Which isn't nothing, but it's way cheaper than postpaid plans will be. Sent you an email too. ♥ Happy New Year, "maybe this year will be better than the last [2]" ♥
from wordwhore :
i often consider trying to become a palm reader for real. i mean, part time, but like starting a website for readings or something. i'm hit or miss with tarot, but palm reading is a thing i'm good at. i don't know. i can't be of service in regards to what to do about a big fat saturn ;) ♥
from wordwhore :
i did read it. assmunch. harvey that is. blech. i haven't updated because things have been hectic. i will soon. probably. but maybe not because i'm me ;) ♥
from wordwhore :
That doesn't sound like a fun time. I know the driving thing very well. It was the same for me. O would criticize, so I just started making him drive everywhere. I used to love driving. Not so much anymore. Of course the red-eye drives from TN to TX and back helped... I was supposed to be commiserating and I think I ended up just whining instead of comforting. Sorry :/ You're not boring. You just need something new. I don't know what. But your life is obviously not bringing you joy right now. Hope it all gets better soon <3
from wordwhore :
hm, Dland says you updated, but I see no update...
from wordwhore :
i don't know your whole story, of course, but my instinct is to say get out while it's still early days.
from wordwhore :
thanks! :)
from wordwhore :
In my experience the desire for the pervy stuff means you need something you don't have, whether it's actually Pervy stuff or something else, only time will tell. Best of luck sorting it out. ❤
from papotheclown :
The podcast sounds right up my alley. Thanks for the recommendation!
from wordwhore :
thanks love ♥
from wordwhore :
And you can do this. I have total faith in you. You can be the real world person you want to be. ♥
from wordwhore :
I would never. You are a treasure :) ♥ Thank you, chica. You're absolutely right. I gotta focus on manifesting what I want and not dwelling on what I don't. Thanks ;)
from wordwhore :
I feel all of those feelings, chicka. Best of luck to you with figuring it all out. ♥
from wordwhore :
Thank you :) ♥ Things are better now.
from wordwhore :
Thank you! It was a great time. :) ♥
from wordwhore :
Thanks chicka :) ♥
from wordwhore :
You're not a bad person. Hindsight is 20/20, but you can't go back and change it. You can only move forward and make better choices with new info. Coffee always gives me a mega boost and then I drop like a stone, exhausted.
from wordwhore :
Nice! I should try that, I think.
from papotheclown :
I wasn't offended by your message at all. I do need to stop that downward spiral shit. I am working on it. It was solid advice
from wordwhore :
Those are all good things :)
from papotheclown :
A wish for a happy birthday is always welcome. Thank you.
from wordwhore :
Oh no! I'm so sorry :( Best of luck. I don't have much to offer, but if I can help, let me know. ♥
from wordwhore :
I will take all the positivity I can get!! Thank you! ♥
from wordwhore :
Hm, I dunno. I rarely eat oatmeal, but the hunger is pretty much all the time now. I don't know. Could be stress, though. Hope you're well ♥
from wordwhore :
I read your entry the other day, but forgot to leave you a note. I have nothing of import to add, except I am glad you reminded me of tarot, as I should probably consult some. My head is a wasteland right now, thanks to flu. But hi and good luck and stuff like that ish ;) ♥
from wordwhore :
i am definitely going full woo. ♥♥♥
from wordwhore :
i'm so sorry i didn't respond to your last email! i had intended to and thought i had, but i do that sometimes. anyway, i sent you a brief response and I'll write a longer one tomorrow! ♥
from papotheclown :
I just looked briefly into EFT and feel like it is something that my therapist has had me do from time to time, even though I did not know what it was called. I am going to look into it some more. I appreciate you telling me about it. Even if it turns out to not be for me, I appreciate that you, a total stranger, would care enough to let me know what has helped you. Thank you for that.
from wordwhore :
probably was projecting. told her she was, anyway. heh. the nightmares seemed to have slacked off, anyway. thanks ;) (also, check your email)
from wordwhore :
i'm glad the meditation seems to be helping! that's great :) yes, it's probable that the universe is throwing you someone to help, in the form of mr x. good luck with that! ♥
from wordwhore :
i get that sometimes. you feel such an intense need to DO SOMETHING, but can't decide what, so instead do nothing and then you feel like shit. or at least that's how it happens for me :/
from wordwhore :
I'm sorry things are not great at the moment. Maybe the new year will bring better things. Like motivation and purpose and inspiration and all that good rot, huh? *hugs* ♥
from wordwhore :
BE WEIRD. It's a lot more fun :) Hope you can get the whole nutritional thing worked out. I know from experience, having foods give you problems is no fun. ♥
from wordwhore :
I don't know. The sun seems hotter to me, though. I don't know about HAARP, but I recently heard something about how the farmers in California are about 2% of the population but use about 98% of the water? I don't know. I questioned the validity, but it also wouldn't surprise me that much.
