messages to pleaseenjoy:
(click here to add new message):

from for-you-only :
Hey, I have this awesome review site going at, I don't have anybody in pending right now, so your review would come fast! Go ahead and check it out. Feel free to read my diary, or add me, or any of that other good stuff. :) Also feel free to note me. Notes are fun. And you can leave comments... I like those. !!! Have a nice day from PINK!
from jeszika330 :
I love you layout!!! Just wanted to say that:)
from fateexchange :
im sorry i fucked you. i was going through bad times. its too bad we arent friends anymore becaues you were the only person i considered a friend for the longest time. im glad you found someone to make you happy, because i cant. i still love you and wish the best for you. you were one of the greatest individuals met in my life, and im glad we had our good and bad. to this day, i have never danced to a nelly sing or been myself without you, so i am happy you existed in my life. im not sure you will read this, but i still think of you as an important aspect of my life. without you, i wouldnt know much about personal skills, and for that i love you in a logisitc way. thank you katie.i am drunk, but think of you every day, and think of the days going to movies and dancing to songs on the radio. i havent had those feelings of relief and love since then. sorry if i embarass you or your online friends with this post..i dont care about any of them..they are all fake. i just wanted to let you know how i care about you and im envious of your situation. goodbye. have a good marriage.
from dropbox :
katie! that's really weird. at baylor they had a "mixer", and just yesterday i was telling my mom that whenever i think of a mixer, i think that it means mixed drinks, too! how straaannnge.
from dropbox :
thanks love!
from brokenradio- :
you watched it because it is awesome. and they played iron and wine because they are hip.
from solarmonkoo :
Hi again - I just added you as a favorite! I hope you don't mind. Just let me know if you do mind! :)
from dropbox :
and what did you think of say anything?
from solarmonkoo :
hi - i just came across your diary(s). It sounds like we both like a lot of the same bands, Bright Eyes - Pedro - Fugazi - Radiohead...etc. I saw that "how to dress emo" thing, too. It was dumb. Haha.
from dropbox :
katie, do i drive you crazy? DON'T LIE TO ME!
from fateexchange :
im ok. waco is alright, i still dont have any friends.. i think i have this fear of talking to anyone or something. i dont know.
from incline :
maybe you have contracted the retarded julie disease. i hear it's speading these days.
from i-am-unique :
don't be mean or i'll give you a wedgie.
from heartshaped :
i <3 food. mmmhmm.
from dropbox :
dave matthews! ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh love love looovee
from supermanfan :
Wow. Thank you so much for writing. You diary is incredible, your writing is so emotional and heartfelt I search for diaries like your, I want to hear about peoples lives and feelings, not what someone has to say to try to be funny or cool. Great job. I will be back.
from incline :
lately all i have really been able to do is sleep and read. and sneak in the occasional tv watching.
from ilovepickles :
i love you more than anything, and i will always be there for you..remember that... i miss you very much.
from incline :
hey katie... i'll be smart with you this year. and we can like, tell eachother to keep being smart when we slack off in our smartness this year. okay? okay with me. (wow, i must seem really cool, huh?)
from incline :
i think i win for most notes sent to you. i should get a trophy or something.
from incline :
thank you. i love you too. and well, you are fun to be around too. (i feel corny for saying that it's the whole "right back at ya" act, but the truth.)
from incline :
katie. whoa. exactly. (or at least i think exactly)
from disruptions :
dear katie. happy birthday.
from dropbox :
hi Q~T
from disruptions :
aww you like seville! that makes me happy.
from disruptions :
people call me a scene kid because i wear t-shirts from thrift stores and go to shows and well crap, because i like music and cheap clothes, this obviously means i am a scenester! when i use that term, i use it to describe girls who use the scene as a place to socialize, not to go for the music. and hi, i am heather, i like you because you are funny and have a hey mercedes layout.
from incline :
i do not believe these "scene kids" exist. and everything about classifying them makes me mad. EVERYONE is a scene kid. even old grandmas, they are part of the "old grandma" scene. you can even go into categorizing them even more, getting "smelly rich grandmas" or "bacon cookin' grandmas". so as you see, a scene kid is just someone who fits into any type of category. some people just thought they were cooler than everyone else and decided that "scene kids" would pretty much be young adults who have thick rimmed glasses, dark dyed hair, converses, rolled up jeans, go to a lot of shows, maybe look like they have dressed up to go to shows, call shows shows and not concerts, and anything else you can think of. or maybe it isn't even that. i am beginning to confuse myself, and i could go on forever on my opinions, but i won't, but i hope a cleared something up for you because i am bored. this whole paragraph was probably a contradiction too. but oh well.
from heartshaped :
from unyou :
what is a summer night?
from i-am-unique :
i <3 Lord S./B.
from incline :
no. i am right. god told me i was right, and god told me that coke makes everything better. and if god told me so, god damn it must be right.
from unamerican :
what a pretty picture in your layout.
from greer04 :
katie, i miss you
from incline :
i move back sooner than crap! <3
from wall-flower :
yes. you really are adorable.
from wall-flower :
is that you? so cute!
from incline :
hi katie i would just like you to know i love you.
from heartshaped :
thank you for saying such nice things. i'll be back. xo.
from joolieboolie :
my mom tells me the same thing. then she tells me that i am going to be going to TJC. that would be funny if i did. and i have like, a 3.7 gpa. moms suck.
from heartshaped :
this is just beautiful. xo.
from unamerican :
cabins are great. i went to one this past summer and fell in love. it was small with high ceilings. and it had a porch and a creek in front of it. bunk beds too. ha. so i definitely like your cabin proposal idea.
from joolieboolie :
you really don't realize how great some of the people there until you leave. i remember how awesome i thought it would be to leave there, and it was horrible. every other place is just the same. everyone still talks and the schools still suck.
from pleaseenjoy :
im leaving myself a note. oh katie, i love you.
from greer04 :
KATIE! you like hope sandoval? oh my god, i love her. LOVE. HER.
from kid-ehh :
i saw a troll in central park once... it was my favorite movie when i was wee. rather, wee-er than i am now. i dig the green thumb. i feel a bit out of place with so many familiars on this page... just want to say i appreciate your input on my diary, and i dig yours. take it easy you crazy kid.
from ilovepickles :
um, you look kind of cute, but i have one question...why are you so mean to that greg guy, he is relalllllly in love with you and wants to marry you. so be nice to him. or i will tell him not to marry you.
from unyou :
OOo! Thank your for my note, I love notes. I know I have told you already, but once again I love your diary :) And the new image looks really superb. Sweet!
from thugged-out :
i really enjoy your diary. too add to that.. the anniversary is the bestest band ever. i'd like to hear your band. do you guys have a demo or anything? or anything?
from i-am-unique :
i love you.
from o0ali0o :
Katie, sorry but Julieanna and Greerith, while both very rockin gals, are both wrong. i am best. oh, and you are...FANTABULOUS!
from joolieboolie :
I thought I would give you a note once again to continue the pattern, me, Greer, me, Greer, you know. And plus you are just a little sweetheart. :)
from greer04 :
kaaaatie, you are the light in my life. do not be mislead by joolie telling you she is the greatest, cos the number 4 person to leave you a note beats all. ; )
from joolieboolie :
and third is the one with the treasure chest. which means I am rich. So there. Hi Kaite.
from greer04 :
d'you know what, katieann? i <3 you too. and julie, you are waayyyy wrong. 2nd is always best.
from joolieboolie :
Hi Kaite. Like they say, first is the best, and it looks like I am first here. Have a nice day.

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