messages to mitfordgal:
(click here to add new message):

from brittbrat :
Your faith is uplifting. I go to a Baptist school so I get to see the "uptight, judgemental Christians" every day. You most assuredly do <u>not</u> fit that discription. I'm not sure about my beliefs right now, but I am sure that there aren't any formulas. God does what he sees fit depending on the situation. There is no "always" with God. I don't think its judgemental to realize that these formulas don't work. I applaud you for refusing to assume that just because someone else says something is true makes it true (does that make sense?). If NAC isn't giving you the spiritual fulfilment you need, keep looking. You're better off trying to find God in your own way than you are trying to find Him someone else's way.
from lifeasme66 :
Hi there! Just wanted to say thanks for visiting and adding me as a fave =). I will come back to read a bit of you when I'm not on my work computer =/ Have a nice day! **HUGS!!**
from loner-blues :
For some reason, Diaryland is not allowing my diary to be unlocked. Until it is -- USERNAME: fucked PASSWORD: over. I'm sorry for any invconvienence this has caused. -cat
from thedevlyn :
from iwillsurvive :
Hi, I noticed you listed me on your favs list. Firstly, Thanks for that! Secondly, I'm trying to rally the Diaryland Community to raise $10,000 for the victims of the Tsunami. Please visit my diary for all the details. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
from jjschanged :
Unfortunately you won't be able to play the Sims 2, it requires at the minimum 3.5 GB and an 800MHz processor (whatever that is!!!) ... I know as much about PCs as you =/ .... but hey, solitaire is good!!!
from ninapetrovna :
I'm worried about America too, and if parts of it secede, I'm totally out of luck, because I'm in the scary part of it... If we all move to Canada, would Canadians be really mad at us?
from giantkiller :
Diary is locked. Username: bethbelieves PW: inchrist
from the-book-bag :
Thank you for reading my diary.
from kristi-e :
Thanks for leaving my first note! Jean Little has been on of my favorite authors since i was little. I got to meet her when I did a presentation at a book awards ceremony. I was very happy to find a ring dedicated to her =)
from valeofenna :
I know,I haven't left you the notes I've been meaning to, so I will now...NOTE ONE: Happy Birthday! NOTE TWO: your nephew is adorable! And you look very much like you described yourself looking, so I had a very good, quite accurate idea of what you look like :happy face: And last but not the very last forever NOTE THREE: glad you had fun, with the quiz, I did too. Even though I was thinking 'great' Alice is the one who gets yelled at by everybody..the rabbit, who mistakes her for his maid and wants her to get his gloves, the red queen who want her head off, the mad hatter who gets short with her...even the flowers yell at her for her petals all being wrong. :P Anyway, just making up for the lack of notes, with a very sincere apology, and a smile...take care 'e'
from linusthegirl :
Wow. That sounds intense. You know, sometimes when I have the urge to hurt myself, squeezing an ice cube helps. Hang in there. That's a trite thing to say, I know, but I don't know what else to say, because I don't know how to make this better for you. I'll be thinking of you though!
from celidor :
Everything I think of saying sounds trite, but the essence of it is that you are way too precious for God to turn his back on. Truly. And it's not about being a 'good' christian or good person, more about inclining your heart to him - he'll meet you there. Anway. I'm glad you're still updating, because I like reading you. love from Valerie
from valeofenna :
yes you *are* cool and weird in the very best of ways. I completely empathize with the feeling of having to practically apologize about your age to people, I'm only 24 and I've discovered that since my birthday i've taken on a very annoying 'i apologize for being so very old attitude' whenever I meet people now. When I say my birthday for ID purposes I sit there hoping they don't add up the years and say "oh your 24" cringe AND gasp. I don't feel my age either yet, I still feel 17, if even that. Anyway, thank you for voicing that I'm not alone, especially in both physical 'older age' and emotional/mental coolness and weirdness in the very best way :P take care, -me
from valeofenna :
*Happiness* I don't know if I could survive it if someone in my buddy list had to leave. I'm so much happier knowing you're not leaving, and happier knowing that it wasn't you who has to bear the probably unbelievably horrific burden of crashing an entire network. My empathy to your coworker. Update often and take care... :)
from celidor :
I'm glad you're not going! :-) I'm sorry you're feeling sad, too. love from Val
from valeofenna :
Boy people don't leave you very many notes do they? well, I'm in a note writing mood. This might be because it's 84 degrees outside right now and I'm a bit delirious. I'm still trying to overcome my fear of the d-land notes section. But I totally agree with you. I've often thought that andrew should have subcategories. Those who lock their journals, those who don't, and those who don't have profiles entered. They should each have a different symbol next to the name-so you can avoid being disappointed after you click and find out the idiot hasn't entered a profile, or is suffering from extreme paranoia about anyone reading their public diary. If I knew computer code I'd be hacking into their diaries just for spite :P And those of us who bear our lives before the entire world should get free diaryland gold membership, since it is us who are following through with Andrew's vision of gaining greater insight into the lives and hearts of people. :) So know that you are not alone and take all honesty I really love the fact that you're an auntie!
from eventhewind :
that's a question I've wondered many times. it would be great if you decided to pose it in a submission. (you can simply ask the question; it's all in the about page.) alternately, you might ask her directly. it's an important dialogue.
