messages to mnvnjnsn:
(click here to add new message):

from asrael :
I got it! Thank you so much :)
from asrael :
from co-dependent :
I asked for one of your letters a while back under another diaryland name. I just wanted to say thanks! I never got around to telling you. The letter/things in it made me laugh and to this day it's on my shelf with all my favorite things ever. :-)
from golfwidow :
Dave Foley is why I don't stomp on ants anymore. He is such my crush.
from argolam :
Thanks. That's really nice. Oh, and glad to see your back in our beloved diaryland.
from bluemeany :
Thanks for adding me! The O'Reilly link made me chortle. Your diary is definitely an ass-kicking one, so I'll have to return the favor.
from gem-chan :
Your shirt link doesn't work, but I was curious enough to check it out on your page source. I'm bored, leave me alone. Anyway, Glarkwear...awesome. I'm personally torn between the Swedish Mafia shirt, KHHHAAAANNNN! and Chairman Meow.
from gem-chan :
I'm squeezing the squeaky Budda as we speak. Err...I meant that as an alternative "I'm praying for you as we speak" kind of thing, but you know, it almost sounds like some sort of masterbation-type thing. Squeezing the squeaky Budda, huh huh huh.
from supermom3604 :
I skipped second grade too. I wonder if what they teach in second grade isn't all that important or something?
from mrs-roboto :
Frank Perdue ("it takes a tough man to make a tender chicken") also passed away today. I didn't even know he was sick.
from gem-chan :
Medical debt is a killer. My parents are dealing with it now. Don't get too far down in the dumps, my friend. Think of it this way: if you're at the bottom, there's no place to go but up. Right? Right? Oh God, I've become an asshole. I'll go join 'Up With People' now. Sorry. Anyway, feel better.
from supermom3604 :
Ha ha ha. That Volkswagen commercial will never be the same for me. Now I have to yell at the TV. Maybe the woman can't handle the thin air...?
from onewetleg :
caption for that photo: give me candy or i will CHEW YOUR HEAD OFF! just kidding she is stinking cute. way to work the gene pool. love,
from supermom3604 :
Ack! My computer is being hinky and almost didn't let me into your notes but here I am and...that almost makes me wish I had a little girl so that I could dress her in a princess costume. She is adorable.
from cruel-irony :
A fear of flutes... heh, that's funny. Well, unless you're a sufferer of that particular affliction I guess.
from supermom3604 :
Holy crap. Strawberry soda sounds awesome. If you put a (heavy) splash of vodka or rum in it it's even better.
from supermom3604 :
Oh my god there is a Zach Braff (<3) blog and I didn't know about it. Thank you for allowing me to stalk him further. You rock! And I'm not the only one who wants to kidnap Jon Stewart and make him sit on my couch and watch TV (and other stuff) with me? Thank goodness.
from raven72d :
Wombats. Wombats are good. They are named Montgomery. They are known for wearing fezzes, and for piloting catamarans and autogyros. Several are members of the Zeppelin Pilots Club and regulars at the bar.
from argolam :
Thanks for the kind words.
from jesbohn :
hey there. thanks for visiting me at bohenrtime. hope to see you around sometime. love, me
from monster-b :
Thanks for the note, I appreciate it very much.
from argolam :
How could I possibly forget about the Michigan-California war of 1877? Being a Canadian national, I've only studied about local conflicts, like the 1897 Saskatchewan massacre that was performed by those ever blood thirsty Manitobans.
from parlance :
from pandionna :
Just wanted to pop by and say that your note to Rumblelizard about winos and malolactic fermentation made my DAY. My husband is in wine (wholesale), as are most of his friends (it's an incestuous business here in the D.C. area--everyone knows everyone) and what you described is dead on. Alas, if one is *not* a wine-geek, 20 minutes into any given party and one is face-down in the tappas.
from gem-chan :
So, can I borrow a few bucks?
from gem-chan :
Don't let the man get you down, seriously. Because once you're down, he'll kick you, because the man, as we all know, is a bastard. Oh, and I think McDonald's is too good for those Bush bastards. Make them work for the government, but not the high positions. No, make them all social workers or teachers. That'll teach 'em.
from mrs-roboto :
THANK YOU!!!! it was sweet of you to remember and send me an e card!
from zaziel :
I can't speak for the Masons, but I don't think the Dooty Nadog can be very secret with the less-than-reticent georg as our patron saint.
from gem-chan :
Never give up! Never surrender!
