messages to katiedoyle:
(click here to add new message):
from raven72d : |
2002! You've been at D-Land as long as I have! |
from raven72d : |
Glad you're back! |
from reader1209 : |
Hey!! I need the new password. I haven't missed anything, have I? I've been extremely lax in really bad. But shoot me the password... |
from raven72d : |
Yay, little new puppy! And say hi to Pete! |
from metame : |
yay! awesome even :-). congrats on the new job and on the story xoxo |
from onlymayday : |
Hooray for writing jobiness. If I had the television, you would have to tell me what show so I could perhaps watch it someday, but sadly, I do not. And boo to stupid girl. |
from metame : |
happy belated birthday katie! xoxo sounded great. meanwhile on the mortgage thing... I have to say I find that banks are ticking me off here. I'm thinking of the folks that couldn't qualify for a reasonable mortgage that they COULD afford and to own a house needed to take one of those shitty mortgages with variable interest rate and those may have been the only way they could ever own a house and even though they have been able to keep up with payments they are being force to default because their interests are now making their payments way out of reach and I guess I'm a bank moron but I can't figure out why they can't renegotiate the loans for people with a solid history of paying before hand. Doesn't everyone then win? I know this doesn't apply to all situations and I'm sure there are some as you describe but I know a few like this and it seems so wrong. :/ |
from reader1209 : |
Can I just say - I love, love, love when you do this kind of entry. I think I read it much the way you would say it, same intonation, ratcheting up of the volume in places. But, the part I love best...the "peace out" at the end. Sometimes I read it like you are shouting, sometimes it's a resigned sigh. Good writing my friend, good writin' |
from onlymayday : |
You know, the sad thing is that I find nothing surprising about that. I wouldn't have guessed it necessarily, but when you say it, it all sounds predictable. In related news, I just read IATSE and the producers have settled on the new contract. That was a couple hours ago, so we'll have to wait until morning to get details. |
from emily-watson : |
PS- Feel better. |
from emily-watson : |
Ah hun, social faux pas aside, we all have made them, and I am pretty sure your friends know where you stand on issues. I wouldn't worry about it too much. With the race thing, I probably would have wondered also, as I am used to hearing about people being called to auditions because there is some similar look them, considering light skinned versus dark skinned- while they may have similar looking features are very different looking. IMO. I really wouldn't worry about it too much, people get their panties in a bunch far too often and the world is becoming far too PC a place to live in. I still haven't decided who to vote for, so much reading to do. I have narrowed down WHO NOT to vote for, Republican Party notwithstanding. Not horribly keen on Hillary quite frankly myself right now and I am teetering on Edwards or Obama. Still much reading to do before this (fateful) event happens. *sighs* *whimpers* Facebook? Why another place to fawn over? Why? |
from onlymayday : |
Those really are the choices? I thought there was a fourth out there with half a chance. Crap, now I wish I had gone to the Edwards rally thing at my high school last week. Given the alternatives, yes, go for the white Protestant dude, because amongst other things, I just don't believe it would bode well to start being "groundbreaking" in the presidency right now. (That, and, if compare the websites, the layouts reek of their marketing strategies; his seems the most sincere.) |
from onlymayday : |
Oh, ew, yes, inappropriate. I am not a Facebook addict (I can't keep track of all the applications and the poking and the whatnot), but I am there from time to time and think I found you when I looked just now. |
from reader1209 : |
oh , honey, All I can say is'll get better. I'm here for you, if you need or want. Think happy, travel-ey thoughts. XO |
from katiedoyle : |
lol; damn, girl can TALK. ;) i figured i should clarify's sake. coz it did sound maybe like i thought no one cared. and yeah, i guess that's the difference in media saturation and very little media coverage. we did make cnn in 2005, but only a few mentions here and there. i live in the western part of the san fernando valley, should you need to keep tabs on me say, when The Big One hits. ;) (which i SOOOOO should not joke about, because it will hit some time. just hopefully not when i still live here. dayam. now i'm freaked i jinxed myself. um, ::knock wood::) |
from onlymayday : |
Yikes, that was also WAY longer than I thought it was. Concise, moi? |
from onlymayday : |
Oh, man, I wasn't even implying that, I was just observing that this disaster is "media approved." Your fires were overshadowed by the previous disaster; like I said, it certainly wasn't on any of my news. Obviously, you thought it was huge, and I don't know crap about wild fires, but I figure, yeah, if you've got a LINE OF FLAME on the horizon, that's bad, and DAMN, when a LINE OF FLAME comes that close to PEOPLE, shouldn't there be something on national news about that? Er, nope, we've gotta talk about the good job Brownie did. I was contrasting that situation with this case, where everyone and their dog has heard that Southern California is a disaster area, hence the concern. When the bridge collapsed in Minneapolis, my mother called my uncle who lives there to see if he was OK. I argued that the chances of him being one of millions of people in the city also being one of a comparative handful on the bridge was slim. Now, if we knew he drove that route at that time every day, that would be a reason to call, but she called anyway. Same reason you're now hearing from everyone about a threatening situation that's not exactly threatening you when you didn't hear before. The news has got everyone thinking lots of people in California are not OK, and hey, you're in California, maybe you're not OK! I wondered briefly if it was your area when I heard about them, but I now know there are fire watch websites (didn't before), and while I don't have any idea exactly where you are, since there weren't any evacuations scheduled for the county I guessed was yours, I decided you were OK until I heard otherwise. I'm just saying, people are reacting to media saturation without logical thinking. It's like when you meet someone and find out they're from a town/university where you know another person. Some part of your brain can not resist asking if the person you've just met knows the other person, no matter how much it defies logic, convention, and probability. That's totally all I meant, and I was even going to cut off the second sentence because it didn't really apply to my point, but I thought I'd just include the entire comment so you didn't go back and look for it thinking that there was more too it than that. I wasn't even getting a "poor you" vibe, it just made sense to me that, given the circumstances, people would call who didn't last time around. (Why yes, I do over-compensate with the best of them when given the chance.) |
from katiedoyle : |
were not. the people in real life were not. my virtual peeps were more supportive/concerned. :) someday, me learn tipe. |
from katiedoyle : |
metame and reader, thank you. it sucks. :( katie, i did not mean to imply NO ONE was concerned, but the people i know in real life totally were. :) you internet peeps were more like, "wow, stay safe there." my family? didn't even return my calls. |
from metame : |
really sorry to hear it. xo |
from onlymayday : |
Two words: media frenzy. I found my comment to you from then (geeze, that was TWO years ago?), "I assume I should be seeing this on television, but, nothing. So, glad to hear about it and stay safe." If just one major news station had decided to announce that LA was in peril... but they were still busy with Katrina then. |
from reader1209 : |
of course...all thoughts and prayers are headed out to them...and to you. |
from beautiflntmr : |
Considering I had my appendix out when I was ten... All I remember is the immense pain in the six hours before Mom took me to the hospital. The doctors told her it was on the verge of rupturing. I wonder if that means I would have died... But I have yet to lose the tonsils. |
from metame : |
katie! liar! that was a beautiful and compelling review. your damn description brought tears to my eyes. I saw it running in the guide and wondered what it was about but didn't get any further than that. I will definitely look out for it. xoxo |
from beautiflntmr : |
"They had plans to completely make over the lands they invaded into Germany, planting forests of German trees and treating all indigenous life as weeds and vermin, to be erased and replaced with Aryan lifeforms, plant, animal, human." Um. Any gardener worth his/her salt would have told them that the plants that grow in Germany can't survive in many of the world's climates. It just wasn't at all realistic, in any way, let alone possible. |
from f-i-n : |
I hope you get your dream dog! |
from katiedoyle : |
hee! i need to ask how many bedrooms. :) |
from beautiflntmr : |
from katiedoyle : |
@ reader - LOL! @ metame - you have my most heartfelt sympathies on the bleeding thing. :( the hpv thing tests for the 16 most common forms of hpv, so it's not a total tell, but at least i know i probably don't have one of the 16 most common. abnormal cells with hpv would pretty much mean i was headed down the cancer path. as is, we're back to playing a guessing game until i get a normal pap. |
from reader1209 : |
Yes, yes I do. |
from metame : |
I indeed feel like things might be settling into something with some elements of normal. I'm so happy to hear that the HPV test came back negative. Does that automatically rule out cervical cancer? Or did I miss something? sorry to hear about the other stuff though. damn ovaries. Lately I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of bleeding, or bleeding. It's like there's no break anymore. that house is amazing! I longed. |
from katiedoyle : |
@ metame - word on the karma thing. i so hope there is such a thing, despite my lack of belief in it. thanks for the support and well-wishes. :) nice to "see" you again. i hope this means you're posting at last! |
from katiedoyle : |
@ omd - mainly on accounta i think they're all self-centered tools. and republicans. (kidding) (sort of) and yes, it is rather unbelievable, isn't it? i like your take on the gunman meeting up with them outside. that would have been AWEsome. |
from metame : |
holy fuck katie what the fuck! I am perfectly stunned that people behave like that. Really. How does that happen?? It's so disgusting. there has to be consequences. Karma! hope you have a shitpile of great days in a row. xoxo |
from onlymayday : |
Honestly, if I'd just read this on some "shitty things that happened while I was working" site, I would not have believed either story. The only thing that would've made it more unbelievable would've been if the gunman and the irate people had gotten into their own altercation outside. Sigh. How can people ACT like that? |
from onlymayday : |
Hello again from KTD's Personal Tech Support:). OK, so this is a Gold Member thing that I found in the news archives from 2002. It's the 7th entry on this page: Since you don't have gold right now, I suggest this: which is basically a free programme creating an off line mirror of the site. |
from onlymayday : |
Well, I went ahead and signed up for it to see if I could make it work, and I can. Whether it will actually work, I haven't tested, but I can make everything appear correctly, at least. What they give you won't work because, I dunno, they didn't pay attention when they wrote and posted it. If you put BOTH scripts into the "change how each of your entry pages look", and change the all-caps doublepercents to %%, and leave everything else alone, I think it ought to work. My only other suggestion would be that the leftovers from your Gold Member comments are still there, and they might be conflicting, but I don't see how they could, really (I am no Java genius, I'm not even an amateur). |
from reader1209 : |
katiedoyle...can I just say...YOU, my friend, ROCK!! Seriously. I wish with all my heart that we lived closer. I would so like to sit and have a beer with you (or glass of wine, depending on how high or low-class we feel) Mark my words...we WILL meet one day. |
from f-i-n : |
Thank you! It smells like fall here. Last night I heard some fireworks popping at the park down the street. I ran out in my pjs and bare feet and watched the sparks fly behind the tree branches in my backyard. |
from ann-frank : |
I am an idiot because a long time ago I kept trying to make comments but realized they were not posted. SORRY! And OMG, deay, be well, ok? So sorry it's been so shitty lately. But you do rock and well, you know that! |
from metame : |
holy my goodness katie! I'm slowly catching up on my reads and I was pretty shocked to see yours. the titles were totally freaking me out before I got a chance to actually read them. that migraine-induced hospital trip sounded nuts but, hey, they sure were thorough. when I saw the colposcopy and then the hospital in your entry titles though... ack. sorry to hear about this abnormal pap and glad that your doc is pursuing it right away (as she definitely should!). I hope you caught it in time and that it's nothing a little liquid nitrogen can't handle. thinking of you!! xoxo :) |
from onlymayday : |
Try the same situation, only with an accidental knee to the dangly bits. It was two years ago, but I still can't forgive myself. He's mostly forgotten it, but every now and again when he's teasing me he'll bring it up and I apologise all over again- HE didn't SEE his face immediately afterwards. |
from f-i-n : |
Maybe you can give away your books to an old folks home or a hospital or school? Then you can de-clutter and feel good at the same time! |
from emily-watson : |
Yeesh. Stupid internet. Tried to leave a bunch of these notes for you... sigh. Anyhoo, seriously, I learned a looooooong time ago that while humans are pretty darn resilient, life is indeed fragile. And it shouldn't really ever be taken for granted. It goes by faster and faster and faster. It's interesting talking with kiddo about her perception of time versus mine. Her summer vacation is looooong. Mine? Damn short, skippy. Remember to keep breathing, you are heading down the right path chickie. |
from beautiflntmr : |
Last time I got pap done was March or April? My doc used a swab. Quite frankly, I really have my doubts that it takes THAT long for cells to grow back, so I would have insisted for an immediate testing. I think your people must be royally screwed in the head or something. |
from reader1209 : |
I know others will say this but listen to me. No, I mean, really, LISTEN TO ME. Take a breath. Everything is going to be fine. In the meantime I'm sending you all my good, relaxing, stress-reducing thoughts....breathe. omg...I just had to backspace over that because I originally typed "stress-inducing" Now THAT wouldn't work at all. xo |