from ntlworld :
Hi Good luck tomorrow with the whole house move thing... stressful in itself.. but good luck I am sure it is definatley a move for the better... :) I hope you will be really happy in your new home... x
from celidor :
I'm really sorry you're not feeling so great. I will pray for you. You're important to God, you know! Even when we question him and his purposes his love is infinite and he longs to gather us under his wings. I am learning that he IS bigger than anything life dishes us up. Anyway, hang in there, and do feel free to email me if you just want a 'chat'! Praying for you. Val. [email protected]
from the-book-bag :
Hi! I just wanted to say thank you for adding me to your buddies list. -cat
from valeofenna :
Thank-you for your empathy, it means a great deal to me. I got your note this morning just when the unfortunately semi-familiar sting of it all started to really kick in. Your kindness is much appreciated. And I'm happy to know that there is a new little boy in the world who is very much loved by his auntie. PS As for your brother there is one universal truth-all men are potential jerks. But they sure are cute when they're babies. :) take care, and many hugs.
from celidor :
That IS hurtful, and very thoughtless of your your brother. I can only put it down to 'new-baby spin-out'. I'm sorry you're feeling upset. And congratulations on being an auntie! It's a wonderful thing. The love that you feel for that little one is just amazing. Hugs to you, Val
from valeofenna :
I just wanted to thank-you and acknowledge you for acknowledging me. I definately know what it's like to only get a drop of comapassion from the world when you need an entire ocean just to get through an hour of the day, let alone the whole day. I will add you to my buddy list. We are all very precious people, the "mentally ill", regardless of what the world thinks of us. Take Care
from celidor :
I hope and pray the move goes really, really well. The new place sounds much better - may it all work out!
from ntlworld :
Hi.. I hope you feel better soon! Not pleasant to be unwell especially for so long take care and stay home tomorrow...! x
from eventhewind :
exactly. and even if it's true, which I think it is - that I honor them best by continuing to live as they taught me ... I don't simply want to honor them. I want them. I want them in my life. thank you for understanding that.
from celidor :
You know what? I'm going to be bold, here, and say that I don't think you're a solitary rose at all! I think you're a great big bunch of lovely coloured-roses with so much to offer. There's much more to you than just one rose. Just keep on shining the way you do. Valerie
from ntlworld :
When leaving someone who has been a massive support through something that was/is so big in your life how can it be easy?? Kind of feels like your a number in the grand scale of life.. I know... youve read m diary and I still feel that way.. they helped me through then left me alone to cope!!! Pah! All I wanted to say was... that really... You are not alone.... :) x
from celidor :
Hi Rachel, I can't imagine feeling cold! I don't think I'll ever be cold again...It's hard when a friend 'finds someone' because it does change the friendship. You do 'lose a friend' so to speak. I can relate! Your heart wants the best for them, but you know things are going to change. Hope you're doing ok. Valerie
from ntlworld :
Hello... If your friend is a real friend she will allready know that you feel this way.... and she will be sympathetic to your feelings... and as long as you both try to overcome this you will both get through it... :) Dont worry everyone and I mean EVERYONE goes through this... dont worry about something that you cant do anything to change... and SMILE!!!
from shadownlite :
I thought I would leave a note. I barely use my diary here anymore...I have a fondness for livejournal but I would like to keep up with your entries so how do I add you to my buddy list? I cannot find the option. :(
from proudmary04 :
Thank you so much! I'm incredibly excited about it, especially since Farmington is my first-choice school! I can't wait! ~Mary~
from bitsofmylife :
i really appreciate your note; i struggle so much with what i want to do with my life and i hate to say "i want to be a writer" because i feel like *everyone* says that. still your note gave me an insight that there may be hope for me yet. thanks.
from ntlworld :
Hey! Good to see your feeling happy.. :) Hope she suffers a bit for a day or so.. :) Take Care x
from proudmary04 :
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ~Mary~
from celidor :
I found you through Alice's diary - and I'm a fellow Jan Karon fan! I love your D-name. Can I add you to my favourites? Hope you don't mind. Valerie
from jenamae :
Hello! Thanks for adding me to your fav list!! I never expected somebody would like my entries. Thanks so much!!! God bless and take care!!
from chordchild :
thanks so much for joining the pro-recovery and c-a-g-e-d diaryrings! with all the propaganda online, it's always a comfort to find another person who sees this illness for what it truly is. please feel free to submit to caged-freed anytime; it's always low on entries! oh, and, please remember to put up the code for the rings. I didn't see it when I went to your page. take care and thanks again!
from magpiejanie :
Happy late Birthday! Mine was Tuesday :) How nice and coincidental.
from sarahmarie02 :
hi, thanks for your note. i just skimmed over your diary...the journal of your past interests me...what exactly is it? currently, i dont want help for my ed, but thanks for the concern and offer. if you dont mind, how tall are you? take care x sarah
from solstice36 :
hi, i'm thinking of starting an open diary for people to share poetry, songs, stories and experiences about abuse and rape. i'm leaving notes for all the members of my abused and raped rings to see if there is enough interest to start the diary. if i get at least thirty people to agree to contribute i will create the diary. if you're interested and would like to contribute please let me know by emailing me at [email protected]. thanks :-)
from punkrawkir :
actually, scratch that... the email was sent back, so i dont know what happened. i'll try one more time. here's my addy: [email protected]
from punkrawkir :
hey, i went ahead and emailed ya so you know my addy, too. and you can email people by clicking the "contact" thing on their diary entries. :)
from punkrawkir :
hey, thanks for leaving me a note! and nancy drew books ARE awesome! hardy boys, too! and it's cool that you are a christian cuz i am, too. feel free to email me and see what else we have in common.
from solstice36 :
thanks for the compliments :-) i dont know of any web sites where abuse victims share poetry, i've never looked. i started the ring because diaryland didnt have one. if it's really something you want to persue you can start and open diary where people can post poetry and experiences. i personally dont have the time to oversee something like that at this point but if you'd like some help i'd be more than happy to assist. just let me know.
from duskmaiden :
Hi Jennifer. i like your diary. Nice to see what you do day to day Sarah

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