messages to pummela:
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from crazy4muffin :
That entire scenario made me uneasy for you. Perhaps you have an infection? Sometimes that can account for crazy highs and lows. I HATE that yo yo effect; particulary when you have to eat something and it is the last thing you want to do. Thankfully I have a roommate. I woke up one night inside an ambulance. Was told I had started flailing around in my sleep, eyes rolled back and then into a fetal position. Turns out I had taken my regular insulin, regular meal, and then got a desire to exercise. The drop was quick and major. People often joke that I have a snack bar in my purse. Nothing scares me more than the thought of being stranded somewhere without food. It terrifies me. I'm thinking, hoping, you have it under control now. What an ass whip.
from eatpaste :
hey. i've just started reading. so you know, i'm the gal from denton. i understand being nervous about local hits on my blog.
from wench77 :
Incredible list isn't it. The thing is they're serious. These are people who want to change what Americans learn in school and through the media. Boggling. I think basically they are against critical thought, philosophy and researching actual facts. And thanks for the vote of confidence re the work. :) I think the tomato tarts will turn out fine.
from neko-carre :
Hi! Did you send me an email? I'm wondering now because some have been going straight to my spam folder lately, dangit. If so, go ahead and leave your email in my notes and I'll send you the pw thatta way. Oy!
from crazy4muffin :
Just couldn't resist Betty Page. And then got sucked in like a Hoover to see a fellow diabetic. Twenty eight years now with this monkey on my back; enough already! I remember sitting in the doctor's office after the initial diagnosis (was 12 years old) and him telling me "they ought to have a cure in about ten years". Bwah! You live in Dallas; I am betting you see Dr. Hollander or Popa? They are great endocrinologist. I went five years once without seeing one because I hated the process and their condescending crap. Much better now. Are you using the Lantus 24 hour dose and then the Humalog pen? Because it works pretty damn fine for me. I am going to put you on my fav's list because, well hell, we gotta stick together right?
from neko-carre :
Hi! Long time no see! Yes, I'd love to share the password. Would you please email me at Qkari AT yahoo DOT com and I'll send it to you thatta way? Thanks!
from wench77 :
Yes, re the materialism of heaven... I always am amused when Christians who talk about the richness of the robes of God, his splendiferous throne etc etc put down the ridiculous rewards supposedly given to Muslims upon death once they are in paradise. I really really fail to see the difference. And what is with that bodily thing? Aren't Christians' bodies only supposed to rise at some ressurection moment?
from wench77 :
ah, yes, like I say, it is hard to stick to one religion (unless one really is certain one has the cornerstone on truth) when one knows about many religions. Hmm, helping one pay their taxes is more an act of charity than anything else... esp if they were going to be run out of town, executed etc for not doing it. Jesus is a better role model for medicare and welfare than for capitalism. I really don't remember him exhorting his followers to settle down and start businesses. And yeah, I do know the supposed "we work hard, and make profits, that proves God is rewarding us for doing the right thing" argument. sad. very sad. By the same token, warring and plundering, a la pirate or viking are very godly and christian, since they are rewarded for their efforts. I believe Jesus' Works were more along the lines of curing the ill, comforting the disinherited, befriending the ostracised, not stoning the convicted. But then what do I know? I'm not a Christian. It just seems that Christianity isn't Christianity but some sort of selfserving dogma that is quite frightening in its political and social outreach.
from devil-jay :
Hi. *confused* didn't you get the email I sent out? I sent one throught the dland mail system. Hmm. Ah well, I'll send it again. Not too sure how this whole "locked thing" works. Sorry about that!
from wench77 :
LOL re the cucumber! The zuke was even bigger and everyone made lewd jokes! If you wait two secs.. ok more like ten minutes, I am just now posting a bunch of more interesting (though not artistically good) random photos in an entry. thanks for the note!
from wench77 :
yo! as far as I can tell there is no way to get from your template to your profile... and yeah, i was curious enough to actually plug your username into my own profile url to get to it. Nice template. Fun artwork ... I esp. liked the ink piece with washes (Jessica in a mirror?) and the one with the arm painted over the Lautrec poster. I'm glad I looked at your cast page... at first I thought you were comparing your sister to Lucy from the peanuts (when she does that psychoanalyst advice shit)... I hate to say, but my mother said I was Lucy from the peanuts. ack! Anyways, it was betty page who sent me here. tah!