from reader1209 : |
Awwww...honey...hugs from me (and yet, also, Yay! on the not perimenopausal thing) |
from metame : |
if it makes you feel any better, I hear there are some similar problems with transformers...well in the "why on earth did they do that" "why is this scene 30 freaking minutes and not 5" "that was mildly amusing the 1st time and really not very funny or entertaining the 5th time". a friend of mine, who is usually pretty forgiving of the summer blockbuster genre, made an imdb account so he could write a scathing review and gain closure on the waste of his 6 bucks and sunday afternoon. seems to be a lot of that pain going around these days! :) |
from onlymayday : |
Firstly, I keep writing you lovely long eloquent comments and then remembering AFTER I hit the button that your comments don't work. So you don't get lovely long eloquent comments. Also, I thought the last HP movie was desperately short on plot, so if this one does that more, ouch. The films really suffer most from any sense of conceptual unity. It's too bad she didn't decide to wait and sell the rights ten or twenty years from now when they could've been done all together under a single concept. Once we've done the LOTR production schedule once, I can't believe no one would ever consider doing it again, you know? I guess it's too big a risk for potential flops. Still, it remains to be seen whether these will become classic, or if they're a passing fad. I'd say their potential hinges on the last book- if Hallows isn't a throwaway, and the book can last beyond the anticipation of whether Snape's good or evil (because, really, that's what every single reader wants to know now), they will become classics and the movies will get re-done in thirty or forty years. (If my prediction is right, they won't make a GoF and they'll try to combine OOP and HBP, truncating both story lines.) |
from errantnights : |
but now it's time to get out of the desert and into the sun |
from metame : |
I understand totally. I think when your not sheeple it's harder to relate to, well, most others. I vividly remember doing a focus group once and we were asked to offer up some adjectives to describe the product. I was one of the first to speak up and everyone just gave me the weirdest looks and their was this really awful silence and the leader sort of said.. okay... anyone else. Exactly what you DON'T want to happen after speaking up with your opinion, right. I was a little puzzled but then when everyone else started to talk I realized, and was quite shocked, that I was evidently from another planet from these people. the everyman people. it was surreal and I'll never forget it. I don't think it's you, I think it's them, that are asshats :) xoxo |
from onlymayday : |
I came here to say almost exactly what Reader told you. In fact, I laughed because her first sentence WAS exactly what I'd been planning to write. Pseudo bitches of the world unite! Er, anyway... GM sounds like he has a major bug up his butt (bug, stick, nuclear bomb, whatever), and that's just not cool. Tattling co-worker is also slightly out of line, even if she went in with good intentions. If she also has a problem with said guy, she should at least be like, "hey, WE should go say something about him, because, man, what an ass, and you're new, maybe they'll listen to you." You can't just go in with "she says and some other people agree," even if you include yourself, unless the other people are in there with you. Well, in my imaginary $100,000,000,000, know that some of that would wing it your way. |
from reader1209 : |
Oh hon, It's not you. I have the very same problem and after much introspection I have come to the conclusion that lots of people are intimidated by people who can look at themselves and see their own faults and who still have the confidence of who they are. You have that. I have been told I'm a bitch more times than I can count...but I'm not. I may have bitchy moments, of course but I'm not a bitch...especially not to the people who call me that. For example I have a brother-in-law who HATES me. Says I'm a bitch and a know-it-all. The bitch part comes from the fact that I call him on his boorish behaviour and that I do not let him walk all over me. The know-it-all is that I'm a well-read woman who can hold my own in a conversation. That scares the shit out of him...mostly because I'm smarter than he is and he knows it. But anyway, my point is that you are also a smart woman who knows her mind and more important is not afraid to look at herself with clear eyes and has little patience for people's asshat-ery. That freaks people out. And as far as that dumb-fuck "leader" of the meeting goes, leading a team involves a hell of a lot more than being the big dog. His behaviour was innappropriate NOT yours. And btw, always remember that there are many of us who love you just the way you a matter of fact love you BECAUSE you are the way you are...and we *know* you better. Screw them!! (wow, this is a long note...sorry) |
from apyjo : |
Gurl ,I can't leave you comments on the diary anymore for some reason . I had a really interesting comment about meeting Karen Allen in the Berkshires , and expensive necklace from her Fiber Art Shop ..but well it disappeared. So I spoon fed ya the condensed version out here . Cool lady took a snap with her , nice necklace but way too $$$$ . Come by and check my New Kid Windows Spaces for slideshow. How's about you leavin me a comment there again !I'd luv it. |
from metame : |
hell yeah! great entry. And the raising kids part is scary. for many reasons, including the fear that she will be incredibly obnoxious one day. We are constantly wondering/plotting/hoping that we can actually do something to keep it to a minimum but that's probably a silly pipe dream. Sometimes I wonder about my parents and think... hey I bet they would have been helpful in a lot of situations if I'd just let them be helpful. Now that is something to acknowledge! If I could just figure out how to get Lex to figure that out, you know, before she's 35. :) |
from reader1209 : |
I am oh so curious as to your take on the Pope's road rules...yeah, the guy has released a 30-something page document telling us all how to behave on the road....o...m...G! |
from onlymayday : |
So I was slightly confused about what Justice Scalia was doing in CA and where he would've gotten sparkly blue eyes. Ah, Justice *Antonin* Scalia, thank you Wikipedia. I'm a genius. Also, anyone who thinks the gum thing is not totally reprehensible is not allowed to retain human being status. Books are sacred, that's just the way it is. |
from onlymayday : |
I 'bout cried the first time I realised that none of my HTML functioned in FF. Well, I did a little fiddling, and I think if you absolute position your content div and add a top margin of about 245 that might fix it. It should keep the sidebar fluid, too. |
from onlymayday : |
Oh, I've been meaning to mention this, but I haven't been entirely certain that it was true or just my problem, and then most of your entries were kinda on the "not too impressed with the universe" side, and I was like, she doesn't need to hear about this now. Anyway for some reason, Firefox and your new template don't quite agree with each other. The very top of the entry overlaps up into the pink swirly thing and the date and time actually sit somwhere underneath "the katie way". I think it's something to do with the fact that FF really hates CSS div layer spacing. I had a similar problem with my website, but I can't remember now how I fixed it... |
from onlymayday : |
I couldn't think of any other reason. Also, I shall return home with Legos, so Project LOTR is definately in the works. |
from onlymayday : |
I shall try. I'm thinking a GI Joe would be a perfect Boromir, but I don't have one. The more stuff I come up with the more I want to do it and realise that it's a huge undertaking. Ah well, whenever I do it, the results will of course be Flickrised. I *think* I'm better, thanks, and then it breaks out again in some new way. Yesterday I sounded like a frog for about an hour. |
from funky--dory : |
Heya! It's been a long, long time but I dropped by recently and wanted to say hello and that I don't know when it was you changed your diary design but it's very pretty :) - Kati |
from raven72d : |
I so sympathize about the car-- and I am looking forward to little Pete's website! |
from reader1209 : |
I couldn't leave a comment for some reason. You sounded like you needed a hug {} |
from moonferret : |
I'm back... got bored, quit my teaching job, and decided my cyber-stalker can go to hell! |
from reader1209 : |
HEre's my email: [email protected]. I'm going to try to send that one to you again. Stupidhead computers. If it doesn't go through, you have yourself a merry little Christmas. All the best to you and TB. |
from onlymayday : |
Thank ye muchly! |
from f-i-n : |
I have a crush on Holden |
from onlymayday : |
Middle schoolers and a fairy tale, they'll kill me. It'll be fine later on for the little kids, but middle schoolers are nothing if not too cool for themselves. This is going to be about a non-traditional princess, I just haven't decided what's going to happen to her, whether she's a pacifist, or a femininst, or what. It's going to be traditionally non-traditional (which I knew when I checked the Dragons books out), I just didn't know where to go. Right now, it's sort of what would happen if The Hobbit met The Idylls of the King. Less on the fantasy, more on the quirky, and with a lot of sauntering around playing lords and ladies. (Which is what middle schoolers love to do without admiting it, why else do they read fantasy?) It's also the sort of thing I wrote ALL the time in middle school, so I think I'm finally in a good place. |
from f-i-n : |
Thank you for the sweet notes!!!! Last year my family boarded up the house because of hurricane wilma. This year has been quiet in the far. |
from sillybeautie : |
i came across your diary [basically lurking plus boredom] anyways i think its really amazing!! =] |
from onlymayday : |
So, even though I'm not doing Nano this year, I still have the account, and am checking up on some other friends who are doing it. I'm kthspian there. |
from metame : |
katie what's up? when I go to your page it's just a blank white space! |
from jennifergwl : |
Thank you! I am a web designer, too. Creativity is my thing I guess! I saw a couple of your photos on your entry about photos of Giverny, they are really nice, too. The flowers are really nicely done. However, I had to make sure I didn't see the worm photo, it really would've freaked me out. I never would've been able to take that photo haha! |
from jennifergwl : |
regarding the note you left me: You asked what I liked taking pictures of (I filled out one of your surveys). If you'd like, you can check out my website and you can see for yourself :) |
from raven72d : |
Yay, Fatburger! (mayo, pickles, and grilled onion only, of course) ...And-- yay, little Pete! He needs a website for himself and his small stuffling friends-- and a book. |
from reader1209 : | can't leave me hangin' like that. What was the comment that haloscan ate? I gotta know. |
from raven72d : |
The English did do "Ultraviolet", one the best vampire-noir series ever. But in general-- yes: TV in England sucks. And when are you going to turn Pete's adventures into a book? |
from reader1209 : |
Those are great movie ideas. I'm thinking I'm gonna have to get her to watch the Breakfast Club...I'm not sure if she has but she should. I've seen About a Boy - that was the movie that made me love Hugh Grant. I didn't have much use for him before that. High Fidelity I haven't seen which is hugely weird because John Cusack was like my first love...oohh, I'll have to get Say Anything. I just know ALL the movies I'm going to suggest to her will be 80's ones. (I love the Grease idea...that was such a good movie) |
from raven72d : |
Tarantino has a whole Fatburger thing, doesn't he? I had yellowtail sushi rolls at lunch; I would like to have a Fatburger (mayo, pickles, grilled onions only). |
from onlymayday : |
I do, at last, feel better, thanks for the well wishes. I woke up this morning and realised that I was happy to be awake, and not like my own body wanted me dead. So, there's a plus. One of the first things I tried was unplugging power to both the router and the modem, and that didn't work. When I unplugged them both from the wall (for like, hours, 'cause I forgot about them) and plugged them back in, strange and scary things happened (I couldn't get the Internet, and the wireless wasn't working at all: I ran a check indicating the DNS had failed), so I restarted my computer and everything was back to the original problem. I can access sites by their IP address (which doesn't work for everything because you can't use an IP address to get to a Yahoo account), but when I do the things to fix that problem, I don't have any of the things that CAUSE that problem. We'll have to call Nathan's tech support guy. |
from reader1209 : |
Hi Katie, I know you will appreciate this. I was checking my stats today and noticed that someone clicked on my diary after googling "ginormous breasts". Too, too funny. |
from reader1209 : |
Waaaahhhh! the stupid casino that is hosting Rick Springfield is allowing only those 19 years of age and older to go to the concert so my 12 year old daughter can't go...I have nobody to go with...can you catch a flight to Detroit for October 20th?...:(...stupidhead casino. |
from raven72d : |
I must try Fatburger. Though I like the seasoned fries (curly-q fries?) at Arby's... |
from reader1209 : |
Kaaaaattttttiiiiieeee!!! Guess who is coming in concert to my town? It will be a small venue so I'm guessing any seat in the house will be good. Can you guess? RICK SPRINGFIELD!!! I am so going to be there. |
from raven72d : |
I always buy BK hamburgers but McD's fries. |
from reader1209 : |
hi katie-girl. As I read the whole pain fairy rant that I did even I laughed out loud. I'm picturing a fairy leaning, slouched against a headboard with wings all smushed in and hair tousled. Yup, funny. thank god the pain is gone. It was just a random infection because the filling was large and close to the root. Why it waited two years to flare up is beyond me. I also visited Pete the bear's diary. Very cute. He seems to be having fun. I'm seeing a travel guide for kids there. You would be excellent in that capacity. Do it. The more I see of your pictures the more I think I shoulda just bought a ticket and came over for the weekend. Stupidhead me. |
from raven72d : |
I must try Darjeeling, then. There are tea snobs, yes-- just like there are *anything* snobs. Even French fries snobs. |
from raven72d : |
I must try Darjeeling, then. There are tea snobs, yes-- just like there are *anything* snobs. Even French fries snobs. |
from raven72d : |
I became all phobic about flying slowly, all through the '90s... and after 1997 found myself unable to get on a plane at all. (Or drive over big bridges.) Everything that's happened in the last five years only confirms my unwillingness to board a metal tube held up entirely by mathematics and faith...and subject to destruction by absurdly small amounts of explosive. Plus... I'm terrified of being humiliated by security screeners. |