from wordwhore :
Ha! I totally should. Believe me, it crossed my mind. Glad you are alive and well. Yay cucumbers! I know two people who hate them and I do not understand. They are so inoffensive...
from wordwhore :
Ugh being intuitive is the worst, it really is. You *know* when people are unhappy and when other non-intuitive people don't sense it, they act like you're crazy for thinking the other person isn't happy/doesn't like you/whatever. Working with other people is no fun, not for me. Too many possibilities for conflict. Hope you find something fulfilling!
from jaysthoughts :
All the diaries I find are locked...
from wordwhore :
glad the food change has given you some extra energy! unlike you i actually know for certain what i want to do, but having any clue how to do it is beyond me, so i am in the same place, anyway (not moving).
from wordwhore :
sorry things are so blah, dearie. props to you for keeping up with the diet, though! that's really great :)
from papotheclown :
I don't know when you sent me that note, but I just now got it. My email address is thedreadpoetryan at gmail.
from wordwhore :
neat about the lizards! i've got a couple that live on my front porch, one green little gecko with a red infalting neck and another that disguises itself to look like a horned toad. they come out and look at me periodically.
from sophunique :
That sounds like nonsense. Hate able? No way. My life is busy and free at the same time. I'm done with work by 10am and have the whole day to play with the baby. My girls are helpful and make it easier with the bay. They play with her. What do you do go a living and for fun?
from sophunique :
i've only read a few entries but I dig them and you apprently. we're all a little nutty eh? have a great one!
from sophunique :
If you go to my diary I putt email on am entry and will delete it when I find your emailed response. Thanks!
from sophunique :
idk you personally, i'd love to read your diary if you'll let me. hope that's not weird! ne way, have a great day.
from wordwhore :
sorry to hear you're in such a low state. the job will work out how it's meant to, i guess. it's been nice, moneywise, but the past month or so has basically sucked even before i found that out, so -shrug-
from wordwhore :
i saw that you were double on fb and i wondered about it. how you doing chicka? :)
from wordwhore :
thank you! :)
from wordwhore :
thanks chica :)
from wordwhore :
yes please email me. sorry to hear you're feeling the way you're feeling, wanting to lie in bed and roll around in what you currently perceive as failures. i'd give you a hug and tell you encouraging things if i could. i've been there, not knowing what i really wanted or how to get it or what to do, hating myself for things unchangeable. meal worms for food, eh? interesting. i think you could probably do the teaching kids about worms thing. well, i mean, i'm kind of biased because i'm terrible with people but i loved teaching, so i automatically believe it's possible, but...anyway. it sounds like a thing kids would enjoy which would make you enjoy it more. -shrug- that's my 2 cents dropped ;)
from wordwhore :
so glad you're ok! well written piece btw
from barank :
seems like no one posts any more and everyone else is locked. care to share?
from wordwhore :
i was just thinking about and wondering how you were and i came inside and you had posted an entry =)
from wordwhore :
i think if you delve into woowoo stuff, you might find that you become more comfortable in your skin and with yourself. -shrug- if you ever just wanna talk about woowoo stuff, feel free to email me and ramble away.
from wordwhore :
those are profound thoughts. you have inspired me to go meditate. haven't done it in too long.
from wordwhore :
oh man, my friend snowy and i were all about the audio tapes of us saying dumb things that we then laughed hysterically over. good times. and your video sounds hilarious =)
from wordwhore :
i've been there, the indecision. i still go there every few weeks, it seems. it's a sucky place to get into, i know that. good luck with alladat! happy mojo vibes being sent your way.
