messages to thecity:
(click here to add new message):

from fragilegirl8 :
Wow. 23 years. Congrats. This year marks 22 for me.
from usb-port :
we keep finding ourselves here because we left a part of ourselves here.
from raven72d :
Best wishes for the Year Twenty-Three.
from littlesushi :
sending hugs. also, i like your diary.
from raven72d :
Heartbreak in autumn is doubly hard.
from usb-port :
from usb-port :
from raven72d :
How is life?
from the-grey-one :
<3 just keep going
from the-grey-one :
Ahhhh, I'm sorry for what you're going through :(
from raven72d :
Fifteen years? Me, too--- since June 2002. I'm glad you're still writing here.
from usb-port :
Write me. -j
from boyecho :
once you eclipse that number, and see them more often in their moments of familial happiness, maybe it gets easier. time and distance and friendships get more and more... funny.
from raven72d :
Still in Westchester? I'm far away from those lands, but I still read along here.
from usb-port :
Tell us everything
from dangerspouse :
Why does he stay your boyfriend if he feels that way? Is he an automaton?
from raven72d :
Come back and post... I always enjoy finding your entries.
from raven72d :
So true! I've been here since...June 2002.
from raven72d :
Twitter, yes.
from andwebreathe :
Do you know you are one of my favorites? You are. I am so glad you still update.
from raven72d :
How is springtime?
from raven72d :
I always imagine heroines I like to be one of two Lost girls from my past.
from raven72d :
Well, I'll take New Orleans over New Rochelle.
from raven72d :
I'm far away in the Deepest South, alas.
from raven72d :
12 years? congrats! (I started here in 6/'re a year ahead of me!) but I will be reading along!
from raven72d :
by now, you'll have moved. where will you go?
from raven72d :
I've been reading along for a while now--- I'll be a visitor here far into the future.
from raven72d :
like the latest entries--- 20. july 13
from hoursandours :
After all these years, I can't believe you are still here.
from raven72d :
Such wonderful small entries...
from usb-port :
You will do everything. I always knew that.
from usb-port :
I see you.
from boombasticat :
I think that feeling is a prerequisite for being a person, yeah.
from fragilegirl8 :
from raven72d :
loved the entry about driving alone and seeing old haunts...
from boombasticat :
Wonderful, the way you've portrayed the weight of memories.
from boombasticat :
Short and simple and sort of dark. Masterful, really.
from southeast :
4.28.11. yes.
from annaisana :
i'm sure you know the answer to your rhetorical's called settling. i advise you against it.
from usb-port :
beep. happy new year. beep.
from raven72d :
do update...
from thisisjohn :
you are definitely a city
from usb-port :
missed you. we should email. hugs and love.
from raven72d :
you're a new, interesting find here... i do like your entries...
from symmetries :
yeah. and come to think of it, i'm pretty sure that ritzy glow of international travel is also the premise of the audrey hepburn movie "sabrina."
from longitude :
i remember this space
from symmetries :
i work at a publishing house. i like the books, but i feel a lot of anxiety when i'm there. i don't think i know how to come to terms with the fact that i work for free. what do you do?
from ohitsdora :
who are you scared of?
from boombasticat :
You wrote them a while ago, but the stuff about the guy getting up at 5 to watch you run a race and the toast about the best years is all great.
from darthuae :
i love this, "call it a day", i love this so much. i guess i'll just call it a year.
from usb-port :
things. how are they?
from shotsofvodka :
I've added you...I love that we apparently have so much in common. my username/password if you're curious is like/omg...feel free to peek in. :)
from boombasticat :
You write, like, these perfect little math problems. Math problems with heart, though.
from boombasticat :
Wonderful writing.
from usb-port :
one day we will meet. and i will not know you. but you will be as if we were always.
from green-kiwis :
hear, hear!
from andwebreathe :
I have such a fondness for you.
from hoursandours :
Because they're made of tiny molecules. And if you look even closer, those are made of tiny polarized matter waiting for the slightest force to break them apart.
from emotionalist :
it does. and there's a problem with the way i love which, if i change it, i worry will effect my writing.
from hoursandours :
Love protected me, love kept me warm, love kept me sane, and love kept me from growing. The moment I left that love, I grew like nothing before, exponentially. Everyday I think about that love, and I remember feeling empty. I don't feel empty anymore. Let a lost love make you alive.