from spritopias : |
I have no idea what you are talking about. Sorry, I haven't used diary land in years - not since I grew up - you have my full apology for any impertinence on my end. |
from reader1209 : |
Just thought you'd like to know. KC and the Sunshine band are performing at the casino in my city TONIGHT and I can't go because they are SOLD OUT!!! See, he's still hot. :) |
from reader1209 : |
My problem is not so much drunk people (some of my best friends are often drunk people) but people who are drunk and totally inappropriate. I would have so got off that subway/train thing just like you did. Eye contact and nodding is never a good thing in my books. |
from onlymayday : |
Ah, yeah, now that you say that, it occurs to me that there are probably several reasons people would want to mess with deer. When I wrote that, all I thought was "why would anyone want to get that close to a giant ass-kicking machine?" I forgot that "giant ass-kicking machine" is not always first in the minds of others, but then, what are they doing in college? |
from reader1209 : |
Yeah, I believe my Photoshop thingy has a sepia issue is more along the lines of actually getting the pictures developed (from my non-digital camera) and then scanning them on my iffy scanner. Thank whoever I need to thank that I finally got my digital camera -that think is gonna save me untold amounts of money and time. BTW, I liked the entry where you posted pictures and I think you should definitely soome sort of travel/guide book. You would be very good at that. Anyway, I'm off to work..well, actually the shower to get ready for work but that seemed a wee bit personal to be telling...oops :) Have a great day or evening, whichever it is there and try not to get too worked up about the terrorist thing. I'm sure everything will be fine by the time you leave. |
from reader1209 : | are so brave what with slammin' on KC from half a world away!! The only thing that is saving this friendship is the fact that you like Rick Springfield and one of your favourite movies is Princess Bride. Otherwise I woulda had to strike you from my buddy list. I have to go now and put on my Boogie Shoes cause that's the way...uh huh, uh huh I like it uh huh, uh huh :) |
from reader1209 : |
OMG, talk about hilarious...I keep meaning to tell you this. When I first found your diary I noticed that you used to mention nosy people who googled katiedoyle and found your diary and I always wondered how does she KNOW I googled her. (BTW, I googled because I was at work and couldn't save the site and could never remember the actual name of it either) Anyway, I always wondered how you knew but now that I can view my stats I realize how you did it. Could I be any dorkier? |
from reader1209 : |
Oh, don't you even think aout dissing my KC and the Sunshine Band. If I remember correctly you had an entry a while back about your embarrassing music picks...should I scroll through your archives and remind you?? hmm?? should I? |
from raven72d : |
Yay, Katie and little Pete! I hope the Paris trip is an utter delight. |
from onlymayday : |
You are totally invited (in spite of that two time zones away thing), but probably only a small percentage of the other invitees would know who THAT particular Katie was, and they'd be the ones who would be all, no, you don't look like her at all. Anyway, our CD is all ready and waiting (well, unless I get inspired again and decide to do cover art too), so let me know where to send it. (If you've e-mailed already, I haven't gotten it.) |
from zuzus-petals : |
I'm totally with you on the "fuck him if he can't take a joke" stuff.. everything was true, but it was also extremely personal - ranging the gamet of truths you don't want your mother to know. It was in poor taste to use his full name - but like I say, at the time I totally didn't embrace how public the internet is/was. I thought finding a specific web page in a sea of bazillions of web pages would be more complicated than finding that proverbial needle in a hay stack. Turns out it's really pretty easy and it wasn't my intention to malign his character - even if it was being maligned with trusisms - it's just not my way. - Zu |
from apyjo : |
Come check out my blog, Katie Dahling ! If you have hotmail e address comments are easy to leave . Now, if you don't you'll have to get an MSN passport. Just means that you gotta put in a password and an email address to leave me some comments. And I want some from you !I know it's extra time , but I would appreciate it . :) |
from metame : |
hiya katie happy new year to you. I hope all your wildest dreams come true and that this is a great year for you xoxo :) |
from final137 : |
You don't know me.. but Merry Christmas. |
from onlymayday : |
Ummmm, pack up and move to the Midwest where they will kneel at your feet and worship you as the Goddess O' Talent you so obviously are? Seriously, who DO you have to be to get ahead out there? (Oh, wait, Paris Hilton... never mind.) |
from funky--dory : |
My Internet has been down at home and I still haven't seen last week's VM. Making me jittery. Aaron Echolls is coming back though! |
from rae-babe : |
Ha! I found a way around this stupid internet block. Now if only I could find a way to read other people's diaries. So I have no idea what is going on in your life right now but I wanted to say, "hi ;0)," and I hope all is as well as it can be. Now I'm off to see if I'm allowed to make an entry or if this Websence dosn't have enough to let me access it. It's the little things here that I'm missing. 15 min. once a month on a 56K that isn't on the Government network is just not enough time. Well, tootles!! |
from funky--dory : |
Oh! I completely missed your note - been ill and stuff. That's so cool though! Did you speak to him? Possibly accuse him of murder and underage sex? Umm... maybe not. |
from funky--dory : |
It was this whole annoying business where a work colleague found my diary, and then he sent me an e-mail that included mention of something from it. He said he only did it to scare me and that he'd only read enough, just to freak me out and said he wouldn't read anymore, but I didn't want to risk it. I do think it would be too predictable if it was Aaron - maybe that stunt guy was a bit of a crazed fan. Like Aaron didn't put him up to it, he did it himself. Or maybe someone wanted to kill Logan? Duncan and Veronica lack spark but I really liked the Logan/Duncan fight. I miss them being friends. |
from funky--dory : |
Heya - this is Kati. A work colleague found my diary so I moved. Sorry to just bale. I freaked out and sort of avoided the issue for a while. The fire sounds scary and I'm really sorry about the job *hugs* |
from beautiflntmr : |
AW! GIRL!! SIMON GREEN!! AH! And! David fucking Eddings! AHH!! DUDE!! |
from onlymayday : | Right there! |
from k1ttykat : |
Dear Stressed, Have a hug. *hugs*. |
from f-i-n : |
Thanks, Katie. My first name is rather boring. So yeah...Fin is my nickname. It doesn't make me cooler or anything...:) |
from onlymayday : |
Maybe not Grammar Police- I get too many dirty looks when I tell people their syntax is odd or that they are not "at" places... But maybe we could be co-presidents of a group for the Promotion of Outstanding Grammar Skills (POGS- because we need to remember the 80's) or maybe Katies Exhuding Grammatical Superiority (KEGS... maybe that gives the wrong impression). |
from k1ttykat : |
Hee! I knew you'd like it in the end! I'm happy to be dmned by you ;) Guess how I've been feeling all summer, waiting for who's at the door? AND I have to wait a couple of days after you all get it so that I can download. P.S. Joss Whedon recently said that it's his favourite show ever and he's got a cameo role in Episode 6 of new season. |
from candoor : |
I enjoy reading you |
from somstar : |
well that's a good thing isn't it, being "right on track"? |
from stealmypurse : |
I may or may not love you right now but I probably do. Let's hope that this works. Cross your fingers and dot your eyes. Toodles.m2 |
from stealmypurse : |
Oh, well I will get right on fixing that. That is, if the html is not too difficult to understand. I will send you an email sometime either today or tomorrow. Never fear I am around the internet somewhere. That is, until I have to go to work. Blah. Time to cover up the piercing...lalala. Toodles ♥ |
from sunshine0221 : |
Ummm, do I have your Yahoo address? |
from onlymayday : |
Ah. Good point. |
from raven72d : |
Cool! How has life been? I've missed you and little Pete both! |
from raven72d : |
More than just believe. Four people were just sent to jail for a few months in Transylvania for digging up and staking a body they suspected of being a vampire. And in Serbia during the wars of the 1990s, there were nationalist radio broadcasts that claimed that Bosnian Muslims were using vampires to fight Serb troops. |
from stealmypurse : |
I love the moment when you realize your notes function is back up and running on diaryland. Yay notes. I probably sent you an email about my new gmail. You should probably respond. Just cuz that'd be cool and whatnot. Love you darling face. If you were my age and lived here we would be in France already. Toodles.♥ |
from sunshine0221 : |
If I were an organized type person, I would ahve already emailed you a list of cool wholesale jewlery supply suppliers. However, I am so not, and I will get you a fab list upon my return from Atlanta. |
from onlymayday : |
Quite right, about everything. Thanks for the plant help. We're doing what we can for him (grow light has to wait until after we can afford for us to live), and he's gotten too pitiful to talk (cannot resist the Little Shop jokes). |
from cheese1180 : |
kd, you are seriously my hero. In more ways than one. If you ever DVR RM, be sure to note me so Reina and I can tap some of that action. And thanks for caring for the way my body seems to be decomposing faster than the Cryptkeeper's. ;) |
from onlymayday : |
Iowa's split right across the middle of two zones (in either category): 41 and 43, and 4b and 5a. I've always lived right about where the lines meet and so never paid too much attention. The plant (Schefflera Brassaia) has lived its entire life with us in a pot on our windowsill. The window faces east and is directly underneath the balcony of the people who live above us. As it is, direct light hangs around from 5 am to about 8 am, but we don't have the blinds open then. I don't think it's oversunned. You're right, it's not been fed, but I was worried about alien invasion and potential murder charges so I just told it to shut up when it started all that "Feed me!" crap. Like I said, don't need no hassle from tempermental houseplants. (cough) |
from onlymayday : |
Oh yeah, and that's not the worst of the series of educational horror stories I've got. It fell under the policy because the way it's written "no tolerance" means whatever you want it to mean, so if anyone "feel threatened" by anything a student says or does you can kick 'em out. Under the policy there is also a fighting clause that in practice means (because it's happened) if some jerks want to beat a kid with glasses up, and the kid with glasses lays on the dirt and doesn't fight at all, he can be suspended. The kids who beat him up are too, but they suspend the VICTIM as well. Sounds to me more like the schools are allocating bullying and unprovoked beatings, but, whatever. |
from k1ttykat : |
Noooooooooooo! (she wails twice after reading first entry then note). This is a shame indeed. It filled my Mutant Enemy hole (have you seen Firefly by the way? Serenity is coming out this year and I'm stupidly excited). |
from k1ttykat : |
Sorry, totally forgot to e-mail you before last night. Did you see it? I'll send you all the 'Previously on Veronica Mars" stuff you need tonight :) |
from that33girlie : |
Heres the email i was trying to send...Dear Katie, I hope you're okay and just too busy to post. I wanted to tell you that I have a really good source for cheap CDs and if you email me a list of those 80s (or whenever) tapes that you like Id be happy to try to score some. Its one of those - gotta keep checking things, but tell me what you like so I can check. Hope you're well, and if not, let me know if there's anything I can do for you! Kate PS I still havnt forgotten about your Paula's Gentlemans Marinade, I have my eyes and ears open. |
from k1ttykat : |
Oh, just remembered though that UPN aren't showing all the episodes after and they're airing Wednesday instead. This week was episode 6. If you download episodes, I can get you some, or I can just give you rundowns on the bits in between. |
from k1ttykat : |
You're in luck! It's repeated again on Sunday I think :D |
from albygocougs : |
oh shoot... i moved b/c my bf and i were going to go live in mexico in september... sadly we will not be moving to mexico, yet. instead we will be in boston, again, and now must find another apartment. boo. but its okay, plans change and everything works out. |
from albygocougs : |
omg, of course you can use my site for friday finds... i actually just recreated it, so its a bit different as of today... but most of my "good" paintings are still there. |
from buffylass : |
Heh I had to look up the word "moniker", which makes me sound really ignorant. Thankyou anyway :) feel free to read, only don't bother reading the earlier entries as they're distinctly crappy. |
from k1ttykat : |
Woohoo! You will definitely have to tell me what you think :D |
from fuzzy-grey : |
You totally need to learn some Vegas manners, and if you see that old guy again, punch him in the nose and show him how difficult you really are. Being medium is actually fantastic cause we medium folk clean up real good, but we don't have the hassle of being pretty all the time. I love going to stores seemingly undetected. I just don't understand women who get dolled up to go shopping. Who the hell at the grocery store is going to care? Do you have a hankering for the bag boys? (not YOU, "them".) Anyway, I have answered all your questions at LENGTH on my diary... thank you for asking. :) |
from sunshine0221 : |
Oh wow - a PIMP! The store that carries my jewelry has a crappy website and - the hell? - only one of my pieces is on it. I haven't made much jewelry lately - the latest were some watches with double pearls that were kinda cool. Somehow I need to be feeling calm and peaceful to do jewelry, and these days I sure as hell do not know what that is like! And I can't remember if I have told you how gorgeous your jewelry is - and your website is excellent too! I LOVE the Calliean earrings. |
from k1ttykat : |
I know! I just sat there in total disbelief and he was so casual about it while I squealed in a rather embarrassing fangirlish way. |
from sunshine0221 : |
I added a notes link after your last complaint:) It is at the bottom of the entry because I was too lazy to make a button. And I GAVE you the url to my jewelry website, which I have not updated in like forever. A local jewelry store carries my stuff, and I do sell things through them. The website, not so much. |
from k1ttykat : |
Sweet of you to be concerned but I'm fine. Always am - broadly speaking! Thanks for the compliments - I thought it was time to go bright after all that black and white. |
from sunshine0221 : |