from wordwhore :
ugh no grain is way easier than no dairy for me. i feel for ya, kiddo =/
from wordwhore :
yeah I'm not sure about the eye ones, either. i try not to squeeze those 11s together. i have also tried using similar principles and pressing my fingers over the elevens to keep them from bending, while i work those, but i dunno. the neck and jowl and mouth exercises definitely work, though. my double chin is nearly non existent now and i am HAPPY about that! =)
from wordwhore :
i will send positive messages into the universe for a pleasant day for you on saturday =)
from wordwhore :
that's too bad about your friend's divorce. main thing i am trying to do, even though that was not what i felt like a week ago, is trying to maintain civility to avoid that sort of thing. i realize she doesn't have a choice, but craig ferguson inspired me on that score, for sure. it's a shame she (and her child, especially) have to deal with such childishness.
from wordwhore :
cherries are nature's crack. i can't stop eating them till they are all gone!
from wordwhore :
I've been having the same problem. I eat a nice salad with all those vitamins and good stuff and my stomach is all "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GARBAGE YOU'RE POISONING ME WITH??" Whereas last night when we went to happy hour and I ate fried crap and washed it down with beer, my stomach was totally cool with it. Heh. You might be right about that detoxing angle.
from wordwhore :
yes, divorce sucks! i did some online tarot after i last wrote you. how is that going?
from wordwhore :
i should add, the cards we both kept getting were different. one set for her kept coming up and another set for me.
from wordwhore :
i think that is a fun & quite interesting new hobby you are attempting! i've done a bit of it. rfb and i did some half-assed readings a while back when i bought her a new deck and the cards were remarkably consistent then as well, even though we weren't really trying to do proper lay-outs or anything.
from wordwhore :
omg i have a bag of angies kettle corn right now and i feel the same! it will not last long...the trick for me, with the willpower vs convenience thing is to make a bunch of one or more healthy things in advance, but that's not always easy, either, i know.
from wordwhore :
strawberries ARE good =) and i know all about nursing and coddling fears, my girl, all about it. i am working on it. at least you've acknowledged you do it, that's a big step, right? glad the prayer is working!
from wordwhore :
if they are comfortable and can be easily disguised, i say save the hassle and keep them. i have the opposite problem - i can never find petite!
from wordwhore :
dunno what to say just wanted to say, thinking of you, hope it all gets better soon
from wordwhore :
glad to hear your skin's feeling better and alladat. hope everything else with you is going well.
from wordwhore :
2/28/13- I can't remember - did you finish the court reporting class? Because I found out that such a thing is also useful if one wants to go into a career in closed captioning. -shrug- just thought i'd share.
from wordwhore :
2/20/2012- just saying hi. sorry you're not feeling too social and alladat. hope your friend gets it together.
from wordwhore :
I've never felt you were being pollyanna-ish. Certainly nothing wrong with looking on the bright side - I used to have much more skill at that myself and wish I could get a little more these days.
from wordwhore :
12/13/12-I can't remember whether I knew that your birthday was the same as RFB's - I guess I probably did at some point. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It's my 5 yrs smokiversary, too. And my ex's bday, but why spoil things? lol
from wordwhore :
i know from experience that trying to be an edited version of yourself is non-sustainable over the long haul. i hope you are able to transition into the real you and improve your relationship. you deserve some happiness and i wish you the best with it all.
from wordwhore :
mans are a lot of work, aren't they?
from wordwhore :
Yeah, hair analysis is not that reliable, depending on who does it. I think making the appointment was a sound decision, just maybe try another nutritionist?
from wordwhore :
12/3/12-sorry to hear about your family friend.
from wordwhore :
i've watched those skateboarding down a hill videos on youtube. sometimes they wipe out pretty bad.
from wordwhore :
11/7/12- My cats have all been mint/menthol crazy too, none of them liked catnip. Back when I smoked, I had a cat that would attack my menthol cigarettes. I couldn't leave the pack where she could get it or she'd rip them to shreds and roll around in the debris. Then there were the cats who would lick the mineral ice right off my neck...
from wordwhore :
i must say the russians have a point about electo-tainment.
from wordwhore :
10/29-I did my early voting, too. Absentee ballot via mail, actually.
from wordwhore :
sorry i have been too good on the note writing lately. i have been reading what you've been writing and enjoying tales of your life. weird dream about your dad. also "i don't eat squash" does not compute ;) i LURVE squash, in all varieties. beets and fennel, though, that's a bummer. i know fancy chefs use fennel all the time, but they say it's like licorice, so -bleh-
from wordwhore :
10-16-12: yeah it's about people who repo cars. it is a lot like hardcore pawn with even less class, heh.
from wordwhore :
O watches those shows, too and HCP has to be my least favorite. For the same reasons you don't enjoy it. So much trashy violence in such a short time. At least Rob's not watching lizard lick towing...