from usb-port :
isn't that what the internet is for? explaining the unexplainable?
from nicefox :
it all just hurts and hurts
from hoursandours :
you won't until you have to.
from hoursandours :
having your heart broken causes you to fix the things you are unhappy with.
from bi-pet :
i'm so sorry for you..
from hoursandours :
the other side can be just as bad.
from andwebreathe :
You forgot fear. I think most of the time it's fear.
from mangotuesday :
from usb-port :
wonderful, as always.
from boombasticat :
I agree. Nice moment. Dense, maybe, like a celestial body.
from boombasticat :
Beautiful writing.
from insertsmilex :
i love your words. i recently started checking up on diaryland again, & i deleted my whole buddy list to start over fresh, and your going on the top of the list. <3
from andwebreathe :
oh my god, but they are always going, unless you want them to go, then they refuse to leave. it's all so dizzying, but I think you're right.
from kicken :
I love your writing. I can relate...
from andwebreathe :
exactly the pain i am living right now.
from andwebreathe :
oh no, you are so terribly lovely, i keep reading and thinking, "i must have been here before?"
from bi-pet :
beautiful writing... am really enjoying it...
from incinerated :
Hey you. I am going through the old diaries and trying to get my passwords right (it has been too long!). I stumbled across the note you left me, but I have no idea when you left it. Don't know how recent it is or if it is from so long ago you wouldn't even remember me, but here I am! Alive and well. I want to read you again and I will. I am glad to see you still write. xoxo
from andthisair :
"breathing dark autumn air into their lungs under the stars one foot in front of the other over and over and over as they think about everything and nothing at all." my favorite thing, ever.
from mindspin :
Thanks. i'm such a fan of your writing. It's good to be writing in DiaryLand again. I want to keep it up. I'll be reading you.
from green-kiwis :
I'm excited to see where this year takes you! I'm a newer reader, but I really enjoy your updates :)
from usb-port :
you aren't back at the begining. you just turned around and are looking the wrong way.
from carameldolce :
yes, good reason to party. Let's dance the problems away, not that it works, but its a little bliss in all the chaos.
from usb-port :
ooh! a party! can we get those pointy hats? =)
from stargazeypie :
Congratulations. That's a hard thing to do, being strong.
from likeaforest :
thanks! you are already proving the 'diaryland is so much friendlier than livejournal' theory true, no?
from recieveher :
from iwontellthem :
You have no idea how much I relate to this last entry. It's nice to know there's someone out there who is like I am...I think. Love on your diary.
from likeaforest :
contrary to popular belief: yes. yes it is.
from bedroomwalls :
i really fucking like your diary.
from bluperspex :
sigh. 20 year old virgins? where do you get those. that's a keeper, i tell you.
from shito :
i'm back
from likeaforest :
thanks! although technically it's not so much a new picture, as a very old picture, of my parents' horses during the 70's.
from likeaforest :
hmm. i sent you an email, but now i'm not so sure if you got it?
from but-im-not :
happy (belated..) birthday!!
from likeaforest :
by the way, i've been meaning to tell you that i like the new winterish layout lots.
from blindessence :
I found your diary and I'm almost glad that I did. I found it really intriguing and interesting!!! I kept reading. I hope you don't mind, but I'm adding you as a favourite!
from girlsuicide :
from incinerated :
I'm jealous of your poncho-wearing ability. I'm going to have to go through an entire season as a trendsetting pariah all because I can't seem to make the poncho work. Is there a secret?
from theoretic :
hey, good luck in philly, by the way. <3
from theoretic :
from likeaforest :
from likeaforest :
grad student in english lit. glamorous, no?
from halfdevoured :
I agree with your opinion on LiveJournal. It's a nightmare of a site, really. Right now, however, my diary is a nightmare regardless of where it's hosted. I'm terribly blocked. But your diary is wonderful. I still need to go back and read earlier entries, but what I've read so far is superb.
from introibo :
i miss thecity, i'm at livejournal now. radiotower.
from longitude :
i wasn't, until i found you.
from longitude :
found you.
from mindspin :
....And everytime you hear the name, it seems like he's gradually drilling another hole in your heart; the holes that were filled by other people & other areas that don't include him.