I must not have had my irony tags on - even though I have not been a Mac person for a long time, I think I would have heard about their new "chihuahua" model. Work has been kicking my ass, but I am enjoying your journal immensely when I get a chance to read some older entries. And I am rambling, and going through coffee withdrawal. |
from stealmypurse : |
Dude. I suck at keeping in touch with you. And here I used to complain about you. Shoot me in the face. My hair is growing out by now and no I don't have any pictures but when I get it recut and possibly highlighted I will. Ben and I are no longer together as you will see if you read the latest entry[gasp!]. Herm, I need to go write more poetry. What else is new with you? I could just read your diary, but I like hearing it from you better. Keep shining Millie. ♥M2 |
from onlymayday : |
I thought that was odd too; every time I caught any news on it, they were talking about all the people different reports over the years have said it was and running ticker tapes that said it was Felt. I was all, "wait, so, it's him and the media isn't totally excited about this?" If this is the reaction to this, I wonder how much we'll be hearing about the Warren Commission. We ought to be more interested in finishing history's stories. |
from k1ttykat : |
Crazy isn't it? Ever wish your voation had been something more 'normal' or stable like engineering or teaching, something like that? |
from k1ttykat : |
It's awfully sweet to come back after not having updated for absolutely forever, to find a note left for me! I'm terrible, every day I think, I ought to write up an entry and do that redesign I've been planning on all year! |
from onlymayday : |
I made your day? Heck, you made mine twice. As long as your notes rock that much, hijack as often as you please. |
from buffylass : |
heh thankyou :) your name actually rings a bell, so i think i must have read some of your journal at some point x |
from lonelywife : |
i love the cutting edge!!! :) also, love your diary. i just found it and i'm enjoying it already! |
from dangerspouse : |
Hey K, congrats on not getting lost! Sheesh, I wish I had gone into TV now, and not radio. OUR kitchen is a microwave oven in the transmitter room, under a pile of old promo items. Oh well. Say - I tried to join your Notify List (despite the lack of decoder ring) and said Notify List flashed back a notice that the name you gave is not a valid list one! Is this some sort of cruel trick? (BTW, I just found your diary and am enjoying it very much.) :) |
from ballet-bum : |
mucho thanks for the note, my finger's a lot better now. It's gone all scabby, which although is revolting, is a lot less painful. I will cross my fingers and toes for you with the job thing, hope it all works out :) Commuting is a bitch, but it can be worth it. And good luck with giving up sugar, you have more willpower than I, that's for damn sure. Take care, and have a splendiferous day :) |
from smiletenshi : |
Thanks Katie :) |
from smiletenshi : |
Hey Katiebean; It's Feb.6th :) |
from banefulvenus : |
Thanks so much for the message!! I truly love your site. It's damn amazing!! :) |
from metame : |
katie, that's so sweet. :) I'm a large usually, and with my new boobage I manage to fill out this size in front as well as in shoulders (the area that usually requires the size!). woohoo for new boobage! |
from leslieirene : |
Hey there! I want to invite you to join The Spark ring here on DiaryLand. Molzo, the owner, is really wanting to build the ring back up, and as a ring member, you really don't have to do anything but be listed, put a cute link to The Spark on your diary, and see if maybe you would like to become a regular writer a some point. I think you are a "must have" addition! |
from ann-frank : |
oh, you are the sweetest. thanks for the funny notes. Also, happy birthday to you! And yes, I think I am going to start some August combo gifting myself. great idea! |
from tariqa : |
Thanks, Katie...My family has been here for several days...yesterday was all I could have hoped for. I hope your holiday was merry, too...Happy New Year. |
from raven72d : |
Merry Christmas and all the best in the Year Five to you and little Pete! |
from leslieirene : |
Thanks, dear! You're so kind. I hope that your holidays are going well. I am really enjoying the decorations this year. I don't know why, really! Love, Leslie :) |
from sunnflower : |
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving! |
from raven72d : |
I hope your job situation gets better...and that the autumn and Christmas go well for you... And I'm always looking forward to little Pete's entries. |
from norenhuxley : |
They're a bit better... but I've been newly commissioned to paint something and so I will definitely try your suggestion. Thanks so much--you have no idea how grateful I am for tips like this. |
from raven72d : |
I totally agree with you about the FCC and "Saving Private Ryan". And I hope little Pete will post again soon. |
from sunnflower : |
I understand exactly how you feel. You are obviously taking the high road with your friend and you have the satisfaction of knowing that. I have a friend who voted for Kerry who is still miffed at me for a discussion we had in which I wouldn't agree with her rather strident list of points. Sigh. My dad and I didn't talk for about 6 weeks due to a political disagreement. Finally, he called me on my birthday. How crazy is that! We all need to agree to disagree sometimes. It is too bad about your friend. I would let them know that you value the friendship but feel that you have shown respect for their decision while they have not left you with that feeling in exchange. I will tell you that many a conservative voter was routinely slammed pre-election and and it got pretty tedious. Even now there are plenty of vicious comments being made about conservative voters. Believe me, it gets old. It may help you to forgive your friend their stubborness in that it mayb eally more be a defensiveness mechanism in light of all of this. Hugs to you, Katie D! :) |
from sunnflower : |
Don't worry, i won't head over to the blog - one has to know one's boundaries! About 50% of us, give or take some points either way, will naturally feel a bit put out and down trodden pre and post election. It's part of the pain and pleasure of being an American. I always hesitate to say too much one way or another when people make strong statements in their diaries so thanks for letting me know it would have been okay to let you know if I thought my head was going to explode or my trauma-o-meter was hitting into the red zone. Hugs to you. :) |
from sunnflower : |
Dearest Katie D - I want to thank you for your note. It meant a great deal to me. Yes, you did traumatize me a tiny bit with your passionate presentation of your political perspective. (That�s a lot of P�s). However, I do believe that one of the great things about online diaries is that we get to know people we wouldn't probably consider hanging out with in ordinary face-to-face life because of our own subjective and often superficial judgments about others we meet in person as we live our life � too old, too young, too fat, too thin, too blond, too bald, and on aod on. That's the wonder of what we get to do here in our diaries. I get to see the Katie D who makes a special kind of pasta sauce and has a thousand other adventures - not just the Katie Doyle with a political opinion plus! - and because of that I can see past some of the words that would normally cut to the quick. Thanks for reading my diary and for you kind and thoughtful comment. |
from tariqa : |
Thanks...I ultimately found it at |
from tariqa : |
I tried this:, but it keeps telling me that it is not available...or some such message. I'll try again later in the day...maybe it's just too busy.???? |
from k1ttykat : |
*gives hugs until the hug counter stops her* |
from k1ttykat : |
I realised I don't qualify anyway due to that whole already being registered to vote thing. Serves me right for being conscientious about my politics, doesn't it? |
from moonferret : |
I'm leaving d-land for blogger. Sorry, D-land... it's time we broke up. So, come visit. |
from stealmypurse : |
Thanky kindly for the quoting. I feel so powerful and potent. Ok, so perhaps not potent. Thank you also the congrats on the braces coming off. Finally. Really darling, you must already know by now that I am a whole fast food joint of nutburgers. For I am their prototype and namesake. Give my love to Julian when you see him will you. Winkwink. Have a great day on me. Toodles. ♥ |
from sunnflower : |
OK, Katie D - you win the longest note ever in my diary prize! I don't agree with your take but I do agree that you are one cool chick. :) |
from banefulvenus : |
I had found your site in the past but found it again today by clicking on your mirror banner. You've really got something great there. You have a lot of talent and your site is nothing short of amazing!! :) |
from stealmypurse : |
Honey, Julian Sands is so sexy it is a given I find him attractive. Ahah. You knew I would list you. You're my Millie advisary. What would I do without you? Do have a wonderful day now darling. Adieu, and say hello to Julian when you can. M2 |
from raven72d : |
Most lizards are simply baffled... Especially the axolotl. But I do hope you and Pete have a wonderful weekend and get to cavort-- always a good thing to do. |
from stealmypurse : |
No, do not resend it. I got it. I was just too busy watching a Julian Sands movie to respond. Ahha. What really happened is my mail didn't want me to send anything to you.[damn yahoo]So you will get a reply soon. Hopefully today. IN the next few minutes. It will be a great running joke. That Julian Sands has mojo what can I say. Grr tiger. Ahha. I will reply shortly. Lava you M1 <3M2<3 |
from metame : |
katie, she's gorgeous! I don't think I could ever have a non-calico cat now... good luck with the settling in period! |
from stealmypurse : |
don't rush on my account. i would hate to interrupt you while you were doing something important like watching a julian sands movie. that should be our new running joke. julian sands. ahah. well talk to you soonly i hope. toodles. |
from stealmypurse : |
Oh darling, I hope you can get in soon. Julian Sands makes me do the herky jerky gag dance. He is the most unattractive man. I only googled him to find out where I had seen his ugly mug before. Now someone is going to think I am a *gasp* fan!? Le shock. No way. But yes I will have a happy fourth. Not to rub it in or anything, but not only have you not read me in a while I believe I sent you an email I never saw come back. Let's kill a couple-a birds with fire and brimstone. Just kidding. I know that today is a day that should be free from diary updates and emails. Just drop a line from time to time. Glad you love the layout because so do I. It was time for a change. Quote me whenever you want and I will quote you as well. Toodles Millie1 I love you.<3Millie2<3 |
from katiedoyle : |
help! i can't access my own diary! this is not good. kd |
from raven72d : |
Wuff! I hope the weekend goes well. And I hope that Pete writes new entries soon! |
from raven72d : |
Hope you feel better... And say hi to Pete! |
from imaphatpig : |
it was discouraging for me that it was fiction but since the guy actually was a Marine at some time I felt better about the story as a whole. Anyway, ain't this a kick??? I dated a Marine as well! Well... two... but don't go thinking that I was a duty Trudy or anything. I promise... I wasn't. - Andrea |
from imaphatpig : |
you ought to be called rightsaidkatiedoyle. honestly! your memorial day entry was wonderful and thanks for putting it all so well. have you read THE THINGS THEY CARRIED? it's sobering but so great. -andrea |
from raven72d : |
It took me a second to recall Karen Black and the accursed doll from that ancient horror film... But, yep-- Pierre has *four* doll museums. I offer no explanation, just the observation. |
from raven72d : |
Pierre, South Dakota has four (4)...yes, four!...Victorian doll museums. I've seen enough horror films to know what happens next and how creepy the whole idea is. |
from wateryone : |
wow, I am so scared of uber-perfect-girl-place. Does it really exist? I don't think I could ever take my kids somewhere that pink. (they will be quite capable of playing tea parties in the grass with a chipped old chinese tea set, thank you very much). Did you ever read the Frances and Gloria books picture books, especially A Bargain for Frances, the one with the tea set and no backsies? |
from invisibledon : |
oh too cool about the mission - and a lot of things are stealth when you are invisible - kinda goes with the territory - but you have to be careful where you lie down |
from imaphatpig : |
thanks a bunch. your lovely little note came along just when I needed it! do you have a pic page or have I just been missing it? |
from banefulvenus : |
I just wanted to thank you for your kind note. I truly value your compliment and the positive feedback. You made my day. |
from raven72d : |
Small valiant stuffling friends are excellent and trustworthy companions... |
from bohemist : |
Oh Katie, I'm so grateful for all of your cyber support. Thank you. On another note, I totally get the Angel dilemma. I'm a huge fan of Alias which is on hold till January of 2005. Its one of those comforting weekly routines, a guarantee that one hour you can just disappear into a world unlike your own. Fortunately, there's always the DVDs, right? And finally, a tip on the points thing. The key (at least for me) was to pick what I wanted to eat and fit it into the points available, rather than eating a ton of low point stuff that I didn't want. For example, eat a few Pringles to satisfy the craving, rather than a lot of vegetables at 0 points. Congrats on the dress... the results are worth the struggle! |
from raven72d : |
You have a most wonderful little bear companion. You should read to him and take him for walks. |
from candoor : |
after reading your 'about' page, I have decided I like you and wish you were my next door neighbor for a week so we could get to know each other and decide if we are truly good friends or just have some coincidences upon which to base a good aquaintenceship... I know, it's just a momentary feeling I felt while reading, but who knows it could mean something someday so I mentioned it here :) |
from trueblue0213 : |
I just ended up here through your banner, so I'm a complete stranger, but I was skimming your diary and I wanted to say your diary is great - it's interesting, makes sense, eloquent, and all those other complimentary're a great writer. Good job. |
from leslieirene : |
Hi, sweetie! I had no idea my note would be taken so seriously! You're so kind, and I thank you very much. I'm honored, (truly), to be on the Katie List! You have an awesome diary and a fantastic template! Did you design it yourself? It really is cool! Love, Leslie |
from invisibledon : |
happy thursday |
from raven72d : |
You do rock! And I left the wonderful little Pete his vur' own note on behalf of myself and all my stufflings. |
from banefulvenus : |
you rock! You truly rock! |
from feelinpeachy : |
Hey I just wanted to ask how you knew people that were searching for "purple rabbit feet keychain" were ending up on your diary? |