from wench77 :
yo! as far as I can tell there is no way to get from your template to your profile... and yeah, i was curious enough to actually plug your username into my own profile url to get to it. Nice template. Fun artwork ... I esp. liked the ink piece with washes (Jessica in a mirror?) and the one with the arm painted over the Lautrec poster. I'm glad I looked at your cast page... at first I thought you were comparing your sister to Lucy from the peanuts (when she does that psychoanalyst advice shit)... I hate to say, but my mother said I was Lucy from the peanuts. ack! Anyways, it was betty page who sent me here. tah!
from devil-jay :
Like my entry from yesterday. =) Just curious that's all.
from devil-jay :
You do? How come?
from sugar223111 :
you're very welcome. And your survey kicked ass!
from svenhard :
Hi, since you were the other mentioned by frankie, here's a link to luvverly pics of alyson halallligan :
from ashtraygurl :
umm...i found it kind of freakish that i also have a freckle on my left big toe :s.
from krazieespy :
your picture of bettie page got me here, but I would have to say the sexiest woman would have to be Marilyn Monroe. HE HE anyways, I liked the banner idea ;)
from rummage :
(Kiss Hug)
from janani :
Thanks for listing me as a favorite! I'm glad the Dean issue is working out, or working, or well...that you're not quite so upset anymore. Take care.
from p-brain :
Yay for signmyguestbook. It spewed on my entry and made it vanish. The main difference between sw. & finnish is that in finland they use lots of double a,o,u,i,y. We don't. Like Mannapuuro (sw: mannagrynsgr�t). It's a white kind of porridge. Very smooth and quite tasty with milk and strawberry jam. Mmmmm-mmm. Refer me to my swedish and I might translate it for you. I only write in sw. when I'm tired and very bored with english. That usually means what I wrote is not interesting (is it ever).
from p-brain :
Your GB told me "No Access". Well...when you put it like that, then NO I don't feel better. That's statistically impossible to find someone when all THAT is included. Romantic or not, I just want someone to call mine. � <-kimsy says hi! But you know, as always you managed to make me smile even if it was a tiny one. I need to get my thoughts straight. When that happens I should be able to get up from the bottom of this mud pit and do something progressive. Bring out the whip if I get lazy. =)
from no-yes-maybe :
I was reading your answers to a survey...I like your describing yourself as "chapstick"...for femme or butch!
from p-brain :
Your GB refused this. Grrr. ** Which one did you mean? White-Tatu or "Waiting for..."? And what did you mean? The entry box should be OVER the girls? Why? What kind of screwed up computer do you use? It's the Tatu one, right. But it is framed by the girls. The picture is 800px wide and since the table is only 750 the remaining 50px doesn't show, nor does the page scroll sideways. Both left and right table is 200px wide while the one in the center is 350. I don't understand how you see it any different. Maybe I should put a lousy DIV tag there. Thanks for the notice though. I'll try not to update as much. =) ** I think Bulah is in a protest mood after you moved. I think she needs to settle in before she gets cuddily again. Kimsy did the same thing.
from neko-carre :
Ack! I had to lock. Send me an email at [email protected] for the passwords. (Yes, I'm THAT paranoid, I don't even want to post them here.) Sorry, it's a pain in the ass, believe me.
from frankiegyrl :
Hi there gyrl! All done. I have a guestbook!!! And I think it looks quite fancy. I want my diary to be that colour as well!!! I'm so proud of me, I didn't even kill my computer getting it all working :)
from p-brain :
The slideshow you made of Bulah... how did you do that? I've been playing around with Graphic but can't seem to figure it out.
from hodgson :
<-- HOT
from frankiegyrl :
Hi there gyrlie! If ya need 5 people, here's a volunteer. You know I can't resist good questions :)
from secretescape :
I'm sorry. I didn't know about this note you sent me (or maybe I have but have forgotten about it). The purpose of writing is that there should be a plot of some sort; or a little thread going across it. Why else write?
from fuckinugly :
Making an image appear fixed in the background is very simple. I can help you do it, if you like. If you can combine your torso image with your background image, then include that as your background, then add bgproperties="fixed" within your body tag. If you don't want it to repeat, you'll need to use css. Let me know if you want any help with any of that. ^.^

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