from purplebanana :
I love your layout. LOVE it.
from incinerated :
Mine as well, it is certainly a beautiful song.
from incinerated :
"I hate anyone who does most of the things I've done at one point or another." - me too. I wish social interaction was as it was during the days of morning and afternoon recess, double dutch, and hopscotch. Now it requires far too much thought and...effort.
from recieveher :
hey, this is the real spelling of my name.
from hey-lush :
Sorry that it's hard to read. That wasn't my intent. & thankyou.
from incinerated :
Thank you :) There is a wonderful trail for biking where I am these days and your latest entry makes me want to lug one up there and start getting into a morning biking routine. Seeing as I ate a few cookies for lunch yesterday because there wasn't anything else to have, that may not be a bad idea.
from blow-me-away :
I <3 your words
from blow-me-away :
I <3 your words
from likeaforest :
!??! omigosh, that is very nice! i think i'm officially jealous.
from sunnydayz :
I read something where Rufus Wainwright said "sometimes I wish I could write a pop albulm but I can only write what I do". I love what you do write, wiish I could write like that.
from incinerated :
My playlist always has a collection of sad love songs on it, just in case ;)
from mindspin :
Why are your words always so beautiful?
from incinerated :
Thank you so very much. I took the opportunity to read through some of your entries here. Beautiful diary, beautiful words. Just wonderful.
from meganwaits :
When I come to your diary, I think of the Thrills for some reason.
from parlance :
Thank you kindly. Like your entries.
from parlance :
from txwildflower :
:D you rock. even though LJ IS BETTER. <3 for the stephanie.
from my-2nd-voice :
love your words. hope you don't mind me adding you. xx
from mandywarhol :
if you have aim i can send it to you through that.
from mandywarhol :
nice.. very nice (!)
from unresolved :
i like you a lot.
from except :
hey, happy president's day, ms. thecity.
from gloryxxfades :
hey l♥ve
from anti-project :
w o w yr writting is pretty! i added you hope you don't mind :)
from mandywarhol :
i really like that image you have there
from valerias :
you�re layout is fantastic and i really wait what you will write in future here !!
from poul :
thank you
from cheap-irony :
you blow mt socks off<3
from be-my-heroin :
good thing you weren't in a scary movie. thank you for making me laugh.
from justenough :
your words feel real. and i like that.
from fever-pitch :
and you as well. is the photograph your own?
from d-invsblegrl :
wow. this diary, righteous.
from brain-dump :
Love your layout, it makes me dizzy. but in a good way.
from erato :
took the words from my lips, sweet delerium.
from ihaterain :
thanks for the mail!
from andagirl :
thank you very much for the compliment! i made the layout myself (with the help of microsoft frontpage). it's hard to find layouts that really please me. i'm glad you liked it! *smile*
from oceans-depth :
WOW, I like your diary it's Interesting. <3 Deja
from hoursandours :
i used to be pretty too. and for all the same reasons. but my straightener broke and there is never money for a new one.
from fellbehind :
Never been too big on roller coasters. The log ride's okay, but afterwards you're just cold and wet and waiting in line again. That could be a metaphor too, if I think really hard about it. But I won't.
from subtractfive :
I like you.
from hoursandours :
well, thank you very much :)
from likeaforest :
what's funny is that i looked for the interview online, but seeing how i read it 6 years ago or so, i suppose it's not terribly surprising that i wasn't able to find it. it seems somehow amusing to me now, though, to think of mary lou lord bemoaning living in salem mass, which can't help but seem somewhat less brutal than growing up in missouri. and truth be told, i don't blame you for not going home for xmas one bit. --jolie ps. i would like to hop aboard the bandwagon by saying that your new layout is very nice indeed.
from introibo :
i spelled it greviously wrong. it's "interphrastically" and i'm not sure if it's a word as of yet. i forget where i heard it, but i think it was on a black adder episode. i am also digging your new layout, as i dig all of your layouts. cheers!
from mindspin :
yeayeah i do that too, the white shirt and the black bra...Seduce away! :)
from mindspin :
I agree - Nice, hip layout and change! :)
from pushpull :
I do like the new layout...;)
from pushpull :