from leslieirene : |
Hello, daaaling! I just wanted to let you know that I loved the *hugs* that you have on your site, and adopted one for my diary. You are wonderful. I'm kinda surprised I'm not on your list, but it's cool. You're still one of my absolute favorites! Yes, lipstick does rule! Love, Leslie |
from imaphatpig : |
I clicked on your banner. Then that whole bit about adoption just sucked me in because I am (adopted) too. I know what you mean about just wanting to know what your birth parents look like. People don't get it and it makes me so frustrated. Bloodlines and shared genes are worth so much to me and others just don't even get it. I like to call them all liars (to their faces) when they try to say that they do. Sometimes I feel like I just dropped right out of the sky onto the earth and someone picked me up, dusted me off, and took me home. Anyway... keep the faith... thanks for being adopted,too (I realize how weird that is that I said that, sorry) because it makes me feel less alone. Cheers, andrea |
from soulwatcherx : |
i totally agree with you, that you don't need a degree to prove your skills, that's always been my opinion. like in music, the bands and artists i admire aren't the ones that studied music for years and then end up performing crappy pop songs, no, i like the ones who make genuine music, even if they can't sing perfectly. but unfortunately people with a degree are often more accepted than those who never studied anyting, even if they produce crap like a black background with two red dots. i hate that kind of 'art'. especially here in germany it's very difficult to get anywhere without a piece of paper stating who or what you are and what you can do. in most fields that is, i don't know what about art though. maybe i just need a good kick in the butt to make a start. thank you for having faith in me, it means a lot to me :) |
from metame : |
well, when we can afford it we buy the kraft free or next one up, otherwise we buy the store brand, nothing special. I like the kraft stuff okay, but of course the regular tastes much better... but it's been a pretty long time since I had one and the memory fades (yay). As for butter v. margarine... I'd say the jury was still out on that one. And it's more a pick your poison situation, wouldn't you say? But it's irrelevant here because I don't *like* butter and it makes my tummy upset. :) Yeah, weird, I know. I don't much care for bread or potatos either. The best one is not being a big fan of potato chips. Thank goodness I say! I do have a weakness for nuts though so it all evens out in the end. Cheers! |
from bohemist : |
Thank you so much for the words of wisdom and support. Its fabulous to have cyber friends who use the colorful language that my inner critic won't allow. You rule Katie Doyle! (and the secret stays between us) Oh, and its August 24. |
from apyjo : |
The guy at the dealership said the thing was 46 K. She's trying to sell her house and I swear she wants to finangle one after it is sold. She's really nice, but I dunno 'bout this brain toot of hers... Of course currently for family purposes we have a ~shudder, shudder~ Ford Windstar van. Daugher calls it the "White Whale". We blend into surburbia pretty much. My Dad's last car was a jag. Just couldn't fit 4 adults and a spotty bagel hound in there. My daughter just got her first ever car, It's A 2004 VW Passat in this gorgeous deep indigo blue. New leather smell, bright shiny gauges , great sound system - she calls him "Kai". :) Now as soon as she has her license she can start taking me shopping ! Letting the kid do stuff for me is a good plan... |
from stealmypurse : |
that is alright love. i understand how that feels. things have been rough getting back into the school life. ick. two months until freedom. yipp-pee. anyway, write when you want. no pressure. no hurries. love you darling. here is something to make you laugh, i accidentally flashed a fellow classmate this morning before school. more in the diary. tata! millie#2 |
from stealmypurse : |
Same to you darling Millie! Where is my promised email oh love of my jazz&booz life? I miss you all the time. Please keep in touch. Happy Monday. Did you get a well deserved day off? Love and mush<3 |
from apyjo : |
sorry tried to put a nice pic in for you -didn't work :( |
from apyjo : |
Are you still alive oh wonderful earring maker of my dreams ???! Drop me an e purty please ! <IMG SRC = "" border = 0> |
from sunnflower : |
No problem. Everyone needs a Lenten buddy! |
from apyjo : |
Hope you are recuperating my friend and fine earring maker ... *concerned look * |
from stealmypurse : |
you have mail.<3 |
from stealmypurse : |
you're absolutely right! how could i forget that. i was just looking through my email addy book and there you be. how could i miss that? i remember us emailing long ago about beads and where to get them. seems silly to forget that sort of thing. i will email you soon, right now i just have to focus on the play. which makes me wonder what i am doing on diaryland right now. eek. bye love hang in there<3 |
from stealmypurse : |
okie doke darlingface, but where pray tell is your email addy? perhaps hidden in your layout? or do you want to just give it to me in a note? let me know and i will send you mail on your pretty little way. kiss kiss<3 |
from stealmypurse : |
oh darling millie #1 i understand the hecticness of life too. you are always there somewhere. i know it. don't worry. i just didn't know if you were going to contact me or if i should drop you a note. and then look, you took the first dancestep. what is wrong lately love? you can tell dear millie#2. you know that. if you want to share, go ahead. otherwise spell it out in your diary if need be. just remember i am always here to make you laugh. more quotes of the day just for you. only have to ask. love you duckie. keep your chin up and your high heels kicking in the air.<3 |
from weeme : |
Ah Ha! i just figured it out! here you are... here's the mysterious katiedoyle who sez all th most fabulous things about me! |
from k1ttykat : |
Oh and hijack my notes as much as you want, you're like one of two people who ever posts in it. And Hsiu's in Japan! |
from k1ttykat : |
"I just think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself on its virility should feel compelled to strap on forty pounds of protective gear just in order to play rugby." - Giles in Some Assembly Required; Season 2. Told you I was a geek but you asked for it! And yes I do watch Angel but ssssh! Being the poor and lowly English student that I am without cable, I've only seen the first five eps of Season 5. |
from stealmypurse : |
oh darling, i am so glad to see you are still on. thought you hated me, which i thought sounded like an odd thing to worry about. since we are both millies and it didn't seem possible. last night at the academy awards, they did a nice little tribute to all these films Blake Edwards did and Breakfast at Tiffany's was one of them and i was so damn excited. you would have been too. did you see that? anyway, i should let you get back to working. keep in touch when you can and never feel ashamed to quote me. someday i will return the favour.<333 |
from whitepills : |
Damn that sarcasm. Always ruining online conversations because it's not apparent enough. My apologies for the lecture. :) |
from whitepills : |
Two things: 1. I'm a far more adequate babysitter than one might imagine. I'm actually very responsible. I just have a warped sense of humor. And I try not to involve most children in something that could hurt them or warp their little brains. So, my survey (and diary) might be misleading, but I still can't blame you for an opinion. 2. I can indeed drive a tractor. My grandmother and grandfather lived on a farm while I was growing up, so I learned then. And after that, I worked mowing lawns for my gramps. Which included cutting farm lawns, and therefore, driving a tractor with the big cutting trailer. |
from whitepills : |
All of the bands you put on my survey are EXCELLENT except Getty Lee. Notice I didn't say "Rush". The band is good. He's not. But that's just my stupid opinion. Thanks for the others though. |
from stealmypurse : |
well be sure to read this entry then because when i complain about the dentist it is going to be a doozy of an entry!<3 |
from stealmypurse : |
hey there doll-ling millie #1. what did i say this time that's going on the record? i am excited and grateful. you're the best fashionista i have ever had the pleashah of knowing.[tips hat to you and tapdances]<3 |
from k1ttykat : |
I have no idea why you weren't on the buddy list earlier given how often (if irregularly) I drop by. And I must go search out that font! |
from stealmypurse : |
working on a saturday should be outlawed. hope you have a good day all the same. check the diary whenever you want, but since i am about to update, look back an entry when you get around to it and you'll see your mention. you're a dweeb of the highest calibur and i love you for it. <3<3 |
from stealmypurse : |
jewelry dear. remember? no i make the family jewels. ahha. and then again not so much the funny is it? ok enough laughing, too much caffeine. i figured if mum can go to a coffee bar and get drunk on coffee why can't i here at home? what's good for the mother hen is good for this chick! enough lame puns for you katie deary? ok, then off to bed i am i said. write back. i mentioned you in my diary entry today. to return the love <3<3<3 |
from stealmypurse : |
you're the coolest person in the world. you forgot to mention i make kick ass jewels. ahah. now everyone is going to think i'm some sort of high school genius. yeah, no. i would so hang out with you too if you were in my high school. infactually actually, you'd be the only one i would hang out with. love love love you doll-ling!<3<3 |
from stealmypurse : |
of course because i am so enthralled with you, i am grovelling at your feet for adding me. your the best ever. i love the way your diary looks. i remember the plain [purple was it?] days. this is nice. glad to talk to you again. keep in touch real soon. it's a must doll-ling. ahah puns! how was your thursday?<3 |
from wateryone : |
Dude, if TWOP spared the snark, I think I'd stop reading. Who do you work with? I'm guessing Miss Alli, but only because I think she's up to your level of cool. |
from apyjo : |
Ego maniacal Americanism-I liked this rant alot , KD ! By the by found said lost earrings . I still need to get them to ya for reassembling in some gorge KD style. Then get the beautiful butterflies on posts. The lobster claws just pull down my ears like a Ubangi . I still want more of your earlobe art ma dear...I amaddicted to your beads man. E- me , huh ??! Thanks alot :) I like the fast , customer service orientated gas company folks. They only like taKing your $$$, nothing more I guess. Maybe they think they are providing a service to single wimmen -Gas, Snacks & Sloppy Grope-smooches. A full service station... |
from sunnflower : |
Happy Holidays and joys of the season to you! |
from apyjo : |
OOOOOps...I never said "Happy B-Day " ! So very sorry. I found this and I 'd like to share it with you :I Wish You Enough I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger. I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess. I wish enough hellos to get you through the final goodbye." |
from plaguegirl : |
I've deleted the comment about MJ, no worries. |
from metame : |
Jolly birthday greetings to you, Katie Doyle! |
from sunnflower : |
Happy Thanksgiving, Katie Doyle! |
from bohemist : |
Hello my dear kindred spirit :-) As it happens, I love the Green Gables series. I actually played Ms. Muriel Stacy in the (Donald Haron) musical adaptation several years ago. They are wonderful books... and still widely revered here in Canada! So no, I'm not in France, but I did grow up avec la langue. However, I also began to learn Spanish before I lived in Peru and love it! Its not much use up here, but I go to California each summer and put it to good use. Boy, that was tangental! Oh well! Have a terrific week :-) |
from lunaadored : |
you rock my world... as always. |
from icomeundone : |
kay-dee..when i said i was the high school fashionista, though the word is catching, i was being sarcastic. though i thank you for perhaps thinking so for a brief second. how can one be cool when one is stuck in nineteen twenties chicago all the time? ah i digress. some men are just too shallow for my taste. same sex marriage anyone? lol. let's hope our children will be cool only if they have specs. it could happen. |
from marn : |
The fog in that picture lasted all of 15 minutes. Everyone says photographs don't lie, but sometimes the reality they capture is fleeting, at best. Thank you for the commenting at Blogwise. It's amazing, realizing just how many people are writing on-line now, eh? |
from icomeundone : |
well kates i beg to differ. see, i am quite the high school fashionista and yet, i have specs. of course, when i wear them i don't know what the schools' views are, but hell if i care. now, every commercial, a model is wearing glasses. weird. are they revolting against the smart people who chose to do something other than pose for a living? more story at the eleven o'clock news!! LOL <3<3<3 |
from plaguegirl : |
Hi there. Wasn't that personality test the pits? I've been diagnosed with numerous things over the years, but managed to miss all the ones that I scored "high" for on that list. So...who do I trust? The learned and esteemed doctors or some jerk-off of an on-line quiz? |
from icomeundone : |
ok, we will never do that again. deal deal. you really did not miss anything. the same old dance seen except revised and not for the better. glasses are cool, i have a working pair. i don't know. the fashion freaks have found specs are the new miniskirts. love you darling keep in touch, and i will do the same. <3<3<3 |
from k1ttykat : |
Okay, I'll give you that - the French mouse was cute. I like your layout by the way. I keep intending to actually do something with mine and never get around to it! |
from k1ttykat : |
The baby Tom and Jerry mouse was EVIL! |
from icomeundone : |
wow katielove, we have not talked in ages and ages. glad that you contacted me. eh, i am starting to feel the same about beauty. i did go to homecoming with a boy this year. gasp& shock ensue...kidding. but i am glad that you gave me a note. keep in touch darling, <3<3<3 |
from brittanya : |
Hey, thank you for creating the surveys! I am practically addicted to them. Hehe |
from wateryone : |
I love 'and you, Gretskey, where are you going? Back to Siberia? I tell you, skating on small pond is beeeg excitement'. Roy Dotrice has all the best lines. I also like the finger-painting reference. My favourite part in the Princess Bride is the Fire Swamp. 'I mean I wouldn't want a Summer Home here, but it really is quiet lovely'. And I just adore the R.O.U.S's |
from wateryone : |
I always walk. I'm a dedicated pedestrian. I don't see the point of cars, they cost so much to manufacture, the roads they are driven on cost so much to build, they are fuelled by an unsustainable energy source. The social cost of privately owned vehicles far outweighs the personal gain. That and I don't have my drivers licence :) I walk along a one-way system to get to work, which is about as freeway as New Zealand gets. Basically, I walk down a two lane road on which both lanes drive in the same direction. It's the quickest and the least distracting route to work. I watched the Cutting Edge the other day, I just never get enough of it. |