from wordwhore :
Yeah, the Chinese government is not known for its goodness or good decisions, I don't think. Sounded like a scary thing in that parking lot, too!
from wordwhore :
10-7-12: hey guess what? chicken butt. =D that's how we always did it.
from wordwhore :
9/14/12 - I've been slacking on the writing that pays today myself just because I itch like a mofo. Hey, I know all about annoying napping! The Citrus is very much an expert at it. As for the rest, it is one thing to be needy when you are young, another when you are well into your 30s, so maybe start some tuff love with your friend? I don't know, I'm not so good at that stuff myself. Same with trying to give you something fulfilling to do with your time, though I bet the writing will help, there. Most of it, they tell you what to write about, so you don't have to be very clever, if you don't feel it. Just be grammatical and spelled correctly ;)
from wordwhore :
9/6/12 - chicka, that was good writing. have more confidence in yourself. i know it is easier said than done, but i am very persnickety (sp?) about writing and i thought it was very good. i forgot for a minute i was reading your diary and was totally immersed in margaret mitchell's bio. all except for the parts where you doubt yourself. i still remember things you wrote a long, long time ago. you are good. believe it. own it. embrace your inner awesomeness. i need to read some metaphysical stuff myself, been needing some mysticism lately.
from wordwhore :
7-13-12: oh chicka. i have no words of wisdom. but here's lots of positive energy and love coming your way - catch! ;)
from wordwhore :
4/24/12- Ha, my cat just likes to attack me! Heh, not true. She also likes to crush my lap with her massiveness =)
from wordwhore :
2/11/12- Hair plugs & hp salesmen are sleazy, for sure. Blech. Sorry about your need of moola and feeling flaky. Haven't had a class in over 2 months, so I could use a serious cash influx myself. I did get 4 free tires and some other car maintenance gratis, so that was helpful coz my tires were bad. Hope you get it all worked out soon!! I can't watch the news, period. All that crap just sticks in my head and tortures me to no good end, since I am powerless against any of it.
from wordwhore :
9/1/11 - DEFINITELY wear reflective clothing! Don't want anything happening to you! But yay for compressed air fights and quieter motors on compressors =)
from wordwhore :
8/30/11 - thanks, girlie!
from wordwhore :
thanks for the good vibes! i need 'em :)
from wordwhore :
8/11/11 - Hope it is all going well, even if it gets a little boring sometimes =)
from wordwhore :
4/25/11 - Thank you!
from wordwhore :
2/25/11 - that is so cool that you got to see craig! you also happened to see 2 of my favorite of his frequent guests, which is neat. i'm so glad you made it in on time! :)
from wordwhore :
hang in there girlie. can't quite manage happy, so i'm just trying to do what makes me feel most peaceful and least angry, heh. can totally related on social awkwardness, but have no advice for it.
from wordwhore :
12/29/10 - you definitely need NOT to live with the queen. ick. double ick. double ick with yuck sauce and a side of ew.
from wordwhore :
11-30-10: well it sounds like your man is something special. i'm really glad =) i've heard good things about oregon, so i think you will like it if you end up going there. and it's traveling with one L - i could never get it right, but microsoft word finally beat it into my head ;)
from wordwhore :
9-21-10: nope, the citrus fruit has not driven me crazy just yet =) have been sick, so i haven't left yet, so that could be why, heh. hope ur ant problem has been taken care of!
from wordwhore :
8-6-10: hiya, girlie! glad things seem to be going smoothly. =)
from wordwhore :
as a veteran of "i did something so stupid i feel sick", all the advice i have is to try your best not to dwell on it any more. obsessing on it will only hurt you more in the long run. i also know it's damned hard not to think about it and to not torture yourself playing "why didn't i do xyz, instead?" but there are no time machines and flogging yourself won't undo it, either. we are human and therefore, we are not always as smart as we should be.
from wordwhore :
it's hard to forgive when people continue to do the things you try to forgive them for.
from wordwhore :
thanks! i opted for homemade fudge instead of cake =)
from wordwhore :
i'm so sorry to hear that. sounds like she had a long, full life with someone who loved her, though.