Try this - make the table [containing your text] either align="right" or leave the "align" tag out altogether. Try both and see what happens. I'm using Explorer to view your page - though at home I use Netscape. I'll check it out at home & let you know how it looks.
from almostbrave :
thank you for the note...I love your words.
from pushpull :
Thanks for dropping a note on my diary. I went to yours, and I like the layout, but for some reason the box with your text is partially under the pic of the clocks and I can't read it. I added you to my list - nice to meetcha!
from introibo :
i'm so glad you like it! it's my favourite too. and this new one of yours is awesome. you have such skill in picking out the best images and the most minimalistic ways to place them on your pages - kudos redux :D
from youallsuck :
"all men lead lives of quiet desperation." -- thoreau maybe? or emerson?
from sojad3d :
wee. sexy stephanie. ;) I looove you! Thank you muchly for the note. muah ha.
from leely :
yr welcome<3
from leely :
;your writing is astonishing<3
from proofrok :
The next installment of the Book of Spirals, Canto II is going to be up tonight. Thanks for the tag!
from mindspin :
I love that change people go through, especially when they return to a high school reunion of sorts. They turn heads, and people that wouldn't even give them a second-look, are now fawning & dropping jaws. ;D But I bet you looked twice as good as the person you're referring to in your latest entry. Hehe.
from bottledbitch :
"I always thought it would be like that, soo happy, and if i knew what i know now i never would have done any of it. " one word... beautiful.
from youturnaway :
Thank you. <3
from thisisjohn :
thankyou very kindly.
from banefulvenus :
from sojad3d :
STEPHANIE! Yo. Your diary is oh-so-very simplistic and awesome. :) I love you. ;) <br>--Brenda
from babyhead :
I wonder if you remember me?
from unresolved :
ahh but isn't that always the way? xo
from introibo :
fantastic. (i used to be transitive. now i'm not.) still wonderful.
from fairiefrog :
very nice images and your thoughts are intriguing
from amishluvin :
YAY for my little follower :oP (HAIL RERE)
from laura-jane :
very nice diary.
from taydo :
Thanks. I think I'll copy and paste your note to me and give it back to you: Beautiful layout & words.
from unresolved :
i hear that
from d-rex17 :
bitch, you ugly. He he he....
from cockheadjoe :
"Split hair's difference, and heaven and earth are set apart." Do me a favor and don't get married and have kids that pull on your shirt while you wish you still wrote things down.
from feetintheair :
i feel you
from thisisjohn :
hindsight is my best friend.
from cdghost :
there is great intelligence in a river... we love the city :)
from endserenadng :
there is strength and beauty. there is might and wisdom. there is undying heart all over everywhere inside of these pages. you are a beauty.
from daymare :
from thisisjohn :
i like you too.
from unresolved :
i like it here a lot. lovely layout. xoxo
from clevertwist :
Okay. I will. And thanks. :)
from mascara-kill :
Thanx. I pretty much of a eye-liner whore ^_^
from mindspin :
mmm... i love your diary even more as before. :)
from moon-dusty :
this. is. beautiful.
from transitive :
i have not been here in quitesometime & i have been missingout. :)
from jenne1017 :
the star goes out with the goat when the sea rises past the moon
from thisisjohn :
yes i do actually read them... how are you? i am doing okay. life is simple, and good. so far...
from mindspin :
i would like to take a trip to the city.
from sari-marie :
thank you very much for the kind comments. i like your diary, too, the drawing is fun. i will come back and visit!
from transitive :
your new layout is neat. :D
from asiancake :
Next time before you take a trip into the woods, don't.
from perceptionss :
Sorry for confusing you. I enjoyed reading your answers to my survey and found your diary design very nice. Take care of yourself. Love, Booby
from fairygrins :
nice diary
from wayless :
i like TheCity
from discothekid :
I just adore this site. Its funny I have the very same picture on my desktop. Anyway, I love the city!
from plasty :
from nothingone :
awhile back you sent me love for my layout and words. today i send you love for your words and your layout. just to mix it up a bit. thanks for visiting my page, however long ago.
from thecity :
I haven't signed my own notes in awhile.
from mindspin :
you're welcome. weird, i was just reading your diary earlier today & wondering how you have been lately. xoxo.
from vinylflower :
now at just thought you might want to know. XO
from the-fields :
you should ask paul to do a city template, he's pretty .. urban
from thisisjohn :
each light