from wateryone : |
Don't feel jealous, it's so hard walking to work at the moment. After every step I want to stand there on the side of the freeway and sleep :) |
from spritopias : |
I'm sorry if you felt slandered. I don't think I mentioned you but if I did, I'm sorry. You should really feel slandered by people's responses I took down, they were truly awful. |
from sunnflower : |
Dear KD - The breezy beach was amazing and I only wish I could go there more often. 1 week is NOT enough! I am honored by the way to be named head of the Katy Doyle fan club by the amazing Katie Doyle herself. |
from apyjo : |
I think you have sobig worm virus- I just got it in my e-mail- watch out K. From your e-mail . make sure your Norton or McAfee is up-todate. |
from sunnflower : |
I was so excited you were back from Paris that I had to make an announcement in my diary with link! I AM a member of the katiedoyle fan club after all. |
from sunnflower : |
Dearest Katie - better penniless than Paris-less! Welcome back. |
from lunaadored : |
thought i'd say a quick hello. i haven't been around much, but i starting thinking about you today and thought i'd say hello. :] |
from roxydoll12 : |
This is kinda odd, but I just did a google search for "Katie Doyle," and it's 2 days after your "planets aligning" post. I wasn't searching for Katie Doyle the porn star, but for a friend of mine I used to dance with. I was just looking up all old friends on google, then decided to look her up. I'm not sure if you two are one in the same, but I noticed your email address was something, which is my school. So something is up here, cause the Katie Doyle I was thinking of goes to Syracuse. So yeh...Planets are aligning, or um, something... -Alex |
from apyjo : |
No air conditioning and alot of stairs , right ?! Germany isn't much better. Have you tried a steamy bath in Euculyptus, or mint ? Either a full on bath or hanging your head over a bowl of it ( hot water and said herbs ) while a towel perches over your noggin ? I am serious. Also during this time try to sleep with your head elevated , and stay away from mucus producing foods ( i.e. dairy). Do you have room hepa filters ? They always help me.Also change your airconditioner /furnace filters in your house or apartment every 2 months. Get 3 M Filtrete brand ( purple wrapping ), they are supposed to be the best as reported by consumer's report org. Just a few ideas. |
from detroitp80 : |
What up! Did you by any chance ever have an affiliation with one Shrine grade school in Royal Oak, MI? peace |
from apyjo : |
When you are back from France I got a question for ya about trimming palm trees. The house we bought has tons of 'em... I'm thinking & hoping -being in landscaping you'll know this ! Have fun and don't eat too much chevre!! |
from sunnflower : |
I am so excited for you that you are going to Paris. I love Paris and have had a wonderful time each time I have visited there. |
from softblossoms : |
did you spend part of your childhood in fargo nd and do you have a twin? if so, we certainly were at one or more b-day parties together. (sorry if not, i am not a sociopath) |
from wateryone : |
Every batgirl needs a go-to girl stunt double. Hee, that's one of my favourite bits in TCE. "Go-to guy! maybe you should have been looking for a go-to girl! It is to my eternal disappointment that Moira Kelly was so crap on the West Wing, she was great in TCE. It is very cold here, I live in New Zealand. We're getting snow this week, I bet you. For some reason I thought you lived in England, but I know you don't now. |
from wateryone : |
tee hee, the batcave.. you must have good library fashion if you're batgirl. I have to stay inside all the time at the moment, but we have windows and it is cold cold winter, so it's a good combination. |
from spritopias : |
I don't remember what we're talking about. |
from wateryone : |
I think that all the time, that Tracey Chapman *wishes* she was be Joan Armatrading, but no one can be Joan Armatrading, except for Joan Armatrading. And yes, no one knows who she is. I try and find someone who knows who she is at dinner parties on occasion, and end up looking like an idiot. I did English Lit based on thinking doing English Lit would be like being at Blackstock, but now I wish I was a Horticulture major. Working in a Science Library does that to you. Hooray for Katie, who must get all the cool obscure references on the planet! |
from wateryone : |
Heh, my sister and I can quote most of The Cutting Edge off by heart. What's your favourite Pamela Dean book? |
from spritopias : |
I'm confused, was Jayson Blair working for the New York Times or the CIA? |
from goodlovin : |
i am glad you are you, if only for my reading pleasure. also, i didn't catch up unitl today, but i am sorry things aren't going well for you right now. my grandpa died in july and it just sucks. plain and simple. |
from apyjo : |
Your earrings are divine ! Your service also ... Again, I am sorry about your beloved gamma . I will buy more earrings from you , you've got me hooked now. I'll have to see some other styles.... |
from k1ttykat : |
Heya, first-person-to-ever-leave-me-a-note! Been here about six months, just people mainly sign my guestbook instead - although that isn't exactly often either! Good ol' Muttley: possibly has the best laugh ever. |
from ghostofgor : |
Pro war, pro peace.......let us not forget the pro religious fanatics who also take it up some serious levels. The brainwashed masses who do EXACTLY the same thing. Allah is great, die infidel. Love jesus, or your going to hell. All who take themselves to seriously, without looking a the entire aspect of something, is only hurting themselves. But people are like that, self serving, and it touches upon a question in one of My surveys, "why do stupid people yell louder when they want us to believe them". They all demonstrate the same feelings, and fight for them vehemently, or with all thier being. Good, they have faith, force feeding it is wrong however. So maybe they just need to be gaged, or at least have thier heads crushed with a rock. Just a suggestion. |
from apyjo : | display stuff for jewelry.You may be able to use some of their stuff for your jewelry business. I have some of their hands for my jewlry. I also use hands to hold & display some of my international fans. |
from apyjo : |
I am serious . I love beaded earrings. What style do you make ? I love chandelier ( not too long though ) with a lobster claw type back. My favorite color beads are garnet/ruby ( essentially a deep red) , emerald green, amethyst purple , peridot light green, aquamarine blue . Are these faceted beads or what ??Plastic, swarovski - what ???!! Tell me more . Prices , styles time to make or what you have in stock. I'll gladly give you some business. E-mail me :) |
from sunnflower : |
Hi KD - I thought the comments were so great and I thank you for adding me to your DLand faves. It's funny because I was going to add your diary to my faves list since I have been hooked on your adventures sinced the dastardly artichoke affair. It is great to have found a delightful new diary on DLand. Keep writing! |
from yodelnova : |
my name is katie as well. do you like vanilla puddin'? |
from spritopias : |
Clearly, my comment was a joke. |
from ghostofgor : |
Let us not leave out common sense. Respect, common sense, or telling the truth. All three are severely lacking and death to those who fail in all three. I could ramble on and on about the same topic, but I wont. This is after all your diary, not Mine. Goodnight lipstick princess. Perhaps tomorrow will be less shitty than today, just dont hold your breath. GOG |
from apyjo : |
I :)love beaded:) jewelry . Do you have any samples , etc. Specifically earrings. Pierced of course. You got a website or something ???Besides DL obviously.... |
from spritopias : | You read USA Today? I'm almost disappointed, that's the McDonalds of Newspapers. At least when the New York Times makes stuff up it's really convincing! |
from icomeundone : |
Hey-lo(is that like J-lo) Anyway, enough with the corny I promise. I feel very "Thoroughly Modern Millie" when we talk. Like we have just gotten our hair cut into bobs, picked up a craft outside the home, and started to smoke a pack of Lucky Strikes. We are rebels. Maybe that is it. I love the 1920's and 40's. I was built for them. Speaking of which I am getting my hair cut into a bob tonight. I digress, we should pool ourselves together. I can take some pictures and add them if you ever make a webby. I know alot about pictures. Surprised? I would be too, seeing my limited html ability. Oh, I know how you feel about Nordstrom's. It really kills me that there are people out there willing to pay for it. Oh, I live in W I S C O N S I N. I said that like a cheerleader, just to give myself a little more pep. This town, this state, sucks the biggest north wind. I'm Irish though. To the core. My faf is from there. Alrighty, I should go. Email me if you want to talk more. These notes are nice, but mine get wordy. Sorry 'bout that. My email is in my diary. Well, love, I will talk to you later, <3 xoxo |
from sunnflower : |
Damn - I'm going to make sure to treat you with respect! Thanks for your note - I think the chapter book approach to titling your entries really works and is unique. If you start customizing your template at some point you could build a whole theme around it in some way. Take care and hope you having a day filled with paper not plastic and all your change in place. |
from apyjo : |
Learned how to do some of the things you mentioned. Thanks again. Check me out and see if Katiedoyle approves of the new layout ! When you get time of course! No Hurry. |
from icomeundone : |
Well hellooooooooooo there again darling. I was warmed by both of your messages. Sorry to hear all about your busy life. My diary has no agenda, you can check it out whenever you have time to breathe. Wait, breathe first, then read. That would work better. We are up to three ducks in our pool now. I'm about to sic my cat Opie on their silly arses. Artichokes marsala is deliscioso! *smacks lips like an Italiano* I will get the recipe whenever I can. I know for sure you need lemons(fresh)Your necklace sounds bee-yoo-tiii-fulll. I'm making one with a Gothic Cross at the moment. I am almost finished. I also have a Comedy/Tragedy one in the works. Maybe we should pool our resources and charge as much as Nordstrom's. LOL. Well, I have to jot. Places to do people to go...<3xoxo *moi* |
from apyjo : |
Thanks for all the tips. Don't really know how to do some of these things um....just got lucky so far .... beading sounds relaxing but very patient work. Do you obviously sell jewelry or what ?? |
from sunnflower : |
I love the way you start the title of each entry with the phrase - In Which Katie Doyle... It gives a continuity to your writings that makes you want to keep reading along with your adventures! |
from apyjo : |
Please check out my new template I've been slaving over all evening -thanks ! |
from spritopias : |
re: the Senate, I'm sure they do feel bullied. I'm not impressed with either side of the aisle lately. No one elected children. Send me the link, we'll see what happens. However, I stand by the fact that it's a bi-product of him having an agenda when past Presidents haven't really seemed to have a vision for America. While I"m not always for people's visions having one is a good thing. |
from icomeundone : |
Hey there. Sorry to be so random, but I really thought I would tell you I love your diary. I did happen to catch the SNL with Dan Akroyd, though I did not like Beyonce. Gag. Me. My neighbours don't own a rooster, but they have a few ducks that like to swim in my pool, so I know what you are talking about. (just try and clean duck shite from your pool liner, it's a dare). Anywhoodiddlydum, I am rambling. Thought I would tell you, I do wire beading and I make a fair amount of dosh, though nowhere near 300 green ones.Oh, and I am Irish as well. What alot we have in common. Drop me a line someday or check out my diary if you have the time..PS:hmmm I <3 artichokes marsala..ever try it? |
from spritopias : |
re: the article, Thanks, but no thanks. It wouldn't surprise me at all but I'm sure that it could be said of any President with an agenda. Clinton had one but abandoned it to roll over and play dead, like he did all eight years. Atlantic Monthly has a great one talking about how GHW Bush and Clinton had not real foriegn policy, which is interesting as well. |
from spritopias : |
re: atty/client privilige...I'll suggest it to Senator Schumer. |
from spritopias : |
I wouldn't say that the dems have "No questions answered" ground to stand on. Some of them, Durbin to be noted, didn't go to the questioning and didn't file written questions for the nominee. I don't really feel that they have ground to stand on with "questions unanswered" and I think if they argued "we are the client." in attorney/client issues they'd go further. |
from spritopias : |
Disagree with his issues, but lets get a vote on it. Who do you want for the eventual new Cheif Justice. I want Sandra Day O'Connor. It's going to be someone appointed by a Republican, so with that in place, who do you choose? Why? |
from spritopias : |
I don't think they should fillibuster it. I wouldn't support a Republican one. It's not democratic. Complain as we may about this and that, and sure we can argue if the President was democratically elected all day long BUT we have to point the fact that the Senate is a body without major contention. Sure, the Senators from New York and Minnesota aren't from either state and the guy from New Jersey's election is shady. They were democratically chosen for their jobs. Let them vote. |
from sunnflower : |
Regarding the problem with losing entries. One thing I usually do now with my entries is write them on notepad or word and then copy them into the add an entry box. The other option is to highlight and copy the entry you just typed into the entry box before you hit the button. Then if it doesn't take just paste it and try again. These are just my lessons learned. |
from spritopias : |
We disagree on Miquel Estrada, on the principles of the issue, but I'm sure we'd like HIM personally. We'd go have lunch with him and make fun of his speach impediment after he'd left. However, here's a point for you, if the deal was attorney/client privilidge that's okay but the client was the United States Government which the Senate is a part of. Shouldn't that stuff be let go? Silly children. |
from spritopias : |
I will admit to being ignorant of what happened in texas other than the fact that the democrats fled the state to stop legislative business and it worked. It was redistricting and not in their favor but I don't get why they couldn't debate it. I'm confused. |
from sunnflower : |
The banner page just seemed like fun at the time because it shows a progression. I like your idea even better. The great think about these diaries is there is always something to change around or add. |