from wordwhore :
sounds like a great trip. looks like the exercise goal is coming along nicely, too =)
from wordwhore :
i like your goal, i think it's a good one. =)
from wordwhore :
I didn't know your mom lived in Texas - can she go live with Orange for me? LOL Nah, I'm sure your mother is nice and doesn't deserve such a fate - ha! Looking forward to heading back, can you tell? Glad court reporting is going so good! Social snobbery is underrated, in my opinion. Not money-based, but intelligence-based, that is. Otherwise you end up surrounded by total morons =)
from wordwhore :
from wordwhore :
hey! i almost wrote you a note last night wondering how you were =) i will DEF have to check out the lolcat bible!
from wordwhore :
woohoo! byebye GWB! hello BaRockStar! lol
from wordwhore :
-snort- love the names listed in your "oh-so-deep memoirs" =D
from wordwhore :
I'm still interested in how you are, too, ya know! =) Glad Queen wasn't too awful over Cmas. You can email me whenever, let me know how things are with you
from wordwhore :
thanks! =) long time no write - how ya doin?
from wordwhore :
8/10/08 - haha! zip! lol you really do need to give yourself more credit, you know. anyway, thanks for the positive thoughts. kindness is never cliche =P
from wordwhore :
Denial Land?!  That's where my MIL lives!! lol<br>
from wordwhore :
hey, better to have the negativity on the page - er, screen - than keep it in, right?  that's become my new philosophy: Whine more on Dland, less in life.  It's a theory anyway.  Glad your vision is improving!<br>
from wordwhore :
hope everything gets better with your vision.  really sorry to hear you're having problems =(<br>
from wordwhore :
YAY! new eyeballs for you! i'm sure the fogginess will go away pretty soon. my friend had the same problem when she first got hers done. she had to keep her yees closed all day on the first day. (and ugh sorry about the html craplets in the previous note. )
from wordwhore :
<span style="color: purple;">good lcuk with the eyeball surgery - you'll be fine!  never would have guessed those were the lyrics to MASH!  my sis did the diet analysis for her bio class and found it fascinating but also annoying measuring it all.</span><br>
from wordwhore :
Happy 4th to you! I think blowing things up sounds like a MARVELOUS idea, 'specially in front of "her" house, lol
from wordwhore :
i took piano as a kid, but i don't remember any counting. what i had trouble with was remembering not to stop when i messed up. "play it through!" my teacher would tell me, more loudly each time...sigh. Anyway, I'm sure you'll do better this time - GOOD LUCK!!
from wordwhore :
i think everybody has at least one set of white trash relatives.
from fifidellabon :
Hallo, Howlie! I like the idea of dueling pianos! /Fifi
from wordwhore :
oh no, i didn't eat it, just stumbled upon the picture. the idea makes me ill 8-P
from wordwhore :
ugh, i had a cousin who used to call her son a butthead and a former friend who once allowed her son to get into my purse and destroy all my makeup and much of my other stuff, to which her husband replied that i shouldn't have left it where he could reach (i didn't). the dad skipped town within a year, so he was obviously a concerned parent. i don't understand why people who hate kids have so many children...
from wordwhore :
wow, mr bland sounds CHARMING (gag). what a maroon...
from fifidellabon :
I loove my reusable grocery bags! They are from BlueQ and they totally rock. That is when I don't get the groceries delivered! xoFifi
from wordwhore :
you should get avg free antivirus software. works great and costs nothing.
from wordwhore :
i was considering watching 2 days in paris, so you've saved me from the penii!!
from miedema2002 :
I think it's the time of year. My friends are all busy as well and we just barely talk on msn. Things will get better.
from fifidellabon :
Hallo, Howlie! Welcome aboard! I'll be the one reading your archives. And then probably leaving waaayy too many notes! Pee Ess, Happy VD, spread it around!/Fifi
from minstrelite :
Hey howlingwind -- I don't know you either, but stuff like that has popped up during my D-Land days as well. Not sure what to make of it, but I do notice that you have a couple people on your favorite list who are either favorites or occasional reads of mine, so that might relate to it, technically speaking.
from miedema2002 :
Hello, I just noticed that you added me to your faves! Thanks so much! I feel so honoured :) Can't wait to read and learn about you. Diaryland needs more new people on it. Take care!
from wordwhore :
2/11/08 - you ARE the shiznit, you ARE the coolest, and you ARE every bit deserving of a master guru - if you find one, can i borrow him/her from time to time? =D hang in there.
from wordwhore :
your notes page looks lonely, so i came to show it some love. beepbeep - happy thursday! 8-P
from howlingwind :
Hey bitch what up?

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