tells a different story


new jobs

new fears

old ones

the buzz

i can hear

from miles.

that is why i love

the city.

from wingdpony :
Wheeeeeeee! Yer back! (And I need alcohol) *hic*
from down :
Too weird for you? You're too weird for anybody.
from wingd-pony :
Dude, I miss you!
from thefields :
i think you are the greatest.
from wingd-pony :
Merry x-manic depressing holiday and all that junk *hiccup*
from mindspin :
i just read the "smile, You're on candid camera" entry. grah. i want to know moreeeeee. you seem real intriguing.
from mindspin :
hi, i read 15 or so entries. clicked around, here and there. i like it a lot. you really DO sum up a lot in just a few sentences. though, all through the reading, you left me wanting more. the "prioritize" entry really said a lot... one day, i think you should throw off all your readers, and write a enormously long entry ;) i'll be back.
from thecity :
Oh Goodness! Johnpowers has signed my notes TWICE. I feel cool!
from johnpowers :
a computer place tried to tell my gf Jen that her main board was broken when it was a currupted hardrive. They're all bastards.
from motherlode :
hey you. thanks for stopping by and dotting my guestmap. rock On, xo tones
from atypicalgirl :
love for your diary
from wingd-pony :
*kix your computer* Miss ya.
from anonymous6 :
correction: some entries are good, several are shitty "Hey! I got a fingerprint on the wall today!" can you tell me the significance of something like that oh and the red dot is big in this town
from thecity :
hey, you better watch out. i know where you live(the red dot).
from anonymous6 :
know what i just realized? you have nice graphics and shitty entries
from babyhead :
I got to hang with JP does that make me popular?
from thecity :
I'll give someone a dollar if they can tell me what"my mom and your mom" means.
from confetti :
my mom and your mom.
from thecity :
does anyone else see that JohnPowers left ME a note? So, does this mean I'm popular? (no Stephanie, you are STILL not popular)
from shito :
diarying amaze
from johnpowers :
amazing diary
from spiffy-award :
Spiffy you are. Your nomination page is up ... Here: And on that note you are also cool enough to join the one and only Spiffy ring. Rock on.
from molzo :
e-mail me with your username and e-mail addy and add the code to your page (check out our webpage to clarify everything) and I'll approve you!
from anonymous6 :
Whas reel
from thecity :
Now i have 5!!!! im going to stop leaving myself notes, because it makes me look like a loser! but im not going to stop yet!!
from slaked :
I just don't understand. I thought I did, and then dissolve. Maybe you can explain yourself. I am missing something. -slaked
from wingd-pony :
Yay! Now you have THREE!! hehe. Pay no attention to the wingd-dork. *grin*
from thecity :
Yay! i have one note!
from wingd-pony :
Woo hoo!! I get to be first! hehe. Love your diary. I talk too much. My entries could never be that short and deep. Great chatting with ya. Take care.

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