from queentrixie :
I feel kinda weird. I am here to defend Zaz's penis. Though I am certain it is quite capable of defending itself. Not that I would know. I have never met him much less... oh, this is going badly. It is just that your profile comment for him confuses me. It is moments like this that confirm that I really am fallen. Cheerio!
from gem-chan :
Congrats on paying off your loans! I haven't even finished aquiring mine! D'oh! Oh well. You're proof that one can, in fact, pay off loans before one dies. I thought maybe that was a lie.
from onewetleg :
your company sounds alot like mine. small charity bought by bigassmultinational charity. now they are shutting us down and splitting up the family. home wreckers. merry xmas! :p
from argolam :
Okay, I think I fixed it, but I'm not sure. And now that I think about it, maybe I should have just gone with that "trying to be ironic" line. So let's start over... Man, did I play a funny joke or what? Good times, good times.
from argolam :
And I thought it worked. I don't get it. I can see the pictures when I go to my page. Hmmm. Did you try to right click on the picture and press "show picture"? Or maybe I'm just as html retarded as I ever was? I don't know.
from argolam :
Hey, if your boss gives you any shit about that report, just blame it on David Hasselhoff's rugged good looks.
from sistercookie :
Personally I think tetris is quite addicting. But that's cause I am slightly old school. What is old school these days. LOL Saw your banner. Came here. I could come up topics for you. I am insominac, computer geek, musician, painter, and smart ass female drummer. Weird combination. But we all can't be stupid. I like you diary. You remind me of when Scott Adams had his List of The Day running on the website. I used to love that one. Tofu Marshmellows. Wit. Maybe you could answer some questions like why do they sell hot dogs in pack of 8 but they sell buns in packs of 10? What kind of music do you like and what are you currently listening to? Wherever you go, there you are. Sistercookie was here.
from onewetleg :
pieces-ofyou gives weekly diary ideas and also has a monthly contest for best entry. i can't remember their exact name but the poy link is on my page. and anything is better than the friday five. love,
from cruel-irony :
When I was growing up, we got oranges in our Christmas Stockings too.
from gem-chan :
Sing with me now, "Oh Canada..."
from onewetleg :
please tell me what is a TWoPism? please?
from upworlder :
I can't even describe to you how insanely jealous I am that you got to see Mitch Hedberg.
from onewetleg :
sorry i sent that twice and wasn't even done with it. CHITLINS? oh, god that's funny. were you really babysitting your sisters intestines? sorry. love, jj
from onewetleg :
i haven't laughed this hard since the guy was telling me about his spoon collection this morning. you were babaysitting your sister's CHITLINS?
from onewetleg :
i haven't laughed this hard since the guy was telling me about his spoon collection this morning. you were babaysitting your sister's CHITLINS?
from mrs-roboto :
Thank you for the kind words. They mean alot right now.
from pd12 :
hey check out my diary if you want
from cruel-irony :
I think smacking someone up side the head with a two-by-four is, well, "assertive". It's probably a great stress reliever too. Oh, but wait, it's a crime. Nevermind.
from upworlder :
You're right about the whole carmel/caramel thing.
from grngrl75 :
Thanks for signing my notes! I have enjoyed what I have read so far of your journal! :)
from bobalu :
Geeze, what a thin skinned naggator,opps narrator! I guess she doesn't work much. If you work in the public, then you have to take what is dished out. 'Talent' only wants to hear good things. If you told Sharon Stone or Jack Nicholson that their acting sucks, it would put them in the hospital. Get used to it, you can't please everyone all the time. It is amazing how they feel we have to kneel to them. Keep up the good writing and critique all you want!! I've been told my work sucks and I don't get pissy about it.
from gem-chan :
Uh oh. If people I write about actually READ my diary, then I can expect a smack down from Quentin Tarantino, the poop lady, Pauly Shore and pretty much everyone else I make fun of. Crap. From now on, I only make fun of dead people with no living relatives.
from lobsterchick :
I can only assume you are using "star" in the loosest possible interpretation of the term, perhaps to refer to me as a ball of gas. And for that, I thank you.
from banefulvenus :
Your site is amazing tOo!
from banefulvenus :
wow, just wanted to say i love your banner!
from gotgaz :
i just wanted to say i love your BEAR banner. i dont know many people that read it so when i saw the banner i got all happy lol, do you read JTHM too?
from bobalu :
Say is ain't so! Don't go to Orygun! I've been trying to unload my late bro in law's house and cars and no one is working up there, plus with all the rain it is a blueprint for depression. Besides Ahhnold has to be good for some kind of laughs here in Cally forn ya!