from spritopias : |
Well, Ma'am, I would say this as well: I got in an arguement with my (republican) Junior Senator because I don't think that we should have a debt and tax cuts. I think the debt should go and then we should cut taxes. Okay, I like tax cuts and I'd like to see a smaller one with debt relief. Additionally, what is this "we cut taxes so we'll get more taxes." Someone is chasing their tail. |
from apyjo : |
'Burb of Houston.... Didn't mean to insult anyone out there . Texas seems like a country of it's own . Just getting to the northern part of Houston seems to be an all day trek ! Pack the provisions in the wagon , Ma - we're goin' north ! I have a good friend and a nice big commissary I want to check out - but it's in San Antonio ...waah- that's like 2 1/2 hours away... ya gotta plan for that . |
from sunnflower : |
I like your diary too - the artichoke problem was very funny. It sounds like something that would happen to me. I think your favorite banners page is a great idea. I've thought about that too but never got around to it. You're welcome to my banners that you liked to it - which ones are you going to use? (Just curious!) |
from apyjo : |
Just one more thing katiedoyle...thanks for reaching out to me . I am always surprised at the kindess of strangers. |
from apyjo : |
Embarassed about my typo- why isn't there a spellcheck on this thing ..... I meant "to" not "ot " !! I need to write some flaming letters to myself now I guess. |
from apyjo : |
No , I'm actually out here in Texas ( blarg- sorry Texans )currently. I want ot be elsewhere but this is where my journey is taking me to. |
from spritopias : |
I also think that tax cut is stupid. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. George, you get a war or a tax cut, not both. I don't think the goverment can do much about the economy but I do think that if they had a tax cut it would help people. You can't fund a war on less and less money and since we have a war NO TAX CUT. Who comes up with this stuff anyway? |
from spritopias : |
I guess my point is: if that's what you gotta do to get your way, go for it. I don't like what they're doing and even if I supported their issue I would say "GET IN THERE, DAMN IT." On the other hand it is a great way to support your cause, they can't do something your constituents disagree with if you don't let them. I think that half the time and I think the other half of the time that the majority should rule. We have to remember that under republican style democracy (not the right leaning political party as you know but the concept of representative democracy) we have majority rule with deferment to minority rights. I guess though, and we disagree on the issue that he was talking about, but Senator James Talent (R-MO) pointed out that it didn't matter what previous Senates did it was time to start behaving like adults. It didn't matter who started - everyone is participating and it needs to stop. |
from apyjo : |
Loved your diary.... The comments about Michael Jackson baby butt dangling incedent really cracked me up. You are one funny chick !Like your POV ! Anyway that's it. |
from spritopias : |
It's the way it goes (in Texas) and is not unlike what Tom Daschle is doing in the Senate. I think it's distasteful but it's they way it was designed to work. |
from spritopias : |
I know, if I were Canadian I wouldn't have that problem but Universal Health Care is the price you pay for being Canadian. Too steep for me. No, thanks. |
from spritopias : |
I am not feeling any better really but that's because I didn't have medical insurance for a year. Where are those Democrats when you need them? |
from spritopias : |
And, at least Newt's being funny on purpose instead of unintentionally like George W. Bush (or are we calling him "Iceman" now?). |
from spritopias : |
You have to admit that as far as politicians go, Newt Gingrich is funny. I saw him do a gig with Tom Foley the other day and he was on a roll. He also made people very aware of our Government - how many people knew who or what the Speaker of the House was before they hated Newt Gingrich? See, everyone contributes SOMETHING possitive. Losers are people too and we all have something to share. If Al Gore wasn't such a sore loser America would not have had that great civics lesson a couple Novembers ago. Hallelujah! Have a nice day. |
from spritopias : |
I would like to clarify for you that my belief that people are evil is a religious one that stands to be explained. People, seperated from God are not good, not good = evil. I'd like to think that people are good and left to their own devices. I believe in original sin which takes out any assumption of innocence. I don't feel well, I'll discuss with you later. |
from whitepills : |
Man, women are crazy. TOTALLY KIDDING! I fully understand what you're saying. I didn't think you were male bashing at all. Everyone has a rant, but that doesn't mean they're bashing. And like I said, I want to go through the mentrual crap just to be able to understand it. Can you imagine the book one could write if they spent a month in the other sexes body? Anyway, most of the day, I am very happy that I was born a guy. I guess my problem is that I really try to look at things from both perspectives. I've heard many a woman say, "You'll never have to go through the horrors of childbirth and the morning sickness and etc. etc. etc." And I'll say, "You're very right, but I will also look on in awe as my future wife feels a tiny miracle growing inside her. I'll sit in wonder not being able to feel every incredible kick." God made you guys as miracles. I can't comprehend having to go through the pain and the hormone fluctuations and all that, but you're made that way so that you can do something no man will ever (unless technology goes weird) be able to do. I don't have a problem in the slightest with a woman anting about her anger going through the monthly shit and the prodding, and the menopause. As long as you see that you go through it because you guys are so impressive. |
from whitepills : |
Just remember, we have those dangly things between our legs that get a little more contact than we'd like sometimes too. We're not entirely pain free. |
from spritopias : |
This has become tiresome, I'm sorry. I'm sure we could spend all our time stacking people's sins and their vitures up until they fell on our head. Come November 2004 I will again vote for George Bush in this new incarnation and you will not, short of something drastic for either of us. There isn't a democrat in the bunch that I would leave my dog with for the weekend so I figure that again, he beats the alternative. |
from spritopias : |
No, what I'm talking about, and I'm sorry for being unclear, was that "Bush Sr." as he's inaccurately called did not "sling mud" in the way that I was talking about. GHW Bush left the Clinton's marriage/marital problems alone which is something that BOTH Clintons have noted several times when they talk about dirty politics. Only once did I notice GHW Bush go near saying something about Clinton's character and that was on Larry King, during 2000 when he said, "I give the President a month to continue his unfounded attacks on my son's pedigree and character as if no one else has a family connect in this election. I give him a month and then I'm saying what I think about him as a man and a President, and I'm letting go of Barbara's leash." Personally, I think it was fear of Barbara NOT GHW Bush that shut him up. I have a readership in Kennebunkport (sp) I should be careful. As for Gingrich, he's a hypocrite on personal life matters but it's nice that the Democrats can't drop a leader that no one has invoked or followed for years and only lowly me can find good things to say about. I don't call it "Mud Slinging" when you attack someone' record, it's Mud Slinging to bring up someone's person problems from their personal lives. A dodged drug question is a lot better than "I have no record of governance or acheivement" - Al Gore and a pack of lies "I invented the internet" "I am opposed to the tobacco industry" ...of which I am a part, "I sold nuclear secrets to the Chinesse" Ra, Ra Al Gore. Every time I'm not please with Bush I reconsider the alternative and shudder. |
from whitepills : |
I would very much like to spend one month in a female body just to go through what you describe. I wouldn't try to rub it in a girl's face and say, "Shut up, I've had it, and it's not so bad." I'd just like to be able to honestly say from a male perspective, "I understand and sympathise." Well, all that and the fact that I would have boobs for a month. That might be entertaining. |
from spritopias : |
I've never seen him dodge a question or be asked that one, however, his father didn't answer certain questions and didn't make certain attacks on Dukakis and Clinton based on his ideas of propriety and class. That's what 43 could be doing, and if he did do it "I didn't inhale" or "I'm proud I broke the law" is much worse. |
from spritopias : |
Cocaine is an urban myth, sorry. |
from spritopias : |
I love the Crazy Feeb. But, to move on, I'd need a detailed and verifiable list of these 'deeds' that Bush has done, I can't speak to inuendo. My classic Bush vs. Gore example of why Bush is not only a *good* man but the *better* man is this: Marijuana for Gore (admitted) and Drunkeness/Drunk Driving for Bush (admitted). Gore made excuses and NOT ONCE did he say "doing marijuana is bad" Bush when he talks about these issues ALWAYS talks about the immaturity and stupidity of his actions. There in, on the example I can think of, is where I see him as a good person. He did something wrong, or at least illegal (I'm not debating marijuana), on the basis or wrongness or illegality it should not be done, it was a mistake I should not have made I hope my daughters don't make the same one (funny they did). Al Gore never did that, not once. I payed close attention hoping that he would. Gore's kids were picked up THREE times for DUI before they were twenty one in the capital and that's just want I noticed in the back of the Washington Post, his son's been in trouble as well in Boston. I mention this because I don't want the "Daddy Cover-Up" ploy, everyone gets it. I wanted very badly for him to viable against Bush's moral uprightness, I didn't want it to be the Religious Right vs. Clinton's Indiscretions - and for many people 2000 was. I'd need your other issues to discuss them. Greed, again, is not unique to Republicans and is a problem that is MUCH worse for Gore. I also will not respond to unfounded and unprovable accusations (the heroin BS, etc). I don't believe the whole "Bush knew about 9-11" "Bush used heroin" "Bush had insider trading" etc. If Senator Clinton thinks it's crap, we all should too. Also, Melissa (a contributor to Spritopias) and I have stated a couple times "Either Bush is an idiot or Bush is coniving - but he can't be both." We can only have ONE President, a plotter or a nose picker. Choose one. |
from crazyfeeb : |
Having read a couple of your notes to Spritopias, I would like to comment on why I hate Gore. Boredom, my dear. Really, can you imagine four or -heaven forbid- eight years of Gore-ish State of the Union addresses? People threaten to move to Canada because of Bush, but let me tell you, I'd be on the first plane to Timbuktu if Gore got into office! |
from spritopias : |
What we believe and what the scriptures hold true are not always congruent. I am LC-MS, I was trained by their best University and am fanatically devoted. People are inherently evil. On the flip side, we can't judge what people have in their hearts so claiming that Bush in insincere is out of bounds - we can't know that. As for greed as a motivator - show me a politician or just any human who isn't. It's a survival instinct. |
from spritopias : |
As a Lutheran I believe that EVERYONE is evil, however I think that Bush wants to be a good person so he has one up on Gore. Bush as a Christian strives toward righteousness...Gore thought he had it by virtue of his pedegree. |
from spritopias : |
Al Gore disgusts me not because of his politics but because of how he plays politics. For the sake of this discussion I am not going tit for tat with what other people have done. I believe that when it comes to your life as public servant it doesn�t matter what other people have allegedly done it matters how individuals conduct themselves. There are shady people all over and I realize that is a part of politics but I don�t what shady people in the White House if at all possible. Al Gore �changed� many of his �core values� to become Bill Clinton�s running mate, it�s common but it�s still reprehensible. The Vice Presidency is often misconstrued as a conduit to the Presidency and only four Vice Presidents have been elected from one office to the other directly. Al Gore wasn�t even serving the public during his eight years at the White House, he was serving his own interests. So the first thing he did was change his �beliefs� to be the Vice President under Bill Clinton. The second thing he did was nothing. He did nothing while he was Vice President; an accord which he couldn�t get through our Senate is nothing to brag about. Had he negotiated something reasonable in Kobe, Japan he�d have been able to get it through the Senate. Regardless of you feelings about the make up of the Senate the Senate is still a reflection of the voting public and their passions. What did he do as Vice President? For that matter, what did he do as a Senator? After years in both offices and careful examination of his campaign literature I should be able to answer that. Nothing remarkable comes to mind. President Clinton was very good at tailoring his agenda to be palatable to the Repb The third thing he did that disgusts me was that he sat back, watched Clinton behave the way he did and didn�t do anything about it. He didn�t separate himself from it and he didn�t speak about against it. I�d bet he didn�t even say anything to him about it personally. Finally, I didn�t like how he (or President Clinton) treated the American people like they were stupid. How many times did President Clinton refer to the everyday American as �Joe Sixpack� and how transparent were their cabinet choices? Al Gore, for himself, chose Joe Lieberman as his running mate; which was transparent in my opinion. Lieberman is certainly a capable Senator chosen not for his ability but how he spends his Saturdays. I�m insulted for Senator Lieberman that he was chosen in a move that reminds me of Mondale/Ferraro. He was chosen for his novelty and not his ability. As a descendent of European Jews I was personally offended. In addition to that, had he chosen a Jewish running mate who had not been the most vocal critic of the Administration in the Democratic Party. As a general rule I prefer to vote for Presidential Candidates who have executive experience. Governors have faired better as Presidents than Senators and I believe that has to do with the experience and nature of the positions. I would have preferred 2000 had been a contest between competing ideas and visions for America. Bradley vs. McCain would have been excellent. Bush vs. Gore was more �look what the parties can prepackage,� although to Bush�s credit over Gore he was not groomed since birth for political fortune. I believe that no one expected this from a younger George W., however its apparent that it was always expected from Gore. I think that�s the final disgusting thing about Gore � he couldn�t see past his own lies. A long incoherent answer to a short question. |
