messages to imetpatricia:
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from starkitten01 :
Merry christmas :)
from starkitten01 :
Once a week is better than never:) I'm just happy you will still update!
from cianne :
*tapping foot, wondering when an email will come to [email protected] so that cianne may give taylor the password designed JUST FOR HER!* =)
from heidiann :
Wow. Your unicorn puts all of mine to shame. My unicorn wouldn't even hang out with mine. And if your unicorn did it would be solely out of pity. I love my malformed unicorns as only their mother can.
from kb8 :
Hi! Thanks far bringing the Susan Smith thing to my attention. I put it in my journal too.
from kb8 :
Hi! Thanks for ading me to your fav's list! "I hate the word pussy;" I thought it was funny because someone else said the same thing. I'll remove it if you want because there was no attempt to tease you about it at all. Just let me know:) btw, love your writing!
from starkitten01 :
You said:"These words couldn't be emphasized enough to girls like me: "You just have to remember . . . these guys are jealous, insecure, talented, egocentric, and manipulative geniuses. They're lead-singers. They can say 'I love you' to 20,000 people . . . but any fewer is a real problem.'" I'm speechless, mainly b/c that is SO F'ING TRUE!!!!!!!!! It's a shame so many women have to learn that the hard way...isn't it? :o(
from starkitten01 :
THANK YOU for saying that...You helped to clarify what I've been trying to clarify within myself for A LONG TIME NOW; the difference between "groupie" and just being involved with a musician. I never sought out a musician with intent to sleep with/party with/spend time with them. I met two musicians whom pursued me and pursued a dating affair which was made clear in the beginning that it was *casual*, but with one in particular, that DID infact change towards the end,it got too intense, and that is precisely why he RAN. With "Admirer", the 2nd musician, I believe he was just a lazy deadbeat who wanted his cake and eat it too, and when he was faced with getting his life together for 'us', he bailed out. This all is why my heart is broken for the second time this year over a fucking musician:o( I no longer trust any man with a fucking guitar..:o( It's so sad how they can corrupt you so, isn't it? I swear, I used to be a nice/NORMAL person. Really..And I USED to mean something to the opposite sex. Where did things go wrong?
from starkitten01 :
Your note in my guestbook was so touching! *Thank you*. Right now it especially means SO much to me to hear that, b/c I've been a complete mess for the past few months..And pushing myself to return to a school full of catty females is the hardest thing, mainly b/c I'm feeling so FRAIL and depressed. I do tend to update often at all hours of the night, and when I see others have updated at odd times I'm glad, b/c then I've got more to do as well..It's late at night when I become the most lonely...Thank you again for all of the encouraging words, you have no idea how much that means to me. Really. I'm an empty shell thanks to Celeb, and it's been a TOUGH road to climb since.
from starkitten01 :
P.S. also, thank you so much for your compliments on my writing. I love to write, so that really meant a lot to me as well. Thank you!
from erase-this :
cool, i'm sorry, i had someone reda my diary before too... of course he didnt come right out and admit it until i dedicated a long winded entry about his "girlfriend" :-/ and i like that diary too. but that's why i put nothing all that personal in my diary now.
from caged-freed :
saw you were a member of the anti-anorexia diaryring and thought this new forum at caged-freed might interest you. check it out, if you can, and take care.
from erase-this :
ok, see... here's my problemo... you lock yer diary... but give out the password on the profile? the thing is, you just joined my jack daniels ring and while i appreciate it you're kinda messing up the system cuz when an innocent bystander clicks "next" they get sent straight to the index of your diary, not your profile, unfortunately... and since it's locked then they can't hit "next" on your d-land ring so... yeah, y'see what i'm saying. i'm not sure how we can overcome this unless you a) unlock your diary or b) quit the ring... if you have another idea, hit me up. sorry for the long drawn out whinge at you.
from p-brain :
Thank you for joining the Thinking ring.
from starkitten01 :
Thanks for your note! I was glad to get it, and I'll gladly add you to my faves list too. Your diary is great, and yeah, we've got a lot in common! It's nuts, this life!
from starkitten01 :
Is the groupiesanon diaryring new? I just joined, I'd never seen it before. I read some of your entries. we've got a lot in common, methinks. :) I'll be back for updates!
from suchapunch2 :
hey! i'm a new diaryland user, and after surfing around a little bit, i stumbled on your journal! my journal's not very interesting yet, cause i haven't posted anything :) but i'd like to add you as my first friend, if that's cool! maybe you can add me back!
from queen-katti :
Hi, Tay... I gave you the wrong password sweets... it's:aeroplane in lowercase lettering! :) sorry!
from cianne :
thanks for the info ... when the password screen popped up, my first thought was that another disaster had taken place! glad to see that no such thing went down.
from phrygian :
Thanks so much for the info. ;)
from sheblogs :
awww thanks for the sweet words, and the pw to yours. :) much appreciated. being locked up sucks, its such a pain in the neck. anyway-sure, you are more than welcome to a pw. user: sheblogs, pw: ilovepenguins. :) take care. xoxox.
from phrygian :
I very sincerely LOVE reading your entries. I can't help but have vivid images running through my head while I read your words. Keep up the fun.
from cola05 :
Hey! My names Nicole and I just read your was pretty sweet...hah I'm also in the "groupiesanon" diaryring too haha...there's some great stories behind that...but anyways I'm just leaving you a note to say your diary is awesome and I dont' know check out my diary sometime...later...
from cianne :
thinking i was pretty observant, i tried to take your "friend" quiz. don't laugh too hard at my wild guesses!
from sheblogs :
happy thanksgiving! xoxox.
from neuroticaa :
"You'll be notified whenever plans for our scheduled trip to Morocco are finalized." -- sweeetness!!! lets take a cruise though... no airplanes =X lol
from neuroticaa :
hey and thanks for the warm welcome in my guestbook =). i had an affair with steve tyler too haha
from sweetbabypea : looks good to me. No cut off now! Seems to be in working order. Take care! :)
from sweetbabypea :
That is exactly what your entries look like. Nothing afterwards. So I am left wondering what happened with the ducks and Max!! :)
from sweetbabypea :
Hi Taylor. Im wondering if your entries are being cut off. When I read them, it seems like one sentence just ends and there is no closure. Is this on purpose? Like you walking with Max to feed the ducks. It ends right as you are talking about ducks overhead. Then there is nothing else. Am i crazy(yes) or is this intentional?

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