from oldpenguin :
Hey. Medicine balls, eh? If there is any sort of witty meaning in that, it just went straight over my head. Your diary is surreal. That's a good thing. I think. Y'all need an emoticon for that "I've forgotten my car keys and I have to go back inside to get 'em" look. Pure annoyance. Well, they just don't make emoticons like they used to. Cheers! OP
from oldpenguin :
Hey. Medicine balls, eh? If there is any sort of witty meaning in that, it just went straight over my head. Your diary is surreal. That's a good thing. I think. Y'all need an emoticon for that "I've forgotten my car keys and I have to go back inside to get 'em" look. Pure annoyance. Well, they just don't make emoticons like they used to. Cheers! OP
from onewetleg :
im telling you we are some sort of psychic twins. we must have been the same person in a former life or alternate universe. it makes my brain hurt when i think about it and i get g-bumps!!!
from onewetleg :
my, dog! dont tell me you live in oregon! shit, holmes! i lived there for 20 years. Grants Pass in the house! peace out.
from onewetleg :
that's ok. all was forgiven years ago. and i love prescription drugs. care to donate any? just kidding. but i do love me some vicaden! it makes me wanna stick the upper half of my bod out the sunroof of the limo and yell 'whoo-hooo!
from onewetleg :
well! i have never been so insulted. ok. i have. but thats still no excuse. hmph. wait, did you insult me? oh, sorry. im still going to read you, ok? anyone with cats and neurosis is good enough for me.
from experimenjj :
holy-crud! i just took your geek survey and then i looked at your answers and we have alot in common. were like twins except im fatter. i think. im adding you to onewetleg's buddy-list right now gosh darnit. sorry for the strong language.
from son-shade :
Fear? Fuck fear! Fear is for those who ARE AFRAID OF THINGS! Be afraid only of things that which you CAN change. The rest is unavoidable and worrying about them is static discharge. The more I surf through the lives of other people I am either: A) Extremely disallusioned and provoked to the point of fucking Genocide, or B) Pleased that others see that shit out there really IS SHIT and say something about it to others. No wrath for you. Not today.
from monster-b :
Oh My God. I just looked at your link for Joe Schmo and one of my friends is on it!! He's "The Gay Guy," heh. I knew he was out and about acting, but I didn't know he was on that. Hi-larious.
from common-tegus :
i love the gorey banner !!
from raven72d :
Edward Gorey *and* a really fun little image at your profile page... Vur' nice.
from candora :
medicine balls, I just had to click on the medicine balls... what a strange world I found (I love strange worlds).
from gem-chan :
Dear heavenly lord, that song was awful. But don't worry, this isn't hatemail. I'll reserve my disdain for the person who wrote and performed that little twisted masterpiece.
from zaziel :
Now what? Well, now I've added your name to the List of the Fallen--do you want to go by mnvnjnsn or medicine balls? You will have noticed, I hope, that the Fallen is not a diaryring but is a Non-Dairyring Product (explained here: You may choose to grace your diary with one or more Fallen buttons or links, or you can make one of your own, or you can do none of the above. All that is required of you as a member is that if you fall, don't get up too fast. Take it easy. Put your feet up. Maybe take the day off.
from heyjude85 :
Hey! I stumbled upon your lovely Bucky banner! I too have a few of your illnesses! WOO crazies unite :-D lol. Hope you're doing well :).
from knock-first :
shopping therapy is a personal favorite of mine also.........sighhhhh
from nny777 :
I lurve the jthm banner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from falsefront :
neato, thanks
from monster-b :
Thanks for the kind words and the Emvelope offer. Dad wouldn't really be able to read it, so it might make him more uncomfortable, but thanks.
from iluvjessee :
Hey! Thanks for the note :) I appreciate it! Please feel free to visit me anytime!
from ashkers :
Drama Geeks will rule the world. You wait and see. -Ashlee
from gumphood :
Hi I read your good old entry and I liked it. I found you from your banner and I liked the Shag drawing even more. I love it. Hopefully I will bump into you again. Lovely.
from iluvjessee :
Hey! I really like your banner with the Get Fuzzy on it!!! Thats my favorite comic! :) My AIM name is Boinkiesbabe8474 if ya wanna chat! And my AOL name is Rockercj God bless you!
from renaye85 :
thanks for your support and encouragement. yeah things were tough growing up but strangely enough i got through this far....
from renaye85 :
interview me! i dare you!
from i-sue :
i. love. bucky.