from spritopias : |
And I'm worse in person because my voice is annoying. Be glad you just read my stuff. |
from spritopias : |
Politics is a funny game. I'm all for McCain and when it comes to Bush, as much as I respect and defend him, he was the lesser of three evils. I would campaigned harder for McCain, I believe in him, I was for Bush because I oppose Al Gore because he represents everything I find disgusting in American Politics. I used to be registered as a Democrat, he is why I switched. I used to be very moderate, very 'blah.' My boss reminds me that I would be more inclined to vote liberal if morality and personal responsibility weren't so important to me. Someday I hope we can elect a leader who isn't an idiot child of the rich but in 2000 it was a choice between "retard" and "down syndrome" and as someone who knows a thing or two about special ed I took "down syndrome" because they have great capacity to learn and develop. BLAH BLAH BLAH. I am not really the uber conservative I am fanatically religious which on social policy flip flops me all over - the final comedy is that my Senior Paper for my Theology Minor had to be renamed "God is Liberal" from "God is a Bigger, Fatter Liberal than Oprah Winfrey (and looks like her too)." I'm sorry, I should have waited for the medication to kick in before responding to you. We should start one of those two person blogs where we fight it out. It could be like Hannity and Colmes but I suppose that since both of us are capable of listening and I'm sure you're not at all that ulgy it would be better. We could be famous but you're smarter than I am. |
from rumblelizard : |
Pssst....I'm a girl... |
from spritopias : |
I think my problem, as a general rule, is that no one attacks his policies they just call him stupid for no quantifiable reason while not being able to engage him on a policy level. It's the old, "you gotta better idea." You can think someone's an idiot, can you prove it? Never really. |
from spritopias : |
You call yourself a moderate in your profile, but I wouldn't call you that and I don't see how you would either. |
from spritopias : |
I wouldn't use the adjective 'moderate' |
from dasauce : |
Dis boy responded to yer comment in his comments on Rant101.html rather than here. So there. Not here. |
from whitepills : |
I listen to both. I love me some Meatloaf. The singer AND the food. I'm very diverse aren't I? |
from metame : |
you, girl, are a frickin genius!! that is it, that is totally the tree! but crap, you were already my hero you're my superduper hero. thank you for finding out for me. much appreciation and good karma directed at you! |
from metame : |
ooo flower homework! I'll procure a sample on my way to work and examine it for all the details you mentioned. funnily enough, my husband and I were at a botanical garden yesterday, with one of my missions on this outing being to find one of these trees and gleefully read the little plaque that would describe the specimen. so I located one, and I believe it was the only tree in the entire garden without a plaque! well, it had a plaque, but it just said who it was dedicated to. :/ I was quite a site huffing and puffing in the garden over the injustice of it all. :) thanks for your reply and any help you can ultimately provide in identifying my mystery tree. cheers, metame |
from metame : |
hi katie! first, let me tell you what a relief it was to read your comments in plaguegirl's diary. you so clearly voiced a jumble of things that have been bouncing around in my head. I've felt so powerless to counter views like that which sparked your comment, but you nailed it. on another note, I'm not sure what's up with the pictures of plants and all, but you wouldn't happen to know anything about a tree covered with clusters of little white flowers that bloom in spring before bright green leaves, and smell kind of fishy? Really strong odor, not pleasant. just wonderin, and after reading your entry I'll refrain from tasting them! :) |
from plaguegirl : |
Also, feel free to "jack my diary" at any time. You are extremely intelligent, and even if we don't always agree, your opinions will always be welcome. Intelligent debate is a good thing, always. I've added you as a favorite. |
from plaguegirl : |
Also, feel free to "jack my diary" at any time. You are extremely intelligent, and even if we don't always agree, your opinions will always be welcome. Intelligent debate is a good thing, always. I've added you as a favorite. |
from plaguegirl : |
Katie, your comment about the war in my diary was truly incredible. Thank you for stopping by and taking on the herd of sheep that had invaded my diary. I was shocked to read how people had really bought into the propaganda. It frightens me. You are my new hero. |
from ann-frank : |
katiedoyle, thank you - you are way too nice, but thank you you witty saucy ladee. Also, I am hoping for more sunny days too. xox |
from dasauce : |
Not to worry. Sorry you is struggling. But I have no more Kidney Stones! Yay! [At least for the coming however long.] Best to you and yer boy. DatSauceGuy |
from dasauce : |
You so very much rock, and from the entry? I'd say that you have some perspective today on whatever-you-were-talking about... Because the Katie Muse Has Returned With Big Ass Muchness. Thank you! |
from dasauce : |
I'm a phucking videogame professional... Shit. Who else would know that shit? PS. And that MUD/MOO Shit Dated My Ass... First online game, Sauce? 1976 in Deerfield, Mass... Off the Dartmouth Mainframe's timeshare via paper term. So there. Greek. OK. Geek. As you wish. |
from dasauce : |
Who you callin' greek, Lady? |
from dasauce : |
Well Gosh... YerKatieDoyleNess: I do wonder what percentage of your reading was related to an iteration of the M.U.D. (or computer-based Multi User Dungeon) the first known MOO (Multi-user-dungeon Object Oriented or MUD-Object-Oriented... Thus MOO) was by a guy named Steven White in 1990...) These were basically multiplayer role-playing games set in an indoor environs and the OO portion of MOO was when Object Oriented Programming became prevalent� There had been semi popular object oriented languages as early as the Apple 2c�s existence in languages like FORTH�but they weren�t building such. I still like the idea that it might have had something to do with cows though, as I am a Vermonter and have soft/bovine spot for those heifers. . |
from dasauce : |
Damn. I have to send you a note... Glad you survived, sorry you hurt your pop's feelings... and I hope none of my oddball readers are annoying or spindling or whatevering you. Grin. They certainly are an interesting crew. But then they are reading MY SHIT? Why? And yes, I feel exactly like the human you mentioned at the bottom before the Googling, and I am sure most do. But that doesn't help, does it? Bestest, DatSauceHuman |
from dasauce : |
Ah, dueling New KYA LER attacks. Congruity strikes again. Bestest, Sauce |
from dasauce : |
Grokness of back to the drawing board. You rock. |
from dasauce : |
It felt so good to just be shitty and do a review...after having done so many with Sales In Mind back when I edited mags and did various contributing editor gigs and columns and crap. So, yes, it was fun. And thank you. It was a fabulous freak of an entry to do... I sat around giggling while taking notes on it, and then couldn't cope as I approached two hours and climbed in and read. Response tomorrow to various, ma'am. Rick |
from dasauce : |
Edits are us have struck. Thanks. CrypticSauce |
from spiralout187 : |
let's play a game: "(i who have died am alive again today, and this is the sun's birthday;this is the birth of the day of life and of love and wings:and of the gay great happening illimitably earth)" can you give me the next stanza? |
from raven72d : |
pint/point... Lovely Freudian slip! |
from dasauce : |
Oh. Man. The story had me gripped and shaky, and the ending gave me a tear and a scare. You OK? Hang in there, O' Rockful Human. Rick |
from raven72d : |
Well, as James Buchanan said..."If I just keep drinking, no one can blame me for the Civil War." |
from spiralout187 : |
one would think. i just don't watch a lot of movies. and i don't read many diaries here. |
from raven72d : |
Well, I'm pretty sure it's what FDR *meant* to say... Beware the batrachian Manx! Beware the Andaman Islanders! |
from dasauce : |
Last note from my awake at some ridiculous hour (went to sleep with my boy at 19:30 by mistake.) You and your boy are officially invited down to Orange County to lose at Trivial Pursuit (or to laugh at lollypop heads in HD on the Oscars) or somesuch. My boy will act as duena, and we'll meet somewhere nebulous in between in a loud and highly public place before hand to verify MY safety. Grin. Mean it. Grammy awards, trivial pursuit, boggle, chutes and ladders, VIDEOGAMES on all three platforms in HD. Whatever. The more pals the merrier--and we can contrive some odd method of meeting should you not be sharing your diary with YerGuy. Bestest, Rick |
from dasauce : |
Beyond that, Toe-Piiiiiik always struck me funny as a long time hockey those things are dangerous as heck, and on a side note? Leaning hard into a turn just runs you into walls on roller skates. |
from dasauce : |
Gawd, I own both flavors of DVD, the Laserdisc, the book, and I've never thought about using it as a litmus test, but then I've sworn off relationships for the coming decade or so. Grin. --DatSauceGuy |
from raven72d : |
Remember what Franklin Delano Roosevelt said inhis first Inaugural Address: "The only thing we have to fear is...ravening hordes of batrachian Manxmen and loathsome, vile Andaman Islanders and Evil Esquimaux rising from the depths to devour us and wear our bleached skulls as garlands." |
from dasauce : |
At some point, I have to tell the story where my now-stroke-ridden ex...actually thought that it was upsetting that they cut out the less interesting parts from the book Princess Bride. And yes, MLT sandwiches are a wonder. --Rick/DaSauce/DumbAss |
from raven72d : |
Ah, now... cheesy info is always fun. |
from raven72d : |
Ah, well... 411 may have to substitute for cheese... |
from raven72d : |
Alas, a Greek omelette may be beyond me, since I'm allergic to cheese... But I'm an utter information junkie. |
from dasauce : |
Rather than writing another big block O' text in your notes, I responded via e-mail, ma'am. Thanks for the notes. --AllDatSauce |
from raven72d : |
I love Margot Timmins' voice... And I love Bryan Ferry's CDs: "Slave to Love" and "Money Talks" are favorite songs... Max's last name-- I have a mind like a steel sieve: most stuff pours through, a few arcane facts stick. |
from dasauce : |
My diary is not supposed to be about politics... but you do them so well, I just want to take the riff from where you leave off. But I will not. So, while you are at it? What's with Shrub-Boy doing all the religioso goods (and NEVER in a non-self-serving-way) and no one screaming about us having this contract--somewheres back in prehistory to us �Mercans, where da whole Church/State thing is supposed to be separate? We are a Secular Country. Argh. And I had this relative that wrote the Pledge�and the God portion can go now. It never scared the commies away�and we�ve wasted fifty or so years saying it anyway. Lastly, After having lived in the Dallas area�Rockwall, on the other side of Lake Ray Hubbard (run those three words together as one--with no real hard consonants) I was ready to duck and cover when you noted that you had lived down there. As I told you in my letter--too many coincidences even if the Dallas Gaming Mafia rules the region and any game-biz human will live there eventually. --SauceO�ChurchStateStalemate |
from dasauce : |
Where to start? M.J.F doesn't contain any Elvis... you are so right (as was Mojo.) Helen Thomas rocks: Your content is a joy. You used the words The Shrub. Scott Peterson--Man. Humanity kicks my ass sometimes. You are a fave DaSauce. Thank you. --SauceYaLater? |
from raven72d : |
I seem to recall that Max's last name was "Rokitansky"... a brief mention among the cops at a briefing in "Mad Max" itself... Mary-Chapin Carpenter isn't bad... I rather like her music. |
from marn : |
Katie, we ain't unanimous about Kyoto in Canada and there will be many interprovincial battles about how the standard will be met. But the big thing is that we've signed. The rest will get sorted out. I hope that one day your country will join us. It will make such an enormous difference if it does. |
from twnkleeyz4 : |
Thank you for responding! My dream is to be an interior designer, but right now im looking at designing houses and models on the computer. Im also working with graphics and annimation, so I have a lot of possibilities to look at. Thanks for the luck! |
from lunaadored : |
no, you're cute. i love you! you're just fun. :] |
from marn : |
Since I seem to be Marn, human butt farm, I get pretty obsessive about learning exercises that can keep the acreage manageable, eh? Backwards running is definitely one of them, but since I'm not co-ordinated enough to do that, I rely on the machine to help me out. *Sigh*. |
from marn : |
Our news is reporting that The Prez's nickname for Chretien is Dino (as in dinosaur--something like that has to come out of the White House so I'm guessing a nerve was struck ;-) |
from marn : |
Yeah, I'm stupidly happy about the insurance, too. I can't believe the fuss this "moron" comment (which she made in a private conversation) has generated. Oh well, it's been great fodder for our comedians :) |
from marn : |
Oh, Katie, don't feel bad. Anyone who buys insurance in North America for the next few years will be helping to pay off the cost of Sept. 11. It just surprised me that the ripples from that event would sweep into my life here. I suppose that was naive, huh? |
from katiedoyle : |
the html for my index page seems to have disappeared. :( i am currently waiting instructions on how to restore it, so don't give up on me. |
from marn : |
Katie, there's a trading card generator. If you click the link right under my card it takes you there. It's amazingly simple. |
from katiedoyle : |
Have left what should have been a note for Joe in my guestbook...I have to wonder how long it will take him to find it and how I should remedy my guestbook faux-pas. I worry about these things. I'm sure way more than is healthy. But my parents pounded politeness into me, and it stuck. <sigh> Which now begs the question, does one reply to a note in one's note section with a note to the person who initally wrote the note, or does one go to that person's note section and leave the note there? WHAT IS PROPER DIARYLAND ETIQUETTE??? (and how do you spell etiquette?) |
from marn : |
I'm kind of ticked of you can't just get a designated sweater ... someone to do the sweating for you, you know? I, too, am paired with one of those stinkingly fit people. Yes, the more I think about it, the crueler life seems. *Sigh*. |
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