from mugbug226 :
Surveys are a weakness... heh heh heh Especially geek ones.. I don't know about the baby elephants though. ;o)
from shannonk :
Oh, Katielea did not only hang out with Surreal Neal, but she's designing the cover for his upcoming solo CD. That's what being a longtime groupie with graphic design skills will get you. I'll pass along your message. I don't think she's quite gotten into the technical aspects of diaryland yet.
from mugbug226 :
Smitage of coworkers... <holds hands like Mr Burns> excellent..
from monster-b :
I actually have an AIM account, but I can't put it on my computer at work and I don't have a computer at home right now. I am going to be getting one shortly, so once I do we can chat as god intended. Feel free to e-mail me though.
from monster-b :
You do not! That's crazy. So what's the Wind-Up Funny Action? I'm so curious.
from upworlder :
Dr. Z, cats, corgi mixes, band geeks, peeking up men's dresses, ketchup on mac & cheese, asthma, anxiety, depression, BBC America, The Tick. That's a lot to have in common. I'm so glad I discovered your diary. Thanks for the note!
from monster-b :
I haven't settled on a rent yet, but I imagine it will be along the lines of daily amusement to distract me from the job I don't want to be at right now. Sound reasonable, I might be willing to negotiate. Your Rockstar sister, can she hear the Woo-wooooo! or is it Woooooo-woo? Last thing, Momster-b loved her Emvelope, thank you.
from insanegerbil :
whats wrong with glitter ink gel pens...?i think theyre,they piss teachers off since the neon colors are hard to's all good with me.i prefer said pens though.
from monster-b :
Glad you liked it, it completely cracks me up
from shannonk :
What if I amend my survey to say that I once got an award for "Best Use of Thematic Bipolarity" at a grad school Halloween party? Could I be a geek then?
from monster-b :
Oh, be a stickler, please. Thanks for the correction, especially since a majority of the links wouldn't work, sorry about that. Bad monster-b, no cookie for you. heh.
from monster-b :
No, it definitely does not make your butt look big, and you know I'd tell you if it did. Heh. Love the new look.
from monster-b :
Feel free to take up residence, there's plenty of room. I'll tell the Momster, she'll love it I know. You've got a Monster Missive winging it's way towards you, put it in the mail this AM. Hope you like it.
from monster-b :
Thanks for the note, I think my mom would get a big kick out of an Emvelope, that's very kind of you.
from lobsterchick :
Hi! I found your diary through your ad, and I like it! It's very engaging!
from lobsterchick :
Hi! I found your diary through your ad, and I like it! It's very engaging!
from shannonk :
Thanks for your words of support, vis a vis the gouging of my coworker's eyeballs and my shows. Maybe I'll start putting that info up. No shuttle from Oregon, sadly. I hope you're feeling better soon.
from shannonk :
Thanks for the info on your sister's shows. I'll be out of town on the 18th and have a show on the 25th, but I'll try to make the 24th in Oakland. Oh, and I think the female form of narrator is "narratrix," but I'm not sure.
from writerguy00 :
I'm just leting every one know that if you try to read my diary, you have to hilight it. I made it that way because white one blue looks cool and i hardly know what i'm doing. just a heads up.
from writerchic88 :
congrats, i find ur diary amusing and hilariosuly interesting. and for the record, i like amusing and pointlessness
from monster-b :
Thanks for the note and congrats on your 100th entry, woo break out the Crystal! And of course you can call me Pepsinovich.
from monster-b :
thanks for the shout out, I'm Pepsinovich and I didn't give you a link before because I didn't have one to give. I've decided to get off my ass and start that journal I've always dreamed of...I've only got 1 entry so far, but more to come...
from shannonk :
Hey, thanks for the note on my diary -- my second one (woohoo). I thought the survey was funny. And it also looks as if I'm in the same city as your sister's band, so I'll have to check them out. Thanks for bringing the funny during a boring day at work.
from hollyt :
That was a wicked cute poem you wrote on my survey.
from invisibledon :
oh another survey too yay -noreally - thanks for the comment too
from invisibledon :
Thanks for playing in the neighborhood - good luck with that queen of norway thing - good joke too
from moo-review :
Your review is ready!
from moo-review :
We're trying to promote our review site. If you would like a review please request. Thanks
from aras2006 :
hey i checked out your sister's band's website.they sound cool. thanks for signing my guestbook.
from diaryreviews :
Your review is now up at And congratulations - your score qualifies you to join the 90-or-better ring (if you are so inclined)! Thank you for requesting a review. More people need to be reading your writing.
from waterstain :
first note! hooboy! my specialness knows no end!

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